1218 -
Pretty close to my 57 month badge. Will just barely miss it or barely get it if I log on my last day, April 10th.
Haven't really played since November though, but at least I'm getting the -currently - last pointless dayjob badge. Do miss Wabbit and ya'll, but the 50.000+ players I play with now makes up for it in sheer numbers. GOD it's fun to play a real MASSIVE MO even if it's not nearly as fun as CoX used to be. -
I soooooo gave up hoping NC would actually try to be a serious contender in the gaming industry. We've been complaining for FOUR YEARS that the don't know "#%"# about marketting.
And... imagine that: They haven't learned. Or is it possible they've just given up? Unfortunately I was on a 6 month sub basis so my sub STILL hasn't run out, but I gave up a long time ago and it feels rather good actually. Not wasting time on the game free's up time for a lot of other things in life.
So why am I here on the forum again then?
Well, I decided to keep going with the "I'm logged off and getting badges for doing absolutely nothing in the game" on my main until the sub runs out. Imagine what!!!
...I can't log on today and there's no information about it or the patch I just downloaded. Did that I17 so called "closed-beta" crash the hampster farm?
...and of course it's always nice to once again just pop in and say "Hi fooolks" to Wabbit & Co.
...on well, See you all in a bit or next year in that other "you know it's gonna be huge and no I'm NOT you're f'in faaather" game. -
Quote:Binds are terrible really and of course real macros would break the eula, but then again... Why not?60 Months Monday, due to a couple of mistakes by NCsoft my account was not renewed for a couple of days.
Still not worked out how to bind properly
Still not done Hami on villians
Still not got every badge
Still terrible at designing costumes
Still not done my own AE arc
Still not kitted out my own personal SG base
the list is endless, so 60 months in and still all that to go dammit, looks like am going to be here for a while still then.
Hami on villains, not gonna happen on EU servers! :-(
(Yes, I would've enjoyed it, did collect a sh.tload of EoEs after all)
Badges don't do anything (well, accolades, but they're still useless) and that's coming from the "not playing" #2 (I think) villain
Designing costumes? Be proud of your skill att making terrible costumes! :-)
AE arc? Noone's gonna play them anyway and you know it!
SG base? You mean there's actually a reason to have one despite base raids and stuff being totally belly up after all this time, not to mention that old Cathedral of Pain (Oh, we don't talk about that, do we?)
Oh, and you forgot to mention the day jobs? It's fun How I still earn badges... by NOT playing the game! :-)
Anyway, logged on yesterday to get another useless veteran badge that gave me another useless bonus. Only sad thing I sort of miss, was not doing a perma-dom dominator or actually trying out a lvl 50 stalker och a running hero granite (my villain one is rather lovely, I admit)
It's sort of fun how many tried on Lotro, but I sort of doubt anyone's left in there. I still really enjoy it if/when I start it up, but it's painstakingly slow. Guess quite a few of us did buy into the whole "founders" package though.
I actually never thought I'd stop playing CoX. I've been tired of it before, but I don't get that tingling sensation anymore. I need bigger, stronger, faster - I'm not addicted to this drug anymore it seems.
Also, admittedly, I really, really do miss a lot of the old guys and dolls that played the game. Red Moon Evil, El Manticore, Dark fire bug and the other old brute friends. I even miss the stupid contests held in PD and OMG I miss the old times when I didn't have to work 24/7 and could easily log 4 hours/day without upsetting my GF. Oh... I think I even miss my old GF... Um, naah! Replaced with new, better, improved model!
BTW: I'll be sure to drop in again before the sub runs out in april and do an ITF or something. Until then You'll find me transporting "exotic dancers" in EVE O using the same old alias you've come to love to hate!Gimme a /tell!
Having my sisters kid SCHTOMP my crown jewels is rather high up, but pales in comparising to having a tennis ball smashed really hard into the very same spot.
Had a friend that got a 5½ ton vessel of hot melted lead land on his thumb. It was completely cartoon-style flat. The ***** was, he had to strip naked and take a shower before he was allowed to leave the plant due to their security regulations.
