i15 moaners.
As I recall they have never told us everything about an issue right away.
[/ QUOTE ]
They've never held back anything big either, though.
i lost my optimism for the dev and there promises when they destoryed a very big part of the game for me (refering to the PvP f up)
im not holding my breathe for nething good tbh.... I'm just bideing my time til DCUO and KotoRo come out
Is not going to remain VIP after Jan 14th 2012, but may remain an active Premium account holder.
See some of you guys/gals in other/new MMOs Soon(tm)
N.B. If you are going to do smt, please do it or GTFO and STFU nab
I'm not particularly optimistic or pessimistic. I'm just not bored with the game yet. But then again, I've been playing for less than 15 months, so maybe I'm still a wide-eyed newbie.
Sorta hope we get more proliferation though. Saw a Martial Arts/Stone Armor custom boss in a MA mission and I want to make a toon that can kick people in the face with a rock-encased foot.
I guess I also don't really know what else I'd WANT from i15. A graphics overhaul? The idea's been thrown about, but the graphics in CoX feel above average for an MMORPG to me anyway; I guess CO might seem threatening in that sense, though.
I'm content with shiny stuff like more costume change emotes and a new SF. Wish it were 30-35 though, nasty SF gap there.
I'm not particularly optimistic or pessimistic. I'm just not bored with the game yet.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yup. It's a game, when I'm bored with it I'll stop playing it. It's that simple. Wasn't too impressed with I14, not big on the Mission Architect, I just played Empire: Total War until I felt like playing CoX again, which I now am.
Chairman of the Charity of Pain; accepting donations of blood and guts.
Prophet of the Creamy Truth; "If it's empty, fill it with cream."
Well i can understand your point, Devil.
While i am not moaning about i15 also didn't get too excited about future either. If there is somethings i like in the next issue, it is all good (in i15 we will get new faces, yee haa ), if not... well, there will be the other one i will have something i like possibly.
I am still enjoying the game... playing this game is something i like to do on evenings.
Oh! Don't delete your blaster... there is Statesman TF still, which is the most fun part of the game
And as someone said (think it was JD) Posi needs something to tells us in the announcement.
[/ QUOTE ]
It was me. But then, I'm still pretty sure (as always) that those devs really mean well for the game. I'm just a bit pee'd off recently at a ham-fisted method of approaching exploits/bugs and the lack of communication during recent months (when the game and companies involved have been going through some big changes).
They've never held back anything big either, though.
[/ QUOTE ]
Wait until Posi's address and see if that does say anything more. Holding back something for c.15 hours does not really mean anything.
Though IMO if Posi does add anything then it was somewhat misguided to release the I15 information before his address.
And I'm sure if someone on test was to ask the guests if i15 will be bigger then what we have seen so far they will say YES!
[/ QUOTE ]
My guess is they'd be more likely to say "I can't tell you yet, but I can say that I can't answer with a 'NO'".
If they said yes then they just get pestered like hell for info - and I'm assuming that the devs on test will be before Posi's address. It doesn't go down well if you leak any big news mere hours before the boss makes his big address.
By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)
To those accusing people like myself of moaning, I have this to say.
I am a paying customer, and am entitled to make my feelings known. If you don't like that then please, feel free to not read my posts.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
I'm optimistic.
More boosterpacks!!
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!
If you don't like that then please, feel free to not read my posts.
[/ QUOTE ]Is there some kind of handy forum function I could use to just hide them? Just asking.
'City of Heroes' has Years of exciting content for a new player or player with limited subscription time so far, Don't get me wrong,.. that exciting content is still there as a major factor for first-time players.
The dis-satisfaction is coming from Veterans recognising Paragon Studios repackaging old content relabelled as new and not listening to what the playerbase have been requesting for years.
See all the polls about new zones etc, yet they are forging ahead in a direction that has the new content ratio dropping drastically in favour of tinkering persistantly with PvP and the newly introduced MA feature.
Look at the issue updates Col.B on the official site and see how the curve of new zones and fresh content was in the past, It has levelled right off and content redux such as the Hamidon event left in a player-unfriendly state with no apparent willingness to amend it regardless of player-feedback.
