no blinds




I had a filler ask me to join them, then they immediately hit the invite button before i'd responded. IMO, that's very rude too. At least give me a chance to say no. (thanks).



Sometimes whenever i reply a tell from people, they thank me. Why should people thank for something which is a natural act for a human being? I know there are many people who don't bother to reply but that feels really wrong.

[/ QUOTE ]

Why does it sound wrong? To me it looks like they were simply being polite.



It's the phraseology that often gets used - "No problem, thanks for replying!" or words that mean pretty much the same.

The unspoken implication is that they feel they need to thank you for actually taking the time to tell them why you're not interested. Which further implies that lots of other people don't.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



My favourite is the blind invite to a team, accepted because I was bored and looking for something new to do. We completed the leaders mission (first warning bell was that map had already been uncovered, second was that the leader said not one word, third was that every mob on the map was a +2/+3 to all of us except the leader). We cleared the map, completed the mission and the leader promptly quit. Ever had a feeling of being used?

Suppose I briefly found something slightly different to do but as far as I'm concerned, every time I accept a blind invite I'm reminded of why I shouldn't.



It's the phraseology that often gets used - "No problem, thanks for replying!" or words that mean pretty much the same.

The unspoken implication is that they feel they need to thank you for actually taking the time to tell them why you're not interested. Which further implies that lots of other people don't.

[/ QUOTE ]

Which to be fair is pretty true. I almost always reply to a tell, unless I miss it, and if I am setting up a team and people reply 'no thanks' (or something equally polite) I will usually send a reply saying 'no worries, thanks' or 'happy hunting'. It's just polite.



I had a filler ask me to join them, then they immediately hit the invite button before i'd responded. IMO, that's very rude too. At least give me a chance to say no. (thanks).

[/ QUOTE ]
You're politer than me; my ice blaster (team message: "Tells before invite greatly appreciated") got a "want to team?" tell while standing in Wentworths last night.

Well, I didn't, as I was just about to do the last mish in a Midnighters arc, but as they'd sent a tell I thought I'd respond in kind and was just starting to type a "Sorry, about to..." reply when the same person sent an actual invite. Cue cancellation of the tell, and immediate press of the "No" button.

A few minutes later the guy sent another tell, but the mangling bug clipped it down to a single "y"...who knows what he'd said.



I must say that the message does seem to be getting across mostly though.

I've had a LOT of tells lately asking me if I want to team, many of them fairly polite and the majority with a "thanks anyway" if I've said no (many I said yes too).

I even had quite possible the politest ever PL request the other day...

"Hello, I'm <heroname> and was wondering if you could maybe spare some time to help me level my new character? It would be greatly appreciated"

I told him, quite politely, that sorry, but I don't PL people, but wished him luck etc and got back.

"Oh, thanks anyway. Terribly sorry if I bothered you and I hope you have a great day"

I was, quite frankly, astonished! Almost made me feel bad that I said no!


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Yeah Floaty, I get that alot as well. But, as you well know, if someone asks nicely enough (Even if they're level 3 or 4) i'll normally invite them if there is a SK spot. And when I do actually invite the polite person, they're normally very quick to thank me. It really does fill me with a warm, cuddely feeling- Possibly one of the reasons I go out of my way to invite them. ;p



Sometimes whenever i reply a tell from people, they thank me. Why should people thank for something which is a natural act for a human being? I know there are many people who don't bother to reply but that feels really wrong.

[/ QUOTE ]

Why does it sound wrong? To me it looks like they were simply being polite.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hmmm... Yeah we are agree on polite part. I am thinking a way to explain it but my mind a bit fuzzy at the moment but i will try, so no promises.

When you ask something to someone, you thank for the information you recieved. To me it is natural to recieve an answer when you tell someone something. Unfortunately in game getting a reply to your teaming tell is rare, so people thank others for bothering with a reply. That what feels wrong. Not thanking part.

Phew... i hope this lights up the situation for you a bit.

Highest Regards,


PS: As a non-native English speaker sometimes my brain can conjure up words or put them into right order. So if you ever don't understand my comment don't hesitate to ask for explanation.



Hey. Could I just check what you believe is flagged as 'looking for team'?

There's essentially four different statuses in the member search window.

Firstly, people already in a team. These appear greyed out, rather than the blue that everyone without a team is.

Secondly, there's people without a team, but not looking for a team. They have set the flag indicating 'do not accept invites', are highlighted in red, and are probably dedicated solo'ers or people with little time to play.

Thirdly, there's people actively looking for a team. These have set flags to say looking for any team, looking for mission team, looking for trial team, and so forth. It's good manners to send a tell; you're not necessarily doing them a massive favour by inviting them so a quick tell to say what sort of levels you're fighting and whether you're doing story missions, radio missions, hunting, or what have you is generally considered polite.

Fourthly, people who haven't set any flags. They show as 'not seeking team', but may well be anyway. As these people might be soloing, or waiting for a TF to start, or waiting for their SG to come online, or just using the program as an expensive chat client, it is of course only manners that you establish whether they're looking before you send an invite. If I'm fighting some sort of purple boss in PI (Say, a master illusionist) and treading the very fine line between life and death that my Blaster walks in such situations, the last thing I want is an invite window popping up when I'm trying to click something and getting me killed.

So, don't go by what may or may not happen in other MMO's. CoH has always had a more mature playerbase, and we like to see some manners, sonny jim.

DON'T eat muffins while I'm developing you.

Pants! Turkey Magnates! A man in a box! Rogue AI! Come one, come all, to arc ID 10107 - It's [i]'Not as long as some other arcs'[/i]!



When you ask something to someone, you thank for the information you recieved. To me it is natural to recieve an answer when you tell someone something. Unfortunately in game getting a reply to your teaming tell is rare, so people thank others for bothering with a reply. That what feels wrong. Not thanking part.

