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  1. Would love them to merge the Server lists hope it happens soon
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
    For those of you with Stone Armor characters, how attached are you to the current appearance of "Granite Armor"?
    Honestly i cant stand it and avoid using it whenever I can.

    Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
    There are a number of issues with Granite Armor that could be elegantly solved by changing the VFX of the power into something more akin to the other armor toggles in the set. IE, your player model and costume wouldn't go away, there would just be a new set of 'Granite' armor pieces overlaid.
    Yes please this would do me as the way it obliterates your costume has all ways personally bugged me.


    Also if this go's thrue and provided its possible any chance granite could suppress the other armours instead of toggling them off that way those of us that like the lairing effect of the armours could have another layer to add

    oh and i realise some people like the fact that granite makes you bigger so could it be worked in such a way that toggling on granite increased your size thoe not as huge as this guy
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Castle View Post
    Ok. It's something we've discussed and have a design for. It is *not* something currently on the schedule.

    Everyone wants something like this; the trick is figuring out when/how to get it onto the schedule and whether or not the increased infrastructure would be cost effective.
    If yous are looking at some kind of cross server PvP areas any chance they could be made so they covered both EU and US?
  4. My condolences to his family and friends

    /em salute
  5. After reading this and seeing that scrappers are getting another Ancillary pool in the form of blaze mastery.

    Could villains please get some more options either associate them with the existing patrons or give us some more patrons as just having the 4 sets is kinda boring and they don't always fit all that great with concepts.

    Hows about,

    Regent Korol she could give a access to a psi based set.
    Dr. Aeon could give gadget/munitions type set.

    Or hows about looking out side of Arachnos.

    Maestro from the council for a Sonics based sets.
    either Clamor, Bile or Dreck for a radiation based sets.
    Hows about some aspect of Bat'Zul to give fire based sets.
    also a little left field i know but what about some representative of the legacy chain for earth based powers?

    So pretty please can villains get more Patrons sets?
  6. To get it even close to workable powers that do the same job would need to be made mutually exclusive.


    all build up type powers would have to be codded so that you could only have one (the exception being fiery embrace as that's not in the same category as the others)

    Status protection powers

    Possible powers that have the same effect so you couldn't take multiple snipes or armours that fulfill the same role

    Seems like a lot of work they would in the end be better of just going for something like the champions model
  7. Looking at it its not really a fully fledged travel power tho if I'm understanding the OP correctly

    Tier 2 Power: Rocket Flight is like some kind of turbo boost you can go shooting of in the direction your facing but you have no real ability to turn and if you stop going forward you fall from the Air.

    Maybe to balance it up the ability to turn could be completely removed it could maybe also have a automatic amount of vertical climb added to it meaning if you use it for a prolonged distance you could find your self high in the sky.
  8. Wow that's kick **** and Archnos could do with a few more Sig villains.
  9. TheMESS

    g-a-y supergroup

    To those arguing that "gay" is a bad and should not be used to describe those certain sexual preference because of its past use as a insult i ask you to look further back to the meaning of the word where it meant something similar to happy, Joyful, festive, colorful and bright.

    so if you take gay to mean any of those more positive terms the phrase "that's so gay" becomes far more positive and speaking personally when I've seen the phrase used its normally been in reference to something that's been brightly coloured
  10. TheMESS

    g-a-y supergroup

    Originally Posted by Golden_Girl_EU View Post
    The word gay isn't censored here - the opening post just thought it was.
    Actually it was censored untill the bored merge at which point its become un-censored
  11. so far hitting "new reply" and using the log in screen that comes up with that seems to work for a while at least
  12. TheMESS

    g-a-y supergroup

    Originally Posted by Rubberlad View Post
    Whatever, Mary.

    Getting back on topic, does anyone have credible referrals for an openly gay European SG to share with the OP?
    As said earlyer i dont belive there are any any more on the EU side.
  13. TheMESS

    g-a-y supergroup

    Originally Posted by Rubberlad View Post
    They're cool, they're awesome, they're amazing and leave it at that. "Straight acting" is acting as an adjective - just switch it out for something else less discriminate.
    Exept all those lovely ajictives dont work in the context of the sentance do they?

    I mean dose

    "I've got friends who are L, G and B in RL and they're all cool so that you wouldn't know unless ya ask them."


