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  1. Now i am nagging for you, Fix the links its really not easy to google your way to a small thread on the forums especially if your impatient. Update the links please, its been months apparently and they still misdirect to a 404 page.
  2. As far as i know thats not a bug... i thought it was strange but i assume its just a change to accommodate this intended change.
  3. Very excited about this Especially because of the +5 costume slots! Must... control... self! <3 freedom (:
  4. I cant access the training room. Well i can, but im restricted to a trial account even though i've purchesed the game for several years. Because im on trial and it doesnt seam to recognise my account it wont allow me to use any characters there... and any i create give me an invalid error.

    It just lifted the trial account issue... but now im just constantly erroring randomly it seams while playing :/
    some characters cant even enter the game world without crashing the game :/


    anyone else getting these problems and is this something to report? I've repaired the game and its found no errors and it worked before any updates i've done soo..
  5. So there is still a test server and a separate Beta server?

    awesome Thanks for that info tex so what we have is actually what i was trying to suggest /doh

  6. i don't know what it was like before for the NA test servers but back before the merger the EU normally ran open all the time. I take it its due to the new content being thrashed out there which is fair enough but i want to pose a suggestion.

    Before the merger the team ran two servers simultaneously: EU and NA test. Now we only have one the beta server that requires beta access if something is being tested. (i have yet to see it open but i assume its accessible outside beta testing, I hope so). Anyway, is there any possibility of getting another shard opened up for 'testing' purposes? I often used the test server to test out new builds and play with the game freely knowing its not going to effect my real characters.

    And since you used to run two servers it shouldn't take a stretch of the imagination to get the other back up again (:
  7. Kindeller

    Coding for CoH

    At a guess it'll be done across several languages aswell which means building a method of interacting with an 'engine frontend scripty thing' aswell as interface shite... God only knows. More than i'd care to imagine :/
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
    Maybe I'm unsympathetic because I've been through this before in other games that have undergone server merges. It's extremely typical for name collisions to be solved by altering the incoming name from the server that is being closed so that it no longer collides with the existing name on the server that the closed server is merging into.

    Sure, it sucks to have to change your global or, worse, change a character's name, but the alternative is to have no merge.

    Sure, Sam has an "easy fix" except that, like it or no, you're moving into our neighborhood and that gives us squatter's rights, if nothing else.

    It's a given that someone is going to be unhappy. There's no painless way to go about it and no truly "fair" way. Only a lesser of evils.
    I'm Sorry but... It says Server List Merge. Not The EU are moving to the NA servers. Irrelivent and ignorant statement.

    Originally Posted by Mirai View Post
    If they're loose, just tighten them up again.

    Yes, EU servers are getting picked on because they're a clear minority. It's just a matter of convenience and practically. On the bright side, you're getting a lot more servers to play on. That might not be much of a consolation if you care more about non-tight global names than getting on other servers, but it's an important reason for the change.
    Its this attitude that sucks. The server lists merge was supposed to be a step in the right direction and from a person who is currently deep in breaking down this game for a module on my degree (MMO Communities and Services).. This news and the way the company has handled the merge by negating any rights and slapping a priority to NA servers is damn near unacceptable.

    Now I understand, from a programming perspective its purely logical to push the data from EU on top of NA and solve any conflicts there. But Negating any chance for a fair resolution between players based purely on geographical data taking into account that they're both paying for the same service and features, just can't be ignored. Nothing but a Trail account global Vs a Full paying account Global should be acceptably resolved in an instant priority to one player.

    I personally think it would have been a better choice to append *ALL* accounts with the relative geographical location and instead use it to their advantage. For example EU.<name> NA.<name> It might even benifit them in terms of passing location relative information along.
  9. I'm currently attempting to reverse engineer the design document that would have been created for the proposal of City of heroes as part of a module for my Uni degree. To do this i'm going to hope to use concept art and the fansite kit for the images and such within the document. I would be correct in assuming before i spend my time and effort doing so i wont be breaking any Copyright protection laws and that a simple referance to the location of the material would be suffice?

    Anyway many thanks,

    P.S Is there a good place that i can get some good concept art images of decent quality? i've not found as many as i'd like
  10. Just like to point out that its not for clicking to "stay logged in", although ironically it doesnt work either. The issues actually with the log in itself it doesnt let me log in at all unless the box is ticked (and it doesnt remember me either way).

    The issue is when i enter my details and select log in it redirects to the logged in page then redirects me as if i was logged in.. but im not and its a never ending cycle. It only finally logs in when i select "remember me". :/

    See i assumed that too but across several computers i just found it strange
  11. Kindeller

    COH on Windows 7

    My first suggestion is to try and make sure its running in Administrator mode, to do this:

    Right click the icon and select "...Run as administator" (Look for the yellow and blue shield)

    If this fails to execute the program try running in compatability mode for xp. Right click on the program select properties. Look for the compatability tab, select run in compatability check box and select the OS you want to run it on. You should be able to choose at the very latest vista. You can also troubleshoot compatability from the right click menu but it does the same job as both potential solutions.

