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  1. boppaholic

    SR versus SD

    Originally Posted by Deus_Otiosus View Post
    Just edited my post to add a slightly different idea that struck me afterwards.
    Since there is no worries on costs with these builds, check out the slight tweak I did with yours. I sacrificed a damage proc (in a power I only use for bruising), sacrificed 5% global recharge, 3% Damage (from Obliteration), but gained 3.75% HP, 1.8 Endurance, while still keeping it softcapped. The recharge in shield charge goes down a bit (about 1.5 seconds longer to recharge), but I plan to fix that with your enhancement booster suggestion. Also, our resistance slightly goes up with this new slotting.

    So what's so great? Well we are now HP capped when we use OwtS without having to put a healing enhancement in the power. Our HP before OwtS is at 169.2% or 3170 HP.

    *Note - I also learned how to show enhancement boosts in Mids, YAY, but I don't have any boosts shown in the posted build below*

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  2. boppaholic

    Which is better?

    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    Less redraw if you go with DA.
    And less interrupting of your combo-based system attack chains. When burn is up, you will have to decide if the chain is worth it over the sweetness of burn. Seems undesirable to me.

    With DA, you toggle up and only interrupt if you need to heal. It is technically the most endurance heavy set in terms of toggling everything on. As for CoF, it has the same end/sec cost as death shroud. If you want you can have a damage aura, a to-hit debuffer, and a minion mitigator. It just costs you twice the price to run it. But you have the option of detoggling one of them if you feel it is necessary. If you do this, the set is then on par with any other set in terms of toggle endurance drain... if not better. DA doesn't have an endurance recovery tool, but it does have very high endurance drain resistance (69%?). So no worries about sappers (well, not as much worries).

    Because DB isn't too endurance heavy, I think DA pairs with it very well. Good luck in your decision making and I hope you enjoy dual blades.
  3. boppaholic

    ST damage

    ST Damage isn't enough info though. There are a lot of settings/situations where a single Blaster is causing X amount of DPS. If we are talking solo non-end game situations... Fire and Beam are possible the two best ST DPS sets along with Sonic. Beam and Sonic are hurt by their secondary attacks because the lack of synergy of the secondaries hurts the primaries niches. Beam ramps up with -regen and stacks (I never played it, but I imagine this is where it's getting its extra damage from), when you dip into your secondary for a sweet DPA attack you are causing redraw and more time away from stacking -regen. Sonic is the same way, it doesn't have redraw, but more time away from -res attacks, the less stacking you can do. Both Beam and Sonic ramp up for awesome damage. Fire just is awesome damage.

    Some other context - what is the enemy? Assuming you go up against an AV with equal resistances to all types of damage (so the fact it's Fire, or energy, doesn't make a difference). The AV will resist the -regen, which hurts the Beam Rifle's DPS. Sonic on the other hand will still effectively do the higher DPS, say you have 60% debuffs on the AV, your next attack would do 60% more damage than had you not had any debuffs at all. So against a single hard enemy (one that can resist -regen), Fire and Sonic are the top 2 ST DPS. Fire is still tops.

    If you factor in incarnates (interface DoT procs), Sonic closes the DPS gap against Fire but still comes up short. Why is this? Well any damage procs that an attack has is not affected by damage enhancements... but they are affected by resistance debuffs.

    Let's say Fire does an attack that does 300 base damage, has 100% IO enhancements in it, and has a proc that averages to 30 damage per attack. The Fire's attack would do 300*(1+1)+30 = 630 Damage.
    If you have a Sonic attack that does 200 base damage, has 100% IO enhancement in it, and has a proc that averages to 30 damage per attack. The Sonic attack would do 200*(1+1)+30 = 430 Damage.

    So Fire initially has an advantage ratio of 630:430 or 46.5% more damage than Sonic.

    But say sonic had applied 60% resistance debuffs to the target, then the 430 damage would look like 1.6*(200*(1+1)) + 1.6*30 = 688. So although Fire by raw numbers is far superior than Sonic, the debuffs of sonic can allow its attack to appear stronger than it really is. AND it will make the damage procs appear stronger than it really is.

    I had a thread a while back that compared optimal attack chains between Sonic and Fire, showing that Sonic is very close to Fire... but still comes up a little short. The cast time to the attacks is what prevents the set from doing better... and the fact that the primary attacks rely on the -res debuffs too much to allow secondary superior attacks to interrupt it.

    Final situation: Teams.
    A Fire blaster on a team will do their superior raw DPS. But that's it. Let's say a Fire blaster does 350 DPS (which is great IMO), while another player does 150 DPS raw. That's a total between the team of 500 DPS. (This is a very small team, but it illustrates a bigger point that I'm making later).

    Now lets say a Sonic blaster does only 200 DPS raw, while another player does only 150 DPS raw. Raw damage, they do a combined DPS of only 350. Much worse than the Fire blaster team. But let's assume the Sonic blaster is maintaining a resistance debuff of 50% on the target. The Sonic blaster's DPS now goes up to 200*1.5 = 300. This is still less than the Fire blaster. But the Sonic blaster is also making the teammate do more damage. The teammate's DPS now goes up to 150*1.5 = 225. Combined, they do 525 DPS. So in teams, even in a team of one, the Sonic Blaster can outshine a Fire blaster in terms of ST DPS (Sonic does not have good AoE and would not compete very well with fire, even if we include resistance debuffs).

    Beam Rifle would be very similar to Sonic in the team category as their debuffs improves the effective DPS of each person on the team. However, I still believe it doesn't come close to what Sonic provides.

