293 -
Quote:I just wanted to repeat this.You guys aren't just developers. You aren't just artists, writers, and code monkeys. Each and every one of you are family to us. The game may be going away, but I don't think the bonds we've forged will break so easily. This community has done great things together, and will continue to do so long after the lights have gone dark in Paragon, the Rogue Isles, and all points in between.
YOU CREATED THAT! Walk tall. Stand proud. You are all gods amongst men...and wherever you go, whatever you do next, we will stand with you.
-Hawthorne Grimm
This was my first MMO. I played this game for over 6 years, made dozens if not hundreds of characters, 16 of which made it to level 50. I've flown, leapt and teleported over this city so many times I know it better than the real life places I've lived.
I will miss you all, terribly.
Thank you.
http://cit.cohtitan.com/profile/60 -
Quote:Did you make that up yourself? Or just believe some random dude on Twitter?Apparently you can't buy GW2 currently because they've had some massive phishing issue that's compromised their database. Never seen a game come pre-hacked before.
There is a lot of phishing going on, but it's only affecting those dumb enough to click links on emails or who use the same email/pwd for multiple sites/games.
If you read what Arenanet have actually said, they've suspended direct digital sales because the servers are full and they want to slow the number of new users. You can still buy the game from 3rd party retailers however.
I know you're bitter about the end of this game, but seriously, take the time to verify the random nonsense you see flying round the internet before you post. -
Rocket packs! Please tell me you get flames out of them when you fly, that would be awesome.
Edit: **actually reads thread**
Quote:W00t!They've already said yes, they will animate when flying.
ClockworkO1 said he'd look into animating while jumping.
__________________ -
I don't think I've been this sad to see a mod leave since we lost Bridger.
You have always been immensely helpful and approachable, a great advocate for the EU community even after you went to teh Americans.
May you and yours continue to find great adventure out there, wherever you go! -
Yup, I logged in all 30 of my Defiant heroes last night to get the gift giving badge and most of them had their trays reset.
Thanks devs.
Quote:Which is odd because I've found it to be at least an order of magnitude faster. I guess it may vary by ISP or geographic location. Maybe the old updater was particularly slow from my location in the UK.I've found that the NCsoft Launcher is slower than the old updater.
I also set the updater to close on launch, but then I don't remember the last time the game or the updater crashed on me. -
Currently the only attuned items available are the SBEs which also happen to be account bound. I'm sure that they can make items with either one of those attributes removed if they wanted to.
[/pedant] -
Thanks for doing this VK. I went to watch the recordings and the first panel gets to 27:24 in where Z decides to move the camera back, he utters the fateful words "lemme turn this..." and the video ends
The next video is completely different people eating lunch (the endgame/incarnate panel)
Bah, the incarnate panel is also truncated at 26:55
Z, Have you accidentally installed some trial version of Ustream or something or is your machine cutting us off? It's a shame, it looked like there would have been some interesting information in these videos.
**sad panda** -
You can't do the colours anymore but displaying the afk message as you type is still doable.
I use the following binds:
ENTER "afk trying to type....$$show chat$$startchat"
BACKSPACE "afk trying to reply....$$autoreply" -
Quote:Actually I think the loyalty program is an obvious and desperate attempt to prevent to many subs wandering off to a galaxy far, far away.So I was just talking to some friends last night about how my VIP status ends on Dec 16th since we probably won't see new incarnate tiers until late spring/early summer. Ironically that happens to be around when the loyalty program ends also. Makes ya think. This is probably just a last ditch attempt to keep people subbed while they continue to release content at a snails pace.
It has actually made me think twice about dropping to premium come December 20th but with all the nonsense going on with the paragon market (you want me to gamble for costume pieces, errr, no thanks) and their total inability to get the account reward systems straight (I still don't have my 6 year vet badge a month after it was due) I'm not sure it's enough. -
I'll definitely be at Herocon, just as soon as they host it in the UK.
If I told the missus to look after the kids while I nip over to the States for the weekend I think she'd have a fit.
