437 -
You know it may be more userful if someone explains why they are saying no, rather than just a straight no.
I think that it is part of the game. Making people wait just because a few spoil it would be unacceptable. Veteran rewards are supposed to be shinies that you get for playing from a long time. They are not supposed to be a huge chunk of the game. -
Ok this is probably my last post about the site, but it is an update post.
Added editing and deletion of comments. You can only add and delete comments that you have left.
Comments are now linked to the mission arc by version. This doesn't do anything special yet but is there for future developments.
Comments can now be previewed before the final submission. This can be skipped via a checkbox on the page.
User menu options have been moved to the side menu.
The top menu has been deemed superflous and removed. This also solves a problem of what to do with the menu when there are more items on it.
There is now a useful links entry under the main menu. At present this only has MA links, but can be used to display useful links to other areas of the site and offsite connections.
Mission list has been tweaked to make the titles and author names fit a bit better. It avoids wrapping on some of the longer names.
Random mission offering has been added to the top of the mission view list. At present this is just a random selection, but plans are afoot for this bit.
That.s the lot I think.
Also still need info about reviews. I am thinking that reviewers should be a privilleged role, only had 2 opinions so far though . -
Something that did amuse me
By 2007, the team introduced an invention system to City of Heroes and City of Villains. The nerfs were gone and the old, generic zones had been refurbished. "There is one nerf that I did that we lost a couple thousand people on," he admits. "It was called enhancement diversification... and that really did make people mad."
[/ QUOTE ]
Now why exactly did that raise more aggro than usual there, could it be the nerf or the bold face lie that was told after GDN? I wonder. -
COH is awesome it has faults, but i think CO will help people realise how great the game is. It seems players leave due to being bored of 5 years of paragon, not because the games pants.
[/ QUOTE ]
Ah young padawan, the faith of the newer playing invigorates the game. As someone new you would not have seen the promises, deceptions and lost hope. We the older ones have lived through the alterations and the nerfings. Yet still we stayed. We saw disappointment in what could have been, and yet we stayed. Now after many moons have passed we grow tired of the words that turn to ash in our ears, of the nirvana in the distance that never approaches, of the fallen promises that rot by the wayside. To you the game is fresh and young, we yearn for more and are offered reskins, and emotes.
I wish any new player well and hope that you get as much joy from CoX as I have, but at some point you too will tire and move away, this is the way of the MMO. The fact that we say goodbye in public is twofold, one so that our compatriots can see that we are leaving and maybe say goodbye, and also so that the developers can see that shiny baubles and gewgaws do not retention keep.
I once played star wars online, I could not see what was so bad about the game, I heard stories of the destruction wrought by developers that changed the game from a once proud state into the parody of itself that it was. I had never experienced the highs so the lows seemed like a high to me. This is merely the low for us that choose to depart. -
On a side note I was just closing the account page and noticed that my 48 month veteran reward would have been awarded on the 5th. Have I really been playing that long?
Also just a quick note as there are too many leaving threads to post on,
I have enjoyed my time here, it has lasted a lot longer than any of the other MMOs I have ever played. Not planning on going to any MMO at present, but maybe I will meet you out there in the electronic ether sometime. -
We have cookies too, but unlike the US we haven't perverted the language to the point that we mean all biscuits when we say cookies.
It's a famous line that has been used time and time again. Basically meaning "I am off, and I don't think this place has much life left in it" -
I think Jack Emmert said all he needed to when he effectively said "people leave, so what? new people will start playing and fill the gap"
You can group at any point. The missions you have aren't locked into solo only. When you complete a mission you don't have to accept the next one. Complete a mission and don't take the next, mission slot is open. If you clear a mission arc you don't have to start another.
Edit: Also you can quit them. You are allowed 1 per X time, the exact time I can't remember but I think it is 3 days. To do so go see the contact that gave you the mission and there should be an option to drop the mission. If there isn't then that specific mission can't be dropped. It does that for missions that complete badges or other goodies on completion. -
Would the last one out please turn off the lights.
