Is the 'Build Workshop' Useless?
Agreed. It feels dead
I never use this section, if I want answers or help on builds I goto the appropriate AT forum.
So in response to your question, yes it is.
The problem Ive found with using the search-fu is that it doesnt work.
If someone posts a build for a DM/SR brute good luck finding it.
Type in the search field DM/SR (and we KNOW those exist) and you get nothing.
Either the search-fu doesnt allow 5 or less characters or doesnt like the '/'. Either way our default way of referring to powersets is in this fassion %primary%/%secondary% so the search should be changed to allow these terms to be found.
I think what should have happened (but I can see why it didnt) is all current "build review" posts should have been moved to this new forum. If someone has a post that isnt a build review but instead a powerset or AT discussion they could submit for it to be put back.
I've voiced my displeasure with this forum elsewhere, and it is my intention to do what small part I can in killing this forum by only providing feedback to builds posted in the appropriate AT forum section. Although I can't speak to the motivation of other build feedback givers, it appears that several prominent voices, for whatever reason, have opted not to respond to posts in this forum as well.
Draggynn on Virtue: lvl 50 Storm/Psi, 1389 badges
Draggynn's Guide to Storm Summoning(Gale-Tornado, updated 6/25/2011)
Avatar by Wassy full reference here
Search-fu is pretty useless. put in DM/Regen and the first post you get back is about a Time/Fire build >.<
I often find searching the forums with Google to return better results than the built in search feature. A search for " DM/Regen" brings up a page full of what looks like Scrapper forum posts (although I didn't drill down into them). You can further limit by date so you don't get a bunch of old posts.
you're making an open ended discussion thread in a subforum to talk about how nobody reads that particular subforum?
@Dysc, on virtue:
Virtue blues: Overnight (DP/MM), Kid Ridiculous (FC/rad), Panorama (Ill/time)
Virtue reds: Block Party (SS/SD), Goldcrush (earth/fire), Deadwire (claws/elec), Snowcrush (ice/kin)
you're making an open ended discussion thread in a subforum to talk about how nobody reads that particular subforum?
But yeah, it is a pretty silly addition when the mods have been trying to clean up the forums by reducing the number of sub forums and then they go in the exact opposite direction and create the build workshop, which is cool in that they are giving official recognition to Mids' but other than that it wasn't needed.
I personally think builds should stay in the forums of the AT in which they belong.
If I'm looking for help on my Blaster, for instance, I shouldn't have to sift through builds of other Archetypes.
Build Workshop, while a good idea in theory, (I can see Premium and F2P's having a spot to go to for inspirations without having to deal with the search captcha if you're not logged in,) just further subdivides the forums.
Simpler is always better.
Search-fu is pretty useless. put in DM/Regen and the first post you get back is about a Time/Fire build >.<

Global: @Master Templar on Freedom.
"This here's my demon face. You see I'm Satan's onion...s-scallion.. 'Minion?' no, not that."
I just now noticed this forum :O
Has it been here long? I always just went to the AT specific ones.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
I think the Dev's wanted the forums to be a place where relatively new players could go for help.
Before Build Workshop was introduced, the MM forums was filled w/ (Bots, Thugs, Demons)/(Traps, FF) build advice... I'd even seen a few repeat builds.
Since Build Workshop, there are still a few builds here and there, but general questions and opinion threads are staying on the front page for longer now.
I think the devs were thinking: "New players should go to the Dominator forum and see questions about how certain procs work in certain powers, and not 'ZOMG soft-cap my perma-dom Fire/Psi'...", e.g
I think the Dev's wanted the forums to be a place where relatively new players could go for help.
Before Build Workshop was introduced, the MM forums was filled w/ (Bots, Thugs, Demons)/(Traps, FF) build advice... I'd even seen a few repeat builds. Since Build Workshop, there are still a few builds here and there, but general questions and opinion threads are staying on the front page for longer now. I think the devs were thinking: "New players should go to the Dominator forum and see questions about how certain procs work in certain powers, and not 'ZOMG soft-cap my perma-dom Fire/Psi'...", e.g |
I'd still rather honestly see the Build Workshop idea being put toward each individual AT rather than being lumped into one sub-forum though.