    As for you question about Ice/Ice it seems like you have a pretty good assessment of it. The /ice isn't worth riding home about, but Ice/ does have 3 good attacks in it's T1, T2, and Bitter Ice Blast. But one thing to keep in mind, you have to factor in inherent (The +Damage that blasters get from each attack) into your attack chain's DPS. So what looks good on paper may not necessarily translate because it may have a weak damage boost for the rest of your attacks. I don't think that's the case for ice, but I just wanted to bring that out.

    Because City of Data is having trouble with showing damage, I can't really give you an assessment of the ST DPS potential of Dark, Beam, or Dual Pistols. But for sets prior to it, Ice is definitely second to Fire in raw damage. Might be close to sonic in solo situations.
  4. Also, there is a new stickied thread that is designed to consolidate these types of suggestions. It would be best to post your ideas there. The Devs will actually look at it.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Auroxis View Post
    When you're buffed to the gills with a brute, your 50%'ish higher damage than a tank doesn't really mean that much either, as you have about 7-23 other people dealing damage alongside you. Meanwhile a tank is giving that entire team/league a significant resistance debuff against hard targets, and doing a slightly better job at tanking.

    My main beef with tankers isn't that their damage is too low when everyone is buffed to the gills, it's that having more than one tanker on your league/team isn't that attractive due to how bruising works. Make bruising stack-able with diminishing returns and that would help out a lot. Heck, I'm not even sure implementing diminishing returns would be necessary.
    I obviously agree with you, as I mentioned it earlier... tankers are not appealing after you have one on the team. So some sort of stack-ability would be nice.

    If you make it stack-able without diminishing returns, I think you make the tank too appealing. But with diminishing returns would be good. I'm thinking perhaps something along the lines of 20% bruising from one tank. If another tank hits the target, it does 10% bruising. If a third tank his it, it does 5%. And that's the cap. So 1 tank gives the team 20% damage improvement on a single target. 2 tanks can give the team a 30% damage improvement on a single target. 3 or more tanks can give the team a 35% damage improvement on a single target. It would be hard to implement this though we the current system. When the target grants himself the bruising effect, there's no way to know the next time a bruise attack comes in that it was from the same tank or a different one. The mechanics would have to change such that the debuff is associated to the tank that applied it. Doing it this way, the purple patch would kick in, and against the really hard targets, we are now nerfing the tank's bruising effect. I'm tired and am rambling. But to reiterate what I said in an earlier post: Soloing or without buffs, the tank is more survivable than a brute, but the brute does more damage... so it's a wash. In teams the brute can achieve the survivability of a tank (or close enough to it) while doing superior individual damage... the tank would have bruising affect the entire team, so its another wash. The difference comes down to what do you get out of adding more brutes versus adding more tanks. Brutes win out as their damage output is far superior whereas only one tank can provide the team the benefit of bruising (on one target, technically two tanks could just target different targets to up the DPS of the team in terms of AoE).

    Alright, I'm off to bed, but I wanted to agree with you... but wanted to point out that you need diminishing returns on debuffs otherwise the balance shifts way to much for the tanker. I mentioned in the same post that if you had 8 Fire/Cold Corruptors, their stacking debuffs would make them an absolute beast. You don't want that with a team of tanks all applying 20% res debuffs on one target. It becomes unfair to the other melee ATs that are suppose to do more damage.
  6. boppaholic

    SR versus SD

    Originally Posted by Deus_Otiosus View Post
    Hi, glad to have helped!

    It looks good.

    If you can get the Glad Armor: Res to pick up a 0.04 EPS bonus that would be nice, but that's also pricey for what you get. Skipping it isn't a huge deal really.

    I don't see anything that jumps out at me as something I would change. I might pull the psi proc out of Haymaker for the third membrane in AD but you look like you'll be DDR capped once it stacks on itself. I just prefer to be extra cautious with that portion of DDR.

    I agree completely with the choice of cardiac, and as far as I'm concerned there is no other choice for SD/SS/Soul.

    Spiritual helped the build I had hit the HP Cap fully, but Cardiac sees you gain from 2% up to 5% additional resistances (5% for SM/L). Looking at the kind of damage you take and how frequently you take it on iTrials - 5% SM/L resistance is a very decent trade off vs. an extra 50-100 HP (along with the end benefits, which SS & Soul demand).

    Alternatively if you wanted to hit the HP cap with OWTS running, you could drop the L50 Res IO for a L50 Heal IO. You lose 3% Res to Ene/Neg/Fire/Cold/Toxic - but you will be fully hardcapped to SM/L still and can hit the HP cap.

    If you have any enhancement boosters from purchase or from paragon rewards, toss them into the rech IOs in hasten.

    Otherwise, good luck with the build.

    Thanks for the advice. You're right, I am DDR capped by the second stack in AD. I thought you did yours with the third slot so that you would have higher DDR on first application and you would be able to activate the second application sooner... so you ramp up to capped DDR faster. I figured with 2, it works well for me .

    I'm not familiar with enhancement boosters, what do they do exactly and are they pricey?

    Edit: Just saw what enhancement boosters do and good god wow. You can really make a character dirty, especially a high end build
  7. boppaholic

    SR versus SD

    Originally Posted by Deus_Otiosus View Post
    That might be true of Brutes and Scrappers, but not Tankers.

    Tanker SD is generous enough in base defense that you don't really need to focus on all that much positional defense slotting.

    It also gets an amount of resistance & +HP built in that no amount of chasing will ever help SR.

    So maybe some recovery, regen and some more recharge.

    Here's a high end SD/DM/Soul Tanker build.

    I think it would be pretty hard for an SR/DM/Soul to get more out of the overall package than this build does.

