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  1. Black Scorpion, can you tell me a bit about MARTY? What did you Devs consider 'too fast' for powerlevelling? And when would the XP start to be restricted. I was still powerlevelling characters quite fast and never noticed any reduced XP.
  2. Rent_

    Dark/Psn Troller

    Originally Posted by Trace_ View Post
    If you get held until death. Doesn't matter if someone has incandescence or not, if you can't heal you can't heal.
    Without trolling too much... What about the rematch with two blasters and no holds? I do believe we still won. Just saying.

    *edit: And I do distinctively remember being spawn camped as well. How'd that work out for you?
  3. Rent_

    Dark/Psn Troller

    The dark hold needs buffing. It's so broken it breaks the whole power set. I recommend extending the hold duration by 4 seconds to balance the power with similar holds.
  4. You don't need to re-install to fix that problem Jack!

    When an account goes to free/premium the characters and character slots do lock up. However, you are given character slot unlocks to unlock the characters of your choice. If you stay free/preem, this will be a limited number depending on what you have bought in the past/earned via veteran rewards. If you go VIP you will be given enough "unlocks" to unlock everything you had previously.

    To use the "unlocks" just click on the character you want to use, click enter game and you will get a prompt asking you if you're sure you want to use a "unlock". Just rinse and repeat for all your characters and slots
  5. Are you leaving NCLauncher open after you launch the game? It seems to make a huge difference to the download if you do.
  6. I'm not overly fussed about the free transfer either. Saying that however, 2 server transfers = a free name change which is very handy
  7. Rent_

    Mouse to Move

    Nope, there's not as far as i know. That is intentional to give you the option of "auto" run. The only thing you can do is continue to press both buttons again to stop it.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    We're just doing a quick restart of the log in servers. Should be completed in 5 minutes.

    Did you guys get kicked from game?

    Ahahahaha. Yes. we all got kicked. During a UG as well. Good job!
  9. Quote:
    Tech unlike the persona he tries to show on the board, is one of the biggest whiners I have ever met in any game.

    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    Except that I whine about stuff that is, y'know, more controllable and/or actually broken.
    -Praetorians having 65% base accuracy instead of the standard 50% which makes low levels in Praetoria a bloody nightmare
    -the insane ambush spam in Praetoria
    -bad writing in arcs and the railroading in the likes of Dr Graves
    -the lack of revamps instead of new shinies, because someone still hasn't twigged that revamps are a two-in-one package, since you remove old tripe and get new shinies BY DEFAULT.

    Not whining and kvetching about a damn physical server move which we're lucky took 9 and not 12 hours and they had the good courtesy to tell us when they are under NO obligation to do so.

    What was your point again?
    Meh, and all the times i've met you in RV you've whined pretty hard and i don't think i'm "broken".
  10. Woah, it's F2P now folks. Just logged on with all old accounts.
  11. Quote:
    It's important to us that your in game experience isn't going to be hugely impacted on a performance level when we open the doors to returning and free players, and as such we are making the necessary investments, such as hardware upgrades, to do everything within our power to ensure as much.
    Our game experience is going to be hugely impacted on a performance level tomorrow. The impact is THAT great, we won't be able to play at all in fact.

    As previously mentioned, do you think it's good business sense to take things away from paying customers (some of which have spent hundreds or dollars on the Paragon store) so your (potential and not guaranteed) free customers have a great game to play?

    My years of customer service experience lean towards the no side of that answer.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Plasma View Post
    To compensate, they should make the crafting table accolade account-wide.

    This ^
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Storyteller View Post
    PlayNC Account Management -> Billing Summary -> Microtransactions (Last 90 Days)

    Microtransactions (Last 90 Days)

    Date Game Account Name Item Source Status
    Sep 14, 2011 City of Heroes® storyt... 400 Paragon Points Completed
    Sep 14, 2011 City of Heroes® storyt... 150 Paragon Points Completed
    Sep 13, 2011 City of Heroes® storyt... 400 Paragon Points Completed
    Sep 13, 2011 City of Heroes® storyt... 400 Paragon Points Completed
    Sep 13, 2011 City of Heroes® storyt... 400 Paragon Points Completed

    The source column is blank on the page.
    I know i'm a bit late to this thread but the extra 150 points is from being tier 8. That gets added to the 400 points per month so you will get 550 per month subbed now.

