Badge count is not nice to new players




hi all

Iam a new player and i love to collect samething in a game and have a good gameplay thats why i like City of Heroes/Villains i can collect badges and play a nice game
(my hero got 674 badges and my vill got 558 badges in 6 monds) i know you think i farmed it but thats not true most of them i got by playing the game LOL

To the point

why take away ma badges i can get or already have....why not take badges away i can not get like old event/giand monster badges or anniversary badges and why do the veteran reward badges count to the badge total ??

it is not nice to new players
we new players can never get a top badge count like this !
or is a top badge count depends on how long you pay and play the game instead of the skills you play it game with

thanks for the support and you all doing a great job
greetings to all



Welcome to an MMO.

Why should people have to lose their old event/anniversary badges just because you weren't around to get them?

You're gonna have to live with the fact you joined later than the vets so you won't get all the items they may have, and move on.



Why not new players never can get all badges like this
and old players dont have to lose them give us a change to get them 2 or not let them count on badge total

we all lose a lot of badges we can get because the old players only farm

new players not welcome here is that what you telling me
or ar you scared to lose your top badge count to a new player with more skills
ill move on .... to the next game



Now that's an idea.. give the 1st-4th Anniversary badges to those who weren't here for the 1st-4th Anniversaries and indeed all the badges for events gone by. That won't take any meaning from those badges away at all. Hey we can all pretend to be Vets too!

Or we can pretend that those badges aren't really badges at all and still take the meaning away!


To me they are an indication of being there or 'done that'. If you weren't there or haven't 'done that', you shouldn't have the badge. Simple.

Is the badge count really that important?



[/color]<blockquote><font class="small">Antwort auf:[/color]<hr />
or is a top badge count depends on how long you pay and play the game instead of the skills you play it game with

[/ QUOTE ]
Following your logic, would somebody who badge-wise has the upper hand against you because of older event badges and vet badges not have proven a very similar skill to yours in addition to being longer in the game? It`s quite hard to get to 675 badges on behalf of veteran and event badges alone, you know...
Also, the other badges are not "proof" to any player skills at all. There are many you almost automatically collect while levelling up (so not having them is a strong indication for having been PLed), there are others you do get automatically while levelling and then there is a huge host of badges that basically say "I was there" or "I did that". If you did it with any skill at all is not included in the information.
I have 32 active characters. If I felt inclined to prove my skills by collecting a huge load of badges with all of them I would have a lot less time to actually build my skills by playing all kinds of powersets.
So, apart from accolades with corresponding powers badges are essentially like old photos: You can look at them and remember how hard/fun/whatever it was to get them.

If it has
eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.



if the devs don't take them off you that is



Which they only did so far if they were unintentionally made available in the first place or if they proved to be damaging to the game environment like the majority of AE badges spawning farm missions galore clogging up the mission list.

If it has
eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.



gotta agree with you guys, i have played 3 years and ther's a handfull of badges i know i can never get but i accept that i wasnt around then.
i also agree with the removal of a lot of the MA badges even tho i have them because it is causing damage to the game.
yeah the badge list bar is set pretty high but the people up there have worked hard and played a long time to get there. i gotta say stayon you got a hell of a lot more badges then i had in that time, actually u still got more then me now that in its self is quite an accomplishment, but its unfair for you to expect people who have been playing longer to not get the rewards just because you havent.



ok - Union toons given everything away - be in atlas around midnight and cap BM after on june 3rd to have the rest of my stuff - 12 toons all fully loaded :O

first come first served



i never expect people who have been playing longer to not get the rewards

iam only asking why



on defiant for those that didn't guess lol



My main has been in game since shortly before i4. I have all of the anniversary badges... but my total is just shy of 350. I think that all the badges I dont havea chance at getting, PvP mainly, should be taken off those people who have them so I have a chance of getting a good badge count too.

Yes I am being sarcastic.



why stop at badges - hell get rid of farming missions and especilly get rid of content - then nobody would have anything?

reciprocal sarcasm



ill move on .... to the next game

[/ QUOTE ]


For your information, there are lots of badges that some people have that the rest of us won't be able to get for various reasons. That's just the way it is. Badge counts are largely meaningless anyway.



Exactly. If you measure your worth compared to other players by the number of badges on a given toon you are in serious need of help... and I am not talking about badge farming help.

If the badges you can not get would give you any sort of advantage I could understand the grief, but the way it is the whole concern is borderline ridiculous.
If you want to look at a system that really favours vets you should take a look at Eve Online (and be blown to shreds by any player with a few months of seniority because skill progression is measured in real time rather than player activity).

If it has
eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.



thats a good point. measuring ones worth?

the fact is you, I and everyone here is just 1's and 0's and variations and multiples of.

another fact, my tenner each month is worth as much as any other players. here paragon studios is my tenner. now here is my 10 hours per day. i got all these lovely rewards. ooh you mean you really are taking my rewards off me.

ok - paragon studios worth to me, "rip off waste of lots of time".



thats a good point. measuring ones worth?

the fact is you, I and everyone here is just 1's and 0's and variations and multiples of.

another fact, my tenner each month is worth as much as any other players. here paragon studios is my tenner. now here is my 10 hours per day. i got all these lovely rewards. ooh you mean you really are taking my rewards off me.

ok - paragon studios worth to me, "rip off waste of lots of time".

