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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PoptartsNinja View Post
    That said: There could even be a "police chase in progress" message that pops up; that creates a scanner-like mission if you defeat the car.
    I like this.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Wolf_Reign View Post
    Only problem is that if that were to be implemented what's there to stop a nearby player killing the target the current mission holder has to kill?
    Nothing. Why not give them both a reward, perhaps? Surely Batman isn't going to complain if Superman defeats the Riddler?
  3. What's the most common scene in a movie? Probably the chase scene! So where is this aspect of hero-ness in City of Heroes?

    I would suggest that one way you can add this is when a villain escapes from a safeguard mission, then you can spawn a van on the map with a HP bar and have faction enemies shooting the heroes from nearby rooftops as you try to beat the van up. For City of Villains, you could do something similar, I guess you're beating up a potential victim's van.

    This could also be added into the game as a triggered event or even a spawned event. It would be neat if the van could zone, too, perhaps.

    I can see the barriers that would prevent this, but if all you do is think about why something cannot be done, it'll simply never happen.

    Got any thoughts that might make this idea better? Please state them!
  4. It appears there was an issue with the operator of the computer.
  5. This has been suggested SO many times, it's a wonder the devs haven't read any of the posts concerning it!

    In my opinion, there should be a certain amount of this type of thing going on in most zones anyway, rather than static mob "spawns".

    When I read about Going Rogue it just confirms to me that they're happy to have the same old ancient standing-in-the-same-spot mobs and npcs. Quite disappointing, really.
  6. Hero2

    Nerd Powerset

    Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
    "The Morgan" needs to be there
    "Your testicular skills won't do any good out there", haha.
  7. Hero2

    Calendar please

    /signed, stamped, sealed posted and got back with "nobody lives at this address" written on it.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tonality View Post

    A Reason for Recluse's Victory

    Suppose now, that by capturing the pillboxes, the winning side would unlock a drop table that would allow PvP recipes to drop at a conservative rate from enemy NPCs in the zone, as well as players.
    I think this is a good effort, but I also think that once people start to get, as you said, beaten down by so-and-so, they will stop going there. Again. Even though the reward is improved, the risk will still be too high. It's my opinion that this measure would simply provide fodder for existing PvPers for a short time.
  9. Hero2

    Nerd Powerset

    I would be interested to see how the community would react to the notion of a "nerd" powerset. You know what a nerd is, so fill in the blanks yourself.

    I crush your head,
    X-Ray glasses,
    Tin foil hat,

    etc, you get the idea.
  10. I'm a little disappointed that someone else did the Arithmetitian before me, but on the other hand, I'm happy that my idea was good enought that it was put into another game.
  11. Hero2

    hey all on union

    Learning to use the chat tab interface is helpful. Begin by right clicking on a chat tab ...
  12. IMO the game should show which bosses you still require, rather than a 5/10 style display. Perhaps this is asking too much...
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vitality
    For Scrappers.
    Perhaps... if the set consists of a large variety of pistol whipping manoeuvre and no shooting at all
  14. I think that the D&D system is wrong. Rather than "evil" it should be selfish. As such I guess I'd want to see myself as chaotic good, but I have to say I'm probably neutral lawful.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AquaJAWS View Post
    • I thought Sprint was available at level 1? Rest pops up at 2 (or maybe 3, I forget)
    I'm not reading 12 pages to make one facetious comment, so please add me to the list of people saying that now we truly can run before we can walk.
  16. This is a great idea! Yeah, go numbers!
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hero2 View Post
    Thanksgiving is different, since it's giving thanks for no longer being British, or something. That's not really celebrated in... anywhere outside of the US of states (yes, there is a rest-of-the-world!) regardless of your religion.
    I was reading about Harvest Festival on Wikipedia (no, I don't have anything better to do) and it said (it being the new bible, inaccuracies and all) that Thanksgiving was a version of Harvest Festival and WAS about thanking God for whatever the harvest has been like. So if you want to do it, call it Harvest Festival, but avoid all the dodgy God nonsense.
  18. Hero2


    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Pets in control sets are permanent. No exceptions.

    Any other pets in any other sets are temporary. No exceptions.

    Mind you, there's no such thing as ACTUALLY permanent. "Permanent" pets just have a duration of 99999 seconds, which comes up to about 27 hours.

    Phantom Army decoys are summons from a control set, but they are still temporary, and on a rather short timer, as are the Creeper Vines, I believe.

    So there are exceptions, but for the most part, the rules hold true.
    So is the reason my fluffy and sentinel vanish after 4 and 1 minutes respectively, afaik, that I am a defender? The equivalent pets in controller last until killed/zoned?
  19. Well, my lancastrian (English) accent came out as:
    Your Result: The Inland North

    You may think you speak "Standard English straight out of the dictionary" but when you step away from the Great Lakes you get asked annoying questions like "Are you from Wisconsin?" or "Are you from Chicago?" Chances are you call carbonated drinks "pop."
    I don't get asked those questions. Mostly I get asked to repeat what I just said.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Westley View Post
    So, can ANYONE answer to me why this happens?
    There are many reasons why it might happen, and the truth is probably a combination:

    It possibly harks back to the 1950s when americans were seen as cool and exotic because of Elvis and/or movie stars like Marlon Brando/James Dean.

    There are plenty of musicians who sound regional, but it's also worth bearing in mind that all the pop that gets into the American market comes through people like Simon Cowell. If he doesn't like regional accents (or thinks that americans won't like/understand/buy them), then you don't get to hear them.

    You should also recognise how lazy (not an insult) the american accent is, the words are like pebbles worn by the sea, the rough edges which you find in the accents of other countries are rubbed away. It's easier to say "gonna" than "going to", for example, and this is usually allows for a better flow of words which is important when singing.

    I believe that it's significant that a lot of americans came originally from south-western england, where the accent is very rounded. Think pirates. A lot of americanisms appear to originate here.
  21. Hero2


    Originally Posted by beyeajus74018 View Post
    oh ok I see, you were talking about the non-mm pets. My bad dude, but yah as mentioned after me, most pets like voltaic or darkservant are perma right out of the box. From what I've heard, voltaic sentinel is a pretty useless power for it's tier anyway, and most do respec out of it.
    Yeah, it's a shame that a lot of powers are utterly crap, but I suppose that's what happens when "devs don't care"(tm). Do you think they do a search for that? Hmm. Anyway, I'll delete the toon - electric (ranged) seems rubbish and I don't like dark anymore.
  22. Left/Right Leg/Arm accessories. That is all.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Biospark View Post
    I would really like to see the introduction of Vehicles into the city streets of Paragon.
    I agree with this only if they are ridiculous. Unicycles and clown cars...