*Grumble Grumble* Log In *Grumble Grumble*
they have changed my log in details to a another combination of password/ name , good job i guessed what it was even though it stills says im wrong when i am allowed to log in
I think I'm only allowed log in by posting a reply and going from there :P
Yeah took me a while to realise it was your actual game accounts login, wasnt sure if i had to register a new forum account or not.
Havent had a problem logging in since the first time though.
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
Oh you delectable, hugable n00b...
Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit
know what would have been cool?
if they'd told us what they'd changed it to. I suspected it must be some combination of acc/game/forum un&pw but yeah, still took me about 30mins to log in.
better than the old forums though, where even logged in it took me longer than that to get a message to post
@craggy see me on Union for TFs, SFs (please!) or just some good ol fashioned teaming.
actually, y'know what? scrub that, because it's still f"£%!"& s"!^
I didn't know if that last message posted til I closed the tab that was stuck going nowhere, then opened the forums again, logged in again despite having ticked the "remember me" box before and then logged in again because it wouldn't give me an "edit" option. Eventually added new reply as it seemed the only way to interact with the site. and it made me log in again. WTF?
@craggy see me on Union for TFs, SFs (please!) or just some good ol fashioned teaming.
Another log in problem.. I'm randomly logged out. Don't you just love new forums? :P
Half an hour to log in? It took me HALF A DAY! *Grumble grumble*
I think I'm only allowed log in by posting a reply and going from there :P
I've seen Crystal Maze games that are simplier than logging in here.
edit: No wait I click on the City of Heroes Forum link and i'm logged in, it's so confuzzling why can't it just remember meh?
Now @Eskimo-Spy
I'm not evil.
Cheers Eski that did the trick for getting Firefox to work!
@craggy see me on Union for TFs, SFs (please!) or just some good ol fashioned teaming.
Am I the only person that had no problems with the old forums at all? I really like the look of the new ones, but after it's randomly logged me out and refuses to let me log back in, regardless of cookies or anything else... well, it's been somewhat annoying.
-Defiant Server-
H: Wolfsbane(50 MA/ReGen), Orthoclase(50 Stone/Axe), Dreamhunter (50 Ill/Storm)
Daybreak(50 Fire/Kin) Tygrrforce (50 Hooman PB), Tygrrstryke(50 NRG/NRG), EbonWolf(50 WS)
V: Spektor(50 Spiddy)
I was having the same problem yesterday (maybe because I use Firefox, maybe not). I'd log in but it wouldn't stick, even after doing so several times in a row.
The thing that fixed it for me was taking the 'uk.' bit out of the address, leaving me with http://boards.cityofheroes.com
I've not had any problems since. It's remembered me and everything
"Don't go away mad, just go away..." The best line Clint never said.
#406785 - Assisting the PPD
Yup they also changed my password to my game password, without my permission I'm pretty unhappy about that as I had deliberately set it up so I had different passwords to log onto the board and into the game, you know security and all that.
TBH I'm pretty unimpressed overall by the new board, compared with other forums I'm on it's well how shall I put it...out of date, on other forums you can upload files, pictures show as thumbnails openable by just clicking on them, and to put the tinhat on it I just tried to post a story in the creative section and you can't paste text in as it apparently it doesn't like paragragh breaks.
Just colour me unimpressed.
I'd be a lot happier if I could actually get the thing to post reliably - I keep on getting told I have used bad characters. Of course that's when I can actually get logged on using IE as Firefox and Safari will both not allow me to log on to the forums at all.
Nope, I've just spent the last 15 minutes trying to edit a post because I wasn't 'logged in', even though I was on the edit post page. I like the forums, but this 'feature' is annoying as all hell.
-Defiant Server-
H: Wolfsbane(50 MA/ReGen), Orthoclase(50 Stone/Axe), Dreamhunter (50 Ill/Storm)
Daybreak(50 Fire/Kin) Tygrrforce (50 Hooman PB), Tygrrstryke(50 NRG/NRG), EbonWolf(50 WS)
V: Spektor(50 Spiddy)
I find I log in successfully, says its redirecting me and then im back on the home page and not logged in!!
So trying this "post and it fixes it idea" lol
I've had issues logging in and staying logged in, too.
Even put an entry into the official Forum Bugs thread about it.
May be worth other people expanding on the issue in the thread if they can think of anything I've not noticed, or got a reliable workaround.
The old boards, for all their many faults, at least managed to keep me logged in, and never forgot that I'd said 'remember me'
The above post may contain Cynicism, sarcasm and/or pessimism. If you object to the quantities contained, then tough.
i've had issues logging in and staying logged in, too.
Even put an entry into the official forum bugs thread about it. May be worth other people expanding on the issue in the thread if they can think of anything i've not noticed, or got a reliable workaround. |
I have posted in the Officail forum bugs thread, it might be an idea to check your bookmarked address for the site, that solved my problem

seems to have worked ok today for me
@craggy see me on Union for TFs, SFs (please!) or just some good ol fashioned teaming.
Just make sure your bookmark/favourite is http://boards.cityofheroes.com
..not the old one... The old one seemed to work yday, but the cookie is for the above URL.
Just make sure your bookmark/favourite is http://boards.cityofheroes.com
..not the old one... The old one seemed to work yday, but the cookie is for the above URL. |
I've since changed it to the root boards.cityofheroes.com URL, it hasn't helped.
It just took me 3 attempts to log in to post this. First time, having hit 'quote' I entered my detail is the big boxes in the middle of the screen, checked 'europe' and 'remember', hit 'log in', and then it took me to the 'redirecting' page, which then brought me right back to the same login page. Repeated with the exact same results. Third time, I entered my details into the smaller text boxes in the upper right of the page, ignoring the big boxes, and when the 'redirecting' page came up, I clicked the 'click this if you're not redirected' link, and finally got logged in so I could post this.
Something's playing silly buggers, but I don't know if it's something on my system, my browser, or the boards.
The above post may contain Cynicism, sarcasm and/or pessimism. If you object to the quantities contained, then tough.
Anyone else notice that logging in has being unneccesarily difficult?
It took me about half an hour to initially log in since the changes, logged out, came back later and whenever I tried to log in I spent about 15 minutes because I entered all the details, hit log in but wasn't allowed :S