I wish you years of enjoyment in what you will experience in Paragon if you have not experienced all it has to offer so far. But as far as Veterans voicing informed opinion, I put it to you they possibly have a more comprehensive knowledge of whats rehash-packaged-as-new and what is actually new.
If you don't like that then please, feel free to not read my posts.
[/ QUOTE ]Is there some kind of handy forum function I could use to just hide them? Just asking.
[/ QUOTE ]
There's an Ignore User button. It's a bit annoying though as you still see the person said something, you've just no idea what it was. Eurogamers is much better (and needed on those forums), you erase the person from your view entirely.
I'm trying to be optimistic but I'm pretty bored with it all to be honest. I've tried the usual routine of having a break when I get that feeling but each time I've come back, the time spent playing before getting bored again has been shorter than the last time. Looks like the dreaded real life is calling me
I wish you years of enjoyment in what you will experience in Paragon if you have not experienced all it has to offer so far. But as far as Veterans voicing informed opinion, I put it to you they possibly have a more comprehensive knowledge of whats rehash-packaged-as-new and what is actually new.
[/ QUOTE ]I'm not going to lie and pretend I'm going to be playing CoX forever, myself. I can sense that these frustrated veterans are bored of the game itself though, and seem to be asking for an entirely new game to play to get rid of their boredom. This isn't going to happen in CoX anytime soon. The devs keep tweaking old content because most of it was poorly designed in the beginning (y'all can thank the folks over at Cryptic for that when you migrate to CO).
Sure, at this point it might actually be more productive to restart from zero, but that'd simply kill the game instantly. The best they can offer us is shinies to distract us until they get things the way they want them to be. If you can't wait - which is understandable if you've been playing upwards of three years - then maybe it's time to just move on? Make room for the younger generation without suffocating them (us?) with b*tching we've all heard before a hundred times? All the shinies you could ask for won't keep you excited for over a week anyway.
(That last one wasn't directed at anyone in specific, mind you, just the ones that make it sound like the devs are violating their civil rights by not making i15 spawn superheroine prostitutes in their room when they turn the game on, to service them orally.)
But there is definitely going to be more. They are bound to know a small issue would disappoint the majority of players, and with CO round the corner they can't afford to [censored] of players. As I recall they have never told us everything about an issue right away.
[/ QUOTE ]
Sadly though Thorny, you old devil, this is what we all thought with I14, that they would add more for people who didnt like that, and they didnt.
And to be honest, if they take as long as normal to announce anything further, then it will be too late.
Zhaan, Chakyra, Fiorina 161, Aeryn, Polly Nation, Dee Pression, Shazanne, Night Jester and too many more to mention.
Network Hell 47640
Valley of the Harpies 74519
Green and Pleasant Land 75966
this is what we all thought with I14
[/ QUOTE ]Why? We were specifically told i14 would mostly just be the Mission Architect and some minor fluff. You're naturally going to disappoint yourself if you make expectations like that.
I am a paying customer, and am entitled to make my feelings known. If you don't like that then please, feel free to not read my posts.
[/ QUOTE ]
Hahaha! Cram it. You don't get to 'make your feelings known' and then complain I'm doing the same thing.
Chairman of the Charity of Pain; accepting donations of blood and guts.
Prophet of the Creamy Truth; "If it's empty, fill it with cream."
I'm not going to lie and pretend I'm going to be playing CoX forever, myself. I can sense that these frustrated veterans are bored of the game itself though, and seem to be asking for an entirely new game to play to get rid of their boredom.
[/ QUOTE ]
I can't speak for everybody, of course, but for me, that's not the case at all.
For me, a great deal of the enjoyment I've gotten from CoH was not a matter of gameplay. It was sharing in the excitment and enthusiasm on the forums, it was the anticipation of the next issue or event, it was the "Wow, that's cool" factor when a new issue finally arrived, it was the banter and the quarrels and the spirit.
It's a good game, sure. But it wasn't just a good game. And now it is. And that, for me, isn't enough.