    Personally i had some issues with installing COH on 7 but once run in administrator everything was cleared up and i've had no issues to date with it. If you can give more specific details as to any error/dialogue messages it will be easier to progress further than just general win7 issues
  12. See i dont have any issues when im logged in and the box is ticked for Stay logged in. But i dont want to have to stay logged in just to use a forum for security reasons. I shouldn't be forced to either due to sloppy coding either!
  13. I Highly recommend, probably UK based however but their delivery charges arent alot, the items come next day or free delivery and i've never had any problems. (Ordered an entire unit in separate pieces from them excellent quality and safely arrived)

    If your willing to wait they do "To day offers" Which essentially is dirt cheep goods. a friend got a Samsung 1TB external for £30 from there. A steal if you ask me regardless if it costs a bit more to ship to the US
  14. I'm using .com atm Don't know what Cooliris is if its an add-on i dont have any add-on's for firefox whatsoever because i only just installed firefox.

    If i can get IE working i'll check for issues with it and see if i can find a solution but i assumed that cross OS and browser similarities proved it wasn't just my apparently lack of luck :/

    Edit: Just managed to get IE up and running same issue, apparently "logs in", redirects and im not logged in. When checking "Remember me" it works.

    It's also happened back home in belfast and now here in stafford so router, connection issues dont seem to be a viable excuse.
  15. Despite the fact that these boards have been released for months now, there is still issues be it with the actual code involved in the login script or caching issues with the browser. I shouldnt have to tweek my settings for one webpage to work when all other login scripts do just fine. (unless ofcourse you can give me a valid reason to change my settings (ie security).

    I've used the boards on both a mac for the past year with safari updated to the latest versions; and now im using firefox on a normal PC and still no difference which makes me believe its an issue with server side. (I'd test on IE but well it sucks and wouldnt even load up the homepage without crashing on me -.-)

    to the chase:

    When loging in i cannot successfully log in even when all my details are correct because the page essentially resets before redirecting to the page i was on before. This happens regardless of where i am and only seams to remove itself when i tick "Remember me" which i should have to do just to get the bloody forum to log me in. Otherwise change the tick box to say do you wish to actually log in.

    Sorry for the giant rant, but im fed up having to work around these ****** forums. Normally i was able to log in using the new post log in and not the one along the top but that apparently doesnt work no more either which is why i've finally cracked.

    One discruntled forum user!
  16. "Added restrictions to prevent player difficulty from affecting Task / Strike Forces" says to me that they removed 'Some' features otherwise it would have been worded "Removed the ability for player difficulty to affect Task / Strike Forces. Ie the ability to run -1. Just my opinion anyway Has anyone tested it yet?

  17. I wanted to grab a GR wallpaper and when i looked at the options i was a little shocked to find there was no combining shot of both Des and Mal. So i decided to photoshop the two figures along with the "going rogue" title and tagline.

    Heres the result if anyone else wants to use it too:

    If you want a larger/smaller resolution give a shout and i'll make them but i think it will fit most desktops anyway.


    P.S Props to whoever can see the change i made to one of the characters
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Satanic_Hamster View Post
    Wait, she said "partner," not boyfriend. They could be cops.
    or same sex :/

    OT: i don't agree with the "name is enough" approach. An Archangel (as well as a fictional marvel character) is also a generic angel. Now I'm no expert on law but as far as i was aware you copyright/trademark something in a category never mind something that already exists. (Angel, archangel, etc) You can however link a name to a likeness. Which is what the issue is here. But if there's no connection and you can prove that, then there's no reason to generalize the character.

    An example would be an old faction on another game of mine named, Tetragrammaton. Someone petitioned the name because of something stupid like the film Equilibrium in which the government shares namesake. However, the faction argued and won the case that because there was no relevance to them and that the Tetragrammaton is in fact a hebrew phrase meaning four letter word. Not anything to do with the council of mad rulers.

    Just like his/her character bares no resemblance to the marvel character or BIO (apparently)
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Artaniss View Post
    But when i click on the screens near the holograms it says cant reach them from here and I am standing right next to them. How do I search for missions? Thanks...
    Sound's like a glitch/mapserver issue to me, as if your character has been disconnected from the map server and is not recognizing the fact that your actually still outside AE (or something to that effect).

    Is everything you use fully functional inside AE?
    Have you tried using studio B instead as an alternative?
    Try interacting with the rewards upstairs, if it doesn't work it may be a disconnection issue. otherwise possible trial account but as mentioned the message doesn't sound like a trial restriction message. and as far as i remember it said something relevant.
  20. Ok I'm not new to coh but for the love of me i just cant figure this out! How do you get the mini window display for combat stats without the entire listing (it seems to be personally customizable from seeing it else where).

  21. Couldn't agree more, and when thats done work on live please. There's your solution. Take it, think about it and figure out a method of accomplishment please.

  22. Ok i tried a little messing i managed to get it to launch to the US version but somewhere along the lines it cant find the directory (keeps trying to install a new one). If i had have been a little smart i'd have swapped over piggs before starting to download new ones but since im half way there i'll let it go on.

    Anyway i done this to get where i was:

    Show package contents
    open info.plist (use plist editor)
    Changed a few places where it says cohupdater.EU.exe and the like to just cohupdater.exe
    Then go to resources/transgaming/
    change EU from the .exe

    Opening that gives me the location mix up, once i have everything patched i'll copy it and try and figure out how to manually change it around. Until then i haven't a clue, as i say i'll check back and update when i figure out

    Noticed while looking at the PIGGS that the ones its downloading are all new, it was a matter of just copying the remaining 1.5 gigs to the piggs directory in US version and letting it update instead of downloading them fresh Thanks!
  23. Several times while quitting to do other things and re-downloading the patch my speeds changed, to fix it i just quit and reopened the app. eg it was stuck at 6.2 kb/s for a while there quitting fixed it to around 60-70