Why VIPs get server transfer instead of 800 more points?
I believe someone suggested having options of points, a server transfer or a respec as a monthly bonus.
But...I won't look a gift horse in the mouth.
A server transfer isn't really a gift to a lot of us, it is a nothing.
The thing is, the Devs don't want to give you too many points, they want you spending extra cash. If they gave us more points that would mean they would have to raise prices to have us spend extra cash which just makes things more expensive and less attractive for the Prems.
The server transfer was given to us as a nothing to make it seem like we are getting $15 worth of free stuff a month to keep us subscribed: 400 points + 800 points worth of value = $15. Granted, as you said it is pretty much worthless and doesn't add up.
I do think the Devs need to do something to make subscribing seem more appealing though, if I unsubbed right now I only lose Incarnates but I gain 920 points a month. The decision to stay subbed is actually quite difficult and it really shouldn't be if they have done things right.
Because giving us 800 more points per month wouldn't make any business sense?
Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus
A server transfer isn't really a gift to a lot of us, it is a nothing.
The server transfer was given to us as a nothing to make it seem like we are getting $15 worth of free stuff a month to keep us subscribed. I do think the Devs need to do something to make subscribing seem more appealing though, if I unsubbed right now I only lose Incarnates but I gain 920 points a month. The decision to stay subbed is actually quite difficult and it really shouldn't be if they have done things right. |
Is the server transfer token a huge gift? No, it's not. But it's free along with your subscription, where we're already gaining more than we were before Freedom. So if you want to look a gift horse in the mouth, go right ahead. But For 15 bucks a month as a Preem, I don't think you'll get everything you'll get as a subscriber.
Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus
Then go ahead and unsubscribe. I think you'll find that you'll end up spending more to have access to everything you have no permanently.
Is the server transfer token a huge gift? No, it's not. But it's free along with your subscription, where we're already gaining more than we were before Freedom. So if you want to look a gift horse in the mouth, go right ahead. But For 15 bucks a month as a Preem, I don't think you'll get everything you'll get as a subscriber. |
Well that and the signature story arc that I have no interest in.
The opportunity cost is whether Incarnates are worth the loss of points.
It really depends on what reward Tier you are on. If you are below Tier 9 you will lose access to something, even if it is only large inspiration drops.
It's a free toaster when you open a bank account. Useful if you need it, junk if you don't.
Actually, the server transfers can have other uses. I used 2 of them as a MacGyvered name change for one of my toons yesterday.
I am not that interested in server transfers either.
I haven't checked to see how my toon fairs if I stop paying yet. I'll be tier 9. I think that the items I will have to buy each month will be less than my $12 or w/e. But I am not sure. It's moot until my sub renewal date comes up. But I'll check it out to see if I am better off.
It is something the majority of the playerbase has no desire for. Sure it is something for nothing so technically a "gift" but the same can be said if I were to leave a flaming bag of poo on your porch.

No, a flaming bag of poo gets a fist in your face and possibly a night in jail. You're terrible at analogies.
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so much wrong...
you couldn't just compare it to a bad fruit cake you got from one of your distant aunts you really don't know?
You are right, it is a poor analogy - part of my $15 sub goes toward that server transfer, so it isn't as free as the flaming bag of poo... But then again, you are paying for that poo with the punch
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If you think a bonus free thing you don't want is even remotely related to flaming bags of poo on your porch that's your problem.
total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.
I just look at the free transfer as the Devs backhanded way of supporting PLing. See make a toon on Freedom PL it then transfer it to your real server. It keeps the "undesirables" in one location but allows the "proper" players to get their PL fix.
By doing this they keep the farmers supplied with people, keep the majority of farmers together, get people more 50's for incarnate stuff. But they control the speed of the PL toons creeping into the other servers. Just like in real life. We know of the neighborhood with the drugs and hookers, so do the cops. But by keeping it in one area it stops the spread to the rest of the town and allows the upstanding people to stay safe in their homes but the can venture out to get freaky every once ina while. Same deal Freedom is your redlight district, your free transfer is a way for the population to play there safely and escape.
But then again maybe I just read too much into it, and the Devs thought having a Free Transfer would be nice since so many wanted the free transfers in the past.
It is something the majority of the playerbase has no desire for. Sure it is something for nothing so technically a "gift" but the same can be said if I were to leave a flaming bag of poo on your porch.
Don't forget the limited characters slots for premium players. Not an issue for those with few alts, but if I went premium, I'd have to pay serious cash for character slots or lose access to a ton of characters that I play regularly. That's what's keeping me paying $15 a month for VP.
One of the beauties of this system is you can choose to pay for the game the way you want. If you really thing going premium and buying $15 a month in points is a better deal for you, then go ahead and do it. The devs get their 15 bucks either way, so they're happy, and you get what you feel is a better deal, so you're happy. So why complain about having such a choice? Just take advantage of it.
Other people like me feel the subscription is a better choice for them, but everybody's different.
So what do you call something given to us for free on a monthly subscribed basis that we'd normally have to pay $10 for? it isn't nothing, I'll tell you that.
It is something the majority of the playerbase has no desire for. Sure it is something for nothing so technically a "gift" but the same can be said if I were to leave a flaming bag of poo on your porch.
It'd be nice if it could be exchanged for a Rename token, but as it is, I'll probably end up using two of these to rename characters every so often.
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
As I just recently opened up Tier 5, I have plenty of incentive to stay subscribed...
I will agree that that server transfers aren't necessarily that useful to most, especially long-time veterans. But as Voidstalker stated earlier, you could use 2 as a round-about way to rename a character.
Though, as long as they are handing them out, I am adopting the mentality of: I would rather have them and not need them than need them and not have them. If, for whatever reason, I no longer desire to play on my current lower-population server (i.e. everyone leaves for SWTOR, all my friends quit, I want to relocate, etc.), a stockpile of server transfers will be very useful at that point.
I say just hold on to them. From a business standpoint, it is highly unlikely they will give us an option for more points, so just keep a stockpile and use them as needed.
@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.

I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.

indeed, instead of deleting my namesake character, I moved him to Exalted and then rerolled him on Infinity as a SR/StJ Tank
While I love the idea of having a say in what I receive per month ie; respec/transfer/points, I can understand that would be bad business sense.
After all they do want you to spend money to buy the shineys, unless your someone like me who has the patience of a turtle and I'll let my points add up to get w/e I want.
I use the transfers as a means to free up space on the servers I play on to transfer off 50's I no longer play (and don't have the heart to delete) to servers like Exhalted, that way I am using them by freeing space so I do not have to purchase more slots.
There is always loopholes while some might see it as a pain to receive transfers I look at it as a means for me not to spend points on needless slots. So I can get better stuff down the road, some people already have bought StJ, I didn't I am going to wait till it comes out on Mids and see what peoples opinions are on the set before I commit. Win win for me , but, not for people who have to have it RITE NAO.
In addition free transfer also help make new friends, I have a few that are on other servers and when they are on and I wish to run with them then I can always transfer a toon over that way I can play with them whenever I want.
Pro's and con's to it all really....
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
Why do VIPs get server transfers instead of 800 more points to spend?
I would prefer to just get the points, I'm happy where my characters are, and even if I wanted to transfer 1 or 2, I don't see the need to do 12 transfers a year.
Alternatively, only 400 points a month for a subscription is nothing, when new powersets cost 800, and it looks like there may be a new set at least every other month for a while, so that's all my points.
Conversely, I could unsubscribe, and pay $15 for 1320 points a month, buy a powerset, or a server transfer, or a respec, or, lots of other things.
At least let us trade in the server transfers for points.
Inkblaster - 50 - NRG/NRG