Characters On Union
For now i'll just list every character i have on union currently Will update with more in-depth info later
- Ultimate Damz - lvl 50 ill/rad controller
- Damz - lvl 48 elec/fire scrapper
- Noob Buster - lvl 50 fire/dark scrapper
- Lord Lightman - lvl 50 AR/NRG blaster
- Shadow Waster - lvl 50 warshade
- Mr Damz - lvl 39 ice/cold corruptor
- Hidden Weapon - lvl 18 DP/Dark corruptor
- Shadow Damz - lvl 25 demon/pain MM
- Human Virus - lvl 23 bots/poison MM
- Luminous Damz - lvl 14 PB
- Guardian Damz lvl 27 fire/ss tank
- Healer Damz - lvl 37 emp/nrg defender
- Super Damz - lvl 37 ill/kin controller
- Sonof-damz - lvl 44 MA/SR scrapper

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
Ammo Dump
Affiliations:Defenders United
Powersets:Kinetics/Duel Pistols
Distinguishing Marks:None
Brief Summary:Ammo Dump is dedicated to protecting the citizens of Paragon. He uses an unknown system of kinetic technology to drain his enemies, and refocus their energy back onto them. (basically have no explanation for that yet! LOL)
I would do what Damz did tbh but i'm not listing 72 characters and a story about them as well.. I was pushing 80 on Onion til we got access to Freedumb and transferred a few over.
Just go in RV, i'll be there.
CoH PvP SG = SuperUnion - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
CoV PvP VG = Disruption - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
Global = @Rent & @Rent.
Playgroup are all **** - Global Handle
I would do what Damz did tbh but i'm not listing 72 characters and a story about them as well.. I was pushing 80 on Onion til we got access to Freedumb and transferred a few over.
Just go in RV, i'll be there. |

Oh, and I would be happy to meet you in RV, any time my friend. I think those zones tend to get so few folks these days, nothing like it use to be. Maybe we can liven it up, and I can earn some more badges?
Name: Biscuits.
Origin: Mutant.
Afflictions: Short-Sighted.
Archetype: Technically a Defender.
Powersets: Dark Miasma/Dark Blast/Dark Mastery/Void Judgement/Diagmanetic Interface/Space for Dark Lore Pets/Clarion - In your face, mezzers.
Height: 5'3.. In heels.. Whilst standing on a phone book.
Wait: ...
Eyes: Two.
Hair: Blonde, usually.
Distinguishing Marks: Slightly puzzled look, despite the spectacles.
Brief Summary:
As an impressionable young girl, Jenny Taylor dreamed of growing up to become a mail-order catalogue model just like her good ol' Mum and Dad. She fantasized for hours on end about the jet-setting, go-getting lifestyle she would lead and practiced relentlessly on the key poses. She could "look at watch" and "react to joke" like a professional. Her "peer into distance" was unparalleled.
Unfortunately, in order to keep their svelte figures, both her parents chain-smoked around her throughout her young life. Her growth was stunted and her lifelong ambitions were subsequently dashed. She had to settle for her younger brother's dream job instead: Semi-Professional Day Saver.
Much to her parents' despair, she avidly set about creating her various crime fighting costumes from curtains, furniture and whatever random items she could salvage whilst rummaging through the wardrobes.
After watching Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade she was set upon the idea of naming herself after the family dog.
Screen Shot: If there was one, I'd be dressed like a kid from Fame.
For fun, it would be nice to see who all plays on Union, and a little bit about their character(s). Use the template below, borrowed from CoH itself, if you wish, and let us get to know your characters. Also, pass it on to others who play on Union as well! Thanks.
Distinguishing Marks:
Brief Summary:
Screen Shot: