I enjoyed that!
What I don't understand is:
"Why would I want to do it"
BAF/Lamb provide the same rewards for less investiture and less frustration. IMHO is seems to shift the effort required further into herding other players and away from just doing your job.
my lil RWZ Challenge vid
I really enjoyed the Keyes. It requires more teamwork and communication, but it's frantic and fun and felt like more of the good kind of challenge without the squishy punishment of the Lambda.
You want to know the secret of the world? It's this: Save it, and it'll repay you, every second of every day.
@Dr. Reverend - My DeviantArt Gallery
Crow Call - Gods of the Golden Age
I really enjoyed the Keyes. It requires more teamwork and communication, but it's frantic and fun and felt like more of the good kind of challenge without the squishy punishment of the Lambda.
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)
Just wrapped up two runs, one of which I lead, and they both were a ton of fun. I'll be honest, I'm a sucker for gameplay gimmicks, so the sheer number of them in the Keyes trial excited me to no end. I also loved the difficulty. These things are supposed to be challenges worthy of beings of godlike power, and while Lambda SOMETIMES feels like that, the BAF has gotten so simple I can just turn my monitor off, mash buttons, and still probably come out with a victory. I also liked how it worked the need for healers back into the game. It's become so easy to softcap resistance and defense on a full team now that heals kind of seem pointless, and I always like seeing a new bit of content revitalize an underused build or archetype (cough cough, maybe the next trial could involve being stealthy. Give stalkers something to do...)
Plus it has giant orbital kill lasers, which make everything 20% cooler.
Stealth is actually fairly useful for when getting the glowies in stage one and three.
"Men strunt �r strunt och snus �r snus
om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."
What we do:
Stage 1:
- Team 1 clears the mobs on ground floor while getting the glowies
- Team 2 + 3 clears the mobs infront of the terminals
- Once all glowies are gotten its just a simple case of using them while a tank is keeping anti busy
- All 3 teams clears the mobs ASAP before anti-matter arrives
- While tank is keeping anti busy, all players clear a floor.
- Once the floor is cleared, the tank pulls anti over to each terminal so they can be used.
- Go up and a floor and rinse/repeat
- 3 players with stealth powers camp inside the bunkers while the other players keep anti busy + clear the floors.
- Once all glowies collected, those 3 players then go to the terminals where anti will be pulled too.
- Floor by floor again head up slowly.
- Kill.
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
It's a great mission.
It's a shame I'll have to play it unit I hate it.
What I don't understand is:
"Why would I want to do it" BAF/Lamb provide the same rewards for less investiture and less frustration. IMHO is seems to shift the effort required further into herding other players and away from just doing your job. |
That is all.
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I just finished a Keyes trial with a group that didn't know what it was doing, and the league leader didn't even know he had the star until halfway through. (At which point he promptly gave it away.)
We managed to get organized and turn things around, even completing the trial successfully!
I think we'll have a rough time, until enough people (1) learn how to lead it, and (2) enough people can figure out their roles without having to be told in the first place. Then we'll be doing it like clockwork.
I just finsihed it on Defiant server - my first every run through, and it went really well - Anti-matter's ranting and twirling in the cutscene was also awesome
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Just finished the Keyes Island Trial a while ago myself, and I must applaud the devs for their work on it.
The entire trial was exquisitely done. I had more fun on it than I had on either the BAF or the Lamda before (and I happen to thoroughly enjoy both of them). Even with a league that was completely clueless, the deaths were minimal and everything ran smoothly after we got about halfway through and started figuring things out.
This trial may turn out to be the easiest one to complete once everyone knows what to do.
Just finished the Keyes Island Trial a while ago myself, and I must applaud the devs for their work on it.
The entire trial was exquisitely done. I had more fun on it than I had on either the BAF or the Lamda before (and I happen to thoroughly enjoy both of them). Even with a league that was completely clueless, the deaths were minimal and everything ran smoothly after we got about halfway through and started figuring things out. This trial may turn out to be the easiest one to complete once everyone knows what to do. |
Personally, with the final phase, I don't think there is much point in worrying about entanglement, unless you're getting hit with disintegrate.
Let's Dance!
I wouldn't say that, I will say I am decidedly surprised at people being aware of their temp powers in KIR so far. That's a good thing. Time will tell how the final phase gets treated, but it's kind of interesting so far.
Personally, with the final phase, I don't think there is much point in worrying about entanglement, unless you're getting hit with disintegrate. |
As to the temp power statement: It helps that the Power Cells drop automatically into the tray. All the times I've done the Lamda, I've had to keep an eye on my power tab to drop the acid/grenade into my tray, but not so with the Keyes. Makes it as idiot-proof as you can get.
Day one of Keyes has gone much smoother than Day One of BAF/Lam. The "yawn. . . . all content is too easy" posts should start even more quickly this round.
My Characters
I think we'll have a rough time, until enough people (1) learn how to lead it, and (2) enough people can figure out their roles without having to be told in the first place. Then we'll be doing it like clockwork.
As to the temp power statement: It helps that the Power Cells drop automatically into the tray. All the times I've done the Lamda, I've had to keep an eye on my power tab to drop the acid/grenade into my tray, but not so with the Keyes. Makes it as idiot-proof as you can get.
Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper
Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World
I think, as far as the temp. powers and people using them, it might be because people are actively either being told to look for them (yes that happens in Lambda) but also because 2 out of 3 phases they are clicking on glowies and maybe that sticks out to people more instead of just blowing things up and getting a temp power.
But yes, I finished my first KIR trial tonight (I was the lead) and it was fun. People followed directions and we barely made it through (had like a little more than 1 min left to defeat AM)! A few got a Very Rare or Rares It was fun.
Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991
yep, i gotta say, I quite liked it myself, despite my connection playing games with me. The antimatter fight was a lot of fun.
I personally dont mind more trials. sure you run them till you are tired of them, as you say, but at least a nother trial gives a little more flavour
Combat Kangaroos, Justice Server. First 50's
Jirra Roo Plant/Storm/Stone/Musculature Controller
Combat Kangaroo Rifle/Energy/Mace/Spiritual Blaster
Kung Fu Kangaroo Martial Arts/Reflexes/Body/Spiritual Scrapper
Tribal Arc Shield/Elec/Mu/Spiritual Tanker
Currently, my only Incarnate is a blaster, so Entanglement doesn't really bother me. Most of the time I'm hover-blasting, but when I do get in there to drop burn and Rain of Fire, I'm in and out, so I barely notice any ill effects of the Entanglement.
As to the temp power statement: It helps that the Power Cells drop automatically into the tray. All the times I've done the Lamda, I've had to keep an eye on my power tab to drop the acid/grenade into my tray, but not so with the Keyes. Makes it as idiot-proof as you can get. |
Personally, with KIR, I find it more likely to end up with 10+ temp powers, which does make it difficult even with autoplops.
Anycase, I'm not sure if it's an incident of it's new so people are trying harder, or if it's a case of people having to pay more attention. I can only hope it does lend itself to more folks paying attention to their temp powers [still would like a better system for handling in trial temps mind you, but I'll take folks paying attention ].
Let's Dance!
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
I dunno, maybe I should have read the guides, or it might have helped if we'd had a better leader to understand things faster.
Eventually it all made sense, but the rinse and repeat hospital runs are really, really lame.
1) Pulse of cheaty-hax two-shot death. Yay, hope you brought your rebirth slots, kiddies! And pray you can FIND your team again in the chaos, if people have bothered to group up, so you can be healed.
2) Don't touch Antimatter! Oop, better put pets in Passive mode then, with their trigger happy AoEs! Oh, look, bodyguard mode goes off! Two shotted! Yay!
3) And this is the big one.
WHY do Praetorian mobs have such high base accuracy? Vickies seem to totally ignore defences, and this is with a softcapped MM with T3 Barrier up. BAM. Eye lasered and dead.
Praetorians do NOT need such high accuracy. There are ENOUGH things screwing you over in trials as it is, WITHOUT them having an 'I win button'.
Not touching Keyes again, not until they strip some of the 'cheat' out of it.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
I dunno, maybe I should have read the guides, or it might have helped if we'd had a better leader to understand things faster.
Eventually it all made sense, but the rinse and repeat hospital runs are really, really lame. 1) Pulse of cheaty-hax two-shot death. Yay, hope you brought your rebirth slots, kiddies! And pray you can FIND your team again in the chaos, if people have bothered to group up, so you can be healed. |
Finding your team is easy, there's a mini-map.
2) Don't touch Antimatter! Oop, better put pets in Passive mode then, with their trigger happy AoEs! Oh, look, bodyguard mode goes off! Two shotted! Yay! 3) And this is the big one. WHY do Praetorian mobs have such high base accuracy? Vickies seem to totally ignore defences, and this is with a softcapped MM with T3 Barrier up. BAM. Eye lasered and dead. Praetorians do NOT need such high accuracy. There are ENOUGH things screwing you over in trials as it is, WITHOUT them having an 'I win button'. Not touching Keyes again, not until they strip some of the 'cheat' out of it. |
To each their own but...what do you mean softcapped? 45% def or 59% def? I think it's 59% def is 'softcapped' for the iTrials.
And no matter how much def. you have, there's always a 5% of getting hit....and yes the Vickies hurt heh.
I did a KIR last night and only died a few times (maybe like 4 times)...1-2 of those were from Vickies. It also didn't help that AM was down to like 44/100 HP by the time the 3rd reactor was taken over. So the auto-hit pulse was doing 600-800 dmg (don't remember how much now).
And technically MMs have it 'easier' in a sense because of bodyguard mode doling out the damage you take to your pets; sure that means you have to re-summon pets but...*shrugs*
Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991
I did this for the first time last night. Jebus, I didn't even know what was going on, the League was broken up into God-knows how many different little groups, and Antimatter was all over the place...
Fortunately, we had a dedicated team who took advantage of the general chaos the rest of us were causing and methodically pushed through the trial for us, securing tower after tower until finally we found ourselves face-to-face with Antimatter... Which looks like a difficult fight on paper.
In practice, it's not that tough. You just need to know when to get really, REALLY mean.
My Stories
Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.
Have just finished my first completed run of the new trial and I have to say, now that I have figured out what is going on, I had great fun!
Once everyone figures out what to do when I think, much like BAF, it will be more widely appreciated (of course this presumes that, at the moment, it isn't which seems to be the current most-voiced opinion)