no blinds




To be honest I run teams and have no issue with sending a tell first. When I'm solo though I do have "no blinds plz" as I prefer to NOT have a team invite appear in front of my screen in combat.

When I'm building a team I type

/t $Traget, Hi $Target are you LFT?

Then I select a person from the find list and send the message. You can go though the list of people available to team in you level range quickly and wait for replies.

It takes a couple of seconds to set up and is as quick as inviting AND you WILL get a better response.

I dont think you'll change people attitudes but moaning you're better to play along.



also a tip regarding the garbled tells...while backspace doesn't reply to them, you can use /r to reply to them if you don't zone/leave mission before replying to them.

[/ QUOTE ]

Nice tip thanks! I almost missed a tell from a long lost friend a few weeks ago due to the bug. Luckily she sent another!



You have to spend ALL the time you have the star sending chat messages.

[/ QUOTE ]
No you don't.

WHenever I've been recruiting - and sometimes I'll do this when I don't have the star - I find it's quick enough to send effectively the same tell out to several potential teammates once you've written the first, informative tell.

You do know that the cursor keys allow you to cycle through your recent tell/command history, and that tells can be sent using /t <character name>, message

So I'd typically open search and then (in chat) type something like:

/t unteamed_character1, hi - would you like to join a team currently doing lvl 17 invincible arcs? <return>

Then <up cursor arrow> - to bring up that tell again, and edit the unteamed_character1 to unteamed_character2, and press <return>. Then do the same to send it to unteamed_character3...

Send to about 2-3 people per available slot, and then give a couple of min for possible answers. The hardest part is trying to remember who you're already asked so that you don't repeatedly pester the same person.

Of course, similar can be done now using copy and paste - but the basic point is: use /t and your history and it's pretty darn quick and easy to send tells in a polite way.

BTW - if the person replies saying yes, call up the reply to last tell (something like backspace by default) and where it says /t character_who_wants_in, change the /t to /i and remove the final comma - hey presto a quick invite without having to find the player in search.

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



I've tried forming teams myself but I'm put off by the rude and arrogant people who believe you should send them a begging letter before they gran their permission for you to send them an invite. I mean why?

[/ QUOTE ]

"No blind invites" seems to be the accepted convention in CoX. Whether you like it or not, you'll have a much easier time building teams if you follow this convention.

Just a thought.



BTW - if the person replies saying yes, call up the reply to last tell (something like backspace by default) and where it says /t character_who_wants_in, change the /t to /i and remove the final comma - hey presto a quick invite without having to find the player in search.

[/ QUOTE ]

Or you can just right click there name in the chat window and invite to team.



BTW - if the person replies saying yes, call up the reply to last tell (something like backspace by default) and where it says /t character_who_wants_in, change the /t to /i and remove the final comma - hey presto a quick invite without having to find the player in search.

[/ QUOTE ]

Or you can just right click there name in the chat window and invite to team.

[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah I realised after I posted - decided not to edit as I find /i can be more reliable when teamed and the team chat is busy - I sometimes find myself right clicking the wrong name as lines of text fly by!

Either way - it's not hard or particularly time consuming to send tells and invitations to people who respond wanting to join.

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



If the OP thinks I'm rude and arrogant because I have No blind invites please in my search comment I doubt I really want to team with someone who thinks I'm rude and arrogant without knowing me. However, normally I have my status on Not looking for team with No Blind Invites in it and if you send a tell I reply within 30 seconds while I search for the one who send me tell to see which level he/she is and whether I want to join or not.

I always apologize too if I can't join(because I have no time, or because I'm waiting on another invite or even just because I want to solo for a bit)

I still think it's not too much trouble of sending people a tell to ask if they are LFT although with the tell bug it has become a bit troublesome lately.

Luckily yesterday I discovered that using /r I was able to send a tell back and had a fun evening doing Numina's TF

The M.A.D. Files - Me talking about games, films, games, life, games, internet and games

I'm not good at giving advice, can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?




BTW - if the person replies saying yes, call up the reply to last tell (something like backspace by default) and where it says /t character_who_wants_in, change the /t to /i and remove the final comma - hey presto a quick invite without having to find the player in search.

[/ QUOTE ]

Or you can just right click there name in the chat window and invite to team.

[/ QUOTE ]

You don't always get their name though. I've had tells which are just a jumble of 3 or four letters, nothing to indicate where they came from let alone the actual message. This really isn't good enough and needs to be sorted asap, it's been going on for long enough.



