Badge count is not nice to new players




The BIG point about badges are, they're really only there for competing in "I've got the most, I'm so (whatever)" except for the puny amounts of accolades.

While I'm apparently still #1 EU villain badger despite my serious lack of veteran badges i still say the badges need a serious look-over.

Why: Because they're mainly pointless for any newbies. Why would anyone grind weatherman villain side today? With all the stupid invention badges and now the MA badges etc noone that didn't get on the badge badnwagon from the start years ago has absolutely NO reason to grind badges.

What to do about it? How do we make badges attractive for more people, not just the old veteran elite that wants to brag about their old exploits (and it was exploiting, we all know it, no skill whatsoever required, so bragging is rather silly, yet I do it, erhm..)?

Well, we have to make badges WORTH something. This is the route they could have taken instead of giving us intentions (or just put in on top of it, game's silly easy anyway already). Either by giving us more accolades or by letting every badge count for something.

Start by making at least the "epic" badges account wide, as well as the anniversary badges etc so we don't have to grind 50 alts each event.

Kill-badges could give you perks of different sorts depending on what you've killed, not just silly gladiators.
Exploration badges could increase perception
Held badges: Increased mez protection
Debt badges: Decrease debt, make account wide
Heal badges: Improve healing powers: Make account wide
Inf badges: You get the idea...

This way anyone and everyone would benefit from hunting badges, but the perks would be small enough not to be needed and preferably only used for PVE, since vets with insane amount of grind-inf already prevent new folks from joining pvp. (Yes, let's face it, pvp is as dead as the Amiga OS)



Entirely agree with SingStar, though as Avatea said, would much suit the Suggestion forum more then anything.



hi singstar
verry nice i agree with you



With all the stupid invention badges and now the MA badges etc noone that didn't get on the badge badnwagon from the start years ago has absolutely NO reason to grind badges.

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That's a slightly odd argument. It like saying that because there are people out there with thousands of stamps, no one new will ever taking up stamp collecting. It doesn't have to be about having more than other people, does it? It can just be about having more than you had last week, or completing a set, or suceeding in a challenge.

I'm collecting Ouroboros flashback badges right now, and planning to make a start on the Invention badges on the same toon with the recipes I pick up running through arcs. So, the answer to why start now is, because it still fun for me to do, even if I'll never have the mostest.

Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.



Well I know that if I had started out and continued from the start, badge collecting may have been something I would have taken to, but since I didn't I've never been too bothered about badges tbh.



Interesting ideas SingStar. I like them.



I must be getting old. I'm in full agreement with SingStar

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I must be getting old too as I agree with both of you

Proud Coleader of: Fuerza Letal (H), Liga de las Sombras (V), Legion del Fenix (H), Infernal Justice (H), and a happy member of GammaForce (H) and D.O.A. (V).

My alts:



With all the stupid invention badges and now the MA badges etc noone that didn't get on the badge badnwagon from the start years ago has absolutely NO reason to grind badges.

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That's a slightly odd argument. It like saying that because there are people out there with thousands of stamps, no one new will ever taking up stamp collecting. It doesn't have to be about having more than other people, does it? It can just be about having more than you had last week, or completing a set, or suceeding in a challenge.

I'm collecting Ouroboros flashback badges right now, and planning to make a start on the Invention badges on the same toon with the recipes I pick up running through arcs. So, the answer to why start now is, because it still fun for me to do, even if I'll never have the mostest.

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Except someone who collects stamps can buy them. Badges aren't tradable (and shouldn't be)



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With all the stupid invention badges and now the MA badges etc noone that didn't get on the badge badnwagon from the start years ago has absolutely NO reason to grind badges.

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That's a slightly odd argument. It like saying that because there are people out there with thousands of stamps, no one new will ever taking up stamp collecting. It doesn't have to be about having more than other people, does it? It can just be about having more than you had last week, or completing a set, or suceeding in a challenge.

I'm collecting Ouroboros flashback badges right now, and planning to make a start on the Invention badges on the same toon with the recipes I pick up running through arcs. So, the answer to why start now is, because it still fun for me to do, even if I'll never have the mostest.