    "I've got friends who are L, G and B in RL and they're all amazing so that you wouldn't know unless ya ask them."

    make sence?

    no they dont they fail to get across the point that these peopel that shannon knows are gay but outwardly do not have any of the normal manerisims joe public asociates with being gay?

    Im sure there is a word or phrase to distingwish betwean those who are outwardly gay (eg have all the manerisims that peopel asosiate with being gay) and those who do not maybe its not "strait acting" but i think we all new what shannon meant when she used it.

    Originally Posted by Rubberlad View Post
    You don't try to qualify a person of color's particular shade of skin tone
    well actualy yes you do i've often herd peopel described as having very pale skin or very dark or looking well taned these are all atempts to qualify some ones skin tone.
  14. TheMESS

    g-a-y supergroup

    Yes those all work and would be normally what i would use to describe some one especially as i mite know the persons gay but if they don't come across as gay there's no point saying "see that guy in the crowd he's gay but acts strait" just wouldn't work as a way to describe a single person in a group to some one else.

    What I'm talking about in the context it was used in this thread.

    Shannon said

    "I've got friends who are L, G and B in RL and they're all straight acting so that you wouldn't know unless ya ask them."

    what would you use to replace straight acting in that sentence?
  15. TheMESS

    g-a-y supergroup

    Originally Posted by Arctic_Princess View Post
    See now I actually dislike 'straight acting'. To me it is derogatory. It suggests that in order to 'fit in' and be 'normal' you have to act as if you're straight. And also suggests that sexuality is all about acting a role.
    Out of curiosity what would you use to describe such a person?
  16. TheMESS

    g-a-y supergroup

    before we start getting all worried about the poor innocent children i suggest any one concerned for there innocence go's and reads this

    and then tell me the little darlings are innocent.
  17. TheMESS

    g-a-y supergroup

    Originally Posted by Golden_Girl_EU View Post
    The thread isn't just about sex - it's about man sex - it's about red hot boi on boi action.
    please god some one remove GGs ability to youse coloured text
  18. TheMESS

    g-a-y supergroup

    Been thinking about whats been said in this thread and the general counter argument to

    "don't segregate your self by restricting your self to a gay only SG"

    is along the lines of the SG would create a community for its members where they have more in common than a simple love of the game.

    I'm thinking would a global channel not serve this purpose better as I'm sure there are gay gamers out there that will already be part of SGs and they may not wish to leave them. a global channel would solve this as well as allowing the community to exist cross faction and cross server which to my mind would seem better than a simple SG.

    any ways just a thought.
  19. TheMESS

    g-a-y supergroup

    Ok dammit i know i said i was going to stop posting in this thread but

    Originally Posted by Cherokee View Post
    This is a discussion not for a game forum IMO. The looking for a ga y SG is fine, the rest isn't. I figure if people want things like this in game or talk about these things there are games out there for people like that(people hooked up on sex and having a goofy need for others to know what they like, like anyone should care. Need to keep that stuff to yourself). Just search adult games and you'll find all the sex happiness you want, and i'm sure they have forums too where sex talk is appropriate.
    Im sorry how do we go from a broad reasonably civil discussion on the merits of a exclusively gay super group to sex talk?

    there's been no sex talk in this thread there's not even been a hint of it till your post!
  20. I'm happy to see the idea of a server LIST merge being brought up again hopefully whoever makes the decision will take note.
  21. TheMESS

    g-a-y supergroup

    Originally Posted by shadowe_EU View Post
    Solitaire, I think there may be a certain point being missed between you and some of us - I'm not sure if this is a cultural difference, or a misunderstanding, but I'm going to take a stab at explaining it from my perspective:

    1) I'm straight.

    2) I know some people.

    3) Some of those people are homosexuals or bi, and I know at least one trans-gender individual - possibly more.

    4) What they are like as people matters more to me than their sexuality.

    5) I quite literally have no comprehension as to how a man can feel attracted to another man, but that doesn't mean I refuse to accept that other people feel that way.

    6) I flat out do not care about someone's sexuality, as long as they are a pleasant individual.

    7) Because of all of the above, the decision to advertise sexuality is something that I just don't understand.

    A person's sexuality is their business. It has no bearing on my relationship with them, unless they let it. I like to think I'm pretty tolerant, but I also know that there are people who aren't. Well, those people are bigoted pigs who don't deserve the time of day.