If it is easy or not to successfully recruit people is a matter of perspective. I find it an awful thing to do and from experience I know that I am not the only one.

Most teams fall apart once the leader drops. Why? Because people HATE being the leader. They HATE to have to do the whole invite thing.

Of course you can say that it is mine and their problem to begin with and that might be true. However, too many players have this problem. I dare say that most of the players have this problem. So I am most definitely not the only one. Therefore the ways of inviting we are forced to use now do not work well enough. Hence the frustration of the OP who is one of the few daring to say a thing about it.



Of course you can say that it is mine and their problem to begin with and that might be true. However, too many players have this problem. I dare say that most of the players have this problem. So I am most definitely not the only one. Therefore the ways of inviting we are forced to use now do not work well enough. Hence the frustration of the OP who is one of the few daring to say a thing about it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, because there haven't been numerous suggestions made about changes we'd like to see to the teaming search function over the last year, have there?


Sorry to come off the grumpy, there, but that last sentence is, in my opinion, a load of twaddle. As I recall, a large section of the QoL thread that GR started a few months back became about proposed changes to the teaming system and search function. There were literally dozens of people here on the forums expressing their opinions about it, and proposing ideas, using the best bits from other games, and with a few unique ideas thrown in. To hear all of those ideas and posters belittled as "the few" seems, to me, quite insulting to them.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



If it is easy or not to successfully recruit people is a matter of perspective. I find it an awful thing to do and from experience I know that I am not the only one.

Most teams fall apart once the leader drops. Why? Because people HATE being the leader. They HATE to have to do the whole invite thing.

[/ QUOTE ]
Not wanting to be the leader and hating recruiting is not the issue I was responding to. The OP stated that using tells whilst recruiting is terribly time consuming - I merely argue that it is easy and relatively quick if done re-using tells.

This is a totally seperate issue to whether or not you want to do it, or how politely you do it if you do choose to recruit!

And yes - we could do with better search/LFT/LFM tools.

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



I tend not to reply to blind invites for the simple reason that I don't know what this person is doing or what lvl they are at. I like to chat to people especially if I'm on my main character and I'll always help if I'm available, whether it's TF or simple badge hunting. Plus if you speak with people and get to know them a little bit they'll remember you down the line. Instead of the standard 'No blind invites' comment I've a friendly message encouraging people to chat with me and a few times I've had tells from Team Leaders saying how easy it was to approach me asking for help. Even if I'm busy I'll always reply to tells thanking them for the team offer.... Small things like that get you remembered.



Of course you can say that it is mine and their problem to begin with and that might be true. However, too many players have this problem. I dare say that most of the players have this problem. So I am most definitely not the only one. Therefore the ways of inviting we are forced to use now do not work well enough. Hence the frustration of the OP who is one of the few daring to say a thing about it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, because there haven't been numerous suggestions made about changes we'd like to see to the teaming search function over the last year, have there?


Sorry to come off the grumpy, there, but that last sentence is, in my opinion, a load of twaddle. As I recall, a large section of the QoL thread that GR started a few months back became about proposed changes to the teaming system and search function. There were literally dozens of people here on the forums expressing their opinions about it, and proposing ideas, using the best bits from other games, and with a few unique ideas thrown in. To hear all of those ideas and posters belittled as "the few" seems, to me, quite insulting to them.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes there has been made a lot of QoL suggestions and I hope that will results in some good improvements.

It was not my intention to insult anybody here but if i have done just that then i apologize.

What I was trying and still am trying to say is that in my experience the majority of the players have trouble getting a team together. It is a big problem. I don't see a good solution to that problem. The OP tried to plea for the blind invite method getting more accepted and while i don't do blinds myself and consider it more polite to ask first I understand why he tries that and is frustrated over the fact that so many people snub him about it. Which is of course also understandable. I think we have a big problem here.



Personally I'm easy, I don't find blind invites rude, what I find rude is the people that don't read my msg. Most of my toons (if not all) have a msg similar to "ready to team for any xx+ teams". If I get a tell so be it...if I get a blind so be it, either way there's a quit button so i can just say "no thanks folks" and quit. If however I get a tell/blind and its for lev 12 mish and I'm 38 then I find myself muttering under my breath. If in doubt (and I can be bothered) I search for the person making the invite first.

Also people who constantly try to get you to team even if you've said no or those that send invites even if you rejected the first - wrong!


I'm not changing this signature until I'm proclaimed 'King of the World'.



