Badge count is not nice to new players




thats a good point. measuring ones worth?

the fact is you, I and everyone here is just 1's and 0's and variations and multiples of.

another fact, my tenner each month is worth as much as any other players. here paragon studios is my tenner. now here is my 10 hours per day. i got all these lovely rewards. ooh you mean you really are taking my rewards off me.

ok - paragon studios worth to me, "rip off waste of lots of time".

[/ QUOTE ]

You play 10 hours a day soley to earn badges?

You don't see a problem with that?

[/ QUOTE ]no i don't if you find that fun then so be it, i gone around cap for grelmings, gear, hordling, MU, goldbrickers for hours , then i move onto mercy to farm skulls and then maybe to port to farm ghost, hellions and family and then off to st for tsoo the other familiy and DE. and i can spend over for over a little reward as a badge with no xp/inf/prest/recieps and salavge, and i had never bugged anyone to join me in helping me in farming these badges

[/ QUOTE ]

You see that's where the crux of the issue lies in this case. The MA badges which are being removed are being removed because the Farming associated is causing the MA system to be clogged with crud, turning legimate MA Story players off it, and worse, driving Authors away as they see the arcs they spent weeks crafting lost and adrift in a sea of crappy "Clik a million things and kil the Aliens" arcs which take about 5 minutes to create.

[/ QUOTE ][censored] hello im talking about street kill in areas in villain side not the stupid MA thing. so you can try to pin it on me about all the MA arc are my fault but you can stick it up your [censored] right now as you can see that im talking about street kills as i meant areas and enemy groups

[/ QUOTE ]

Riiight. And no-one is going near the Hunting badges for non MA enemies, groups or achievements.

So what exactly is your point?



Edited by Avatea



you cant actually post more than 3 missions carnifax so what is the point of making more than 4 or 5.

(despite my other 6 in development(none of which are farming))

[/ QUOTE ]

Well since you CAN post more than 3 if your Arc gets enough ratings and gets elevated to Devs Choice or Hall of Fame there's plenty of point in (a) making more than 3 and (b) Clearing out the farming [censored] so people can easily access and rate good stories.

Plus even if you don't make HoF you can easily rotate which ones are published if you make a nice new arc you want people to try.



sure if you dont mind losing any votes.



Riiight. And no-one is going near the Hunting badges for non MA enemies, groups or achievements.

So what exactly is your point?

[/ QUOTE ]my point was you stated you did see something wrong with BH for 10 hours and i tried to tell you, there are people out there that will BH for 10/+ for badges in one form or another not to be half listen to



sure if you dont mind losing any votes.

[/ QUOTE ]

Indeed, in terms of rotating arcs. Of course if the new arc is likely to get a lot of people who liked & rated your first arc previously it could be well worthwhile anyway in terms of net tickets (if you're going for tickets) or just because you like the new story you came up with.



Riiight. And no-one is going near the Hunting badges for non MA enemies, groups or achievements.

So what exactly is your point?

[/ QUOTE ]my point was you stated you did see something wrong with BH for 10 hours and i tried to tell you, there are people out there that will BH for 10/+ for badges in one form or another not to be half listen to

[/ QUOTE ]

No, I was saying there's probably something wrong with playing 10 hours every day.

Other than sleep I can't think of one thing that's healthy to do for 10 hours every day (maybe one thing, but you'd end up all chaffed and probably rather bored after a while ).



well who knows how many votes an arc will get if you dont leave it up long enough for peeps to give it a go. it cannot be predetermined; unless; you know something we dont lol.



so - being awake for 10 hours a day cannot be any good for you - spending 10 hours a day at work cannot be any good for you. YOU ARE OUT OF YOUR DEPTH



Riiight. And no-one is going near the Hunting badges for non MA enemies, groups or achievements.

So what exactly is your point?

[/ QUOTE ]my point was you stated you did see something wrong with BH for 10 hours and i tried to tell you, there are people out there that will BH for 10/+ for badges in one form or another not to be half listen to

[/ QUOTE ]

No, I was saying there's probably something wrong with playing 10 hours every day.

Other than sleep I can't think of one thing that's healthy to do for 10 hours every day (maybe one thing, but you'd end up all chaffed and probably rather bored after a while ).

[/ QUOTE ]and there are people that go total nuts when DXP is on and play for all 3 days straight just to get the most out of DXP and that is different to 10 hours >.>



so - being awake for 10 hours a day cannot be any good for you - spending 10 hours a day at work cannot be any good for you. YOU ARE OUT OF YOUR DEPTH

[/ QUOTE ]

I assume you do stuff while awake? Aka it's not exactly doing the one thing for 10 hours straight

10 hours work a day every day certainly isn't good for you.



ban overtime globally



so - being awake for 10 hours a day cannot be any good for you - spending 10 hours a day at work cannot be any good for you. YOU ARE OUT OF YOUR DEPTH

[/ QUOTE ]

I assume you do stuff while awake? Aka it's not exactly doing the one thing for 10 hours straight

10 hours work a day every day certainly isn't good for you.