    (Take note of the staggering 3K HP before using OWTS)
    Deus_Otiosus, you are awesome. I've been looking at my Shield/SS Tanker for a long time figuring ways to help its HP cap. I used your build, took out Dark Melee and replaced it with Super Strength. I use Cardiac instead of Spiritual because I have no endurance recovery tool like Dark Consumption. But I did make some other tweaks here and there (I don't use travel powers, so I got a pet instead) and I am quite pleased with the build you helped me create. It is DDR capped, and its HP is at 184.3% or 3454 HPs when OwtS is up (and that's without slotting a healing enhancement). I could have gotten that extra 80 HPs by slotting for it, but I decided to put a damage proc in one of my main attacks instead.

    Please check it out and let me know what you think. I'm very excited about it and have you to thank. I was very close with the build I had before, but this took me over the top and then some.

    Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.952

    Click this DataLink to open the build!

    Level 50 Magic Tanker
    Primary Power Set: Shield Defense
    Secondary Power Set: Super Strength
    Power Pool: Leaping
    Power Pool: Speed
    Power Pool: Fighting
    Ancillary Pool: Soul Mastery

    Hero Profile:
    Level 1: Deflection -- LkGmblr-Rchg+(A), LkGmblr-Def/EndRdx(3), LkGmblr-Def(3), ResDam-I(5), GA-3defTpProc(5), ResDam-I(7)
    Level 1: Jab -- Mako-Dam%(A), Mako-Dmg/EndRdx(7), Mako-Acc/Dmg(9), Zinger-Dam%(9)
    Level 2: Battle Agility -- LkGmblr-Rchg+(A), LkGmblr-Def(11), LkGmblr-Def/EndRdx(11)
    Level 4: True Grit -- Numna-Heal(A), Numna-Heal/EndRdx(19), Numna-Heal/Rchg(19), TtmC'tng-ResDam(21), TtmC'tng-ResDam/EndRdx(21), TtmC'tng-ResDam/Rchg(23)
    Level 6: Active Defense -- HO:Membr(A), HO:Membr(23)
    Level 8: Against All Odds -- EndRdx-I(A)
    Level 10: Combat Jumping -- LkGmblr-Rchg+(A), LkGmblr-Def(25), LkGmblr-Def/EndRdx(25)
    Level 12: Phalanx Fighting -- Ksmt-ToHit+(A)
    Level 14: Hasten -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(27)
    Level 16: Haymaker -- Hectmb-Dmg/Rchg(A), Hectmb-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(27), Hectmb-Acc/Rchg(29), Hectmb-Dmg/EndRdx(29), Hectmb-Dam%(31), Zinger-Dam%(46)
    Level 18: Grant Cover -- LkGmblr-Rchg+(A)
    Level 20: Taunt -- Taunt-I(A)
    Level 22: Boxing -- Empty(A)
    Level 24: Tough -- TtmC'tng-ResDam(A), TtmC'tng-ResDam/EndRdx(31), TtmC'tng-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(31)
    Level 26: Shield Charge -- Oblit-Dmg(A), Oblit-Acc/Rchg(33), Oblit-Dmg/Rchg(33), Oblit-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(33), Oblit-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(34), Oblit-%Dam(34)
    Level 28: Knockout Blow -- C'ngImp-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(A), C'ngImp-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(34), C'ngImp-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(36), C'ngImp-Dmg/Rchg(36), C'ngImp-Dmg/EndRdx(36), UbrkCons-Dam%(37)
    Level 30: Weave -- LkGmblr-Rchg+(A), LkGmblr-Def(37), LkGmblr-Def/EndRdx(37)
    Level 32: One with the Shield -- S'fstPrt-ResDam/Def+(A), S'fstPrt-ResDam/EndRdx(39), ResDam-I(39)
    Level 35: Rage -- GSFC-ToHit/Rchg(A), GSFC-ToHit/Rchg/EndRdx(39), GSFC-Rchg/EndRdx(40)
    Level 38: Foot Stomp -- Armgdn-Dmg/Rchg(A), Armgdn-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(40), Armgdn-Acc/Rchg(40), Armgdn-Dmg/EndRdx(42), Armgdn-Dam%(42), FrcFbk-Rechg%(42)
    Level 41: Gloom -- Apoc-Dmg/Rchg(A), Apoc-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(43), Apoc-Acc/Rchg(43), Apoc-Dmg/EndRdx(43), Apoc-Dam%(45)
    Level 44: Dark Obliteration -- Ragnrk-Dmg/Rchg(A), Ragnrk-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(45), Ragnrk-Acc/Rchg(45), Ragnrk-Dmg/EndRdx(46), Ragnrk-Knock%(46)
    Level 47: Summon Widow -- S'bndAl-Dmg/Rchg(A), S'bndAl-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(48), S'bndAl-Acc/Rchg(48), S'bndAl-Dmg/EndRdx(48)
    Level 49: Darkest Night -- DarkWD-ToHitdeb/Rchg/EndRdx(A), DarkWD-Rchg/EndRdx(50), DarkWD-ToHitDeb(50), DarkWD-ToHitDeb/EndRdx(50)
    Level 0: Freedom Phalanx Reserve
    Level 0: Portal Jockey
    Level 0: Task Force Commander
    Level 0: The Atlas Medallion
    Level 50: Cardiac Core Paragon
    Level 2: Swift -- Run-I(A)
    Level 2: Health -- Numna-Regen/Rcvry+(A), Numna-Heal(13), Numna-Heal/Rchg(13), Mrcl-Rcvry+(15)
    Level 2: Hurdle -- Jump-I(A)
    Level 2: Stamina -- P'Shift-EndMod(A), P'Shift-EndMod/Rchg(15), P'Shift-EndMod/Acc(17), P'Shift-End%(17)
    Level 1: Brawl -- Empty(A)
    Level 1: Gauntlet
    Level 1: Sprint -- Run-I(A)
    Level 2: Rest -- Empty(A)
    Level 4: Ninja Run

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
    Due to the way damage buffs work on brutes because of their low base damage and fury, Masculation isnt a very good choice for brutes.
    Again, I agree with DreadShinobi. The damage doesn't help you that much on a brute due to their low base damage. I would go Agility Core T4 over any form of Musculature because the EndMod would make your sapping that much better (So you would take it to make Power Sink and Lightning Field perform better, only). You would also get recharge (not as much as spiritual core, but it's still good).

