658 -
It's mentioned in the online help in the game as well...
Oh and i much prefered super jump when i first started and could be seen bouncing around the zones going "boing boing boing" was such fun
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I tried SJ on my 3rd toon and it's by far my favourite for travel powers for pure 'fun'.
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Whan I first got SJ on one of my toons, I thought I could be clever and bounce off Lusca's head. I didn't even reach it before she (it?) swatted me out of the sky. I generally get fly now, it's safer for the more impulsive amongst us
As far as account-wide storage goes. I'd like to see that. It would make some things so much easier. But, the devs are dead set against giving us the ability to share things amongst our toons - I don't know why, other games allow it without any real problems. -
Never dreamed about the game or being in it! I've had remnants of memories zipping around trying to keep me awake after I've been online for too long. That hasn't happened for a while though - can't remember the last time I spent more than an hour online...
I've seen this before. Also have an arc where all the battles start as soon as the mission starts meaning thet the player never sees them. Still trying to find a way around this.
I think a better way to get people into a SG is to just ask people who are not in one if they would like to join. To be honest though, it's not going to be easy to get a new SG off the ground - there are so many already. Whatever you do though, don't send blind SG invites to people - you'll get flamed to hell and back
The thing is, everyone's in a nervous sort of state at the moment. Half the population is blaming the mission architect and farmers for all the worlds ills while the other half is angry at the devs for taking away the rewards they farmed while using the architect in a way that the devs didn't envisage.
The rules seem to change each week so nobody knows what on earth is going on. When the devs have decided what they are going to do and we've seen some stability in the rules for a few weeks it'll probably all settle down nicely again. -
again people. loosing the thread here,
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Don't get too attached to your threads, we have a long and established history of shooting off at tangents at every available opportunity -
lesson to be learned: don't retaliate against people because you just come off worse.
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Yes well, that's a lesson that can be useful to learn in real life as well...
If people act like idiots, it's best to just assume they really are idiots and avoid them. In this case, they set a trap for you and, unfortunately, you delighted them by walking straight into it.
Top tip: Learn about the /ignore command and use it. -
I completely disagree that the AE should be removed from the starter zones. It's actually quite difficult tog et the AE building in higher level zones if you want to play completely player-created content to play your character or if you just want to start off with a few lowbie arcs to skip the dribble at the first ten levels.
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The heroes side has the mission architect building in Kings Row. Any toon at lvl 5+ should be able to negotiate KR quite easily. Besides, how long does it take to gain the first 10 levels in this game anyway? An hour or two at the most for someone who knows what they are doing and I don't think someone new to the game should be worrying about the MA anyway. -
Well, they could always add a second registrar...
I don't understand why they put the registrar in such a difficult to get to area on the villians side, it's even miles from the ferry. The registrar is in Atlas on the heroes side, probably one of the easiest locations to reach, a small hop from the station.
I'd just ignore the professional moaners and get on with playing your game. Personally, I've only ever raised one petition against another player and that was for a very serious problem. I wouldn't bother for spamming or annoying people, that's what the /ignore function is for.
Sadly though, my ignore list has exploded recently. I've probably come across more prize cretins in the last few months than in the four years before that. I don't know why but something has certainly happened to this game.
As far as pvp goes, that seems to attract some of the worse people which is one reason I don't bother with it. Not tarring everybody with the same brush of course... -
I'd like more outdoor maps. Bits of the Shadow Shards would look nice for some missions as well.
Couldn't level up or sell in Hollows either till recently. Hollows really was a bit of a dump to be honest
There was a huge sigh of relief when I finally realised I didn't actually have to accept Wincotts missions. I still rarely go there...
ED devastated my AR/Dev blaster. She's only really effective against mobs with little resistance to lethal damage, not many of those around unfortunately so she doesn't get out much these days. Carnies and Banished Pantheon are her favourites
Not keen on stackable debuffs as a defeat penalty to be honest. If a mission is tough enough to kill your toon, half a dozen stacked debuffs will make it all but impossible.
@Calamity: those are/will be removed as soon as I15 hits live.
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*sigh* Its getting hard to keep up with all the updates, not that I'm complaining about *that*
I thought this problem has arisen before I14 which is his cutoff (he said), oh well, we'll have to wait and see. -
Debt is WAI.
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It may be working as intended but I think that most people would agree that what's intended ain't working! Debt is so low as to be pointless. The only penalty for getting things hopelessly wrong and dying every five minutes is that the mission takes slightly longer to complete.
I'm usually not one to ask for things to be made more difficult - I'm definately not what you'd call a hardcore gamer and I like to take things easy but the risk-reward ratio is way out of whack in this game - it just seems like a lvl 1-50 risk free grind these days. -
Were you able to get the badges before I15? If not, then no badge for you, ever. If so, congrats! You will now forever have dozens of badges that are no longer attainable in the game. This situation is very unfair, and we did not feel that it would be the right thing to do to the community.
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He's having a flamin laugh!!! They did exactly that with the villian only badges that some heroes managed to get. They got to keep those badges that the rest of us can never obtain. The rules seem to change from month to month. Can we have some consistency here please... -
I agree that things have gone too far with debt but make the penalties too harsh and everybody will be fighting blues and greens all day. Even more grind...
I am glad that they want to encourage non-farm type gameplay.
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Too late. The auction house has seen to that. As soon as you introduce tradable items and an ingame currency, you have farming. Like judgement day, it's inevitable. -
seems a lot of people were expecting MA to come out perfect first time.
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I wasn't expecting perfection but lets be realistic for a second - turning a game into a farming game by adding those invention enhancements closely followed by an auction house then giving the players a tool to create their own missions. How could they *not* have forecast the likely result? It's easy to be wise after the event but this one was so obvious...
My guess (and it is only a guess) is that the marketing people got hold of it like they usually do and had it pushed out 'on time' regardless of the thing not being remotely ready. -
ill move on .... to the next game
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For your information, there are lots of badges that some people have that the rest of us won't be able to get for various reasons. That's just the way it is. Badge counts are largely meaningless anyway. -
Here's a little story of two boys going to buy sweets:
The first boy goes to a shop where the shopkeeper puts a few sweets on the scales, gradually adding to the pile to make up the required weight. As the pile of sweets gets larger, the boys eyes grow wider and his grin grows broader.
The second boy goes to a different shop where the shopkeeper dumps a huge pile of sweets on the scales. The boys eyes bulge out of his head but his delight is short lived. The shopkeeper gradually takes sweets off the pile to bring it down to where he wants it. The boys grin grows smaller as his bargain disappears in front of his eyes.
In each case the end result is the same but the boy in the second shop came away disappointed.
Which shop do our developers work in?