    As for the extra 400 points awarded on the 14th, i think almost everyone received those as a "welcome to Freedom" gift. I've had those "bonus" 400 points on an old account which wasn't subbed at all during the July-September period.
  14. Quote:
    Okay. All I can say to that is "wow".

    Still not sure if it's showing all memory taken by both the processes you had running or if the client is now large-memory aware. I haven't had a chance to check it out. I will be keeping an eye on it. Thanks for this heads-up, as I don't want to be spewing information that's outdated on this subject.
    I'm 100% certain it was only for one process as shortly before i took the screen shot, the second account had it's own 2.5gig usage. My keyboard has a system performance monitor on it and noticed 7 out of 8 gig ram was being used. I finished the farm then alt+tabbed out to see what was going off. At that point, the account pictured was slightly under 3gig and i watched it take up that extra meg or so before taking the snap.

    I see it and I still can't quite believe it myself. Unless this is an extremely recent change to the client, I've never seen that happen in all the times I've watched memory usage for the client. I would have sworn the client was still two gig heap limited. Time to dig up the debugger again, I guess.
    Well Arcanaville, the picture was taken on the 7th August this year so that gives you a rough idea of when a change may have happened. I confident that if i had of left it, it would've eaten all of my ram because it was fully stable.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    I'd like to see that screenshot. I'd also wonder if the memory reported was from two separate threads being reported as a single thread.
    Here you go man, as requested

  16. The Blaster version of Life Drain isn't accepting Accurate Healing sets and i'm sure it should like it's other AT versions. It was accepting them on test so unsure why it isn't now.
  17. Quote:
    The game is still a 32-bit application. So the maximum memory that can be assigned to it is 2GB (though it becomes squirrelly above 1.5GB).
    I know you know your stuff Hyperstrike, but that's not true. I have a screen shot of CoH using just over 3gb memory (and it was still rising) while stable. This was while dual boxing. I had just closed the second account down and noticed it.
  18. Check this Link out

    It doesn't have a comparison for CoH FPS but it will give you an idea about performance increase.
  19. I can beat that Voided Soul. I've got a screen shot of task manager showing me 3gig usage and still rising on one account. It's a good job i have ample RAM or i would get annoyed very quickly.
  20. I would do what Damz did tbh but i'm not listing 72 characters and a story about them as well.. I was pushing 80 on Onion til we got access to Freedumb and transferred a few over.

    Just go in RV, i'll be there.
  21. PvP event to be honest. Winner(s) take all
  22. Why would he get ripped off?

    Find one for sale. Create a character on the server it's for sale on. Send inf and buy it through a trade. Email it to his global so the toon he wants it on can have it. Pretty simple

    This is assuming he wants to buy it off the market, hence specifying a server.
  23. Just checking... Why on Union? Global Emails + attachment ftw?
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Crimson_Chin View Post
    I gave them more details than what i have put in here and i appreciate that 4 petitions won't speed things up but i sent them just incase there was a problem as noone had responded. I have not recieved any correspondence automatic or otherwise

    I've had a recent bug that you are probably encountering yourself.

    About a month ago, i need in-game support myself. I can't for the life of me remember why but i sent a petition off. Just like your self, when 3 days had passed, i grew impatient with the slow reply so sent a 2nd and 3rd petition.. All 3 of which were ignored. I also didn't receive a auto-generated email from any of the tickets.. Which got me thinking.

    I went on to the support section of and logged in to see if the tickets had been replied to and i just hadn't had an email... None of the tickets were there at all. So, i created one on there as well, which also disappeared. I contacted a Community Rep about this who looked into it for more but couldn't find a problem. It's fixed now but no-one did anything that i'm aware of.

    TLDR version; there's a bug with petitions not registering so check to see if yours have been received. If not, contact a Rep, preferably Avatea as she dealt with mine and may be able to look into it more if more people are getting it.
  25. Quote:
    not really i was there friday night - three vilz no heroes we took down avs for lol fun.
    Woah, that's crazy. Totally didn't expect that.