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  1. Tonight (Friday 22nd July) I shall be holding a costume competition at 7pm (UK time) under the statue in Atlas Park.

    I had originally hoped to do something more creative but circumstances are such that I haven't been able to organise anything more spectacular.

    The prize fund is in excess of 2 billion inf and there shall be four categories;

    Animal (fairly self explanatory) 1st prize 300 million
    Steampunk (because who doesn't like a bit of steampunk) 1st prize 300 million
    Comedy (combination of name and costume) 1st prize 500 million
    Tragedy (whilst not necessarily demanding tragedy this is for all you 'serious' heroes out there; biography may be taken into consideration) 1st prize 750 million

    Second prizes shall be in the form of one (or possibly two if I am feeling generous) crafted purple IO's and third prize shall be 10% of first prize.

    If your character fits in multiple categories then you are welcome to enter for all that apply (special bonus points if you can create a steampunk badger with an amusing name and tragic backstory)

    Good luck!
  2. I had totally forgotten about the RPS tournaments. May have to include that somehow!

    PvP is, alas, totally out as it is not something I have ever enjoyed so I doubt I would enjoy it myself.

    I would love to do a sort of hide and seek event, but I suspect that would take more assistance and organisation than I am currently able to bring to the task. I shall think some more on it.

    I definitely see something being done at level 1 so that everyone can take part.
  3. I have found myself, over recent times, having less fun with City of Heroes. I have been here for almost 7 years and have greatly enjoyed my time however I have gotten into a habit of play that is not encouraging me to carry on. One of the reasons I think I have reached this state is that I have too much influence and too much stuff hoarded in my base. I am planning on taking a small break before coming back to see if my enjoyment is renewed but before that I thought I would get rid of a lot of the stuff I have hoarded so when I come back I don't have the comfortable cushion of material wealth for my characters to relax on.

    With this in mind I intend to hold a competition soon™ details of which I have yet to pin down (suggestions of what would make a fun competition welcome).

    Prize fund shall be;

    Access to my base which will allow you to raid from the hoard of 133 rare invention salvage, 171 crafted IO's (mostly sets crafted at level 50), 19 crafted purple IO's


    2 billion inf

    The provisional date for this will be the 22nd July
  4. I was on a league about to do Keyes when I crashed. Once I managed to reload I attempted to re-join but the instance could not be found.

    'I know', I thought, ' I will use the queue system, mark myself as willing to join trials in progress and get in that way'.

    Needless to say this didn't work and they finished with unclaimed spaces in the league
  5. Days_

    I enjoyed that!

    Have just finished my first completed run of the new trial and I have to say, now that I have figured out what is going on, I had great fun!

    Once everyone figures out what to do when I think, much like BAF, it will be more widely appreciated (of course this presumes that, at the moment, it isn't which seems to be the current most-voiced opinion)
  6. I have found in the past that complaining about not getting a purple in ages usually results in me getting a purple drop fairly soon after.

    In an effort to test my theory...

    I haven't had a purple drop in ages and have never received one whilst on a trial. In fact the last time I got a purple drop was before trials existed!

    *looks forward to getting one or two purples during next play session...*
  7. I really did love that trailer.

    I would have bought the pack regardless but now I really want it having seen the trailer.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Quaver View Post
    Seems Americans like their cheesey snacks differently cus I'm still @Quaver
    to be fair, they call quavers eighth notes which is very silly if you ask me as they are an eighth of a half of a half but I shall quieten the music geek in me for a moment.

    I am fortunately still @Days but my second account has to be renamed.
  9. Days_


    Originally Posted by Shadowe View Post
    Congratulations on your new levelling pact!
    I wish my marriage was like a levelling pact... it would give me another 17 years before I hit my 40th birthday!
  10. Apparently my ticket has been sent to The European Support Team...

    I didn't even know they still existed...
  11. Days_


    Fantastic news.

    Congratulations to the happy couple!
  12. I have, twice now. Each time I was told that my account has all the appropriate rewards. Interestingly, my US account shows 18 months played time, but no vet rewards at all...
  13. When veteran rewards were first granted the time spent playing on the US servers before the EU servers existed was taken into account.

    I haven't received a new veteran reward in over a year now and have been informed that I won't receive another for a further year. By my calculations this means that the time I spent on my US account has not been taken into consideration.

    Have any other EU people had their US time discounted or am I actually missing out on legitimate vets?
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
    So why have Threads AND Shards? Why not one or the other but not both?

    It's ridiculous and bloated and flies in the face of why they got rid of Base Salvage in the first place
    The reason for not just having shards is that some people have amassed a vast stock of shards (I haven't been trying and I have almost 200 on one character) so if shards were to be used for these next tiers then the cost would either be staggering (putting more casual players off) or people would immediately be able to 'complete' these new slots (putting the hoarders off as they have done it all already).