    So to weight the benefits between Spiritual Core and Agility Core (T4):

    -Spiritual gives you 30% recharge ED protected, and 15% recharge ED affected.
    -Agility gives you 22% recharge ED protected, and 11% recharge ED affected.

    So for recharge, on average Spiritual will give you 9-12% more recharge to all of your powers.

    With Spiritual you will get 22% Healing ED protected, and 11% Healing ED affected. This will make energize, and health perform better.

    With Agility you will get 30% EndMod ED protected, and 15% EndMod ED affected. This makes you sap the enemies more.

    *Note, you also get defense boost, which makes your CJ, Weave, Maneuvers, etc improve A LITTLE bit. Not enough to really merit much for an ELA.

    Depending on the enemy, Spiritual or Agility will work better for you. Agility can make it so you jump in, Power Sink, and the enemy will not attack you again with anything much better than Brawl as long as they're in your lightning field. That's great damage mitigation. However, the enemies that you would really be worried about (tougher guys, like higher level bosses, AVs, etc.) may not be affected enough by your sapping. And it's these same enemies that will hit you harder, making you need to have Energize and Health to perform better.

    So in the end, Spiritual wins out. You will still survive anything where endurance sapping would work... but you will not survive as easily if you rely on endurance sapping when it doesn't work.
  9. I can't look at the build at work, but based on the details you gave and the fact you're a kay/sr scrapper, I would go with T4 core musculature alpha because you get damage enhancement at scrapper damage mods (nice) and you get defense debuff mods which goes well with katana. If you need endurance help, the radial version will improve your recovery a little bit.

    I would probably go with rebirth destiny so that you have a self heal available and it will give you a bonus to regeneration (200% minimum IIRC ).

    Void judgement for the damage debuff that synergies with your high defense.

    Interface: I still default to reactive DoT 75%

    Pets, whatever you like.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
    Just ask Arcanaville. Send her a PM
    I'm sure they will chime in without the need if a PM. I know the minimum resistance is -300%. But if an enemy has say 50% damage resistance and you apply 400% debuffs. They will resist the debuffs by 50%. I will look up the formula later. But either way, I'm fairly certain your -400% resistance debuffs did not make the 50% resistant critter get capped to -300%
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
    Purple patch has no effect on the effectiveness of a -Res debuff.

    -Res is a flat value, even with so called resistance.

    If you hit a 54 AV with 10 -Res debuffs that do -40% resistance each, he still takes 400% more damage AKA the cap. This is whether he has 0 resistance or 99% resistance he still takes 400% more damage.
    I'll need verification of this. You are correct that the AV will take 400% more damage than it would had it not been debuffed with -400%. But that doesn't mean the AV is capped yet for -res.

    As for the purple patch, I'm not sure. It might not be affected... but then I'll probably need a refresher as to why it is considered extra beneficial that the AV is applying the debuff to itself as opposed to the tanker applying it
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
    And my main argument is this:

    Right now its already godmode with certain builds that even Scrappers can achieve, if you make a class even tougher it will be like shooting fish in a barrel. (We already have a thread burning fish in a barrel)

    If you then make the content harder, the non-defensive ATs are going to be constantly one shotted in teams/raids. People are already complaining about this (Snowglobe for example) in the TPN trial with Maelstorm's vorpal kick.

    It also forces you to have certain builds and or ATs which imo is the wrong direction.

    Thus, my point is if you streamline the 4 possible tanking classes and give them unique flavors, it can allow people to tank and choose what they want as voiced in this thread.

    Some people want more damage, some want buffs/debuffs, some want more aggro, etc.
    Flavor should come at a balanced cost. If you allow each AT to have the same hp/res/def, how do you balance the flavors? What level of utility is even with damage? What level of buffs balances with utility/damage? And how do you keep it balanced across all soloing and teaming content? How does it balance with stackability? It a team of 8 debuffing tanks could be made, say good bye to defenders, they won't ever be needed again.

    Edit: we should take this argument offline. This is a great thread and we're doing it a disservice by flooding it with our back and forth rhetoric. PM me if you wish to continue making your case, otherwise we can just agree to disagree for the sake of the forum readers.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
    Lets use your Corruptor vs Defender buffing/debuffing:

    1) They have different mod values, meaning the Defender buffs/debuffs are more effective. In my case above, Tankers would still have higher mod values.

    2) Defender/Corruptors still have the same buff/debuff caps. Neither AT can exceed the 400% -Resistance cap nor the speed caps. In my situation, all the tanking ATs would have the same max cap similar to Defender/Corruptor.
    When was the last time a defender or corruptor took an enemy to their resistance cap and it mattered? For the most part that level of debuffing is over kill. And against an AV with the purple patch, you would seriously have to push to get them there. You do not have to seriously push to get a brute to a tankers survivability
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
    Because in character creation the developers put them under the category of "Tank" by their own definition, not mine.
    Really? We're using character creation window as evidence for why all hp/res/def caps should be the same?

    Let's face it, what you propose is a nerf to the tanker. Resistance, hp and defense is an absolute cap. If we use the same cap for every AT they would be exactly the same at cap. We cant do this for other things, like say everyone now gets the same damage cap. That would hurt all ATs that have lower damage mods (so now brutes would cry foul if it was capped at 500%).

