no blinds





So you're too stubborn to simply ask "want a team?" that's 3 words, count them 3!

And as for permission on inviting a friend round it all depends if their married/living with partner or not.

"want to come round to watch the match?"

"Yeah...erm...probably should ask the Missus first..."

See...happens in real life too..

[/ QUOTE ]

But it isn't is it??? Most people wont reply to that as it isnt polite enough and doesn't convey the team size, what you are doing, what zone, wether you have IO's, what shoe size you are, and if you have a mouse on the left side of the keyboard or the right.




The thing is that sending a team invite is exactly like sending a tell saying "do you want to team" except with the tell if they say yes you've then got to send a team invite for your actually asking twice.

I think the major problem with the team invite was that it popped up in the middle of the screen if it could be changed to come up else where maybe even as some kind of /tell message or email I recon there would be far fewer complaints and demands that people send a "do you want a team" tell before inviting.



Let me make something clear, I think, mrxxxx. Most people play with "Not Looking" as their search option. It's a rarity to see anything other than that and the red-out of auto-decline. If you don't believe me, go and take a quick look - most players will have a grey circle with a line through it. That's "Not Looking".

Because this is the default setting, a number of players - most people on this board, as far as I can tell - put an additional comment in their search message box, regarding how they feel about certain types of missions or invites. This will be their default feelings about those sorts of things, and it is common courtesy to pay attention to what it says, given that they've gone to the trouble of letting you know, regardless of which type of "Looking for" they have up, how they feel about requests.

If someone has said "No blinds", they are not rejecting teams. It just means that they want a little bit of a heads-up about the fact that they'll be getting an invite, most of the time - teleporters are a prime example, because a team invite in the middle of a zone-crossing is potentially lethal. Or me pointing out on my second account that I will not answer requests sent to it, because I'm not actually playing that account at the time.

I don't want blind invites from farmers. I don't want blind-fill-requests. Quite often I don't want to team with anyone outside my friends list. This does not mean that I do not want to team, however. So I leave myself open to invites - people who know me, know that they can invite me. Everyone else is asked to send me a message, first. I'm not putting barriers in the way - I'm asking for a little consideration of my feelings about being invited to a team. And for the price of a two second "Are you interested in a team?", you'll get a rapid response from me saying yes or no. Courtesy for courtesy. If you send me a blind invite, I will automatically reject it. Courtesy for courtesy.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



But it isn't is it??? Most people wont reply to that as it isnt polite enough and doesn't convey the team size, what you are doing, what zone, wether you have IO's, what shoe size you are, and if you have a mouse on the left side of the keyboard or the right.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sarcasm dually noted

Wasn't until I got to 'what shoe size you are' until I realised you were being sarcastic since I know some players will ask for level, zone, mission type and mob type in a tell...if you wanted to team...what do every one but the first matter?


just as the 'I refuse to send a tell' you get people going 'I wont join unless practically everything is told to me' takes all kinds I suppose.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



But it isn't is it??? Most people wont reply to that as it isnt polite enough and doesn't convey the team size, what you are doing, what zone, wether you have IO's, what shoe size you are, and if you have a mouse on the left side of the keyboard or the right.

[/ QUOTE ]

What was it they said about sarcasm being the lowest form of wit? While I don't care about people's shoe size or where they put their mouse, I do care about not having to go to Hollows to pound on Frosties head with my level 50 controller. It's nice to find these things out before travelling halfway across the world.



I keep my setting to not looking for group and have a no blinds comment but I still get blinds and I do just click no..and then I get the same blind...and i click no am I rude? No am I in wentworths wheeling and dealing? Yes

Not looking for group is a "do not disturb" sign not a "keep sending me that blind and I'll give in" sign.



I keep my setting to not looking for group and have a no blinds comment but I still get blinds and I do just click no..and then I get the same blind...and i click no am I rude? No am I in wentworths wheeling and dealing? Yes

Not looking for group is a "do not disturb" sign not a "keep sending me that blind and I'll give in" sign.

[/ QUOTE ]

If you don't want to be disturbed why not set your self to the not grouping option that way the blinds don't come thru.



What was it they said about sarcasm being the lowest form of wit? While I don't care about people's shoe size or where they put their mouse, I do care about not having to go to Hollows to pound on Frosties head with my level 50 controller. It's nice to find these things out before travelling halfway across the world.