If it is easy or not to successfully recruit people is a matter of perspective. I find it an awful thing to do and from experience I know that I am not the only one.

Most teams fall apart once the leader drops. Why? Because people HATE being the leader. They HATE to have to do the whole invite thing.

[/ QUOTE ]
Not wanting to be the leader and hating recruiting is not the issue I was responding to. The OP stated that using tells whilst recruiting is terribly time consuming - I merely argue that it is easy and relatively quick if done re-using tells.

This is a totally seperate issue to whether or not you want to do it, or how politely you do it if you do choose to recruit!

And yes - we could do with better search/LFT/LFM tools.

[/ QUOTE ]

You are correct. This wasn't a direct response to your message because you are right there. it was more a response on the mood I got from some posters that it is not hard to create a team a d I wanted to point out that to many players it apparently is.



The OP tried to plea for the blind invite method getting more accepted

[/ QUOTE ]

No he didn't. He just insulted all players who don't like blind invites.

I really should do something about this signature.



The OP tried to plea for the blind invite method getting more accepted

[/ QUOTE ]

No he didn't. He just insulted all players who don't like blind invites.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ok, lets call it a plea disguised as an insult then. For me though he does have a good point despite the way he has chosen to present that point.



The last time I accepted a blind invite, the team leader was an idiot who set the difficulty to unyielding, then started a mission that was 2 levels above the average level of the team.

Then he had the gall to demand to know why we kept dying all the time.

He had the honor of being the second person on my ignore list in three years of gaming.

And this simple bind will solve all problems.

/bind i, tell $target, Want to team?

works fine for me.



Blind invite = Refuse without comment! simple!



I will join a blind invite team, but I always search for their name 1st to see their level,and make sure it isn't a sly pl request. The same with the 'hi, u lft' ones too, if they are not known to me. I do play with my global list open all the time, so I can tell if its someone I know or not.
I will happily team with anyone, and will gladly switch characters (if solo) to accommodate the new team.
Also I always try to reply as soon as I can.

After all, a stranger is a friend you have yet to meet.



The OP tried to plea for the blind invite method getting more accepted

[/ QUOTE ]

No he didn't. He just insulted all players who don't like blind invites.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ok, lets call it a plea disguised as an insult then. For me though he does have a good point despite the way he has chosen to present that point.

[/ QUOTE ]
TBH his point seems to be "everyone else should change things to a way that suits me", so I can't agree with that.

"No blinds" is a perfectly reasonable thing to put in your teaming box, and from forum posts a significant fraction of players doesn't like blinds - that's just something the OP will have to get used to. Just like everyone else has to get used to blinds, regardless.



I hate blind invites and its because of something you dont find in other MMOs.

When you are TPing and you get an invite box, you have to clear that box, by which point you are falling towards the ground and may not have time to stop before you find yourself on 1 HP with a mob around you.

Thats why I have "no blinds" on my toons. I'm not being rude I just prefer not to get the debt.

Edit: spelling error



If you put 'no blinds' in the teaming description I definitly will not invite you. But if you do not have 'no blinds' I do not expect to have abuse hurled at me.

When you invite a friend around to call them and say

'Hey, can I have your permission to ask you if you'd like to come and watch the footy?'


'Great, do you want to come and to watch the match?'

'Nah, I'm calling Sandra to ask for permission to ask for permission to ask for permission to ask for permission to invite her round for a tea.'

In my opinion the request is enough. It is possible to say yes or no.

Clearly if you've flagged yourself as 'looking for any team' you don't much mind what the team is doing. Otherwise you would use the 'missions flag if you wanted a mission, etc. So what information are you looking for when you interview a team to see if they are worthy of you? Do you ask for star-signs? Male / Female ration? What type of music they like? What?




So you're too stubborn to simply ask "want a team?" that's 3 words, count them 3!

And as for permission on inviting a friend round it all depends if their married/living with partner or not.

"want to come round to watch the match?"

"Yeah...erm...probably should ask the Missus first..."

See...happens in real life too..

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Bad analogy, because you are not asking them to come round and watch footy with a blind invite, you are just asking them to come round. And they are usually not a friend.

If you want me, who you don't know, to come round and watch footy, you are going to say, "hey, I'm a nice guy who likes the same team as you, wanna watch footy?" Not "come round!"

Although I do agree that if you don't have no blinds in your desc then you have no right to get [censored]. Personally I will either accept or decline a blind depending on my mood more than anything. I will always reply to a tell, even a broken one using /r, although on the odd occasion I have missed them due to being in the middle of something.