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Except someone who collects stamps can buy them. Badges aren't tradable (and shouldn't be)

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Buying collectors' stamps is a completely normal way to acquire them, just like fulfilling the requirements is the normal way to acquire badges.
Can't afford to buy your most wanted stamp? Sorry, mate, won`t get it for free.
Can't fulfill the requirements for a certain badge? Sorry, but why should you get a badge that says you were there on CoH's first birthday when you were not? Or why should those who were there lose theirs because you were not?
I am very sure that most stamp collectors do not have bad feelings about their collection because they can not get a hold on some stamps that are far out of their financial reach. To the contrary: They are probably quite proud of their collection when they have managed to get all (or most of) the stamps within their possibilities. And I am absolutely positive that no stamp collector would demand the Blue Mauritius to be burned because it is too expensive for him.
Demanding that others should lose something just because you can not get that something yourself is the absolutely worst form of envy.

If it has
eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.



While i do agree with your singstar that they need some form of reward, when i collect badges i do it more for the badge title i must admit.

Exploration badges could increase perception
Held badges: Increased mez protection
Debt badges: Decrease debt, make account wide
Heal badges: Improve healing powers: Make account wide
Inf badges: You get the idea...

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I'ld be against this since it'ld promote some form of farming to further increase your character, no matter how small the buff is the players will try to get it.

Why would anyone grind weatherman villain side today? With all the stupid invention badges and now the MA badges etc noone that didn't get on the badge badnwagon from the start years ago has absolutely NO reason to grind badges.

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Thats part of the reason i think they're tying in gladiators/weapon unlocks with kill badges. While yes it does promote farming to a certain degree, its far less so than what we have now.

Start by making at least the "epic" badges account wide, as well as the anniversary badges etc so we don't have to grind 50 alts each event.

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Oh lordy no. If i see an emp with the healing badge i wouldnt think anything of it, if however i see a scrapper with one . . . then i'ld be more inclined to think wow this person is REALLY dedicated/good. Dont take that feeling of achieving something you shouldnt away

since vets with insane amount of grind-inf already prevent new folks from joining pvp.

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On this note i've been trying to farm pvp recipes majority of the day (with no ***** luck!) and while a few of the people i do know helped me out . . . . . . i also got invited to a few random arena matches! They were VERY poor yes but was fun fighting at level 20 again

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Thanks for the pvp recipe drop damz &gt;.&gt;



The BIG point about badges are, they're really only there for competing in "I've got the most, I'm so (whatever)" except for the puny amounts of accolades.

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I completely disagree. I collect badges for fun. If I never get them all, I don't care. It will probably be years yet till I get Regenerator and Weatherman (I only badge on my main, which is a villain) but I will get them eventually.

Well, we have to make badges WORTH something.

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Badges are already worth some. Most you get inf/prestige and exp from them and some give custom weapons and as you said, go towards accolades. You suggestion for tiny buffs is a bad idea for the same reason Damz gave.

(or just put in on top of it, game's silly easy anyway already in my opinion ).

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Fixed that for you. Remember, just because you think something is easy, doesn't mean everyone else does.

(Yes, let's face it, pvp is as dead as the Amiga OS)

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Again, you are wrong. Its not dead. There are a lot of people who still do it.



Well Stayon you have been a busy player,in the time you have been playing you have double the badge count of my highest character.I have been playing for 3 years why should I lose badges just because you can no longer get them,as others have said earlier in this post forget about badges they mean nothing and in a lot of cases now since the MA came into play,it does not point to a persons skill.You can fly round a zone and pick up badges just for clicking on them is that skill,read enough plaques you get badges ,make inventions get badges ,tell me where is the skill in that.Do the TF,s get a badge that can take skill but also depends on your team mates,So with your massive badge count how many are the type you have to earn from doing missons.

Prof Radburn controller,Celtic Ice Maiden,blaster,Miss Knockout scrapper,Mistress Davina controller,Stone Hart,tank Split Personality PB.Queen Lostris controller,Fridgid Mary blaster,Shocking Fire blaster Future Elfling defender, Little Weed controller,Capo Angelo MM, Commander Buzzsaw MM, Justice Tank tank all 50,s



[/color]<blockquote><font class="small">En réponse à:[/color]<hr />
Well Stayon you have been a busy player,in the time you have been playing you have double the badge count of my highest character.I have been playing for 3 years why should I lose badges just because you can no longer get them,as others have said earlier in this post forget about badges they mean nothing and in a lot of cases now since the MA came into play,it does not point to a persons skill.You can fly round a zone and pick up badges just for clicking on them is that skill,read enough plaques you get badges ,make inventions get badges ,tell me where is the skill in that.Do the TF,s get a badge that can take skill but also depends on your team mates,So with your massive badge count how many are the type you have to earn from doing missons.

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Nicely said. I agree.



Champion of the Recluse task force
best badge ever
now need to farm
just need to be good