More then 1 auto click (aka ctrl click power).
However, for builds with damage toggles and multiple PBAoEs this would make AFK play even easier. Spines/Dark springs to mind, as does a Fire/Kin (target Imps, follow, put transfusion, transference, siphon power, siphon speed, speed boost and fulcrum shift on auto. Throw in hot feet and all your attacks...)
So no, this would be a very, very bad idea.
@Jay Leon Hart
Kerensky: this has nothing to do with underwear
Zwillinger: I put on my robe and wizard hat...
Synapse: I had to resist starting my last post off with "Yo dawg!"
And where exactly would that be hurting anyone?
If you think a play is too much afk and not doing his/her job properly you kick them from the grp, that simple.
And what happens every time you switch mission and go up a floor in elevators?
There is no way you can make close to full automated play with this and still be effective.
But would save the rest of us a lot of keysmashing.
half of the challenge of PvP is knowing when to activate these powers, just constantly spamming them would be a bit of a detraction. PvP is hard enough for some builds as it is!!!!

In-game and now on Twitter @Tsumiju Zero "The Nightmare of Dra'Gon"
"The flow of battle can only be influenced, not by realtime tactics, but by strategy."
Proud resident of the Union EU Server.
B.A.F. Trial Guide
I meant solo play - you could park yourself in a nice spawn area like DA and go to sleep/what-have-you
@Jay Leon Hart
Kerensky: this has nothing to do with underwear
Zwillinger: I put on my robe and wizard hat...
Synapse: I had to resist starting my last post off with "Yo dawg!"
And after 15 minutes of not being active you are loged out lol
And after 15 minutes of not being active you are loged out lol
[/ QUOTE ]
In response to the person who thinks their reply is so amusing they have to laugh about it....
I would suspect that someone willing to break the EULA and play AFK would have a way around the AFK logout - I do not AFK play myself nor do I endorse such gameplay but I know through doing a small amount of research that applications are out there which will prevent almost any online game from kicking the player for being AFK.
And after 15 minutes of not being active you are loged out lol
[/ QUOTE ]
And after 15 minutes of not being active you are loged out lol
[/ QUOTE ]
[/ QUOTE ]
You can just enter the respec screen with the /respec command or be on a tf to circumvent the auto log.
And you can make a lvl 50 in 3 days under other circumstances.
Point is just to make it easier and more convenient to play and lessed the button smashing that also causes tennis albow and other muscle strains :P
Bad suggestion... would lead to Bot play.
Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit
Bad suggestion... would lead to Bot play.
[/ QUOTE ]
First off PlayNC doesn't care about Botting, look at Lineage.
Second those people that want to bot do it with cordination key click programs, not an ingame feature.
and third botting in game would have very little effect so noone would bother.
Bad suggestion... would lead to Bot play.
[/ QUOTE ]
First off PlayNC doesn't care about Botting, look at Lineage.
Second those people that want to bot do it with cordination key click programs, not an ingame feature.
and third botting in game would have very little effect so noone would bother.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yes, look at Lineage 2 - 10,000 accounts closed for botting while I was playing, trial accounts no longer able to trade to lessen gold farming.
@Jay Leon Hart
Kerensky: this has nothing to do with underwear
Zwillinger: I put on my robe and wizard hat...
Synapse: I had to resist starting my last post off with "Yo dawg!"
Goto any starter area or farm spot in Lineage 2 and you see they don't care. I have screensshots of bot trains with over 100 dwarves ^^
Point beeing they use a botprogram and not a feature of the game as lineage doesn't even have Ctrl click or qued buttons.
There is no botting in CoX only for the reason that the game is so mission base and no outside farming pay off.
Trust me if outside farming suddenly payed off after a patch you can bet your pants that there will be bots running around from day 1.
This is not a feature to endorse botting but to help players.
They do care, they just don't care enough Otherwise they wouldn't have banned all those botters and many more since I left.
@Jay Leon Hart
Kerensky: this has nothing to do with underwear
Zwillinger: I put on my robe and wizard hat...
Synapse: I had to resist starting my last post off with "Yo dawg!"
Define 'help'; What you actually mean is make easier.
To be quite honest imho if someone couldn't be bothered pressing a few extra buttons every few seconds perhaps they might be better considering a game with less buttons to press.
I would personally rather the devs not spend programming time on this kind of vapid change, which, as pointed out above, can lead to a kind of behaviour that many players (ncsoft might not care but i'm sure the players and, to a lesser extent, cryptic do) would not welcome.
Still Mostly Defiant.
In response to the person who thinks their reply is so amusing they have to laugh about it....
[/ QUOTE ]
o000o clam down bit touchy there arn't we.
In response to the person who thinks their reply is so amusing they have to laugh about it....
[/ QUOTE ]
o000o clam down bit touchy there arn't we.
[/ QUOTE ]
They mustn't like uninformed people
@Jay Leon Hart
Kerensky: this has nothing to do with underwear
Zwillinger: I put on my robe and wizard hat...
Synapse: I had to resist starting my last post off with "Yo dawg!"
And after 15 minutes of not being active you are loged out lol
[/ QUOTE ]
[/ QUOTE ]
You can just enter the respec screen with the /respec command or be on a tf to circumvent the auto log.
[/ QUOTE ]
Or just get an auto mouse clicker.
Oh, and auto build up in PvP? Pfft. Bad way to use it.
Or just get an auto mouse clicker.
(which would be a 3rd party traceable program and is illegal)
Oh, and auto build up in PvP? Pfft. Bad way to use it.
[/ QUOTE ]
Corrected something for you.
Ohh and you don't play around much with expensive builds in pvp much i can take from that statement.
I was going to make a new post about this, but instead (and at the risk of being flamed as a necro) I will just
and add that in order to prevent bot-style play, have it only apply to abilities with an unadjusted recharge of over 1 minute.
Please fight My Brute:
Mission Architect 54161 - Michael Mundano, Megan Malloney and the Secret Senate.
Mission Architect 91838 - Constantinople Jones' Family Secret. A One Mission Story arc.
I could see room for a second green circle on my boards, follow autopower already creates a somewhat simple bot, and being able to auto 2 powers say hasten and rage on my tank would be a nice QoL improvement, and not greatly increase the effectivness of said bot too much IMO isn't too significant a change to what we already have.
Oh if you want a proper bot all you do is ........
*slumps on desk bullet hole in head, camera pans and zooms to a smirking Ghostraptor putting his sniper rifle away*
I'm not endorsing automated play but for certain ATs you get a of 30 or above recharge timer skills that is quite essential so you want it on a button close by and use it as often as possible.
This take up quite a bit of keyspace on buttons you have close by without moving your fingers away from movement keys (bad idea if you pvp for once or in concentrated fights in pve...pfff :P)
Atm for example on my toons that have it have Buildup ctrl clicked but like on my Dominator i would LOVE more ctrl click buttons for like Domination and Hasten.
As i think it's not really possible to "Chine farm"(sorry for the expression) in this game i can't see the harm in adding a few more automated power to get more space for our more frequent used spells and release some stress from our already bloodied fingers.