[/ QUOTE ]

/sea <enter> - type name press return.

You see it swings both ways. You want to know what about some effort from your side? If someone flags up "looking for team" send the invite. If they are listed as "not looking for team" then they don't want a team. simple enough.



huh how come Khaines message has Re: TheMESS at the top yet quotes Calamity thats rather confusing



I keep my setting to not looking for group and have a no blinds comment but I still get blinds and I do just click no..and then I get the same blind...and i click no am I rude? No am I in wentworths wheeling and dealing? Yes

Not looking for group is a "do not disturb" sign not a "keep sending me that blind and I'll give in" sign.

[/ QUOTE ]

If you don't want to be disturbed why not set your self to the not grouping option that way the blinds don't come thru.

[/ QUOTE ]

Because I forget to turn it off and then wonder why I got a lot of tells asking me to join a team but never actually get the invite ..... then remember a week later I had it on



Oh yes, goddamnit, you reminded me. I keep dropping to the ground from a mile's height on my Warshade because of blind invites frustratingly often.

Don't be inconsiderate - think of the Teleporters!



You have to spend ALL the time you have the star sending chat messages.

[/ QUOTE ]

Um, people already in the team can type /search and send tells to other folks too, asking them if they want to join the team.. they just have to let the person with the star know which ones say they'd like to join for them to be invited, or get the star passed to them.

Help Dirk Knightly the freelance detective solve a case in Arc ID:368097



huh how come Khaines message has Re: TheMESS at the top yet quotes Calamity thats rather confusing

[/ QUOTE ]

'coz I used the quick reply rather than clicking quote.



What was it they said about sarcasm being the lowest form of wit? While I don't care about people's shoe size or where they put their mouse, I do care about not having to go to Hollows to pound on Frosties head with my level 50 controller. It's nice to find these things out before travelling halfway across the world.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is all fairly solvable by joining then asking what they're doing. It's hardly going to take anymore time than the alternative which is a /tell conversation.
It's just moaning about nothing, blind invites are such a small thing to get worked up about when all you have to do is move your mouse a couple of centimeters and click the shiny blue No button. Fact is if blind invites annoyed you that much you'd change the flag to red.
There are ways to avoid blinds, if you don't use them then your asking to be badgered and splattered with mash potato imho.

The above is only my opinion, please don't hate me for it
SG: Suicidal Maniacs @Aurealis
GhostRaptor: Server populations have been trending upwards since Issue 13 release. There are no current plans for any server mergers and we're looking forward to Issue 14 and the rest of the year.



i find if you just send the tell "hi u lft all?" then immedietely send the invite regardless then you can fill a team in a mish or 2. I'm pretty sure thats not far off being a blind invite but noone has ever said anything.

keep the team full, keep your contacts up to date and the missions ticking over and after a week or so you'll get some repeat customers and people will be asking you if they can join.

using that system most nights i can run a full team and have a couple waiting in the wings.



Just to add to this whole thing, earlier on today i asked someone who had the white circle flag on if they wanted to team. I got the generic excuse of 'oh i'm logging in a sec'.
Not only had they set to looking for 'anything' which implies in theory that they wanted to do a tf but just before apparently going to log.
I say apparently because they were still there an hour later. So not only did they set to lft they lied to me aswell. I find alot of people do this. I'm sure anyone with some amount of sense would rather have an honest answer than the generic excuse that is 'i'm just about to log'.

The above is only my opinion, please don't hate me for it
SG: Suicidal Maniacs @Aurealis
GhostRaptor: Server populations have been trending upwards since Issue 13 release. There are no current plans for any server mergers and we're looking forward to Issue 14 and the rest of the year.



I have accepted a blind invite three times. Two times the team fell apart within five minutes because of wildly varying levels and a mute team leader, the last was also a largely mute team leader with no brain, which resulted in what was essentially entirely wasted time.

I demand a tell, because until you start proving otherwise immediately with evidence of a rudimentary form of linguistics, I consider you an idiot, and I don't want to follow an idiot.

Chairman of the Charity of Pain; accepting donations of blood and guts.

Prophet of the Creamy Truth; "If it's empty, fill it with cream."



'Hey, can I have your permission to ask you if you'd like to come and watch the footy?'

[/ QUOTE ]

I would expect a friend to phone first, rather than just turn up on the doorstep expecting to use my TV and beer, yes.