    The different mods and caps are to reflect the specialties of the respective AT. Just because an AT can tank doesn't mean they should be able to at the same level as the AT who is supposed to specialize in it. A corruptor can buff, put they shouldn't be able to buff to the same level as a defender. And defenders are not suppose to be able to do the raw damage of a corruptor. Sure, both can blast, but the defender will never blast better than the corruptor. So why is it that the tank can never do the damage of a kheldian or brute, but you believe they can be allowed to maintain the same survivability of a tank? Your reason is to introduce niches. Brutes do damage. Khelds do utility/morph. Tanks do debuffs/buffs. Beyond the resistance debuff, what can a tanker do in terms of buffing/debuffing that makes sense to super heroes or comics? How would captain america Bbws able to make his team do more damage?

    Edit: I apologize for the lack of fluidity of ny arguments. Typing this post from a cell phone makes it difficult to keep pace with the thoughts I want to articulate. If I don't make sense, I'll reiterate my arguments more clearly later on. Until then, I hope this suffice

    In the end, very little needs to be done. So proposing ideas that are a radical change will never be seriously considered by the Devs. We just need to find where in the fundamental things that are off balanced that need to be tweaked. IMO the best ideas had to do with small damage buffs or better aggro control. It sounds like the aggro formula tweak isn't an easy fix. But those two fundamental ideas are the best proposals I've heard that could actually be implemented and it would generally appease the tankers without a heavy outcry from other ATs. The game has had tankers for 21 issues, since the beginning. The people still love them and still play them. Everyone who has made suggestions here love them, otherwise they wouldn't play them. There are some shortcomings, but balance will not come from an overhaul. It comes with fine tuning
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nosfodog View Post
    So i just hit 50, IO'ed, got my accolades. However im stuck on which alpha i want to get. I didnt really go for recharge in the build, and with electric, i have endurance management tools.
    Level 50, IO'd, and accolades? Did you do anything else but play COH the last few days? I'm impressed.

    Edit: Seriously, tell me your secret.

    Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
    I went with Spiritual

    If you don't have alot of recharge in your build (how much do you have? just curious) currently it will make an even more significant difference for you.
    I agree. Endurance is a non issue with electric armor. Power Sink and Energize give you an endless supply. I say go with Spiritual because, it still does make Power Sink and Energize recharge that much sooner (so if you did have endurance issues, I don't know, I haven't played TW, you would be able to mitigate it that much sooner). Really, the issues with Electric Armor is no defense and no +HP. That means you want to be able to heal as much as possible and have as much regeneration as possible, because superior resistances only take you so far. Spiritual will do that for you by allowing you to heal and regen boost more often AND improves the amount of heal and regen you'll get with the 33# heal enhancement. With spiritual, you CAN have energize up every 30-40 seconds or so (with decent amount of recharge in your build) to heal you ~1000HPs and to give yourself 30 seconds of ~210% regeneration. Plus, you will get your sweet Build Momentum and TW attacks back up, that much sooner. To me, Spiritual T4 core is a no brainer. But I'm curious, what other options were you possible considerring?
  16. boppaholic

    SR versus SD

    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    Indeed. To me, "easily softcappable" means no Fighting pool and no IO set bonuses.
    Really? So easily to you is no sets? Easily means relative to other options available. In this case, Super Reflexes is easily softcappable relative to other armor sets. A SR tank with its superior base modifications would have 26% defense to M/R/A. If you go for ED (55% IIRC), your defense would be 40.3. No pool powers. With Combat Jumping and Maneuvers you will get there. In this case, Super Reflexes is your only easily softcappable set. But for most, easily is any set that can softcap with the use of ED slotting, weave, CJ/Hover, maneuvers, and reasonably priced IOs offering the defense bonuses that can get you there (The +3 defense global PvE enhancement included).

    In my opinion, the following are easy to softcap: Shield, SR, Stone Tank, and Invulnerability (with Unyielding). You can add Ice for S/L/E/N defense, but is not easy with F/C/P

    Willpower is moderate in the types, but I would still say hard in S/L (I don't think you can get S/L to softcap with reasonably priced IOs while still getting your other types there too).
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
    Why does Brute need a nerf? Why does Tanker need to be higher? Why does the game need just one tank above the rest?

    Think of it as presenting a case to a developer, I'm not saying you are right or wrong, but for what reason does Brute need to be brought down or Tanker have superior caps?

    I gave my reasoning for streamlining the 4 tanks in terms of caps, whats yours?
    Differences between Brutes and Tanks:
    While Solo:
    I think they are close enough. Brutes do Scrapper damage while still maintaining taunt to keep baddies near them. They also have scrapper level resistance and defense base mods but have the potential to get up to tanker level resist caps. It is harder to get to the caps while solo, whereas a Tank will be able to cap easier or maintain a 33% defense and resistance improvement over a brute with identical slotting. This 33% survivability plus bruising is very much a reasonable tradeoff to fury.

    My argument is for teams (or leagues) where it is NOT difficult to reach your cap. Let's say you have a couple of buffers on a team, the difference between survivability of the Tank and Brute are no longer 33%, it's practically nil. The Tank will still have higher hit points (but the percentage of HP advantage isn't much), they are both capped defensively and they are capped in the same resistances (resistances the tanker couldn't cap would still maintain an advantage, but it will be less than 33%). In the end, for typical group play you will see brutes at practically the same survivability levels as a tank. Perhaps not quite as high, but high enough to where they practically can't die. Either way, your defense is the same. But you know what else makes for great defense? A great offense. A tank can't give you that. A brute can. A brute has a hard time getting to it's cap in damage unless you have a kin or a whole lot of buffers, but they will always have a much better offense than a tank. For instance, say you have a tank and he's exactly buffed to his cap. His damage modifier would be .8*4 = 3.2. Let's do a best case scenario for the tank here, let's say he was buffed to exactly 400% so no saturation. With the same enhancing and buffs, but let's assume 70% fury, would have the brute modifier as .75*(4+1.4) = 4.05. That's over 26% improvement over a tank, and this is the best case scenario for a tank. The brute can still continue to climb linearly to .75*(7.75) = 5.8125, which means the brute can potentially climb to over 81% more damage than a tank can possibly do at cap. By doing more damage, you kill faster, which makes you more survivable. So whatever the slight edge in survivability the tank MAY have still had in terms of resistance and HP, is actually wiped away by the fact that the Brute will kill faster thus taking less attacks and damage per mob.

