Veteran rewards and passport badge
Yeah, sort of.
I contacted then when they added the vet rewards, because i were missing about 9 months of playtime then, they corrected the issue after i had to explain addition to the support staff, 21+9 = 30, not 21.
Then when they made some changes to the vet rewards and i stopped getting them. Contacted support again and they changed it to so i got vet rewards based on my starting date, it was true enough, i was only missing a month i think.
Works fine now, got my 84 month badge last month.
You should try contact support and explain the problem, they've fixed several with that issue.

I have, twice now. Each time I was told that my account has all the appropriate rewards. Interestingly, my US account shows 18 months played time, but no vet rewards at all...
I had the same thing happen, contacted support and they sorted it out. The rewards seem to be dropping fine now.
My own personal theory is that it relates back to that bug when people had extra months credited to their rewards a while back. My suspicion is that whatever fix they ran to find those accounts and freeze rewards until they had been earned messed up the added US time.
However, it turned out that Smith was not a time-travelling Terminator
When they introduced the new veteran reward system last year it seemed to break things for all of us transferees. You will need to contact support and don't take no for an answer. They may tell you that transferring from US to EU never happened and I can give you some links to pass on to them if that's the case
Octavian Vanguard
@ohmsEU and @ohms 2
Badging character: Bimble on the Union server, and City Info Tracker.
When they introduced the new veteran reward system last year it seemed to break things for all of us transferees. You will need to contact support and don't take no for an answer. They may tell you that transferring from US to EU never happened and I can give you some links to pass on to them if that's the case
![]() |

I then asked where the Passport badge came from and how come i had it.

Haha they tried that on me too
![]() I then asked where the Passport badge came from and how come i had it. |

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀
Apparently my ticket has been sent to The European Support Team...
I didn't even know they still existed...
It's good for you that they resolved your account status and it was good that you were able to use the fact that you have the Passport badge as part of the evidence for your case. But since I know of a handful of NA players who got Passport "by accident" without ever transferring to the EU servers it's kind of a minor miracle you got away with using your Passport badge as "proof" of anything.
![]() |
they havent mentioned anything other than that though, but it may be possible that once it is brought back, that the badge wont be enough leverage in your case

supposedly they have mentioned brining the passport badge back after they get the server list merge sorted out
But apparently the Devs quickly decided against that because they didn't want to encourage the idea that all you had to do was pay for a server transfer to get a badge, or in simpler terms they didn't want us to effectively "pay money for a badge". Positron famously ridiculed the idea and joked in a closed beta forum that he would just have to rename such a badge the "I paid real money for this badge" Badge. They came up with the "NA to EU" deal as an alternative to this.
So it will be interesting to see what the fate of the Passport badge will be after the server list merge is settled. If the Devs decide to go back to the original "awarded upon any server transfer" idea then this will go back to the exact situation Positron wanted to avoid. But if the Passport badge isn't modified to work that way then in what way will it work?
Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀
I hope when they do the server list merge they at least give us the option to merge our US and EU accounts if we already have a US account (characters and supergroups mostly, but veteran rewards too)... Otherwise it's kind of like a reverse veteran reward punishment for supporting the game early on (when city of villains came out) on my EU account ...
They really should let us move our characters/supergroups to US account if they truly care, it would be way way more appreciated than pets and stuff!
<-- Bit the bullet and made a new US account and joined Virtue about a year ago when I saw that there were loads and loads and loads of people making the UK&EU servers look even more dead in comparison, feels a bit like I'm being punished for recognising what it apparently took NCsoft years to notice :( Kinda wish I had waited one more year before coming back to the game now :(
I hope when they do the server list merge they at least give us the option to merge our US and EU accounts if we already have a US account (characters and supergroups mostly, but veteran rewards too)... Otherwise it's kind of like a reverse veteran reward punishment for supporting the game early on (when city of villains came out) on my EU account ...
You can always try to contact customer support and see what your options are. But now that the difference between a NA server and an EU server is meaningless I sadly doubt they're going to be able to help you with this.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
When the Passport badge was first added to the game, the server transfer system didn't even exist...