[/ QUOTE ]no it might not be good for you but you be surprised in what you need to do to make your life better if you got money promblem for a family of four



Riiight. And no-one is going near the Hunting badges for non MA enemies, groups or achievements.

So what exactly is your point?

[/ QUOTE ]my point was you stated you did see something wrong with BH for 10 hours and i tried to tell you, there are people out there that will BH for 10/+ for badges in one form or another not to be half listen to

[/ QUOTE ]

No, I was saying there's probably something wrong with playing 10 hours every day.

Other than sleep I can't think of one thing that's healthy to do for 10 hours every day (maybe one thing, but you'd end up all chaffed and probably rather bored after a while ).

[/ QUOTE ]and there are people that go total nuts when DXP is on and play for all 3 days straight just to get the most out of DXP and that is different to 10 hours >.>

[/ QUOTE ]

I certainly wouldn't consider that healthy at all

My initial point was that Kiss said "here is my 10 hours per day".

I was slightly taking the mick pointing out that 10 hours of anything per day (other than sleeping and, granted, its opposite state) is probably excessive. Especially playing computer games.

You can disagree by all means (without swearwords and name-calling would be nice though or the thread will get locked).



true - no offence meant if your regarding myself.

just being in the spirit of the thread lol

my lifestyle is such that my main occupation is doing precisely this and gaming. not that im paid for it but that i am limited to it. practically the only pleasure i have until it was all made futile by the devs revoking badges and therefore negating my time on here.

taking it personally, not, but all comments as in every other post are to the effect of the topic.



if the docter tolt you to not move for 1 year and sit for 20 hours a day i can not sleep longer than 3 hous its very hard to do nothing 21 hour a day so i played in that time and got all the badges nothing rong with that



true - no offence meant if your regarding myself.

just being in the spirit of the thread lol

my lifestyle is such that my main occupation is doing precisely this and gaming. not that im paid for it but that i am limited to it. practically the only pleasure i have until it was all made futile by the devs revoking badges and therefore negating my time on here.

[/ QUOTE ]

But they're only revoking MA Badges, there are still tonnes of non-MA ones. Obviously I dunno how many you've got etc but there tonnes which ain't going anywhere.

And then there's always good old Altitis to fall back on. That's the bane of my gaming life and my main CoX addiction (must.... not.... go.... to.... AT.... forums).



an analogy i put to avatea . . .

here have this job that you really enjoy doing, put loads of time into it. get the reward of doing it and the rewards for doing it. oh you've done it well done, now give back the rewards you earned with all your time and effort.



[/color]<blockquote><font class="small">Antwort auf:[/color]<hr />
an analogy i put to avatea . . .

here have this job that you really enjoy doing, put loads of time into it. get the reward of doing it and the rewards for doing it. oh you've done it well done, now give back the rewards you earned with all your time and effort.

[/ QUOTE ]
That is a really bad analogy... because there is not much analog about it. To make it a better analogy you would have to change it the following way:
You have a job that you really enjoy doing and put lots of time and effort into it. The company you work for puts some new reward system in place, but instead of improving motivation and work conditions this leads to people blocking other people's work and doing strange stuff that is not in the company`s best interest just to get as many of the new rewards as soon as possible.
So, what does the company do? Watch it all go to hell? No, they revoke the failing reward system and say something along the lines of "We are very sorry for all of you who have earned the rewards in a legit way, but the amount of abuse forces us to discontinue the initiative."
Now a few of those who wish to further get the rewards threaten the company with quitting work because they would rather see the company suffer than to forego a small bonus which is really only a pat on the back rather than a material benefit.

If it has
eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.



Veterans will always have more badges then the newbies, More so things like Passport, Anniversary Badges. They are what signify a long time player.
You will not be able to get them, because they are pretty much retired.

Why is it unfair to new players, as they will never get in the top leaders of Badges, Well in a sense it isnt unfair, Pretty much because they have been here longer, They have hunted the badges just as you do right now. Though they have been hunting longer then you have. Thats all.

Some MA badges are being removed, due to people abusing the system / farming the system. That is the only reason why MA Badges are changing soon. However in terms of Anniversary, People can actually get those badges back at Christmas. if you get enough candy canes you can exchange them for the badges, ...or so ive heard.

But welcome to CoX, It isnt unfair that you cant get to the top. Its just veterans , They deserve it for being here longer.



best dev move yet removing farm badges :P no sarcasm here either

Is not going to remain VIP after Jan 14th 2012, but may remain an active Premium account holder.
See some of you guys/gals in other/new MMOs Soon(tm)
N.B. If you are going to do smt, please do it or GTFO and STFU nab



best dev move yet removing farm badges :P no sarcasm here either

[/ QUOTE ]

What's a farm badge?

Please fight My Brute:

Mission Architect 54161 - Michael Mundano, Megan Malloney and the Secret Senate.
Mission Architect 91838 - Constantinople Jones' Family Secret. A One Mission Story arc.



Hi and tnx golden girl
never knew its like this i only asked a question