Freedom force cheap on Steam today




For you Hero fanboys and fangirls, the funniest ever hero game "Freedom Force" is quite cheap on Steam this xmas. You can get the "full package" for just 4,34€ and Recluse almighty, that's a good deal for that superb game.

Should keep you entertained through some of the dead space until GR lands and they try to reanimate our beloved dead corpse (CoX EU, you know).

There's quite a lot of other really nice deals as well. I got carried away and got myself 100€ worth of prezzies!



My husband used to have FF and the sequel, FF vs the Third Reich. He absolutely LOVED those games - but it used to drive me MAD when he'd start imitating Minuteman in that melodramatic, over-the-top voice - "STARS AND BARS!" ARGH!


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Alas, no worky under W7.

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



Freedom Force was the most awesome customisable superhero genre game for me. Still have both FF and FFvsTTR with over 1Gb worth of add-on files (mainly for FF1) from characters to campaigns!

Makes me want to re-install it...however I don't think I have the patience of re-editing the game to include all the add-ons again. :/

@Captain Solaris
Guild of Extreme Heroes
"Strength is in Unity"



Originally Posted by Blue Rabbit View Post
Alas, no worky under W7.
I ran it fine before via steam with the 64-bit version of W7



Originally Posted by TRTerror View Post
I ran it fine before via steam with the 64-bit version of W7
Yeah, I have that but all I get is a message saying it's incompatible and to contact the developers of the game... what am I doing wrong?

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



Anyone had any faves? I always had Alche-miss in my party, as vengeance curse was just crazy powerful when it came to bringing bosses to their knees. They nerfed her in the sequel, but in return we ended up with my two other favourites (and also crazy powerful in their own right) Green Genie and Tombstone.

I tried to replay the second one once 'teen' Freedom Force style, limiting myself to Liberty Lad, Sea Urchin, Ant and Green Genie, but it made things
incredibly hard when it came to taking down flyers and other problem enemies.

A Penny For Your Thoughts #348691 <- Dev's Choice'd by Dr. Aeon!
Submit your MA arc for review & my arcs thread



Originally Posted by Blue Rabbit View Post
Yeah, I have that but all I get is a message saying it's incompatible and to contact the developers of the game... what am I doing wrong?
I´ll redownload it and test.

edit:Yup working fine for me.



You might have something interfering, Wabbit! ...but then again, I can't get EVE to work, when downloaded through Steam, but works fine with the original client.

I LOVED imitating Minuteman, I still do it occationally, but my pupils just look at me with their heads tilted slightly. You know, like dogs do when you talk to them and they think: Oh, man, he's short of a few...

Maybe NC should do a FF-style game instead/too. Tried it out again recently on my ooold computer (gave it to my old father without whiping it). It's brilliant, awesome.. and most importantly, hillariously fun!



To me Alche-miss was probably the most powerful out of the lot of them.

My fave team however was Bullet (speedster scrapper), Microwave (radiation blapper), El Diablo (fire blaster) and Man O'War (elec tank/scrapper/blaster). 2 Fliers, a range of high dmg types and abilities for self heal made them a formidable wrecking crew.

Main subs would be Alche-miss and Man-bot. He was a good tank with a devastating AoE, albeit a tad slow.

@Captain Solaris
Guild of Extreme Heroes
"Strength is in Unity"



Originally Posted by Blue Rabbit View Post
Yeah, I have that but all I get is a message saying it's incompatible and to contact the developers of the game... what am I doing wrong?
It may be that it's running into something with Windows Security. Try the following.
  1. Find the game executable file.
  2. Right-Click on it and select Properties
  3. Select the Compatibility tab.
  4. Check Compatibility Mode and take XP SP3
  5. Check "run as administrator".
  6. Click OK.
If that doesn't work, you may want to turn UAC down.

  1. Click on the Start button
  2. Click on Help and Support
  3. In the window that comes up type "turn off UAC" in the search box.
  4. Click through the links till you get to the UAC slider bar and slide it down.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Reboot
Note: Turning off/down UAC can potentially compromise the security of your system. </ButtCoverage>

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
It may be that it's running into something with Windows Security. Try the following.
  1. Find the game executable file.
  2. Right-Click on it and select Properties
  3. Select the Compatibility tab.
  4. Check Compatibility Mode and take XP SP3
  5. Check "run as administrator".
  6. Click OK.
If that doesn't work, you may want to turn UAC down.

  1. Click on the Start button
  2. Click on Help and Support
  3. In the window that comes up type "turn off UAC" in the search box.
  4. Click through the links till you get to the UAC slider bar and slide it down.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Reboot
Note: Turning off/down UAC can potentially compromise the security of your system. </ButtCoverage>
Thanks a lot Hyper. I'll try that. Here, have some rep.

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



I'm glad I found this thread. I love Freedom Force!
Ant is my favorite character. I like Man-O-War as well, and I keep Microwave for sheer usefulness.
I like all the mods too

"Honesty is for the most part less profitable than dishonesty." -- Plato

Playing Gods (51106) - Heroic Lvl 5-20
What Rough Beast (255143) - Villainous Lvl 40-50



Used to get most of my mods and add-ons from the Freedom Reborn site and Alexff. Think the Freedom Reborn team are on based on one of the US servers somewhere.

@Captain Solaris
Guild of Extreme Heroes
"Strength is in Unity"



I just simply loved the destructable enviroment, not to mention the awesome dialogues!



The throwback 1950s dialogue was the greatest!

The individual voices for each signiture hero was diverse andmade it easy to distinguish between them. My fave accent was Iron-Ox (stereotypical Enlish boxer from the Victorian age) with his battle cry of "Pip-pip"! Always used to make me chuckle.

@Captain Solaris
Guild of Extreme Heroes
"Strength is in Unity"



Whilst on my break at work, I started to arrange which powersets the Freedom Force heroes would have if they were introduced into Paragon City (in line with Going Rogue)...

Alche-Miss -
Bullet -
El Diablo - Fire Blaster / Fire Manipulation Blaster
Eve - Plant Control / Arrows Corruptor
Man-Bot - Invulnerability / Electricity Melee Tanker
Man O'War - Electricity Melee
Mentor - Mind Control / Psi Blasts Dominator
Microwave -
Minuteman - Mace / Shield Brute

Blackbird -
Iron-Ox - Invulnerability / Super Strength Tanker
Law - Broadsword / Scrapper
Order - / Mace Tanker
Supercollider -

Youth Team:
Ant, The- Scrapper
Liberty Lad - Scrapper
Sea Urchin - Force Fields / Electric Blasts Defender breaks over and as you can see it's not finished. Any comments or suggestions in assigning sets? Any FF heroes I've missed?

I have a feeling I might make a couple "homage" characters tonight!

@Captain Solaris
Guild of Extreme Heroes
"Strength is in Unity"



Originally Posted by Captain_Solaris View Post
Whilst on my break at work, I started to arrange which powersets the Freedom Force heroes would have if they were introduced into Paragon City (in line with Going Rogue)...

Alche-Miss -
Bullet -
El Diablo - Fire Blaster / Fire Manipulation Blaster
Eve - Plant Control / Arrows Corruptor
Man-Bot - Invulnerability / Electricity Melee Tanker
Man O'War - Electricity Melee
Mentor - Mind Control / Psi Blasts Dominator
Microwave -
Minuteman - Invulnerability / Mace Brute

Blackbird -
Iron-Ox - Invulnerability / Super Strength Tanker
Law - Broadsword / Scrapper
Order - / Mace Tanker
Supercollider -

Youth Team:
Ant, The- Scrapper
Liberty Lad - Scrapper
Sea Urchin - Force Fields / Electric Blasts Defender breaks over and as you can see it's not finished. Any comments or suggestions in assigning sets? Any FF heroes I've missed?

I have a feeling I might make a couple "homage" characters tonight!

closest I can think would be a recoloured Mental/Rad Troller, her specialty has always been screwing the enemy over. Loft can translate to Levitate in-game, and her arcane blasts can be substituted by Power Blast in the APPs (they were never that powerful anyway).

Eve: There's no Plant control Corrs. She is definitely the most tricky since her two signature powers aren't possible in CoX. Best I can think of is an Arch/Emp Defender with Psi Mastery, or a Plant/TA Troller with Psi Mastery.

Man-Bot: I'd definitely say he's more Energy Melee than Ele, with Energy Mastery thrown in there.

Man-o-War: Hmm, I'd go with Ele/Invuln Brute, that way you can hit the Sci PPP for an ele blast, and the guy is definitely one of the toughest characters anyway.

Microwave: How did you not fill this in already?! Rad/EM Blaster all the way.