Playable Until: May 2, 2009
Subscription: none
No big speech, I may be back but I wouldn't bet on it. I am going to leave CoG in the capable hands of Emo, he may even sign up to the forums.
Tootles. -
It would be nice to not have zones hero side that are basically pointless. There is no point to boomtown or astoria. You can go from 1 to 50 without ever setting foot in them. Revamp or close them I say. Instead of a hike across to the other end of the map for a mission just to come all the way back.
Co-op zones are the only ones that will keep both sides happy-ish but not everything can be done lore wise in a co-op environment. -
Ah that makes sense then. I thought I was being diddled out of tickets. My mistake was thinking they dropped as part of a standard defeat prize. Which also explains why I get barely any when I am teamed.
So I missed it? There's nothing around to see. Oddly no "join us, we need fill" tells either.
Are tickets supposed to drop in a pattern or are they random? The reason I ask is that I though you were supposed to get some for each defeated enemy, but my rewards log shows something very different.
You gain 1,945 influence.
You earned 3 architect tickets!
You gain 1,945 influence.
You gain 1,945 influence.
You earned 10 architect tickets!
You gain 6,669 influence.
You received Insight.
Congratulations! You earned the Went the Extra Mile badge.
You gain 1,945 influence.
You earned 4 architect tickets!
You gain 1,945 influence.
You received Respite.
You earned 2 architect tickets!
You gain 1,945 influence.
You received Luck.
You gain 6,669 influence.
You received Take a Breather.
You gain 1,945 influence.
You earned 6 architect tickets! -
If I had been able to remember or not been to lazy to look it up I would have known it was Ee-Ai-EE-Ai-Oh! (arc id:3662) and JD wouldn't have had to remind me
But it isn't semantics that you learned it from US instead of EU site?
Outcome is the same: You learned it.
You forget that for a newspost to be posted at EU site, must be translated first in to two other languages...
[/ QUOTE ]
By that same logic. byebye EU site. Since we don't need it. We have the US one. It just needs the other languages on it. -
wow first time I have ever heard of an account getting banned. Must be one for the world record books.
My Mondeo is shiny and nice,
There are many like it, but this is mine.
Any car I can pick up for £500 and not need any work to get through a MoT gets my vote. -
here what's with the Mondeo bashing? Top Gear car of the year I will have you know.
really when i google city of heroes i get the EU site first when i google city of heroes forum i get EU first. if i purchase through steam i get EU so there's a fair to even chance that they will end up on the EU.
[/ QUOTE ]
very odd. I go to google and type "city of heroes" and I get
etc, etc. In fact the EU link is not even on the first page. It is top of the 3rd page. Anyone with those results will go to the US.
[/ QUOTE ]
what google are you useing? i use google.co.uk are you useing google.com perhaps?
[/ QUOTE ]
ah, yes I use google.com I tend to get better results. Although if I do it I can't believe that I am the only one.
So results vary wildly when using com over co.uk. At least we sorted that one out. We were both right, in a way -
really when i google city of heroes i get the EU site first when i google city of heroes forum i get EU first. if i purchase through steam i get EU so there's a fair to even chance that they will end up on the EU.
[/ QUOTE ]
very odd. I go to google and type "city of heroes" and I get
etc, etc. In fact the EU link is not even on the first page. It is top of the 3rd page. Anyone with those results will go to the US. -
The lag one that annoys me is selling. I type 500 click the sell button, next item type 500 click sell. Argh.. I just put this item on the market for 500,500 as the click was ignored.
Yep that is why I mark any optional box like that as useless. Without the "don't ask again" option the box is an annoyance. I don't want to click yes 18 times just to buy 18 things. However, as Carnifax says, most people will turn the popup off meaning that they are free to make the mistakes anyway.