He didn't mind though, by then he had a tripple dose of morphine and after treatment he was litteraly an addict and had to have treatment for that. Very funny photo of him showing off his thumb smiling silly due to the morphine. We've promised to never ever post it on the world wide wait though - and we're actually sticking to that. But GOOD da#¤it it was funny in a scary way.
Not had much pain otherwise, but almost drowned, fell down 12 meters, ran my head into all sorts of things, almost fell off a mountain at 1.000 meters or so, two serious car crashes (18-wheeler pretty much drove OVER me), almost died at the hospital in a disease I don't know the english name for and well... If I was a cat, I'd be scared, because I've used up about 12 lives so far.
...not to mention being a teacher gives you a near-death experience every day, and work definitely is painful not only for the soul.
..also just trying to get on this bugged forum almost compares to a sledge hammer into the private parts. -
Oh my, look at that!
Steam's running ANOTHER deal on the Freedom force pack. Get it all for amazing €2 this weekend. That's some serious bang for the buck my friends!
(And it was fun talking to some of ya again yesterday, might actually log on some day just to try on that ITF madness once again.)
I sooo wish they made another FF game, but to my PS3! :-) -
Wow, seriously?
That's pretty much like stealing booze from a homeless ******* in the middle of the winter, beating the living PIE out of him and stealing his cardboard box just for fun. (smiling at the memory of when cardboard boxes actually gave some minor defence in-game, you remember?)
I couldn't resist logging in yesterday. Mentioning it only because the only "living" thing I saw was actually one of those in-game NPC beggars sitting somewhere in the rouges. but I guess the "search engine" had just broken down temporarily. I'm freezing so much I'd actually concider taking a cardboard box from anyone, but that's probably because it's darn cold in space and you know you've got plenty of it. ...or maybe I just caught a cold.
Come to think of it... Where's Glen? (Glen who? Schesus, Glen...Fiddish of course) -
I just simply loved the destructable enviroment, not to mention the awesome dialogues!
Personally I just gave it all up. I don't care about low numbers, I don't care they're not merging US/EU server lists or servers, I simply don't care anymore!
If there HAD been more players I'd been playing all xmas and I'd be running yet another ITF today as well, but I gave up and realized, to my big surprise really, that...
...no, for the first time evaah, I don't miss anything about the game.
Seeing that GR seems so be a looong way from deployment I'm not even sure I'm gonna bother with that either. For me it's just another example of NC wasting a perfectly good(or promising) game. Content? Too late! Gfx update? Too late! Marketting? Huh, what's that? They haven't even run any of the semi-fun events they used to do (Siren's invasion, PD RSP torneys etc).
I think... THINK I still would enjoy some total awesome 8 man destruction, but I don't miss it anymore and I've totally given up on NC. They! Just! Don't! Get! It!
Seeing that another game is more than a year away, there still is a small chance you'll see me moan some more, but I'm a bit busy mining in my retriever on a server with 50.000 people and kicking som rat's behind in my Vexor. Best 5 I've ever spent... well, on Steam anyway! :-) -
Don't you think it's about time we get a sticky thread, like the birthday one for all future "I'm leaving" messages?
lol, posted about leaving yesterday, but the post must've auto-ghosted.
Anyway, good to be gone! Sub expired 14 april and I doubt I'm coming back, because I don't miss this game a bit. After all, there's noone to play it with anymore anyway. I'm now playing a game with 50k users online instead and lovin' it.
See you all in SW:Tor next year! :-) -
lol, Back here in Sweden I'd say Dell is actually a good buy. Standard components that never give you any problems and decent, but not great, prices. Good warranty and delivered to your door.
Then again, there's nothing - absolutely nothing - special about them. The monitor I got is a great monitor, but not tiltable, no USB hub in it, no speakers or speaker/headphone connections etc. Basically a really good, but very simple monitor. Same goes for the rest of the stuff.
Generally speaking though, I'd stay away from any brand name PC and really, really check what you're actually getting. -
You might have something interfering, Wabbit! ...but then again, I can't get EVE to work, when downloaded through Steam, but works fine with the original client.