    I'm not suggesting that LGBT people hide their sexuality - I'm saying that since their sexuality is entirely secondary to their worth as a person, I do not see why it matters so much. I'm proud of being a God-fearing, white, middle-class, heterosexual male in a stable marriage, with a tortoise in the back garden, a cat who went missing a few weeks ago, and who loves and respects his country and Queen - I have precisely zero interest, though, in joining a "group" of any sort that is specifically tailored to any of those features of my life, for the simple fact that I also love the wide diversity of human culture, and THAT is far more important to me than the other stuff.
    Thanks shadowe that pretty much sums up my veiws as well
  22. TheMESS

    g-a-y supergroup

    Originally Posted by Solitaire_NA View Post
    Sexuality has nothing to do with the game just like Manti and Sisters wedding and all the other heterosexual relationships in the canon.

    Gay SGs are not about attention seeking they are about playing with other GLBT people and yes even straight people. Like you said it's a game relax let people have their gay SGs. Does it bother you that much? Is it ruining your fun? If you feel that they are attention seekers then ignore or petition them.
    Your explanation dosent make sence as far as i can see it cant be a GAY or GLBT SG if strait peopel can join as well the description just dosent fit it woud be like creating a theamed all robot SG and then allowing in organics its not a all robot SG any more.

    Further personaly speeking i wouldn't join a gay SG simply becaus it was a gay SG whats the point i mite not get on with any one in it but if i happened to team with some members of a gay SG and i got on with them and they invited me to there SG i would join. Put simply i judge the indeviduals not the group
  23. TheMESS

    g-a-y supergroup

    Originally Posted by Solitaire_NA View Post
    I can't speak for the OP you'd have to ask him/her. You don't need to look for a heterosexual SG cause heterosexuals aren't an oppressed minority. Heterosexuality is showcased in film, tv, music, literature, and video games. As I said several times oppressed miniorities tend to group together for support and to share experiences even within an MMO.

    The real question is why does it bother you that the OP would want to find a gay SG? If it doesn't bother you then I don't see where the issue is.
    what exactly do you mean by "Heterosexuality is showcased in film, tv, music, literature, and video games" Im pretty sure Homosexuality gets its fair share of screen time as well of the top of my head there's Broke back mountain that was a pretty big film, There's Torch wood in the UK lead character in that was bisexual and was up till the last episode in a same sex relationship, there was some TV show a while back Queer as folk possibly never watched it my self (it didn't involve scifi or horror so was of zero interest to me), there was Kinky boots not a huge film but still it got a cinema release, Oh and how could i forget the rocky horror picture show, In gaming I'm not so sure i normally play FPS but i believe same sex relation ships were possible in the Simms.

    So its out there yes Its probably not got as big a share of the pie but then most mainstream entertainment is going to go after its biggest market if its biggest market is strait 20 somethings things are going to be slanted towards them.

    But that's not discrimination that's marketing and economics which are entirely different forms of EVIL

    As to your question i have no issue with the OPs quest to find a gay SG other than i believed that creating a gay only SG was a bad idea as he would be further segregation him self from the player base i instead suggested he create a SG that was accepting of all regardless of weather they be gay or strait
  24. TheMESS

    g-a-y supergroup

    Well it seems I've managed to offend some one (go me)

    It seems they believe that I've made "Terrible posts bordering on homophobia"

    really now have I? I'm pretty sure the general undertone of my posts have been one of understanding Yes i advised the OP not to create a exclusively Gay SG but if you want to go re-read the post i was not offering that advice because of some kind of homophobia I was trying to get across that the people should matter not there sexual preference.

    Was that wrong? maybe we should stay all segregated up in our little groups?

    Any ways whoever you are if your still reading this please drop me a PM i would love to know what made me come across as a homophob.
  25. TheMESS

    g-a-y supergroup

    Originally Posted by Solitaire_NA View Post
    A gay SG isn't about saying HEY LOOK AT ME IM GAY! It's about playing with other gay players which can be hard to find in the gameing world.

    I hope the OP does find a gay SG in which they can have lots of fun with.
    But why dose he have to find other gay players to play with? It may just be me but when i start a new MMO i don't head of to find heterosexual players to play with if anything a ilook for players that i share interests with and that i get along with.

    surely playing with some one you get along with is more important than what that some ones sexual orientation is.