Only way I can think of to help this subsection forum out is to have a sticky for each AT, similar to how there's a guide stick on each AT forum, and have someone keep it up to date with agreed good builds or something... but a good build is in the eye of the beholder, or however that quote goes, haha.
Ideon's Paragonwiki page
Member of Paragon/Rogue Knights
Arc: 60092 - Supa Rumble in the Park
"Keep living the dream, and never let any jerk tell you what to do."
-- High-Roller
To the OP - Yes it is useless
To those saying they get no results for searches
Do a search for dark melee in the scrapper forum and you will get your results for both sets. Or as was mentioned Google does it better which is what I use as well.
Or maybe they disabled / limited the searches capabilities to push everyone into this forum. Which I would not put past them.
1. Why Soft Cap is Important :
2. Limits:
3. Attack Mechanics:
4. Rule of Five:
The short answer: YEP!
The long answer: Yes. Because it's just a dumping ground with zero organization whatsoever. So anyone looking for AT-specific stuff gets it buried with crap from every other AT out there.
It was basically implemented this way because one community guy asked a couple poorly worded questions to a bunch of newbies who hadn't taken the time to actually learn anything about the forums. As such, their lousy, redundant ideas are now an albatross we're all forced to deal with.
Worse, the actual knowledgeable players realize this, if the community people at Paragon are oblivious. Therefore, it is not, AND WILL NOT be used.
In the interest of limiting confusion, Paragon's community should do itself a favor and axe the build forum. I can understand wanting to give the Mid's guys a venue. But this ain't the way.
The short answer: YEP!
The long answer: Yes. Because it's just a dumping ground with zero organization whatsoever. So anyone looking for AT-specific stuff gets it buried with crap from every other AT out there. It was basically implemented this way because one community guy asked a couple poorly worded questions to a bunch of newbies who hadn't taken the time to actually learn anything about the forums. As such, their lousy, redundant ideas are now an albatross we're all forced to deal with. Worse, the actual knowledgeable players realize this, if the community people at Paragon are oblivious. Therefore, it is not, AND WILL NOT be used. In the interest of limiting confusion, Paragon's community should do itself a favor and axe the build forum. I can understand wanting to give the Mid's guys a venue. But this ain't the way. |
This gives me a warm feeling inside, sorta like cuddling with puppies.....good post.
I'm someone who sometimes responds to review requests Controller and Dominator builds on other boards. These are the only two I feel qualified to credibly talk about. It's too much work to filter through the list here to find the small subset I might comment on. Any personal builds I might post are rarely locked down. I change my builds for my main characters every 6 months or so as the game evolves.
I've voiced my displeasure with this forum elsewhere, and it is my intention to do what small part I can in killing this forum by only providing feedback to builds posted in the appropriate AT forum section. Although I can't speak to the motivation of other build feedback givers, it appears that several prominent voices, for whatever reason, have opted not to respond to posts in this forum as well.
I'd rather see something like this be more of a virtual view onto threads from the other forums that are somehow "tagged" as build suggestion/feedback threads. That way the threads could be created in the AT forums and anyone who wanted to view the whole thing in bulk could just look here.
People wanting to post new threads would need to pick a forum to do it in. I think with the right heading label on the virtual subforum, that wouldn't be too confusing.
American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA
I've noticed that several of the build posts on this thread, despite being on for several days, have recieved no replies to thier build advice request (including mine).
Before the build workshop thread, I've posted builds on the appropriate archetype listing within the forums (i.e., controller builds in the controller archetype forums) and always got a response.
I can understand the use of the Build Workshop is to 1) consolidate builds in one place to faciliate searches and 2) to relive the clutter on the archtype forums.
However, people who need to do a search will probably find what they need with a bit of the search-fu function. And build posts in the archtype forums will get their acute attention but eventually be moved down the list as more contemporary topics get put up.
All in all, putting a build here means that it'll not get the exposure it normally would. Keep this if you like, but I intend on placing builds in other parts of the COH forums when I'm looking for feedback, not here.
-Playing since COH beta and still love the game!