Clearly if you've flagged yourself as 'looking for any team' you don't much mind what the team is doing.

[/ QUOTE ]

How do you rive at that conclusion? Last time I looked the flag didn't include options for no farms/no newspaper missions/no power levelers/not teams where I would be exemplared etc. There are a whole load of qualifications that would affect wether you choose to join a team or not. But I think the main one is "yes I want a team, but I might not want to team with you".

I really should do something about this signature.



i find if you just send the tell "hi u lft all?" then immedietely send the invite regardless then you can fill a team in a mish or 2. I'm pretty sure thats not far off being a blind invite but noone has ever said anything.

[/ QUOTE ]
Well no, I wouldn't - just give the dialog a dirty look and press the "No" button.



Playing Devils Advocate a little here, the /tell bug makes it a lot harder to invite because half the tells are broken and if you even get a reply you have to repeat yourself.

However, a "hi are you lft?" works wonders, and to counter the OPs post I've frequently had people send me blind invites, I've declined and then the inviter has immediately tried to reinvite to me, prompting me to ask what part of "No" they don't understand?

Personlly I don't have a problem getting a team mostly nor do I find having the star to be too onerous. You invite those you can and then the team just gets on with it.

I'd also add that more often than not most people tend to forget to update their availability status, which can frustrate. It's a bit of a pain when you send someone a tell because their message is "looking for any" and they reply "No thanks, soloing for now"

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



What was it they said about sarcasm being the lowest form of wit? While I don't care about people's shoe size or where they put their mouse, I do care about not having to go to Hollows to pound on Frosties head with my level 50 controller. It's nice to find these things out before travelling halfway across the world.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is all fairly solvable by joining then asking what they're doing.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sorry? Why should *I* have to go out of my way to deal with something that they should be doing? They are the ones looking for a team!



What was it they said about sarcasm being the lowest form of wit? While I don't care about people's shoe size or where they put their mouse, I do care about not having to go to Hollows to pound on Frosties head with my level 50 controller. It's nice to find these things out before travelling halfway across the world.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is all fairly solvable by joining then asking what they're doing.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sorry? Why should *I* have to go out of my way to deal with something that they should be doing? They are the ones looking for a team!

[/ QUOTE ]

Then click No and don't bother my point is there is little to get irritated about, all you have to do it click a button.

The above is only my opinion, please don't hate me for it
SG: Suicidal Maniacs @Aurealis
GhostRaptor: Server populations have been trending upwards since Issue 13 release. There are no current plans for any server mergers and we're looking forward to Issue 14 and the rest of the year.



i find if you just send the tell "hi u lft all?" then immedietely send the invite regardless then you can fill a team in a mish or 2. I'm pretty sure thats not far off being a blind invite but noone has ever said anything.

[/ QUOTE ]
Well no, I wouldn't - just give the dialog a dirty look and press the "No" button.

[/ QUOTE ]

and hey presto i know that the last spot isnt for you. i can then move on and fire out the next one.

i try and not fire out 2 when theres only one spot. this method means i (and another six people) don't have to waste our time hoping that you are thoughtful enough to reply in a sensible time frame, if at all.



Other Player: [Tell] farm?
Me: [Tell] read?
Other Player: [Tell] Sorry, I'm Spanish, my English is not so good.
Me: [Tell] No problem. In that case, thank you for asking, but not right now. Have fun!

[/ QUOTE ]

You shouldn't really have replied like that to the opening Tell - Defiant and Union are English language servers, not English origin servers - you can't assume everyone on them will be British or American.
A couple of weeks ago, I was on a team with a Greek, a German and a Serbian guy - the German guy said he liked to practice English, so played on Defiant as well as Zukunft, and the Serbian and Greek guys couldn't speak German or French, but could undertsnad and speak pretty good English, so they chose Defiant to play on.
There are 4 European servers that are divided into 3 language groups, and as English is like an unofficial second language for Europe, you should always expect there to be players who don't have it as their first language.

And welcome to the game and forum, Mrxxxx

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



i hardly ever send blinds, unless the message says something like "blinds welcome" or "always lft", but usually ask first. always say when i ask if the person is going to need to exemp or sk. usually say what i'm asking for (mish arc/papers/etc)

don't see why it's so hard to be polite when teaming.

and if i've set my message to "ask first pls" then, please, ask first.

@craggy see me on Union for TFs, SFs (please!) or just some good ol fashioned teaming.