    It would have been better (and probably more consistent) to have only one form of shard/thread but because of the staggered implementation there has to be two (and I wouldn't be surprised if a third came along for the next block of slots made available to us)
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post

    Also: When you disagree with someone, it is bad form to come out and say "your belief is wrong". If you disagree with me, that's fine. But disagreeing does not automatically make you right, and stating that I am wrong simply because you disagree with me is displaying a distinct lack of respect on your own part.
    I agree totally. I was not saying that your belief was wrong, I was mis-attributing to you a quote from the original post which I had quoted. It was my mistake which I freely admit to.

    With the CEO example I would respect the CEO. However I would not respect him more than I would respect any other person just because of his job. Depending on the CEO's actions he may gain greater respect but then so may the random other unnamed person with whom I have made a comparison.

    It does seem to be two slightly different definitions of respect. Where my stance comes from is looking at the negative connotations of the phrase 'having no respect for'. To me, someone who has no respect whatsoever must have done something terribly unpleasant to deserve such a status rather than a person who I have yet to encounter.

    And yes, respect is more than just being polite but being polite to someone is a sign of respect.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by HardRider View Post
    Respec is never given its earnt..
    What about a Freespec?
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
    But, I don't automatically expect people to respect me either, because it wouldn't be fair to expect something from someone I haven't given in return yet.

    Being courteous and polite to people costs me nothing, though, and is a good place to start when interacting with strangers.
    And yet with your statement (you'r belief is wrong) you do expect to be respected. If you, and therefore your opinion, is not to be respected until such a time as you have proven yourself worthy or respect then what is the point of voicing an opinion?

    I think the conflict here may just be a different idea of what 'respect' entails. For me being courteous and polite is a part of being respectful and, from what you say, you are respectful when interacting with strangers. What differs is possibly the level of respect. If someone has done something that raises them in your eyes you gain more respect for them and that is good. What I argue is that if you say all respect has to be earned then, until that respect is earned, you have no respect for a person. And, as a corollary you expect no respect from anybody until you have proven yourselves to them.

    I don't think that respect is either fully there or non-existent but nor can I quantify a sliding scale of respect. What I do think is that a certain level of respect should automatically be shared rather than the very arrogant sounding argument of 'you must earn my respect'.

    A semantic argument, yes, but it is important to me.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post

    Your belief is wrong. Respect is something that is earned and maintained. It's far, far easier to lose than to build up. And once you lose it, its much harder to win it back.
    I know this is totally at a tangent, but I am not convinced that this particular belief is so wrong. I used to be of the opinion that respect had to be earned until someone pointed out something very simple.

    The idea that your respect is so valuable that other people have to earn it suggests two things. One; that you think a great deal of yourself and Two; that other people should respect you instantly in order to want to gain your respect.

    In my opinion respect should be a given. Yes, it is very easily lost and very hard to win back but to think less of someone because they haven't yet proven something to you seems rather... disrespectful?
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Neon Vixen View Post
    Now if you can sell it to me as someone who only plays one server I'm willing to listen...
    What about the future possibility of cross server teaming? We get to stay on our own 'home' server yet have the opportunity of teaming with a far greater number of people for a specific task.

    No I don't know how it would work and I would presume that you still have some control over who you would team with but if cross-server teaming came into place then the chances of not finding a team for a specific task would be far smaller after a server-list merge.
  20. So what happens if the @Nights logs in to discover a US account is also @Nights.

    As there is already a global @Night she will become @Nigh.

    But if there is also a US @Night who becomes @Nigh and who becomes @***?
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post

    "A good day out with your mates to get totally carparked"
    I never knew you were posh, Damz! Only posh people can use random words to mean intoxicated e.g. trousered, gazeboed, artichoked and (apparently) carparked...
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scootertwo View Post
    No you can't cause even people that play it can't explain it to other people.
    Nah, Cricket is easy to explain. It goes like this;

    You have two sides, one out in the field and one in. Each man that's in the side that's in goes out, and when he's out he comes in and the next man goes in until he's out. When they are all out, the side that's out comes in and the side that's been in goes out and tries to get those coming in, out. Sometimes you get men still in and not out.
    When a man goes out to go in, the men who are out try to get him out, and when he is out he goes in and the next man in goes out and goes in. There are two men called umpires who stay out all the time and they decide when the men who are in are out.
    When both sides have been in and all the men have been out, and both sides have been out twice after all the men have been in, including those who are not out, that is the end of the game.

  23. Could there not be a better pangram than that one to use?
  24. Every time I launch the updater it just sits there connecting. It is currently at connecting..#34

    I just want to play!
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post

    We three Kins of this Pug group are...
    Boosting speed; that's all 'least so far...
    Allies shouting
    Tempers mounting
    Stone tanker's got the star...

    Tanker's running in slow mo'...
    Sprint is on but he won't go...
    I'm aborting..
    Try teleporting..
    Hours 'til we reach mission goal...

    I am almost inspired to create a new character; Good Kin Wenceslas...