Any other crusty old long term veterans out there?
I should be picking up my 60 month at the end of this month.
Not that i'm particularly bothered about it. If it was 6 years like some of the yanks then that would be something to wear with pride.
I can't help working out how much money i've given NC every time i get a badge and i must say, even after 5 years it's not that much compared to what things cost now-a-days.
CoH PvP SG = SuperUnion - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
CoV PvP VG = Disruption - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
Global = @Rent & @Rent.
Playgroup are all **** - Global Handle
Yup I'm received my 66 month badge in January and know of a couple more 60+ month vets in my SG too
Octavian Vanguard
@ohmsEU and @ohms 2
Badging character: Bimble on the Union server, and City Info Tracker.
I can't read a darned thing, write louder!
I'll get my 60 month next week. Missed the first EU-week 5 years ago.
Got my 51 month badge last week. Yay for helmets!
Due to a slight oversight which might be down to age (at least mt SG buddies keep assureing me it is) i missed a 3 month period in my sub whilst running around on little Hobbit feet in Lotr , giving me my 57 month award last month instead of my 60.
Still just another couple months to go for that badge. Must say the 60 award looks a little better than the 57 month one
Still on most days and still enjoying the game though thats more down to my Legionaire friends and Echelon pals more than anything.
I also let my account lapse for a while, so I don't get 60 for a while yet, even though I've been playing since the EU beta.
I'm also an ancient old codger in real life, as it happens.
Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.
I've had several breaks, but I've been here since EU launch. Message me in game @Soul Storm and we can show these new whipper snappers how its done
Not a bad number of responses for a short period of time in a less frequented board, I suppose.
Assuming 5-10% of the population read and reply to the boards, that means I'm not in such a minority as I may have expected.
Maybe we should start agitating for Bath Chair and Hearing Trumpet powersets?
The above post may contain Cynicism, sarcasm and/or pessimism. If you object to the quantities contained, then tough.
I'm a little gutted as I was watching this game pre-release and then *POOF* it disappeared off my radar.
I'd never played ANY MMO b4 and was interested to see what this was all about. But, due to a lack of advertising (In the UK anyway) and my n00bishness to online games, I could find NOTHING more about it until I accidently stumbled across it again about a year later.
4 years ingame now (Only just over 3yr VET reward though due to a year in GW) but WISH it could have been longer
Oh and ....
Due to a slight oversight which might be down to age (at least mt SG buddies keep assureing me it is)
It is, feel assured Hibs :P

A Fishy Tale: Arc ID: 334602
Co-Leader of the CREE when I can be bothered.
Just under a month away from my 54 month badge, i feel like a newb compared to you lot still!
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
51 months here, couple more months before 54. Would prolly be there by now if I hadn't taken all those little breaks now and again, but hey it keeps the game fresh and fun.
Looking forward to Going Rogue, if only for the slew of new players to show off to
I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc
I am one of those that has the passport badge. Got my 69 month badge last week and am still going.
Damn, I have been playing this game too long!
51 months myself here and showing no signs of letting up. Hell, I've only just started getting into VEATs. Would be longer had I of discovered the game sooner.
I do keep running into older veterans than I in game. The other night I low level teamed with about four people all with over 4 years in vet badges. The combined sound of four Sands of Mu going off as we fell on the enemy was a joy to behold.
@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -

Ah, I'm not an old codger... I'm just on my merry way towards 57 months (come April 25th).
Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit
60 Months Monday, due to a couple of mistakes by NCsoft my account was not renewed for a couple of days.
Still not worked out how to bind properly
Still not done Hami on villians
Still not got every badge
Still terrible at designing costumes
Still not done my own AE arc
Still not kitted out my own personal SG base
the list is endless, so 60 months in and still all that to go dammit, looks like am going to be here for a while still then.
Too many 50's to list here's a few you may know.
Slazenger, Area51, Area53, Area54, Erruption, Mind Plague, Thresher, Sheath, Broadside, Debt
60 Months Monday, due to a couple of mistakes by NCsoft my account was not renewed for a couple of days.
Still not worked out how to bind properly Still not done Hami on villians Still not got every badge Still terrible at designing costumes Still not done my own AE arc Still not kitted out my own personal SG base the list is endless, so 60 months in and still all that to go dammit, looks like am going to be here for a while still then. |
Hami on villains, not gonna happen on EU servers! :-(
(Yes, I would've enjoyed it, did collect a sh.tload of EoEs after all)
Badges don't do anything (well, accolades, but they're still useless) and that's coming from the "not playing" #2 (I think) villain
Designing costumes? Be proud of your skill att making terrible costumes! :-)
AE arc? Noone's gonna play them anyway and you know it!
SG base? You mean there's actually a reason to have one despite base raids and stuff being totally belly up after all this time, not to mention that old Cathedral of Pain (Oh, we don't talk about that, do we?)
Oh, and you forgot to mention the day jobs? It's fun How I still earn badges... by NOT playing the game! :-)
Anyway, logged on yesterday to get another useless veteran badge that gave me another useless bonus. Only sad thing I sort of miss, was not doing a perma-dom dominator or actually trying out a lvl 50 stalker och a running hero granite (my villain one is rather lovely, I admit)
It's sort of fun how many tried on Lotro, but I sort of doubt anyone's left in there. I still really enjoy it if/when I start it up, but it's painstakingly slow. Guess quite a few of us did buy into the whole "founders" package though.
I actually never thought I'd stop playing CoX. I've been tired of it before, but I don't get that tingling sensation anymore. I need bigger, stronger, faster - I'm not addicted to this drug anymore it seems.
Also, admittedly, I really, really do miss a lot of the old guys and dolls that played the game. Red Moon Evil, El Manticore, Dark fire bug and the other old brute friends. I even miss the stupid contests held in PD and OMG I miss the old times when I didn't have to work 24/7 and could easily log 4 hours/day without upsetting my GF. Oh... I think I even miss my old GF... Um, naah! Replaced with new, better, improved model!