I LOVED imitating Minuteman, I still do it occationally, but my pupils just look at me with their heads tilted slightly. You know, like dogs do when you talk to them and they think: Oh, man, he's short of a few...
Maybe NC should do a FF-style game instead/too. Tried it out again recently on my ooold computer (gave it to my old father without whiping it). It's brilliant, awesome.. and most importantly, hillariously fun! -
Quote:Don't even think they're rewarding US players that one anymore!Go for Bug Hunter SS! Go for Bug Hunter!
Found another anomaly today: When in Recluse, about to enter the actual pvp Zone, standing by the blueyish swirly thingy, dayjob: Monitor duty icon pops up. LMAO
Once inside the pvp zone i did not get the predator dayjob icon.
Got about 6 months on my main account before renewal, and running a 3 months cycle on 2nd account. Thinking about stopping both, or at least the main account so I don't forget it when time comes, and move on to a month-by-month plan instead.
For me the question is: Will Star Trek be worth playing? At least til SW:ToR comes? How long will it take until SW:ToR? Will it be fun enough to replace CoX? ...and will GR be out in time to save what's left?
Yes, I've given up completely on Jumpgate Evolution and Stargate, and my founders account on Lotro isn't begging me to come back although I sort of enjoy it every time I do log on and play (oh, wait, that was more than a year ago, LMAO).
Guess this is good news for people that don't like my quality moans, I'm finally leaving the game... well, in 6 months... maybe... -
For you Hero fanboys and fangirls, the funniest ever hero game "Freedom Force" is quite cheap on Steam this xmas. You can get the "full package" for just 4,34 and Recluse almighty, that's a good deal for that superb game.
Should keep you entertained through some of the dead space until GR lands and they try to reanimate our beloved dead corpse (CoX EU, you know).
There's quite a lot of other really nice deals as well. I got carried away and got myself 100 worth of prezzies! -
Quote:Oh, I SOOO wish we had KFC in Sweden, but the contract holder just doesn't care about expanding past Stockholm.All I see is people arguing, and not agreeing to disagree...
Some think the servers are dead, others don't. So stop arguing on a thread topic that has been done to death. Please. For the love of KFC, stop going on about it!!.
Surprisingly enough, when I logged on, this VERY early morning after celebrating Xmas (Swedes visit their families and get their prezzies the 24th) there where MORE villains on than usual, and most of them where low levels.
Made me happy because perhaps some ppl got it for xmas? Oh, wait... "More" in this case meant there where 37 villains on Defiant.
Bascially we're f'd trying to get a team nowadays, even hero side it's getting hard. Point being: This is not an MMO anymore. I log on every day, thinking about going on a Mo-5SF and it's basically IMPOSSIBLE to pull a proper team together, even a lousy, bad (as in no where near optimized for the task) PUG seems impossible. Even going on blueside it's hard to get a team invite despite the "new funky" super-sidekick system.
Point is: At the moment I sort of enjoy the game again, but I can't play it (the only way is 8 man teams on relentless and you know it).
H.ck! I even bought EVE for 5 to get some distraction and I'm amazed how well that 5 year old suckah is doing and how well pollished it is, with voice chat, in-game browser, external API for programmers etc. ..oh, and it's rather boring, but beautiful! -
Yeah, cm'on, NC needs your money and you know it!
...and I found another MAJOR bug in-game today, so I could go on an epic moaning streak... but I won't! -
Come to think of it... haven't Europe seen it's share of "americans" (that is, citizens of the united states of america, not counting canadians or the rest of the american continent) that don't know the difference between Sweden'n'Switzerland?
You know, the ppl that think they saved Europe and the "free world" countless of times, not counting all the dictators they've supported especially in the rest of the american continent (you know, folks like Pinochet, Saddam, the friggin' Shah etc.)..
...come to think of it, I might actually prefer and near-dead european server!
(Yes, it was an ironic rant about the typical rants about USA you tend to see sort of everywhere (although they're perfectly right of course)). Don't beat around the Bush! -
...and look at that: We're getting a "new" patch tomorrow!
...and any game where you can drive around insanely without worrying about the consequences get's my vote!