*Is still gutted I didn't get to the Omega Sektor meet. -
Quote:I absolutely agree, but the problem is one of perspective.Many returning players have asked why this kind of thing didn't exist, as they're used to it existing in other "F2P/hybrid" games they returned from to look at Freedom. While I realize there are some implementation details to work out, I think it would behoove you guys to look into something along these lines into play. I say that because what these premiums I know are doing is looking at what their options are, seeing they can't use IOs without paying, and then leaving again.
While the "off-the-cuff" response to that may be "well, they weren't going to pay anyway, so who cares?", the reason it matters is that if they aren't playing at all, there's no hope of selling them other stuff. Making a few bucks of of them every couple of months is better than making nothing at all.
NCSoft/Paragon Studios have never seen Freedom as a F2P/Hybrid game even though it's been marketed as such. In their eyes it's still a subscription game but now has an extended trial and an online store.
Those of us who have played other hybrid model games can see the difference in attitude... -
Quote:Ah, it's been a long time since I used Ad-Aware, it was the go-to product back in the dayMicrosoft Security Essentials + Malwarebytes.
I'd caution against Ad-Aware, as apparently they were purchased earlier this year by a shady company:
It's been a long time since I needed to clean anything off my machines. Adblock and NoScript = Win! (and never install a browser toolbar ) -
Yeah, it sounds like you're infected with something.
Assuming you are running Windows of some flavour go and get a decent anti-virus/anti-malware product. I suggest Microsoft Security Essentials (http://windows.microsoft.com/en-GB/w...ity-essentials) or perhaps Adaware Free (http://www.lavasoft.com/products/ad_aware_free.php)
Also, please make sure you are regularly patching your machine, just set Windows Update to automatic and make sure all the urgent updates are installed.
Check out Secunia Personal Software Inspector (http://secunia.com/vulnerability_scanning/personal/) to help ensure all the software on your machine is patched and up to date.
Lastly, make sure you are running a decent up to date browser. If you are using IE make sure it's up to date through Windows Update. Alternatively use something like Chrome that keeps itself patched. -
Those are awesome sketches. Shame they aren't a smidge bigger, some of them would make tremendous desktop wallpapers
No, it's happening to lots of people since the last bug-ridden patch
http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=277839 -
Ok, who "designed" the new Collect menu? They need to be dragged outside and beaten with their own keyboard
Did anyone actually test this at anything other than a window scale of 100%? Rubbish.
And if you actually try to open it, it's totally unreadable (can't get a screenshot with the menu open). It sits on top of everything else. Utterly useless.
Seriously, go hire someone who knows how to design UI. -
Quote:This is my problem with this too. If they made the in-game ones work the same way, or even just let the set bonuses work when exemplared then I wouldn't be so bothered about them selling these to people who have more money than sense.To be honest my problem isn't with selling IOs it's with the fact that the IOs being sold are superior. If they were identical to regular IOs I'd be perfectly fine with it.
I actually have an AE ticket farmer locked at level 30 just to generate recipes because the mid-level supply is so poor. If level 50 IOs kept their set bonuses down to the minimum level of the set then that would relieve much of the market pressure. I guess that won't happen because then even fewer people would buy them for real money in the store. -
Quote:I'm with Ultimus on this one, the new expanded view makes it harder to skim the entries to see when the posts were made and by whom. I can also now see fewer search results "above the fold".I noticed they recently changed the way the Dev and Community digest appear. Is it possible to still use the old view? I hate seeing the summary of the thread the post is in.
Quote:It doesn't, I merely pointed out it nullified all the RMT arguments people were making.How does the accounts being on the same Master Account resolve any of the issues concerning the seperate accounts not having the same "perks" unlocked? Accounts on a Master account are frequently used by different people in the same household.
As for the differences in account perks, I think you're entirely correct. It's way too much effort and hassle for Paragon Studios to offer this service. -
Surely if both accounts had to be on the same NCSoft master account the whole RMT argument is nullified? I still don't see them bothering because unless the fee they charged was astronomical it would not be worth the dev resources.
The eventual response to my ticket was "This is a known issue. We are working on it and hope to have it resolved soon."
Not the answer I wanted but they seem to have screwed up so many back end systems with Freedom that I'm not surprised.