BTW: I'll be sure to drop in again before the sub runs out in april and do an ITF or something. Until then You'll find me transporting "exotic dancers" in EVE O using the same old alias you've come to love to hate!

Binds are terrible really and of course real macros would break the eula, but then again... Why not?
Hami on villains, not gonna happen on EU servers! :-( (Yes, I would've enjoyed it, did collect a sh.tload of EoEs after all) Badges don't do anything (well, accolades, but they're still useless) and that's coming from the "not playing" #2 (I think) villain Designing costumes? Be proud of your skill att making terrible costumes! :-) AE arc? Noone's gonna play them anyway and you know it! SG base? You mean there's actually a reason to have one despite base raids and stuff being totally belly up after all this time, not to mention that old Cathedral of Pain (Oh, we don't talk about that, do we?) Oh, and you forgot to mention the day jobs? It's fun How I still earn badges... by NOT playing the game! :-) Anyway, logged on yesterday to get another useless veteran badge that gave me another useless bonus. Only sad thing I sort of miss, was not doing a perma-dom dominator or actually trying out a lvl 50 stalker och a running hero granite (my villain one is rather lovely, I admit) It's sort of fun how many tried on Lotro, but I sort of doubt anyone's left in there. I still really enjoy it if/when I start it up, but it's painstakingly slow. Guess quite a few of us did buy into the whole "founders" package though. I actually never thought I'd stop playing CoX. I've been tired of it before, but I don't get that tingling sensation anymore. I need bigger, stronger, faster - I'm not addicted to this drug anymore it seems. Also, admittedly, I really, really do miss a lot of the old guys and dolls that played the game. Red Moon Evil, El Manticore, Dark fire bug and the other old brute friends. I even miss the stupid contests held in PD and OMG I miss the old times when I didn't have to work 24/7 and could easily log 4 hours/day without upsetting my GF. Oh... I think I even miss my old GF... Um, naah! Replaced with new, better, improved model! ![]() BTW: I'll be sure to drop in again before the sub runs out in april and do an ITF or something. Until then You'll find me transporting "exotic dancers" in EVE O using the same old alias you've come to love to hate! ![]() ![]() |
I'm either there or there abouts.. Finally got my 4th level 50 over Christmas, but i've kinda lost the urge for CoX right now and my time has been taken up with Dragon Age and now STO and due to a lack of cash (car repairs where needed) I might let my sub lapse for a bit until GR. Not quite decided yet so we'll see..
Not really a veteran having only just got the 48 month badge....but i am crusty and old
Allodoxaphobia is the fear of opinions.
Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth. MARCUS AURELIUS (121-180 AD)
Picking up 66 months in March. Always played on the US servers. Did consider moving over when they offered, but I had too many friends and a good SG on Virtue.
Seems a lot quieter nowadays (during GMT playtimes anyway) but am still enjoying the game.
Main badger still has badges to get (on an Emp/Psi that's challenge enough for me solo). Standing at 607ish at the moment.
Never done Hami. Ever.
Took me until summer last year to get my first villain 50!
Still got Dr Quarterfield to do
That's me!

<wibbly fade to semi-senile reminiscence>
I've done one successful Hami Raid, the old version.
I was the idiot who got to be Hami-Tank on Union's First successful Hami Raid, (which IIRC, was the first English server success, the Germans got the European first I think, but that memory's a little vague now, any French players who wish to contradict that, feel free

<Fade back to what passes for reality around here>
The above post may contain Cynicism, sarcasm and/or pessimism. If you object to the quantities contained, then tough.
Just got my 66 month vet badge this week! LOVE the extra salvage/recipe/auction slots.
@Portland Underground
Got my latest Veteran badge tonight :

Strictly speaking I could probably have gotten it last night, since IIRC, I created my live account at 10:30pm on the day before the game officially went live in Europe, but I didn't log in late enough to get it.
I'm now officially a crusty old timer relative to a lot of the Union population, barring of course, the Passport holders.
It nicely rounded off a pretty good month in the game for me, I've gotten my two mains to a bank balance of over 1 billion inf each, just by slowly selling things on the auctions.
My original toon finally got the Leader badge when I put in a good few weeks of concentrated effort to get the last 110ish million inf I needed (I was 100% unconcerned by that badge until the requirement dropped), eventually snagging the badge with about 1,643 hours of in game time on that one alt.
I've finally gotten some momentum behind playing my Dominator, thus meaning that I should get to 1 each of all the basic AT's at 50 in the nest few months.
And I'm still enjoying the game.
A lot of the people I've played with over the years have gone their own way, which hasn't included CoH/V.
Some have gone to WoW, some have gone to Australia (two of them, at last count), some to LoTRO, and some I've just completely lost track of after they left CoH/V.
So, are there any other long term veterans still out there among the European crowd? And are they willing to admit it, or are they just too old and confused to realise?
The above post may contain Cynicism, sarcasm and/or pessimism. If you object to the quantities contained, then tough.