If there's erotic material and violence it's a winner!
If there's subtle, ironic humour making fun of americans I might even pay for it.
If the humour contains not-so-subtle parodies I might even play it, or just plain.. hate it!
daang, I'd love a well balanced GTA MMO... -
Well, somehow I got that urge again... that itchy feeling that it would somehow be fun to play a bit again, maybe do a ITF or just a few random missions with the mayhem that follows an 8 man team...
...but I just couldn't get a team!
Well, I might join the regular(?) Mothership raid this evening just for a kick, but for now it seems it doesn't matter that I actually WANT to play again (and yes, I want to play my stones, so soloing isn't too much fun).
..and btw, don't buy LEGO Rock Band. Soloing with a granite/poohboots is actually funnier.
...however I saw an ace tribute 'review' of the GTA series highlighting all the movie spoofs and all sorts of fun stuff they've put into the series, so I might have to give GTA4 another run. I remember I loved San Andreas on the PC, so... I never actually played GTA4 due to lack of time (due to the amount of time I spent on a certain near-d.e.d. MMO) -
Hook it up to google translate and let us all play on one very strange server!
Svenska FTW! -
Ohdear, GG, are you playing Defiant now again? The world just might be coming to and end after all!
Well, I'll wait for the "real" event so I only have to do it once for the badge(s) before I go back to the PS3. It IS fun to (re)discover some amazingly good non-MMOs until the addiction strikes back. -
Yup... New event this year too...
Noticed yday we've got prezzies and the santa dude (he was even reset, got all the good stuff again, not that I know why I'd want debt protection for), but seems like it's only the rest of the free(?) world that got the sneak peek of the new event.
was personally hoping for a new über event invention set like last years Winter's Gift slow resist.
...guess it'll be slightly painful to bring together teams for it...repeatedly! -
Just mentioned it, since I bet we all wanna get it for xmas...
...oh, wait... wrong game! -
Having read some of the comments two things strike me:
1. Remember we've been asking for a wee bit tougher stuff for ages
2. It's sort of "too late" for europeans since the general population rarely exceeds 100 ppl even counting both villain and hero side nowadays.
...but it does sound like some serious fun. -
Here's what I saw:
Hey! Wait! We're too busy making a paid-for expansion to make actual content to a five year old game, so let's throw some "letters" randomly in the forum to "activate" our fans for a few minutes. That's should make them content enough to wait another 5-6 months for actual content and replay ITF another 200-300 times...
Here's what I hope I saw:
Hey, ok, so we're working on that über expansion, but our customers can't wait for that long for more content, so let's tease them with what we're bringing in the next issue that will surprisingly be launched for christmas, with some excellent, massive high level/end-game content that will last for weeks, not mere hours (or even minutes) unlike the last 5 issues.
Now, what did I think?
Hmm, nice Lucasart and THQ deal on Steam. MW2 seems fun too, not to mention that Dragon thingy, then there's Assassins Creed ][ and all sorts of other fun games and maybe I should try out the drums as well even if my neighbour won't understand that me enjoying GH is more important than her not liking the annoying repetitive thumpin' sound I'll be making. ...and I guess I could also have some fun with my girldfriend instead of worrying about ITF merits I really honestly have no real use for, but maybe I should still log on today just to see if the record number of players (an average of 35 villain side last two months) might be broken today since at least one person on my global still play the game occationally. Oh wait, don't think he's actually playing, just loggin' on to chat a bit. A tad sad, since I still sort of like the game but with nothing to do in it and noone to play it with I guess I sort of hope SW:TOR will be out soon'ish.
and what did I do?
Logged on to work and graded 16 excel tests, called 4 parents to tell them their kids have been naughty and shouldn't get any presents this christmas, ate a nice Angus Burger (prefer Kobe steak though) and played some Johnny Cash/Willie Nelson christmas songs through Spotify on my Android phone while I considered doing some christmas decoration before I descided I couldn't be AR..ed to clean up the apartment when I could get a beer and watch some telly instead, because, seriously... who gives a rat's behind?
...seriously... who "¤#%#% gives #"¤#% tossing ¤"¤!¤%?