[/ QUOTE ]

You play 10 hours a day soley to earn badges?

You don't see a problem with that?



ill move on .... to the next game

[/ QUOTE ]


For your information, there are lots of badges that some people have that the rest of us won't be able to get for various reasons. That's just the way it is. Badge counts are largely meaningless anyway.

[/ QUOTE ]too you it is, but to me someone spend about 200 million on a IO set toon is total meaningless. but to me that there choice and there fun



thats a good point. measuring ones worth?

the fact is you, I and everyone here is just 1's and 0's and variations and multiples of.

another fact, my tenner each month is worth as much as any other players. here paragon studios is my tenner. now here is my 10 hours per day. i got all these lovely rewards. ooh you mean you really are taking my rewards off me.

ok - paragon studios worth to me, "rip off waste of lots of time".

[/ QUOTE ]

You play 10 hours a day soley to earn badges?

You don't see a problem with that?

[/ QUOTE ]no i don't if you find that fun then so be it, i gone around cap for grelmings, gear, hordling, MU, goldbrickers for hours , then i move onto mercy to farm skulls and then maybe to port to farm ghost, hellions and family and then off to st for tsoo the other familiy and DE. and i can spend over for over a little reward as a badge with no xp/inf/prest/recieps and salavge, and i had never bugged anyone to join me in helping me in farming these badges



i forget - YOU know my personal situation @all knowing carnifax@

you might see a problem with that if YOU did it.

NOT I you judgemental SOB



my record is 17.5 hours



thats a good point. measuring ones worth?

the fact is you, I and everyone here is just 1's and 0's and variations and multiples of.

another fact, my tenner each month is worth as much as any other players. here paragon studios is my tenner. now here is my 10 hours per day. i got all these lovely rewards. ooh you mean you really are taking my rewards off me.

ok - paragon studios worth to me, "rip off waste of lots of time".

[/ QUOTE ]

You play 10 hours a day soley to earn badges?

You don't see a problem with that?

[/ QUOTE ]no i don't if you find that fun then so be it, i gone around cap for grelmings, gear, hordling, MU, goldbrickers for hours , then i move onto mercy to farm skulls and then maybe to port to farm ghost, hellions and family and then off to st for tsoo the other familiy and DE. and i can spend over for over a little reward as a badge with no xp/inf/prest/recieps and salavge, and i had never bugged anyone to join me in helping me in farming these badges

[/ QUOTE ]

You see that's where the crux of the issue lies in this case. The MA badges which are being removed are being removed because the Farming associated is causing the MA system to be clogged with crud, turning legimate MA Story players off it, and worse, driving Authors away as they see the arcs they spent weeks crafting lost and adrift in a sea of crappy "Clik a million things and kil the Aliens" arcs which take about 5 minutes to create.



i forget - YOU know my personal situation @all knowing carnifax@

you might see a problem with that if YOU did it.

NOT I you judgemental SOB

[/ QUOTE ]

I'd see a problem with anyone playing anything for 70 hours a week to be honest. Judgemental, sure. Why not! Doesn't make the judgement any less valid.

You need to switch your keyboard from US to UK by the way.



thats a good point. measuring ones worth?

the fact is you, I and everyone here is just 1's and 0's and variations and multiples of.

another fact, my tenner each month is worth as much as any other players. here paragon studios is my tenner. now here is my 10 hours per day. i got all these lovely rewards. ooh you mean you really are taking my rewards off me.

ok - paragon studios worth to me, "rip off waste of lots of time".

[/ QUOTE ]

You play 10 hours a day soley to earn badges?

You don't see a problem with that?

[/ QUOTE ]no i don't if you find that fun then so be it, i gone around cap for grelmings, gear, hordling, MU, goldbrickers for hours , then i move onto mercy to farm skulls and then maybe to port to farm ghost, hellions and family and then off to st for tsoo the other familiy and DE. and i can spend over for over a little reward as a badge with no xp/inf/prest/recieps and salavge, and i had never bugged anyone to join me in helping me in farming these badges

[/ QUOTE ]

You see that's where the crux of the issue lies in this case. The MA badges which are being removed are being removed because the Farming associated is causing the MA system to be clogged with crud, turning legimate MA Story players off it, and worse, driving Authors away as they see the arcs they spent weeks crafting lost and adrift in a sea of crappy "Clik a million things and kil the Aliens" arcs which take about 5 minutes to create.

[/ QUOTE ][censored] hello im talking about street kill in areas in villain side not the stupid MA thing. so you can try to pin it on me about all the MA arc are my fault but you can stick it up your [censored] right now as you can see that im talking about street kills as i meant areas and enemy groups



you cant actually post more than 3 missions carnifax so what is the point of making more than 4 or 5.

(despite my other 6 in development(none of which are farming))