As funny as it is, Mace Brute is the way to go for this guy. Not sure about Invuln though, as MM definitely trades any survivability (grrr) for increased damage. If there's an almost non-existent shield model then that would work.

Law: Probably BS/SR with Aid Other.

Easily a Mace/Invuln Brute.

The Ant: MA/SR, or possibly WP, since he is rather durable despite what his "archetype" suggests. Alternatively you could go SS/SR Brute and Levi PPP for Bile Spray (not entirely accurate I know).

Liberty Lad:
The quintessential MA/SR Scrapper. Throw in Exploding Shuriken from Weapons Mastery for good times.

Sea-Urchin: Hmm, I'd probably trade up Ele Blast for Sonics.

I'm way ahead of you btw, and have made my homage to Green Genie a while ago. I'd say she is definitely a Kin, though her magic tricks are a bit harder to translate. I ended up going with Plant Control as the closest semblance to her signature Flower Vase power, though you could probaby argue to go with Illusion or even Grav Control.

A Penny For Your Thoughts #348691 <- Dev's Choice'd by Dr. Aeon!
Submit your MA arc for review & my arcs thread



Nice choices ^__^

Think I meant Plant/Archery Dominator...but there isn't Archery in Dominators, so I would've been wrong in both circumstances!

Came across an actual Freedom Force Wiki with a good deal of info on the game.

Muinuteman... think Mace / Shield Brute would work the best (has a "Rally the Troops" which shares some similarities to Shield Defence's "Grant Cover")...although, like you said, it would need a subtle shield design.

@Captain Solaris
Guild of Extreme Heroes
"Strength is in Unity"



My take on the FF and FFvT3R playable characters:

Alche-Miss - Grav/Rad Controller - Lift, Propel, Dimension Shift, Ennervating Field - it's all there! - and with the Energy APP as Tangler said, minus Total Focus - oh and with a 4-slotted Brawl for her 'Slap' attack!

Bullet - The closest to his bullet flurries is Dark Melee but he also has a Whirlwind so maybe Martial Arts/Super Reflexes with the entire Super Speed pool? Or even Martial Arts/Elec Armour due to his 'charged' ability.

El Diablo - Fire Blaster / Fire Manipulation Blaster

Eve - Plant Control / Arrows Controller - I think this suits her perfectly, especially with Seeds of Confusion and the Hold.

Man-Bot - Super Strength / Energy Aura Brute - especially with the Endurance Drain power. He is one of those characters that, depending on how you play him, he can be a multitude of things at once. He could even be an Energy/EM Blaster (Nova and Conserve Power) or an Energy/Kin Corruptor.

Man O'War - Electricity Melee / Invulnerability Brute with Mu Mastery

Mentor - Mind Control / Psi Blasts Dominator

Microwave - Rad/EM Blaster with Temp Invulnerability

Minuteman - Invulnerability / Mace Brute

Blackbird - She's a strange one but one of my favourite characters - in the first game she's a Scrapper with a very useful Cold blast (want for APP - Cold Mastery!). In the second game she gets access to a Sonic attack so I guess either Sonic or Ice Blaster or Corruptor. No idea for secondary though. I really wish they'd given her a 'Secret Identity' story in the second game.

Iron-Ox - Invulnerability / Super Strength Tanker
Law - Broadsword / Scrapper
Order - Invulnerability/ Mace Tanker
Supercollider - I have never bothered with him!

Youth Team:
Ant, The- I see the Ant as more of a Mastermind with /Poison as a Secondary. It's true he'd got a mean punch but the thought of an Insect MM is too appealing.

Liberty Lad - Martial Arts/Super Reflexes Scrapper OR Martial Arts/Ninjitsu Stalker (for the gadgets)

Sea Urchin - Force Fields / Electric Blasts Defender

Freedom Force vs. The Third Reich

Tombstone - Dual Pistols/Dark Corruptor - ftw!

Quetzalcoatl - Empathy Defender but then the rest of his powers were poor melee attacks. Difficult one this.

Green Genie - Someone was on something illegal when they designed this character. She's more like a Warlock in WoW (has no idea but thinks that's the class that turns people into chickens) than a CoX AT. I suppose you might be able to get away with Illusion/ but again, no idea for the secondary.

Black Jack - Dual Pistols/Devices Blaster OR Traps/Dual Pistols... you get the idea!

Tricolore - Katana/Super Reflexes (with NO mez protection, possibly my least favourite character in the game - silly Enrage...)

