There, there Thorny. Here, have a hug, it'll make you feel better.
Painful moments include, but are not limited to:
- cracking the skull 4 times
- getting hit in the groin repeatedly in various sport situations
- getting hit on face/nose/mouse by balls (in sport situations) whilst wearing glasses
- getting punched in the ribcage during martial arts sparing (not being able to breathe at all is fun kids!)
- getting nose caught in net when coming down from blocking in Volleyball
-getting hit on fingers by volleyball whilst attempting to catch a serve with hands instead of forearms
- breaking a toe in motorbike accident
- ripping a leg muscle in motorbike accident (different one)
- stubbing various toes
and last, but by no means, least, any of the recurring IBS episodes induced cramps: now those are a dozy I can say.
Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit
I once managed to hook a spring into my middle finger once back when I was twelve. Picked it up from the floor with the intent to chuck it in the bin once the teacher had finally shut up and it somehow broke skin and got stuck while I waited.
And then, back before my 20th, I ended up passing out at work. On my feet. Apparently I smacked my head off a desk as I fell so when I came to, I was pretty much numb down one side and shaking for several minutes. Cue back issues for several months (Still got them, just on a minor scale now) and suddenly going numb down one side AGAIN in bed a week or two later. The nightlong stay in hospital wasn't fun.
A nurse smegging up the art of taking one's blood even less so.
Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."

OH!!! Y'know the steel bedrails that the boxspring sits on? heading for my PC one morning, and the pinky toe collides HEAD-ON with the very corner of it!!!!!!!
PLANETS have a better chance of hitting each other! OWWWW!!!
I did the same (stubbing my toe) last year on my daughter's bouncy chair. It was such a lightweight, flimsy item I couldn't understand why I had to sit down because the room was spinning and I felt nauseous from ridiculous amounts of pain.
Three weeks after the injury, I finally went to the doctor to get it confirmed that I had broken it on a child's plaything. I couldn't bring myself to tell the truth to anyone about why I was limping so I said that it was a skiing injury. Sounded a lot more manly.
@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk

Let's see, worst actual injury was probably a torn calf muscle. Please assume it was doing something sporting, as the actual cause is just embarrassing...
Equally painful were the 2 DVTs I've had in the other leg.
Equally embarrassing, and rather painful too, were the many times I hit myself in the nose when I worked at the Post Office, yanking hard at bags that weren't as heavy as I expected them to be.
However, it turned out that Smith was not a time-travelling Terminator
Pressing a steel plate about 90x90 cms - it was on a chain and I bent it in a brake press then it bounced out of the press and smacked me straight in the face. How it never took my head off I'll never know, but it crushed the cartilage in my nose and took ages to heal.

