Thinking of returning for a bit.




Hello. I havn't played this game in... God must of have been around a year now. But i remember it being very fun and casual and the community are (generally) wonderful people, who are very kind.

I'm thinking of maybe comming back for a bit, i'm currently downloading the trial now cause I've completely fogotten my entire account details. I really dunno if I'll end up staying or anything, just wanna see how the game has got on.

Only thing is that I... dont remember a single thing about it. Heh. So posting to let people know if you ever get a complete idiot who has no idea what he's doing It's probably be so dont get mad at me!

Also just wondering if there any channels and such I should check out, or anything that might be helpful to a "Returning newbie".



Personaly, this would be your worse moment to come back.

As Going Rogue just got live, and works entire seperate from CoH/CoV, the 'sod few' people left in Defiant will be on the Going Rogue servers, leaving Rogue's Islands and Paragon City rather empty.

My advice, get the US trial.

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



Welcome back and sure there is players in red and blue sides also.

Prunejuice is warriors drink.



Join the channel 'Defiant Events' - that's a channel with lots of regular players and hopefully you'll have no trouble finding a team there.



Welcome back. Ignore Synergy's advice he's talking out of a very small dark hole. There's plenty of people on Defiant and you'll have no problem picking up a team. Kendai's right get on Defiant Events and have fun

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



well, i was a beta tester for CoH and popped back onto defiant after a year or so away and really wondering why i bothered!

dont people team anymore?

am i missing something obvious?

i have a few lvl 50s mamba, black mamba ( yes i know, but i was here BEFORE CoV!, wonder where they got the names from,as my beta partner was the mookster..bit of a coincidence lol)

find me on defiance, generally looking bored and soloing....



Originally Posted by fookofook View Post
well, i was a beta tester for CoH and popped back onto defiant after a year or so away and really wondering why i bothered!

dont people team anymore?

am i missing something obvious?

i have a few lvl 50s mamba, black mamba ( yes i know, but i was here BEFORE CoV!, wonder where they got the names from,as my beta partner was the mookster..bit of a coincidence lol)

find me on defiance, generally looking bored and soloing....
That people don't team anymore is a bit of statement.
I team with people everyday, both people I know and I don't know So yeah, you must be missing something obvious, but what it is, only you got that answer



Welcome back.

Even I don't want to, I have to admit Synergy has a ring of truth in his words. Red/Blue side seems rather empty. If you want to team on more occasions try Union maybe? Can't be sure about the quality of teams tho'.

Anyway if you will insist on being Defiant, take Kendai's advice.

Have fun and see you in game.



sorry, but i really can't understand the comments about "not finding team" in defiant... there are 150-170 active ppl in DE every night and a lot new or returning that haven't discovered the DE (u can find them in Praetoria mostly")... also some private channels

whenever (and i mean any time, exept in the early hours), i want to team, i pop in a tf/sf/team organized in DE, or i start a team of my own, or i ask my globals

defiant only

my public list :



For the sake of clearify my statement:

I was talking about new/low level (1-15) charaters which a new/returning player will see, after level 20 with the Praetorian alts population is healthy. Altho' a returning player will probably jump right in to Praetoria which I did.

Also two things I can think for not having enough lowbies on Red/Blue side.

- People are waiting for i19 to hit so they won't bother with respecing their characters out.
- Because of Helloween events many players tend to run around in their high level characters to collect more badges.



Really? I keep reading that Defiant is really busy but I've never soloed as much in my life on an MMO. I have various character from 5 - 45 and I've soloed 90% of the time. The only way to get a group is if you run one yourself and they typically drop after two or three missions.



Originally Posted by Mercius View Post
Really? I keep reading that Defiant is really busy but I've never soloed as much in my life on an MMO. I have various character from 5 - 45 and I've soloed 90% of the time. The only way to get a group is if you run one yourself and they typically drop after two or three missions.
really?.... saturday night i logged in my new beloved fortunata at lvl 48+ (2 bars)...... after a speed ITF and an STF i dinged 50 with the death of Lord Recluse (my most epic 50 ding)

sunday morning, with a friend we formed a team for GM hunt, then we went for Fake Nemesis hunt in PI, and then we did the whole new Maria Jenkins Arc... the team was always 6-8 members.

sunday afternoon, i did a LGTF and MS raid with my fortunata, and afters i finished with a Khan tf with my DP/ice blaster

all the above not with certain ppl all the time, and not sg teaming, just use of DE, globals friends, and recruiting from /sea... and all that in Defiant

defiant only

my public list :



I have to agree with you Amartia, if you want to team and make the effort to team there is plenty going in defiant. I don't seem to have a problem finding TFs, SFs or regular teams to join.

Shout out in game @Electrokitty if you are struggling...if i'm free or there is space in my team i'll gladly invite

Brushing twice a day keeps the Strep.mutans at bay!
If you play on Defiant Server send a tell @Electro Kitty to join The Wonder League SG



I also have no problem with getting teams. So much so that my solo projects are taking a back seat at the moment.

But I also think that it can be hard for newer players.

Most of us who have little problem with teaming have been playing a while and have several global friends and are know on the server (thinking about it I wonder how I can still get teams) Newer players don't have this network.

Happy to be on Defiant.
Global name @mereman
Member of P.E.R.C. Representing Defiant
CoH faces