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  1. I think I'm at tier 8, another tier and in another month it will really not make sense for me to pay $14.99 for what amounts to $5.00 worth of points, for me and my playstyle.

    If they offered a nice perk, not available from the market, that can't eventually be freed up with reward points, like, maybe merit rewards, I'd say ok, that's cool.

    But they aren't, server transfers have a cost, they've put a price tag on it, 800 points, the same as a powerset, a respec, a name change, a full costume set.

    It's like a magazine subscription, I subscribe for the year, I get a lower price than if I buy each issue at the newstand.

    The current model is counter to that, doesn't repay loyalty, which is not good business sense.
  2. Why do VIPs get server transfers instead of 800 more points to spend?

    I would prefer to just get the points, I'm happy where my characters are, and even if I wanted to transfer 1 or 2, I don't see the need to do 12 transfers a year.

    Alternatively, only 400 points a month for a subscription is nothing, when new powersets cost 800, and it looks like there may be a new set at least every other month for a while, so that's all my points.

    Conversely, I could unsubscribe, and pay $15 for 1320 points a month, buy a powerset, or a server transfer, or a respec, or, lots of other things.

    At least let us trade in the server transfers for points.
  3. Used to be you could do the brief pattern with armor, to achieve something similar to this look. But no longer

    Now to get this look I have to go to my 1 character that has it, go into costume editor, log out, log in, make new character with desired look.

    This could never be as sexy as Jay, but I'd sure appreciate it back as an easy option.
  4. It sounds like personalization is a much smaller issue than open accessibility. The current level of personalization for groups is unprecedented in an MMO.

    So the simple solution would be to assign a physical door, and allowing bases to be public, also keep the portals for easy access.

    but then everyone's going to be picking the 'sweet spot' doors near trams or stores or what not.

    There's also the issue of a zone revamp(like adding Arenas, Universities, War Wall changes/new zones) removing your specified door, but then you just have to pick a new door.

    But, there is great potential in allowing bases to be public, even adding entrance, teleportation, and auto-doc fees that translate to prestige.

    Imagine a Taxibot bases in every zone, with teleporters to every other zone available.

    Imagine radio stations hosting their own dance parties in their bases.

    Imagine a Diner base set up like a...a...a Diner!

    Imagine Holiday themed bases, Christmas towns, Halloween Towns, Arbor Day Towns!

    More Mazes like the one on Test for Halloween!

    Supergroups could set up 'Dojos' for new players, teaching them what powers do what, etc.

    Maybe with inventions allow a store NPC to be added to a base, and put enhancements and such up for sale for prestige?

    Maybe even allow open PVP in a base, then there could be UFC type base setups.(no NPCs in bases so no risk of debt)

    Just a thought. currently bases allow easier transportation and insp & enh storage.

    Storage also for salvage, but that's a circular arguement, need salvage to make items to put in the base to use salvage to make items....I get dizzy.

    They could have so much more potential if they just existed somewhere other than in the purple column of energy.
  5. How about a guide for sprinters? Check out my demo of the path,

    You just need hyper stealth +SS, combat invis, or someone to grant invis you.

    You can make the run in under 4 minutes, sprintin' all the way, and only 1 really hairy part, and that's over Gordon Trench, but very big pipe and not too far on it.

    Terra Luigi
  6. I can't help but notice how the Legacy Chain have secret identities, something player Heroes don't have an option on.

    But, what happened to the Midnight Squad?
  7. Ain't got much at the Rhode Island Sheriff Corps(R.I.S.C.), but we do have a jail cell. Thought I'd post if others wanted something similar. Essentially using tech lights you can wall off a section that folks can teleport or be teleported into only, and it looks somewhat like a futuristic jail cell. Ionized grate on the floor completes the effect with cool ionic noises.

    Hallway view
    Cell view
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    We now have 18 months worth of data. We looked for a more effecient solution, but our estimates still come out at 2 years to datamine and get you your badges.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Pshhh, Posi, haven't you guys seen the commercials for the IBM Help Desk? Just toss that data into the Blue Gene supercomputer, you'll have those results in 2 minutes not 2 years.
  9. [ QUOTE ]

    I want to stress that you actually can end up being buffed over 500% with Defiance. (500% is the max buff for Blasters) This actually does nothing except protect you from damage debuffs.

    This is one of the rare instances in Issue 5 where a solo character is able to reach a cap without help (or inspirations).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So the new strategy will be:
    1. level up to 18, which will be easier with this power, especially as there will be no debt up to level 10.

    2. Get the ring of pain temp power and keep that contact until you wear it out using it to keep health low and the %500 cap always on.