Thelonious Monk
The worst injury I've ever sustained is a broken small toe...I guess I got lucky in the physical pain department (Mentally? No idea >_>)
Family member, however, stubbed a small toe on a big ol' coffee table just before one Christmas. After a couple of months of being told it was fine by doctors, she went and saw someone else. Whose response was 'Oh Dear...'
She now has it pinned.
Anyone in Britain; Don't, for the love of life and limb, EVER trust a doctor! Pay and see a proffessional, you'll live longer!
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
I *had* to reply to this, even though I'm in the States. (New post search brought it up)
The most painful injury I've ever sustained was a boating accident. In a... um... 16 foot? boat, out near the rigs in the Gulf outta Freeport, TX, 4-5 foot swells (I think...)
'Captain' of the boat says we're moving. Fine. Reel in all the rods, and start putting them away. I'm having a tad of trouble stowing my last one, when he goes "Ready?" and pours the coals on, no answers needed, I guess...
Well, that was fine and all, except I wasn't seated and holding on, as I wasn't done puttin' the rod away (btw, I'm at the fore portion of the boat.) Dip down into a valley (or whatever it's called), the rod is just now put away, and *just* as I'm tryin' to grab the seat, the boat's going back up the swell... and then falls out from under me on the other side... now I'm totally detached from the boat, in mid air, due to the 'flippage' and decent of the boat.
I now begin to fall down to the boat, as I'm simultaneously travelling with the boat's direction... but slightly slower, don't you know. Worse yet, the boat now is coming *back* up another swell as I'm coming down on it... but I'm slightly less forward than I was overall before...
I about passed out, and wish I had, but I never did. All I could do, after the initial tirade of swearing, was moan. A lot. I landed on the edge of the seat area (that's the 'not so forward part') on my right butt cheek, on a hard edge, not a cushioned one. That I did not split open and bleed out, I don't know how. I do know I tore muscles and stuff. That was the end of the boating day, btw.
The torn up gluteous did not metastasize(?) into bone (which I understand does happen.) Worse off, though... I fell asleep on a heating pad and blistered the bruise. Man... I was a hobblin' hurt. Oh, and it left a permanent side to side crease in addition to the blister scars. Lovely. No butt modeling for me... Not that anyone wants to see my man butt in the first place, but still, it's an option no longer open.
Another inch or so 'not so forward' and I wouldn't be walking, I'm certain. So out of all the outcomes (beside not happening) that could have happened, I'm ok with the result, if one has to be ok with a result such as this. But as it is, I have a permanent reminder of that day. It took me 2 or 3 months to get back to 'normal', and it took about 1.5 weeks to get back to work.
That's the most painful thing I've sustained. And still, to this day: Not one broken bone.And I threw my face at the concrete from a motorcycle. All I got was a split chin. That didn't hurt near as bad as the boat thing.
August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012
try having lime-infused plaster glop in your eye.the combination of slowly drying and scratching your cornea,coupled with the moisture-induced chemical burn is truly life -affirming.
for desert, i recommend the eye-irrigation.
the funny thing is, when it first goes in, its so wet and cold it feels good.
Hmmm. Off hand, I'd say my worst pain would be when as a child I tripped, and tried to catch myself on the domed top of a lit gas camping lantern. Hot enough that spit would immediately sizzle on it. I ended up with both hands burned over most of the palms and fingers. The burns weren't objectively speaking too bad; probably not more than first degree and certainly not worse than second, and they healed without scarring. But at the time that just meant that they had more live nerves to tell me how unhappy they were.
Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth
The most painful experience I have had to date was three years ago. Me and my cousin used to, every weekend, get out our bikes and go for a ride in the park and then through the connecting forest. Now, in the middle of the forest is a giant acre of Graveyard. Nothing but headstones, dying trees and deceased people. The entrance to the graveyard itself is a deathtrap. And one time, we were just minding our own business, about to go into the graveyard on the bikes, when some stupid squirrel runs right infront of us, making us veer into eachother and leaving my head stuck in a bush full of Stinging Nettles. Apart from a bruised arm, my cousin is fine. I, however, feel like I have just been swarmed by a horde of evil bees.
So, deciding not to tell him that I've fallen into the bush and feel like I can't go on, I assume I'll be able to ride it off, I tell my cousin we should just carry on through the graveyard as we are halfway there. We get to the centre of the graveyard on our bikes and I start feeling slightly faint. I fall off my bike and wind myself on this headstone that just happens to be there.
All credit for such an experience goes to that damn squirrel.
Username: @Royal
The Alien Tyrant, 357388: Stop the reign of an evil emperor!
Spawning Chaos, 469020: Form an army of Freaks, win the Freaklympics!
The Restarian Front, 363257: Stop the invasion of an alien fleet from another galaxy!

I suffered a stress fracture in my right hand about a week before a job interview. Not bad enough to warrant a cast, but oh my god did it suck trying to shake hands. After the first couple of handshakes, I confessed that I'd injured my hand and that it'd work a lot better if people didn't mind shaking with their left hands instead.
At least I got the job.
Worse than that, as cliché as it sounds, was a broken heart back in college. Those stupid anti-depressant commercials that say stuff like, "Who does depression hurt? Everyone. Where does depression hurt? Everywhere." They're stupid, but they're not lying. I ached everywhere... I seriously felt like I was dying from the inside out.
There was also the time I got a second degree sunburn, because I didn't pay enough attention to the fact that the sunscreen I'd applied wasn't waterproof before I spent the majority of the day swimming at the lake... I didn't even know you could get second degree burns from being out in the sun until then!
Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093
Having my sisters kid SCHTOMP my crown jewels is rather high up, but pales in comparising to having a tennis ball smashed really hard into the very same spot.
Had a friend that got a 5½ ton vessel of hot melted lead land on his thumb. It was completely cartoon-style flat. The ***** was, he had to strip naked and take a shower before he was allowed to leave the plant due to their security regulations.
He didn't mind though, by then he had a tripple dose of morphine and after treatment he was litteraly an addict and had to have treatment for that. Very funny photo of him showing off his thumb smiling silly due to the morphine. We've promised to never ever post it on the world wide wait though - and we're actually sticking to that. But GOOD da#¤it it was funny in a scary way.
Not had much pain otherwise, but almost drowned, fell down 12 meters, ran my head into all sorts of things, almost fell off a mountain at 1.000 meters or so, two serious car crashes (18-wheeler pretty much drove OVER me), almost died at the hospital in a disease I don't know the english name for and well... If I was a cat, I'd be scared, because I've used up about 12 lives so far.
...not to mention being a teacher gives you a near-death experience every day, and work definitely is painful not only for the soul.
..also just trying to get on this bugged forum almost compares to a sledge hammer into the private parts.
Garden Fork into my left foot...and a metal thing slice into the side of my left foot (3inch slice)

