37 -
I had a similar problem but once I updated my bookmark to http://boards.cityofheroes.com the problem was resolved.
I'd be a lot happier if I could actually get the thing to post reliably - I keep on getting told I have used bad characters. Of course that's when I can actually get logged on using IE as Firefox and Safari will both not allow me to log on to the forums at all.
Maybe the topic title was not the best choice but I was seriously hacked off by the attitude of this person.
They considered that my choice of additional powers to be wasteful - now I have spent a considerable amount of time ob a build which is true to what I consider an empath to need.
1) All empathy powers
2) The bare minimum of combat powers - 3 of them and minimally slotted
3) Teleport - solely for teleport friend
4) Speed - solely for hasten so I can use my powers more often than their slotted reduce recharges currently allow (i.e. heal faster)
5) Fitness - for health & stamina but the swift & hurdle come in very handy to get to teammates or out of trouble
6) Flight - For hover and flight - sometimes it's best to be above the action keeping the team standing
Now there is not one of the additional power pools which I would like to drop. Sure some may think that speed and flight is a waste as they are both travel powers but I dislike superspeed with a passion and an empath (or just about any character) without hasten is less effective (in my opinion).
Now it could be that this person has never played an empath - we have a hard time in the game as some posters here have stated. A little respect and common decency for a player who takes their role seriously is all that is needed - there are many out there who do respect an empath who does their job well (i.e. keeps the team going as a whole and not just the one who screams the loudest). -
Okay this is going to be a bit of a rant so bear with me..
Takes deep breath...
I've been playing this game since it launched in the US off and on and I have been through a heck of a lot with my empath defender so I reckon I know pretty well how to best use my powers for the benefit of the team.
I join a team this afternoon run by a defender consisting of, with me two defenders, two brutes and one corrupter. I do what I normally do, apply the old auras, fortitude and adrenaline boost on the brutes. Now this "leader" starts to tell me not to apply fortitude and adrenaline boost to anyone else BUT the brutes - when it is clear they were not burning up endurance yet the corrupter was going through it like there was no tomorrow.
The he starts complaining that I chose powers which in his opinion were a waste of time - I pointed out that I picked powers I wanted for my character and not because they fit into some nice little template.
Then we get on to the age old clear mind issue - I apply clear mind regularly on all team members (a shame they can't do the same to me). I think prevention is better than cure after all. So this "leader" then says "CM FFS its not hard" - because he got held during a battle - it's not like a massive sign goes up over his head and there are lots of other things going on. Most (polite) people get by with a simple zzz to point out they are held or sleeping.
Now I know that on the whole I have had several years of enjoyable times on Defiant but lately I have seen an increase in these players who think that unless you follow the "best" build then you are useless - this "leader" said as much to the team which was dropping like flies because of their attitude.
The "leader" was probably someone who has yet to know what a razor is for - if they think that CoX is simply about using set templates then that's their loss. I like diverse characters - that's why the developers give us choices of powers. If we all played the "best" (in some peoples opinions) powers then the game would be very dull.
Sadly it's players like this that keep me counting the days until I can migrate over to Union where I have seen nothing but helpful players who embrace a diverse set of builds.
There that's better... -
((Seems to be a lot to read (from the link provided) which I shall do but can I make one suggestion - don't make it so wide. Readers do not mind having to scroll vertically but when they also have to scroll horizontally it does not go down well))
Thanks for this - Potters Field is a little bit hazardous for the characters I had in mind but I'm sure something can be worked out.
Hi there. Posting this under role playing as this is basically a plot location request.
I'm looking for a graveyard on the villains side which is accessible (and reasonably safe) for characters around level 10 and up (though could go a bit higher). Does anyone know of such a location? -
And after 15 minutes of not being active you are loged out lol
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In response to the person who thinks their reply is so amusing they have to laugh about it....
I would suspect that someone willing to break the EULA and play AFK would have a way around the AFK logout - I do not AFK play myself nor do I endorse such gameplay but I know through doing a small amount of research that applications are out there which will prevent almost any online game from kicking the player for being AFK. -
If people did not pay the silly prices then others would not put them up for sale at those rather large rates.
I actually think that the general price rates on CoV are quite a bit lower than they are on CoH - so much so that items I'd sell for via Wentworths I do not even bother placing on the Black Market as the recent trend for their sales is way below what the Quartermaster would give me for them. -
I'd agree with Wes01 here - a stalker and a dominator are a formidable combination.