    3. Level up to 25(easier with the ring of pain)

    4. Get the sky raider/rikti mission that gives the manifold resonator, self stealth -hp.

    5. Continually use these powers to deal massive alpha strike damage with buildup and aim and aoe powers.

    unbalanced much? Up until the mid 30s blasters will be damage machines, always at low hp, always dealing severe damage with their base attacks, why even slot their attacks until that point?

    After that what? What is there after 35? I'd like to know as my main is a level 37 blaster and if it wasn't for phase shift I'd die much, much, much more.

    I wish this had been presented as it clearly is, a way to balance blasters with the upcoming CoV expanshalone archetypes.
    Those archetype get inherent abilities to reduce aggro, increase damage as they battle, etc.

    Almost all COH archetypes have an inherent ability like these, criticals, punchvoke, greater percentage leadership buffs, so it was probably already a planned addendum, not to 'help' blasters.

    I don't see this power offering any help to blasters post 35, I don't think it was ever planned to. I wish there was something like the CoV inherent power for the scrapper-types that reduces aggro, but that doesn't really fit the blaster concept.

    I'm still going to throw out there blastfear, possibly the lower your health the more chance of you 'scaring' mobs with the awesome power of your blast, maybe just the raw energy confuses them or something.

    Just enough for you to get away, because post 35, if we're in the defiance zone, we should be looking for a sign post up ahead that says exit.
  10. I'll just echo what's being said, post 35, this will not help.

    Solo blasters can pick their fights, and may be able to strategize their damage to have this help.

    But, in groups, if a blaster is taking damage, whether it be AOEs or a stray mob, this power will not help enough to save them from more debt, and it will encourage support archetypes to ignore them as they're supposed to take damage to be more powerful.

    Hitting hard just before you faceplant is little comfort compared to just faceplanting. I vote for an acc buff, aggro lessening, or mez resist in place of the damage increase.
  11. There is no supergroup in THE UNDERGROUND abandoned train stations, move along.
  12. I remember gadgeteers and superior humans

    Boxhead's site.

    I have a video on my computer with the modified date/time of 4/23/2003(my system crashed and I redownloaded it)
    I remember watching that the first time at work, I think all day at work, and then at home too.

    I remember when the weekly updates would come, and there'd be screenshots, and everyone would overanalyze the screenshots(yours truly included)

    I remember the lack of a standalone character creator led those like Phantom and BvS to become legends of character artwork, and of course the big hero art thread.

    Lots of stuff to remember, interesting stuff to be sure, but it's good not to dwell too much in the past.

    I look now at Crey Industries, run by D'Arkaine, it continues to improve.

    The cards created by various board members here, are awesome work.

    The contests being held bring out the best of the best, not to mention the comic book, the back pages there are real gems.

    Good stuff, I'm sure there's more to come.
  13. Man, you guys aren't thinking futuristic enough.

    Gotta have holograms, which shows who's fighting represented by a smaller see-through version of the heroes battling, projected above folks' heads or on a platform or something. Just have the game render small heroes with a toned down stealth effect, mimicking the actions of those in the battle.

    Same effect, should be do-able, and such.
  14. Some are blatantly obvious that no one mentions them anymore:

    Red Beast Energy Drink - Red Bull

    Infront Steakhouse - Outback Steakhouse

    Chris Jenkins Attorney at Law - insert random ambulance chaser here.

    And ya know, the architecture in Brickstown always reminded me of Blade Runner, I don't know why, something about the Zig I think.
  15. It was confirmed that winged characters would be another archetype, I don't recall it being posted as an epic, but it may have been before epics were all the rave.
    Incarnate is basically latin for "in the flesh", or body.
    Caralax, broken down poorly in latin would be loose or lax flesh?
    I'm thinking since the first two are aliens, possibly these next two are ghostly types, with wings as spectral demons and angels and the like are prone to have. But what Powers?????
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    the white rabbit is going to have alot of debt.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It's because I leave my repel field on while running through purple groups. But rabbit bowling is just so darn fun!

    As for the 5th Column being scared, and a prelude to Council of War, google 'council of war', and keep in mind Statesman is a fan of ancient texts. Just the first paragraph is an interesting read, I'm leaning towards the Axis-America group coming through the portals and that's got our weekend warrior 5th C shakin' in their booties.
  17. Why would the White Rabbit's comments be dismissed? Sure he's wired a little askew, and has a lagamorph brain but....well..., ok, I see their point.
    Still nice to be important but more important to be nice. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm late I'm late.....

    -Ink/The White Rabbit