    When forming a team, if you have some buffs, you have no need for the tank (with the right IO builds, you don't even need buffers to make brutes nearly on par with tanks in terms of survivability). A brute will do everything a tank can do defensively (other than punchvoke), but will give you 26-81% more damage over a CAPPED tank. You form up a team and people will just go brutes over tanks because they want that extra DPS with nothing lost. This was why outcries for tanks getting boosts or brutes getting nerfed first began. But the devs did change that in a way that makes sense and really does even it out, and that was adding Bruising (so way to go Devs, awesome work as it works thematically and was a simple solution - as opposed to most ideas in this thread). Bruising made the Tank allow the WHOLE team to do 20% more damage on a single target (so Brutes are still best by a lot in crowds, but Tanks are there to take down the really hard AV/GM with ease). Wow. That makes up the 26-81% the one brute would have given you over a damage capped tank.

    So Bruising fixed the team issue I mentioned before. Now when I see teams form, they desire a tank. But here's the deal, one tank is all you need. You don't get any more benefits of 2 tanks over 1. After the 1st tank, you fix up your teams with as much DPS and support as you can muster. I don't think this is a problem though, because I like the idea of variety in teams. X-men weren't all Wolverines, or all Cyclops, or all Storms, but a mix of all sorts.

    So where am I going with all this? Well... Scrappers, Tanks, and Brutes are actually pretty balanced across each other in both Solo or Team settings (in my opinion). Before bruising I would have said Tanks are completely shafted in teams when Brutes were going around doing their main job but better. Now, it does feel more even, but it feels like Tanks are still slightly below the level of Scrappers/Brutes (again, my opinion). The reason I feel this way is because of the "what does more of the same AT add to the team?" question. Between these three ATs, if you were making a team you would definitely want one tank for bruising (and overall superior survivability), but after that you don't want another tank. You could go with more tanks, but the gains are diminishing (in comparison to what another AT would offer you). But when given the opportunity for multiple scrappers and brutes, their DPS values are gravy, and there is no diminishing return (again in comparison to what another AT would offer you). *A side note, Buffers/Debuffers/Controllers have huge returns on multiples as their stackability makes them absolutely dirty, and could get rid of any need for a variety in their teams - just picture what a team of 8 fire/cold corruptors would do to anything that got in its way, is there a team of 8 scrappers that could muster the same worries?*.

    So that's it. I feel like Tanks are slightly less valuable than a Scrapper or Brute because of the diminishing returns theory. But solo, or team, a single tanker is on par I say with a Scrapper or Brute. Overall, I don't think there is any need for a change to tanks, especially not the overhaul suggestions that have been brought up in the thread. If anything, a slight (very slight) damage boost to tanks I think would even out the diminishing returns theory (so it's not so diminishing, but not necessarily linear with Brutes/Scrappers). Otherwise, I liked what someone said before (and I paraphrase) ... you don't need to fix close enough. (I think the line was something like "Perfection is the enemy of good enough").

    So there's my reasoning for no change to the ATs. I can understand a very slight change. But we're talking what... 25-50% damage cap increase at most. It's simple. It's only a gain to potential, so it's not an immediate change (an increase to the .8 modifier would be an immediate increase and one I don't like as much). And the damage fits a bit more with what a Tank make's you think of. I think of a hulking hero who can lay a smack down. Sure, maybe he's not as lethal as a scrapper or brute, but you would have to believe that the power of a tanker should be able to do more than what a defender or controller is capped at.

    But if a tank can't get a slight increase to the potential damage that they can output. The next argument is reasonable to think, well should a brute have the same resistance potential as a tank? Maybe, maybe not, but it's why I asked the question. But after reviewing deeper as you've made me do, I am more convinced now that the Devs know what they're doing and the balance across ATs is there.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
    Yeah I agree here too. The problem I think is the Tanker is too specialized, there is no content in the game that a Tanker can tank that a Brute or Kheldian cannot. (The game defines both Brutes and Kheldians as "Tanks)

    Personally, I think all the Tank classes should be streamlined meaning that yes they should all get the same HP/Resist/Defense Caps. However, they should each bring something different to the table:

    Brutes bring massive damage

    Kheldians Bring tons of flexibility from pets, to heals, to shapeshifting with various attacks

    Tankers just bring higher defensive mods and bruising.

    I think the bruising is the right direction for Tankers and will get to this more in a second.

    The Current Problem with Content and Tankers

    The problem here is like I said above, a Kheldian and Brute can Tank whatever a Tank can. This leads to a few things:

    1) Buff the content or nerf the other ATs to where only the Tanker can tank it. Personally, I think this goes in the wrong direction. As someone that played MMORPG's since Ultima Online and even Everquest where I was in a major raiding guild (I played with all the developers of World of Warcraft actually) one of the main problems in EQ was that there was only ONE main tank, the warrior class.

    World of Warcraft also learned from this same mistake because the Warrior in that game for the first years of raiding content only they could tank stuff. In the current day and age WOW now has 4 tanks all equally viable in terms of tanking, the Paladin, Warrior, Death Knight, and the Druid. This makes it a lot less frustrating to form a group because you don't need *X* class. WOW also learned from this mistake by spreading out the various buffs to where various classes shared the same buffs. (IE Bloodlust, which made you attack much faster) used to be limited to one class. Now several classes have it so that a raid isn't pigeon-holed into needing that one class.