Initially Passport was intended to be awarded for ANY server transfer and was installed into the game long before any transfers happened anywhere. This is when the handful of lucky NA players managed to get awarded Passport "by accident" due to some kind of bug that let them get it auto-magically when the badge was first slipped into the game.
But as time worn on and the Devs still hadn't managed to get the general server transfer feature working an opportunity arose to "re-purpose" the lingering Passport badge for the transfers to the new EU servers. The Devs managed to get those one-time transfers from the NA to EU servers going BEFORE the general server transfer feature was working.
So by the time the general server transfer feature finally arrived the Passport badge had been locked into the whole "one-time NA to EU transfer" scheme and was unavailable for its original purpose.
Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀
Maybe they should remove all the passport badges since the characters that got them are effectively going home again.
(I kid! I kid!)
The passport badge (along with a couple of free character slots) were given to us as incentive/compensation for losing all our inf (except what we could carry in SOs), prestige and SG bases when we made the move from US to EU. Of course, Issue 9 combined with reactivation weekends let us recover most of the inf, less a 10% fee
Octavian Vanguard
@ohmsEU and @ohms 2
Badging character: Bimble on the Union server, and City Info Tracker.
The passport badge (along with a couple of free character slots) were given to us as incentive/compensation for losing all our inf (except what we could carry in SOs), prestige and SG bases when we made the move from US to EU. Of course, Issue 9 combined with reactivation weekends let us recover most of the inf, less a 10% fee
![]() |
They also didn't have the ability to get more than 8 (or 12, for a CoH/CoV combo account) character slots until May 2008, so they couldn't possibly have given you free character slots for an NA->EU server transfer.
Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093
I thought they closed down the NA->EU server transfers very shortly after City of Villains launched, making the transfer of SG bases and prestige pretty much useless (since that's when bases and prestige first came into play)? It was definitely shut down by March 2007. And didn't they just transfer your characters over as-is, with your inventory completely intact?
They also didn't have the ability to get more than 8 (or 12, for a CoH/CoV combo account) character slots until May 2008, so they couldn't possibly have given you free character slots for an NA->EU server transfer. |
Octavian Vanguard
@ohmsEU and @ohms 2
Badging character: Bimble on the Union server, and City Info Tracker.
But apparently the Devs quickly decided against that because they didn't want to encourage the idea that all you had to do was pay for a server transfer to get a badge, or in simpler terms they didn't want us to effectively "pay money for a badge". Positron famously ridiculed the idea and joked in a closed beta forum that he would just have to rename such a badge the "I paid real money for this badge" Badge. They came up with the "NA to EU" deal as an alternative to this.
Turns out the joke is on me as I used the same account name for my NA account and now my EU account is going to be renamed in the upcoming merge because of this one-use NA account.

But this was exactly what happened, I know I'm not the only one who opened a NA account for a month simply just to create and transfer a character to my EU account thus paying money for a badge.
Turns out the joke is on me as I used the same account name for my NA account and now my EU account is going to be renamed in the upcoming merge because of this one-use NA account. ![]() |

As a player who enjoys badging I don't have anything against people willing to transfer servers and/or pay for badges in principle. Years ago I weighed the pros and cons of transferring my main badging character to an EU server to get Passport but decided as much as I would have liked another badge I had too many ties to my friends and SGs of my home server.
At this point I've pretty much accepted that Passport may be a badge I'll never have. But obviously I remain hopeful that there will eventually be a new way to get it eventually. If it happens it happens, if it doesn't it doesn't.
Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀
I know there were people several years ago who temporarily transferred characters to other servers just to take advantage of leftover IoPs to get the Power Liberator badge.

I never really regretted it, but I probably wouldn't do it again. It was, after all, literally a waste of money.
For some reason, I had it in my head that CoV launched on Halloween 2006. My bad.
Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093
Likely Infinity, as there was a VG there that hosted an event of opening up their leftover IoP for raids. I hosted a handful of Freedomites for a stay for that, including Turgenev.
"I wish my life was a non-stop Hollywood movie show,
A fantasy world of celluloid villains and heroes."
They got $40 from me over that. I moved both my Victory hero and villain badgers over to another server (Freedom, maybe? It's been a while...) and back in order to get Power Liberator.
![]() I never really regretted it, but I probably wouldn't do it again. It was, after all, literally a waste of money. |

Remember there were several years there where we had absolutely no guarantee there was ever going be any other way to get Power Liberator. No one knew when or if the Devs would ever bring back the CoP Trial at all. So lots of people had to make the choice as to whether it was worth it or not to transfer characters to other servers to take advantage of the last IoP opportunities like Ms. Mesmer mentioned.
In the grand scheme of things I was one of those people who choose NOT to do that. It wasn't really an issue of spending the money - lord knows I've spent far more on much sillier things in my time. The main thing that held me back was my seniority in my SG at the time. I weighed all the pros and cons and at the end of the day I simply choose not to do it. I had no serious delusions or expectations at the time that we would ever get the reworked CoP Trial that we now have. I fully accepted that I would never have Power Liberator at that point.
Now of course as it turned out I and many others got lucky that the Devs did in fact finally give us the reworked CoP Trial. In the long run I traded not having the Power Liberator badge for like 4 years for saving a few dollars in transfer fees. But it's not like I can seriously say I was smarter than you or that I "won" the gamble because again I accepted the very reasonable probability that I'd never have the badge.
All-in-all it was an interesting scenario that could have easily gone either way.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀
Likely Infinity, as there was a VG there that hosted an event of opening up their leftover IoP for raids. I hosted a handful of Freedomites for a stay for that, including Turgenev.
Good times. Doing that event sparked off a wanderlust for me to go to Champion for about 2 months. I was planning on an all-servers tour, but then I got homesick. XD

@TURGENEV - Freedom Server / IRON / B.A.N.E / HORDE

Turg Fiction: Ghost in the Machine Acts III & IV coming 2012!
Turg Fiction: IX is now LIVE on Architect Entertainment!
When veteran rewards were first granted the time spent playing on the US servers before the EU servers existed was taken into account.
I haven't received a new veteran reward in over a year now and have been informed that I won't receive another for a further year. By my calculations this means that the time I spent on my US account has not been taken into consideration.
Have any other EU people had their US time discounted or am I actually missing out on legitimate vets?