My stalker is somewhat new but I see him as having two styles of play. When doing solo missions I will always wait until I am hidden before I move on to a new group of victims. When teaming I will act as a scout to locate where the next bunch of foes are and then position myself ready to attack with the rest of the team. I've only ever rushed to the end to find the glowies or take down the end target if the team themselves wanted it due to time constraints (after all my stalker is a psychotic sadist and running past all those sweet victims just waiting to be ripped apart is no fun for him).
When fighting with the team against a group of victims I'd only stand back and re-hide if it is clear the rest of the team actually need/want me to use my assassination strike - more often than not the opening attack is never needed again once the fight has actually begun (and I'm too busy enjoying all the blood being spattered over me as I rip the victims apart).
It's so enjoyable to play a right headcase to offset the squeaky clean defender -
I'd not be of much use combat wise but I'm pretty good at keeping folks health and endurance up which I suspect may be needed when going against those ships. In any case I'll pop along to see if I can help.
ah if only I'd seen this post a few hours ago, my scarpper alt just completed it. Hopefully you will find another with the mission though.
Just though I'd try Union as most of my characters are Defiant but I have to say that your Broadcast channel in Atlas is abysmal. Seems that the place is full of 10 year olds and does not do the game any favours at all. I never had to hide broadcast on Defiant but sadly on Union it seems to be a must.
There is precious little (read none that I know of) roleplay action on Defiant. Of course that is not to say that it cannot be started - just because Union declared themselves the unofficial RP server does not prevent anyone on Defiant from roleplaying - I try but more often than not (read all the time) I get more response from a wall.
I have also not noticed any serious performance issues until today - was ner enough unplayable when my scrapper was trying to hit mobs which all of a sudden vanished half way over the room. Hopefully it will be short term and things will get back to what we are more used to.
To be honest I have not got a clue what the majority of the DXdiag stuff gone on about (and I suspect I don't want to know). I don't know if support will be able to help you as they have folk who are experts at this sort of thing. I for some don't have a clue what's preventing you from entering the game now.
Good luck over on GW - I have dabbled with it and never got very far but it does seem to hold much promise. CoH has bitten me again and as I've just signed up for a six month subscription I'm going to make the most of it. October is a heck of a long way away and I'd luck to think that you'll be back for I10 when it goes live as that seems to be going to offer a heck of a lot of new content and of course the massive world event - much more fun than snowmen!
I think your problems is the Hz - 85Hhz is (I think) applicable to a CRT monitor but not a flat panel one. Providing you are using a CRT then 85Hz for the Windows display should be fine. As for CoH try using TweakCoH to set your display (for test purposes only) to the bag standard default of 1024x768 and at the same refresh rate as your windows desktop.
Now if that does not work try going back into TweakCoH and take the tick out of "fullscreen" so you run the game in a window on the desktop - again just to prove it works. -
EDIT: Also, make sure you're running it as administrator, and in the shortcut for the icon, edit the Compatibility tab to disable desktop composition. CoH doesn't like it.
[/ QUOTE ]
FFM - I'm not running CoH as administrator (thought the UAC prompts me to permit it to run each time I launch it from the PlayNC launcher). I've also not had to disable desktop composition - maybe the issue with CoH and that has been sorted? Like the person here with the problem I'm running Vista Ultimate but with a Radeon X1300. -
I'd suggest going in to the Catalyst Control Centre and put back all the settings to the default. Then from personalize on the desktop select display setting - ensure that you select the resolution and colours from this screen (do not use the advanced settings / list all modes as that will list things you may not actually be able to display).
Once you have reset your Windows system to operate at the default display settings get yourself a copy of TweakCOH (google will find it for you) and ensure that the settings for the game client (under display) are set at the same screen settings as the windows client.
Do a reboot and see how it goes. -
If you are using a flat panel monitor then a display mode of 85Hz is wrong - it should be 60Hz - that may explain why you don't see the game screen?
And whatever happens don't forget you can always respec if things go wrong.
If you wish to share biographical and "news" items then please consider Cery Industries - the only downside of this services is that its hero only.
You guys have been really swell and I am going to miss the endless PUGs!
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If my short experience of LOTRO is anything to go by then you will have no shortage of PUGs there - though you may find the choice of wardrobe somewhat less than you are used to.