My second most painful was when there was a group of us kicking a ball around on my neighbour's front lawn when I was about 10. I scored a goal and decided to celebrate by diving/dropping to my knees and skidding along the grass for a bit. Unfortunately I hadn't taken into account the fact that my neighbour's dog liked to chew bones and had a habit of leaving them lying around. Cue me running over a freshly chewed up bone with my knee and cutting a two inch gash in my kneecap. The shock of the experience was almost worse than the pain. Getting stitches and having the doctor pick blades of grass out of the cut was fun too.
My most painful was when we were throwing around a rubgy ball like an American football when I was young and I managed to catch it wrong and had the full weight of the ball land on my thumb, pulling it back into a bad sprain. That was excruciating - the pain was so bad it sucked the air out of my lungs and left me rolling around on the ground for ages.
Defiant 50�s: Generalissimo, Righteous Bob, Splortch, Brutus Cayuga
Union 50's: Chimera Obscura, Diet Anthracite, Grim Proctologist, Puny Little Minion, Raging Bitumen
In Soviet Russia, mission farm you!
I have a dent in my head.
It used to be a hole, but now it's just a dent.
I'd forgotten about it until one holiday a few years back. My cousin is a physical therapist who was beginning her studies in pressure points and mia fascia release. She had a tool that looked kinda like.... well... a very small set of boobs. You were supposed to lay with this thing under the base of your skull, and it was supposed to relieve the pressure at certain points, and alleviate headaches. It worked for everyone but me. It literally did the very opposite and gave me a splitting near-migraine. As I was manually massaging my skull, I felt the dent.
When I was about 10-ish, I used to practice the piano for 30 minutes every morning (I took a secret relish in this aspect of my musical endeavors, as it was basically everyone's "morning alarm"). One morning, I finished my session and stood up rather quickly.
Who's that screaming?
Oh.... that's me.
I had passed out, and smacked the back of my head right on the pointy corner of the piano's square leg base. It bled everywhere.
I was rushed to a clinic where the doctor carefully shaved the area, and said "Hmmmm... I really can't do anything here. Just have to tape it up." Then I was sent off to school as if it were any other day.
I arrived at school just in time for PE (Physical Education), where they were in the middle of a tumbling/gymnastics session. Now, I had long hair, and the wound was at the base of my skull, so it didn't show. The teacher instructed me to participate in running summersaults and cartwheels. I refused.
She insisted.
I refused again, saying that I simply couldn't today.
She asked why.
"Because," I said, with every ounce of a 10 year old's indignation, "I HAVE A HOLE IN MY HEAD".
This of course drew a cacophony of laughter from my classmates and I nearly got sent to the principal's office, until I showed the teacher that, indeed, I really did have a hole in my head.
When I told my hubby this story, he just looked at me kinda funny and said, "Well, that explains a few things." (the smarta--)
Don�t say things. What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson |
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV

hmm, most painful? Besides the three bulging disks in my back...
That would have to be the time I stepped on a wooden toothpick, barefoot. It embedded itself into the arch of my foot right in front of the heel, until there was less than a 1/4" (6mm) was left visible.
Funny thing is, that wasn't the painful part. The pain didn't start happening until my dad had my foot between his legs and was pulling on that toothpick with a pair of pliers like it was a nail in a horseshoe.
I think the screaming eventually convinced them to take me to emergency.
As for the stubbed toes, I have a cure for that. Stand on the stubbed toe with the heel of your other foot.
I did the same (stubbing my toe) last year on my daughter's bouncy chair. It was such a lightweight, flimsy item I couldn't understand why I had to sit down because the room was spinning and I felt nauseous from ridiculous amounts of pain.
Three weeks after the injury, I finally went to the doctor to get it confirmed that I had broken it on a child's plaything. I couldn't bring myself to tell the truth to anyone about why I was limping so I said that it was a skiing injury. Sounded a lot more manly. ![]() |
That was much worse than fracturing my little finger by stabbing a rugby ball at a line-out.
The worst, although not technically an injury, was when I had a dying nerve in a molar. The dentist had injected my gum and then told me "sometimes nerves that are not entirely dead can resist the effects of local anaesthetic"... then came the drill...
I'm young, so I still have a lifetime of pain to look forward to, but so far two things stand out. One, getting an apple thrown straight at the genitals. Well, it wasn't aimed in that direction, just I was dodging a bunch of them - children think it's funny to throw hard fruit - and one hit me. I just lay there on the grass for about an hour, came inside, lay there on the sofa another few hours. Eventually I managed to get to the top floor where I was sleeping, no idea how. But the pain stayed in the varying degrees for the next couple of days.
Two, have you ever tried digging your leg with the force it can muster into a cornered table leg, or pressing your ankle up against the wall with equal strength in such an awkward position you're surprised you didn't break it? I have And no, I'm not a masochist, I did not do intentionally, I have epilepsy and it likes to strike at times when it will hurt the most XD

Bad Voodoo by @Beyond Reach. Arc ID #373659. Level 20-24. Mr. Bocor has fallen victim to a group of hooded vigilantes who have been plaguing Port Oakes, interfering with illegal operations and pacifying villain's powers. He demands that revenge is taken on these miscreants and his powers are returned! You look like just the villain for the job. Challenging.
* 1 rusty 5 inch nail thru foot
* Nose broken (3 fractures) during a fight
* Knee dislocated twice (90 degree bend sideways) during martial arts
* Knife cut across entire palm, bones visible.
* Gun shot wound (BB gun + idiot + my thumb = blood)
Of those, I think the knee was the most painful thing. If not, slamming it against a door post to get it back into position certainly was.
Any and all spelling, grammar and logic errors are intentional so this post will blend seamlessly into the Internet
Unbelievable. You, [subject name here], must be the pride of [subject hometown here]!
Note to self: stop reading this thread (vivid imagination plus tendency to empathize leads to PAIN!)
Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit
Never boroke anyhting, I mean, EVER! Not even a knuckle/finger/toe from being stubbed!
Split my head open when I was 6 (managed to take a lump of the kerb out) All other injuries in life have been emotional...and don't even get me started!
I would possibly go as far as to say I could be indestructible, but if so, I don't have an immunity to pain, so even if it don't kill me it still hurts like hell!
Oh, and my pride was dented this morning, but don't think that counts!
Unless you call appendicitus an injury (because four days of pain followed by an operation, blood poisoning, and over a month of recovery beats everything else hands down), I'd have to go for accidentially picking up the wrong end of a soldering iron.
Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.
I'm reminded of falling off a swing when I was about 8 or 9. In those days there was none of this namby-pamby sand, bark chippings or spongy tarmac: it was Whammo! - head first onto the concrete flagstones. Although my head hurt, it was my knee that hurt most, after it came down a split second later, my dense skull having broken the fall
As if to prove a point, Fate put me under a half brick, tossed into the air by a school friend who was pretending it was a hand grenade. It dropped onto my 11-year old skull and bounced off, but the inch-long pebble that followed it hurt like buggery and brought up a lump the size of a golf ball.
Add these details to my inability to remember anything more complex than "I like beer", plus an ongoing failure to engage common sense, and it's plain to see, now, that my skull must be several inches thick, and the brain inside, therefor, only slightly larger than a pickled walnut.

WHY? Why does stubbing your toe hurt so much?! And it doesn't matter which one, it still hurts like hell!
*aham* Anyway, I was wondering. What is the worst/most painful injury you have had?
I use to work in a moulding factory that used molten plastic. I once had a big blob of molten plastic land on the back of my hand, while I was clearing an area on the machine ready to empty the machine of the unused plastic. It was about 350°C and even though it was only on my hand for a couple of seconds, it still left a burn about 2.½ " in diameter. To top it off, it was during the winter when I did it. I use to ride a bike to and from work and I had to decide between the pain of wearing a glove or letting the freezing air get to it. I chose the latter most of the time, thinking it might help a little.
It probably doesn't sound that bad to some of you, but I have been quite lucky in life because I have never had any serious injuries. Apart from a broken arm when I was about 5, but that wasn't painful as far as I can remember.