    Since COH now has a type of raiding environment, and grouping environments, buffing Tanks to the point or nerfing other AT's or buffing content to where one class can do it would be a big frustration on players. A game needs flexibility to survive and to be fun.

    2) As I stated above, I think the Tanking classes of this game should be streamlined and have the same caps and resistances. However, the flavor of each class should be different similar to World of Warcraft because that is what helps define that class and gives them more fun.

    Bruising I think is a step in the right direction. It brings to the table a debuff that benefits the Tanker and the entire team.

    Personally, I think Tankers should be given more debuffs in this fashion or possible buffs. IE, maybe knocking a foe back cripples their movement, or giving Tankers a shield ability to absorb damage from a teammate.

    Maybe if Tankers had inherent buffs they could bring to the team (Similar to Warrior shouts in WOW) where you have access to 6-7 buffs but you can only have one up at a time. They could range from +Resistance, to +DMG, to +HP, to maybe things like -to hit.

    A tanker could only use one at a time but multiple tankers could stack them.

    3) So lets assume we streamlined the Tanking classes:

    Brute = Damage in addition to Tanking

    Warshade = Pets, Eclipse, various holds and debuffs, and of course the human/squid form

    Peacebringer = Human/Squid form, heals, debuffs, etc

    Tanker could = Buffs, Debuffs, utility, etc.

    I like what you're saying in part 3, let tankers be able to do more in terms of Buffs/Debuffs... bruising is a huge step in the right direction, but you don't want to overpower the tank. But maybe a slight mod boost to buffing attributes and maybe more -res in bruising, who knows. But I like the way you characterize it in part 3. I don't think you should streamline the way you mention in part 2. Either keep it as is, or make the brute go down to kheldian levels (85%). But that's just my opinion, not needing to be shared
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
    Might be rude, but is not always out of place. Constant buffs to ATs can lead to power creep. While I don't think that Brutes are exactly 100% balanced, I think it's their HP and Resistance caps that are the problem, not their damage.

    If 4 ATs are in balance, but one is well ahead of them in terms of performance, buffing the four ATs might not be the best way to go about things. Bringing the one back in line may be the right way to go.
    Agreed. A damage nerf might not be the right way to go. An hp and resist nerf might be more appropriate. I think 85% resist cap would be more appropriate. And perhaps 3000 max hp. I don't think that is unfair. Tanks should be the most resilient, and this would even out the melee ATs a bit
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
    I am going to say something that is going to be hated here.

    I don't play Tanker but I regularly team with a SG mate that loves making Tankers and Brutes. From my gaming experience, Tankers survive much better than Brutes and that serves a purpose. Brute has great potential but Brute needs more babysitting.

    I am really not sure which area they can improve that doesn't involve in "buffing Tanker's damage". If they want to buff Tanker's damage, then they should lower Brute's damage because ultimately, the only reason Tanker (and my favorite Stalker) feels "less-needed" is that Brute and maybe Scrappers are doing better damage while surviving relatively well.

    Not sure how many of you have played Lord of the Ring online but many games have "healing aggro". I can literally kill myself if I keep healing with my Bard. If the tanker doesn't actually use tanking abilities, I can draw all the aggro to myself with just healing.

    This game, as far as I can tell, does not have healing aggro. The mobs may be assigned to attack "lowest health" first but if there is a tanker tanking, most aggro do not come to me.

    I mean what else can they do? If a Tanker is complaining about doing less damage, then that's the wrong direction to begin with.

    If a tanker is complaining he can't tank, then it seems to have more to do with how he builds his defense/resistance and what type of secondary against certain damage type (Invul against Psionic for example is one that will always put Invul at disadvantage).

    If a tanker is complaining that he can't take all 8 Heroes in LRSF, then that's not really fair because that situation is designed for 8-players co-operating, not soloing.

    I really don't think Tankers need more love. I think Bruising effect is an excellent idea. If Tanker feels like they have no role, then so is Stalker/Blaster whose damage can be easily replaced by SoA and Scrapper/Brute/Dominator.

    I actually do think Tankers have a role in this game. With just one button Taunt, you can taunt a lot of foes to you. Can you taunt ALL OF THEM? Nope and I believe that's not the intention either. At some point the game needs to be challenging enough. You can't have people spamming healing without aggro or without worrying about aggro. Just like if a Blaster chooses to blast mobs that are further away from Tanker, then he needs to be responsible for that aggro as well. It's all part of learning how to play.

    The only complaint I can see is how Tanker is growing slowly just like Dominator may need lvl 38 blast to feel "complete". In high-end situation, I think Tanker survives well enough with decent damage. If they feel Brute and Scrapper are doing more, then they need to look at those two.

    They can, however, look at individual sets and balance them accordingly. I still feel Super Reflex needs more love.
    Great point. I believe it is at the right level. Perhaps a damage nerf to brutes is needed to even things out, or a slight damage boost (scale or cap) to tankers. I think a better aggro hold (taunt) buff should be in store too. If a brute does more damage with the same level of taunt, who gets the aggro? The brute. Defeats the purpose of the tank, which is tanking.
  21. I am curious to know what are the optimal ST and AoE attack chains offered by TW. Has anyone looked at what works best?
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
    He should clarify, because the words mean the opposite to me.

    "50 percent global endurance enhancement reduction"

    Should instead be:

    "50 percent global endurance discount"


    "50 percent buff to global endurance reduction"


    I can see where the confusion lies. But surely, it is a discount that he means.
  23. boppaholic

    SR versus SD

    Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
    the real limitation of shield defense is that you really need to be surrounded by enemies to get the benefits - both the +dmg and the -dmg to your foes.

    This is not normally a problem for tankers, but it does mean you need to herd them. A bunch of Council shooting you at range is a problem. SR just always works, so it is a bit easier to work with.

    You probably won't normally notice this unless the terrain/enemy is a bad combo (council on Striga ships)

    Taunt's -range helps a lot with this. Really, my problem is the saturation of the -dmg to foes (I tend to get myself around more than 10 enemies). But that's not really a big problem either. I have no trouble surviving (but I am a Shield/SS, so I have footstomp and shield charge for KD mitigation... so I suppose I can't speak to the other sets). When I do get into trouble though, I have One with the Shield to help bail me out. I get the HP increase, resist increase, recovery increase, and no fear of hard crashing. Just take my time, pop a purple if i'm being debuffed, pop a green to get my health back up, and just not sweat it.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
    My thoughts:

    -"50 percent global endurance enhancement reduction"
    This endurance penalty is not needed and is only exacerbated by the global recharge enhancement, which is going to cause you to burn more endurance anyways. And, at 50%, aren't you essentially proposing that your attacks AND toggles (offensive or not) would burn twice as much endurance per activation but you will not be doing twice as much damage per activation?
    ON TOP of the other penalties, only a sucker would make that trade.

    -"It also lowers all defense and resist powers by a global 30 percent enhancement penalty."
    Resistance and Defense debuffs do not play well together and we usually don't consider Defense to be equal to the same value of Resistance. The 2%:1% ratio is the accepted conversion rate. Also, this affects some sets much more than others. I don't know how to begin to approach constructing a defensive penalty that is 'fair' to all defensive sets, but I'd suspect it would have to include penalties to HP and Regeneration values as well.

    My suggestions:

    -Remove the endurance penalty.
    -Add a global buff to Knock Back/Up. It helps offset the damage buff somewhat, and makes the attacks it affects look more awesome.
    -Change the Defense/Resistance Penalty to something that's more 'fair' to all existing defensive sets.

    My thoughts:

    -What happens when your 'doubled aggro cap' drops back down when this click runs out? The (up to) 17 guys you suddenly can't hold the attention of turn their sights on your teammates?
    I don't want to gamble on my team being able to drop 17-34 enemies in under 30 seconds.

    My suggestions:

    -Remove the aggro cap modification.
    -Add a large radius, PBAoE Taunt upon activation of the power, potent enough to yank the aggro off of anything.
    -Add a +HP/+Max HP component and lower the Def and Res buffs a bit to compensate. Just enough to help cover some holes in some defensive sets. For example, buffing the Def and Res of Invul will not help them against Psi enemies, but the power will penalize their damage output anyways. Nor would buffing Def and Res powers help a theoretical Regen Tanker very much, assuming they get proliferated some day.


    I think you misunderstood what the reduction means in "endurance reduction". It means the endurance costs to all of the tanker's powers is reduced by 50%, making it cost less endurance. Same way energize, conserve power or Cardiac alpha reduces global endurance cost.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post

    Tank: 80 damage +100% slotting +50% Onslaught self-buff = 250%, for 200 damage.
    Brute: 75 damage +100% slotting +140% fury = 340% = 255 damage
    Scrapper 112.5 damage +100% slotting = 200 percent = 225 damage * 1.07crit = 241 damage.
    I love intelligent arguments that are backed up by numbers, so I thank you for this. I have only the above portion quoted as there is a mistake with the tanker calculations. You forgot to include bruising (as you had included in your damage caps calculations). Factor in bruising for the tank and his damage is 240... practically the same as the scrapper. My reference to a god-mode scrapper wasn't so much about the damage, the damage bonus essentially makes the tank a scrapper. The god-mode was in reference to the recharge and endurance bonus you also give (50% IIRC). Yes, you did also give the tank a -30% defense and resistance debuff. That puts it at lower survivability than a scrapper, but let's face it... if you are going "god-mode scrapper" with your tank, it's because you probably have the support around you to make up the debuffs, but you gain so much more with the recharge and endurance. Simply put, the idea is too extreme (atleast with these numbers that you provided) to ever be implemented as a reasonable fix to tankers. Tankers are very close to Scrappers/Brutes on their own. Without teammates or other sources of buffs, the survivability bonus of a tank is worth the damage sacrifice lost to Scrappers/Brutes. It's when in teams that the separation gets out of hand. Brutes will get buffed to nearly the same HP/Resistance/Defense levels as that of a Tank... but will still be doing top Melee damage. Scrappers will get buffed to the same Defense levels of a Tank, but will still be doing top Melee damage. But the tank still gets shafted at having any respectable DPS. This is why bruising is so great, that 20% resistance debuff closed the gap a bit... and because everyone on the team gets the same debuff effect, the tank is effectively adding 20% of the damage created by each teammates attack to their DPS... easily outshining anything any other melee toon can do. The only problem now with tankers is that you really only need one on a team. The exception being if you had more than one target to attack at one time, then having one tanker per hard target may be necessary. But I don't know of any cases where you would fight more than 1 AV at a time. Even then, with a team of decent buffers/debuffers, a brute can do everything great that a tanker can do (other than punchvoke, from gauntlet), but also do scrapper damage. You can use that extra slot for another debuffer to make up for bruising.

    Because the main stagnation towards multiple tankers is that they do not do enough damage, I think the simple solution is to up their damage cap or to change their damage modifier from 0.8 to perhaps 0.9. I believe tankers only need a little bit of tweaking, nothing big. Like I said, bruising made them much closer to the other ATs. But just a slightly more kick would get them to a point where people will stop defaulting to brutes for their tanking needs.