Sky King - Assault Rifle/Devices Blaster



Originally Posted by Arctic_Princess View Post
Alche-Miss - Grav/Rad Controller - Lift, Propel, Dimension Shift, Ennervating Field - it's all there! - and with the Energy APP as Tangler said, minus Total Focus - oh and with a 4-slotted Brawl for her 'Slap' attack!
Oh good catch, I've completely forgotten that she could phase enemies! Unlike CoX, that was actually a useful power in that game.

Originally Posted by Arctic_Princess View Post
Ant, The- I see the Ant as more of a Mastermind with /Poison as a Secondary. It's true he'd got a mean punch but the thought of an Insect MM is too appealing.
Hear hear for a giant insects summoning set! Also a good idea, quite left field but also fits. Pity there's no pet sets that can match him particularly well right now, maybe if you could colour pets then you can paint bots red as they kind of look like mechanized ants. Grab the Levi pool for that KO Blow too.

Originally Posted by Arctic_Princess View Post
Tombstone - Dual Pistols/Dark Corruptor - ftw!
Maybe throw in Soul Mastery to double-stack the cool looking Soul Storm with Pet. Gaze too, his Possession ability was incredibly hax. Tombstone's secret origin was also my favourite.

Originally Posted by Arctic_Princess View Post
Quetzalcoatl - Empathy Defender but then the rest of his powers were poor melee attacks. Difficult one this.
It's like the guy decided to be an Emp/Sonic Resonance Def and just 5 slotted brawl. Except 5 slotted brawl would actually be better than what he currently has. Seriously, who thought having your bread and butter attack be "pitiful chance for acid burn" be a good idea?

Originally Posted by Arctic_Princess View Post
Green Genie - Someone was on something illegal when they designed this character. She's more like a Warlock in WoW (has no idea but thinks that's the class that turns people into chickens) than a CoX AT. I suppose you might be able to get away with Illusion/ but again, no idea for the secondary.
Green Genie (and okay, Zatanna too, I have a weakness for magic girls) is the reason why I really wish there was a "performance magic" style powerset in this game.

Originally Posted by Arctic_Princess View Post
Tricolore - Katana/Super Reflexes (with NO mez protection, possibly my least favourite character in the game - silly Enrage...)
Funny, I didn't really like Tricolore on my first play through too, as she just came off as a powered down Minute Man. After giving her a much fairer shake on my 2nd (and 3rd ) playthrough however, I have to say she's one of the best pure brawlers of the team: extremely fast, VERY powerful melee strikes and sweeps, and unlike MM she gets a passive that protects her from MELEE.

A Penny For Your Thoughts #348691 <- Dev's Choice'd by Dr. Aeon!
Submit your MA arc for review & my arcs thread



Funny, I didn't really like Tricolore on my first play through too, as she just came off as a powered down Minute Man. After giving her a much fairer shake on my 2nd (and 3rd ) playthrough however, I have to say she's one of the best pure brawlers of the team: extremely fast, VERY powerful melee strikes and sweeps, and unlike MM she gets a passive that protects her from MELEE.
Without wishing to give too much away however, Melee doesn't protect her from a PANZER!



You gotta move her around a lot when fighting the panzer, strike, go behind it, strike go behind it, strike ad nauseum.

But noone of that matters since I discovered in the first game than any and all problems in FF could be solved via liberal and reckless application of Man-o-War. He's namor+Aquaman+ SEAN CONNERY!

He has super strength AND Flight! and he's SEAN CONNERY! He uses elec and smashing blasts and he's SEAN CONNERY.

Close second would be Blackjack, he's just got so many neat tricks.

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.



I have succumbed to it and am trying to recreate the FF characters through the medium of AE. I will NOT be publishing anything with them (and I'm having terrible trouble with El Diablo) as they no doubt infringe copyright but am willing to share them with other peeps.

And it's just the characters. And just FF for the mo - as discussed earlier Tombstone and Black Jack need Dual Pistols to be fully-realised

And you're no doubt right about moving her constantly with that Panzer. Also she might have Banishing Blade (the Blind attack) at that point. It didn't help when she went crazy after being hit and ended up beating up poor Bullet before I had a chance to use a Heroic Remedy, leaving just Black Jack to save the day. He did. But then he is awesome. Good old Limey Lure.

I like Man-O-War but found him more useful in the first campaign (with all the robots) than the second. However he does get extra Sean Connery Win points.