[/ QUOTE ]

I got that the other day when teaming with the flying circus. Someone asked me if there was room in the team and I sent back a tell saying "Sorry, we are full I'm afraid." to which I received the following message.

"Oh wow thank u for replying most people dont"

Yeah, I think that's wrong too. People not replying to tells like that should be the exception and not the rule. Unfortunately it isn't and I doubt that will ever change.



When building a team in the past I'd normally just send "LFT?"

Having read this thread a while back I decided I should be giving more info so now I send "LFT? we're doing XXX in YYY lvl ZZZ"

Oddly I think I got a better reply rate to the "LFT?"

Though I support the tell bug might be having an effect



2 changes badly needed in team search.

1) Team leaders should be starred
2) People on full teams should be flagged as such


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



2 changes badly needed in team search.

1) Team leaders should be starred
2) People on full teams or TFs should be flagged as such

[/ QUOTE ]
Agreed, with minor revision.



It's the phraseology that often gets used - "No problem, thanks for replying!" or words that mean pretty much the same.

The unspoken implication is that they feel they need to thank you for actually taking the time to tell them why you're not interested. Which further implies that lots of other people don't.

[/ QUOTE ]

I get that a lot. I can type out 'No thankyou' so fast I usually do it in-between attacks. Many people seem surprised I bothered.

Chairman of the Charity of Pain; accepting donations of blood and guts.

Prophet of the Creamy Truth; "If it's empty, fill it with cream."



2 changes badly needed in team search.

1) Team leaders should be starred
2) People on full teams or TFs should be flagged as such

[/ QUOTE ]
Agreed, with minor revision.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, I agree there. It would also be nice if the team leader could put a message about what (if anything) the team is looking for or the type of missions they are doing. The two suggestions above are most needed though.



I always try make a point to at least reply to tells i get.
If it's a broken tell i will do a "/r broken tell".
If i am ignoring someone it's prolly cause i actually have that person on ignore (there's like... two plus spammers) or i'm not at keyboard/in icon.

It's an MMO, i like interacting with other players. So i try make an effort to do so when looking for teams or asking people if they have room. Then of course there's day where i'm more or less chatty.



great suggestion Floating fat man, cant believe no-one thought of it b4 hopefully they will take this suggestion on board, have u suggested it to them ?




I love forming and leading teams as it gives me xp. For those three things to happen I need people to join my team. To be able to form a team to lead and get xp from it I need to recruit people. To recruit poeple my best chance is to be polite and respectful in my initial approach to them, give them as much information as I can to enable them to to give me a quick and decisive response. Quite simply it is in the team's leader's best interests to send a quick tell before inviting someone to the team.

Moving on from that, when I am not in a team and I get a blind invite, I assume that the team's leader is too lazy and disinterested to effectively lead a team in the first place, so why would I want to join a team with a lazy and poor leader? I wouldn't, so I ask people not to send me them, and decline when they do. Also, just because I am not looking for any old team it does not mean I am not looking for a team. I just don't want to risk joining a very bad team, and in my experience the chances of a blind invite leading to a bad team are very high indeed.

I genuinely cannot fathom why so many people seemingly have difficulty getting their head around it.



great suggestion Floating fat man, cant believe no-one thought of it b4 hopefully they will take this suggestion on board, have u suggested it to them ?

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually, it's quite an old and common suggestion that's been raised many times, but thanks.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



I genuinely cannot fathom why so many people seemingly have difficulty getting their head around it.

[/ QUOTE ]

They don't, it's just the OP (who hasn't been seen since) and possibly one or two others.

I really should do something about this signature.



I genuinely cannot fathom why so many people seemingly have difficulty getting their head around it.

[/ QUOTE ]

They don't, it's just the OP (who hasn't been seen since) and possibly one or two others.

[/ QUOTE ]

To be honest the amount of blind invites I receive in game may suggest otherwise. Although there is nothing to say they can't understand it, just that they don't care.



i find if you just send the tell "hi u lft all?" then immedietely send the invite regardless then you can fill a team in a mish or 2. I'm pretty sure thats not far off being a blind invite but noone has ever said anything.

[/ QUOTE ]

I take it all back. Tonight after sending an invite to 'player_x' I received a snotty tell regarding my rudeness.

player_x also suggested that no reply from him/her to the 'hi there, u lft at all?' meant 'not interested'.

After a lengthy discussion we came to the agreement that I would try not bother player_x in future. To ensure I was true to my word I popped player_x on global ignore.

2 minutes later a teammate said in team chat.........

"Player_x is lft"

I would suggest that Player_x had made his/her bed and that now he/she has to [censored] off in it.



I never really get blinds anymore, but I think it is the height of rudeness to ignore a tell. If someone takes the time to ask me to team politely then I'll take the time to explain why I can't accept their offer, and start to feel guilty if I'm in the middle of a big mob and have to wait a while before I can respond.


"You should come inside the box... Then you'll know what I mean."



One way to perhaps encourage or facilitate people to give more and better info to the players they want to invite is to allow the team leader to add info that will be sent with the team invite.

After all, if you can provide information that may show information what you may be looking for, why not complement that with adding info to an invite being sent?

The team leader could send an invite directly which would not be blind if he/she bothered to put enough info in there for the receiver to make a decision.

[url=""][b]My Story arcs[/b][/url]: [i]The Siren Supremes[/i] ([b]1143[/b]), [i]The Missing Geneticist[/i] ([b]2542[/b]), [i]Elemental Jones[/i] ([b]263512[/b]), [i]The Soul Hunter[/i] ([b]294431[/b]), [i]Heart of Steel[/i] ([b]407104[/b]), [i]Project Serpens[/i] ([b]434082[/b])