I am a paying customer, and am entitled to make my feelings known. If you don't like that then please, feel free to not read my posts.
[/ QUOTE ]
Hahaha! Cram it. You don't get to 'make your feelings known' and then complain I'm doing the same thing.
[/ QUOTE ]
Khorak, if you've a problem with anyones posts click Notify Moderator and stick em on Ignore.
Continuing to troll doesn't really help anything, all it'll do is get the thread locked.
I am a paying customer, and am entitled to make my feelings known. If you don't like that then please, feel free to not read my posts.
[/ QUOTE ]
Hahaha! Cram it. You don't get to 'make your feelings known' and then complain I'm doing the same thing.
[/ QUOTE ]
Where exactly is he complaining about you making your feelings known? All I see is him saying that you are welcome to not read his posts if you don't like them? At no point does he say you can't post?
We built this city on Rock and Roll!

The devs keep tweaking old content because most of it was poorly designed in the beginning (y'all can thank the folks over at Cryptic for that when you migrate to CO).
[/ QUOTE ]
Col, whilst I think you're right that part of this is veteran burnout, this last quoted sentence is misleading.
IIRC all devs bar one who were working on CoX moved to NC when it bought the IP (announced 6/11/07). Ok - Cryptic still has STatesman, but most other devs who created the early content moved to NC and produced the more recent content. Effectively Cryptic developed CoX and then the development team left Cryptic to continue developing CoX.
Admittedly, States may have been a big contributing factor to any design choices/standards implemented in early CoX. The biggest changes (from player visibility) may have come when States stepped down from the helm of CoH and Posi took over, rather than when NC bought the IP.
By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)
Issue 15 needs a LOT more, we've had far too many "small" issues lately. If the main features of it is going to be 2 tfs then i think the issue will be a fail.
Issue 15 was said to be the next big issue, which is what we need since issue 12 - 14 was VERY light on dev created missions. I just hope this doesnt turn out to be another issue 12 Great tfs but thats about it.
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
Out of curiosity do we know its definitely the same old 5th or are we getting a revamped 5th?
Not a moan just my opinion.
New people have a lot to see, If they don't skip it by powerleveling in the MA of course, but the veterans want something new. When that new thing on offer is an old ball wrapped in new paper, well their attention will start to wander. With a new game, namely Champions, on the horizon they may start to wander in that direction. This in no means makes CO better, just new.
I think it says something about the MA that I am more interested in a site about the MA than the MA itself.
I'm not going to lie and pretend I'm going to be playing CoX forever, myself. I can sense that these frustrated veterans are bored of the game itself though, and seem to be asking for an entirely new game to play to get rid of their boredom. This isn't going to happen in CoX anytime soon.
[/ QUOTE ]
As a frustrated veteran all I can say is that if it looks like I'm asking for an entirely new game then there's been a communications breakdown.
What I'd like is enough new dev content (zones, missions, TFs, etc...) to keep things fresh. What we've received over the last 3 (or maybe 2.5) Issues is a few Cimorea story arcs in I13, and a promised TF+SF in I15. All the time with promises of big stuff soon.
I aim not to strop or flame (although I will provide views on the game forums - that's what they're there for, after all) so when I think things aren't coming through as I'd hope I just move on.
A number of people are moaning about it being small. The only thing I don't like about it is there being no SF for villain between 30-35 or 40-45. But there is definitely going to be more. They are bound to know a small issue would disappoint the majority of players, and with CO round the corner they can't afford to [censored] of players. As I recall they have never told us everything about an issue right away. And as someone said (think it was JD) Posi needs something to tells us in the announcement. And I'm sure if someone on test was to ask the guests if i15 will be bigger then what we have seen so far they will say YES!
So I'm optimistic. If there isn't more to i15 then I will delete the Blaster that I am currently working on. It is level 45 and the highest I have ever got with that AT. That's how much faith I have in the Devs. But I wont be leaving the game as there is still a lot of things I haven't done.
If people don't like my optimism then sorry.
If people are optimistic with me, then please say why.