New Inquirer launch
((Seems to be a lot to read (from the link provided) which I shall do but can I make one suggestion - don't make it so wide. Readers do not mind having to scroll vertically but when they also have to scroll horizontally it does not go down well))
I love it!
Really makes the game world seem more realistic when theres magazines (That also look authentic) newspapers, TV stuff. Thumbs up cant wait for the next edition.
((Healer, you are looking at Love Angel's entire collection of images and notes there, from Nightsparrow's scrapbook. Thats why there is excess information. The piece about the New Inquirer's launch is easier read from its own image link - Entry 59. Hope that helps. ))

How does one get one of their own characters in the enquirer?
I mean, it's fun that it's almost Silent Tempest exclusive, but it could be wider then that. Surely, there are others to dig up dirt on?
@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity
If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.
((I think there might be an IC reason for their choice of targets, also it -is- a player created thing so it only makes sense it would be used for their characters mainly if not only.))
Shadowplay - Scrapper DM/DA SL 50
Doctor Storm- Brute SS/Elec SL 50
"speed boosts someone in the face" - Cognito
((How does one get one of their own characters in the enquirer?
I mean, it's fun that it's almost Silent Tempest exclusive, but it could be wider then that. Surely, there are others to dig up dirt on?))
[/ QUOTE ]((I guess we could organise some submissions, I got a few myself which would be ripe for this))
Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
(( The Inquirer has written about wider selection of subjects, I imagine. It's been a weekly magazine, after all. Nightsparrow's scrapbook represents the contents that interest the person(s) compiling the scrapbook from various sources. Only related articles are put into the scrapbook, and in Inquirer's case it has meant mostly Coile.
The old Paragon Inquirer folded and this is the New Inquirer. The intent is that it is done "on its own", meaning not so tightly connected to the scrapbook. That by definition means that it is far easier to include articles about other characters.
The aim is also slightly different. While the old Inquirer could just plain lie and come up with outrageous claims that had no or only little to do with the reality this New Inquirer is about real facts that can be twisted nastily.
The makers of New Inquirer are Romanov and Nightsparrow (IG Dee Dee Diablo & Love Angel) with me just as a general busybody so those two can give real answers. ))
I'm glad that people like it and here are some info about inquiries.
Anyone can be in the Inquirer or in the scrapbook. Just send me texts, links, done articles or simply descriptions what someone wants to be made, and it will be done.
Scrapbook is IC thing. It is collected by Diana (Love Angel) now and there will be her comments and views of the articles in it too. Also originally scrapbook was created to be unusual "diary" for my characters, after a while it expanded and included other people's stories. I don't mind that at all but basically it's core is still what it was created to be so most of the scraps include my characters and people they interact with.
This magazine full color version of the Inquirer is and always be scrapbook exclusive, although for short termed things as weekly front page of wiki I can send non-scrapbook version. This is simply because I don't want to start cannibalize scrapbook and chop it in pieces. I always make it as a whole and sometimes when I'm too lazy or out of inspiration I use certain tricks that couldn't be used if I make scraps separately.
There may be less exclusive Inquirer though in the form of normal newspapers that may be posted separately.
There is also a wiki page of the scrapbook and all people who participated can put their names in the article there.
And in the and big thanks to all who helped with scrapbook and the Inquirer by now and who will in the future.
I've noticed a small mistake in my original post due to posting an earlier version of the My Two Cents column. "Miasma-Explorer" should read "Veritas Press".
Nadja Romanov, Lily Pink, Little Death - The Cadre
Estoque, Bastinado, Spidermonkey, Chic Doyle - The Militia
Miss Teen, Dead Reckoner, Dee Dee Diablo, Kaneko
((This ad is running in the classified section of The New Inquirer newspaper. It is also the subject of flyers stuck up all around Paragon City and the Etoile Isles, in such places as nightclub bathrooms, train stations and police station notice boards.))
We at the New Inquirer want to hear from you. We will pay $500 dollars for verifiable tips about members of the hero community acting in a way unbefitting a hero licence holder.
We will also pay $1,000 for a photograph or video footage exposing a heros shame.
Dont worry if you think your information would not make a story in the citys best and brightest newspaper let us be the judge of that and earn yourself $$$ in the process.
Send stories and photos to yournews@newinquirer.pc or The New Inquirer, News Room, Floor 13, Romanov Tower, Steel Canyon.
((We are now opening the New Inquirer to the rp community. This is exclusively for sensational expose or kiss and tell type stories about heroes The New Inquirer is not interested in celebrating or even reporting genuine acts of heroism. You can send a full story but ideally send the information you wish exposed, details about the character that is common knowledge or that a journalist could uncover and quotes from no more than three different people. We will then put together a New Inquirer style story for publication. Also include a jpeg photograph you wish to represent your character or a screenshot.
New issues will be released as and when we have enough content and the time to produce it. Front pages/lead stories will be chosen by the New Inquirers editor in chief.
Send contributions to ))
Nadja Romanov, Lily Pink, Little Death - The Cadre
Estoque, Bastinado, Spidermonkey, Chic Doyle - The Militia
Miss Teen, Dead Reckoner, Dee Dee Diablo, Kaneko
((Here it is, the first "public" community oriented newspaper-format Inquirer. Main article by Heal, editorial by Romanov, secondary headline by Coile and graphics slave work by me. Enjoy!))
Article continued
((Another great issue, I especially like the adverts added into the paper for extra colour. One in particular made me rofl! ))
(( Great work, as with Brit i lol'd at the adverts. The demon thing is described well too. ))
((The really funny thing is that adverts are all real ones.
I hope we will get more people who are brave enough to put their characters through IC trashing. *nudge* *nudge*))
((You can see the launch issue of the New Inquirer in its full glory here:
New Inquirer
Words by Romanov, Magazine design by Love Angel/Rhino and original artwork by Blackdove.))
The first issue of the New Inquirer hit the newsstands of Paragon City on Friday. Although technically a new title, it seems to have set an agenda for exposing unfit heroes (in particular Silent Tempest if the first issue is anything to go by) much like it's predecessor.
Lead story:
By Anna Sharma
THE LATEST addition to the rogues gallery in the loosely and indeed offensively termed super group Silent Tempest is a gang member, junky and sexual deviant, The New Inquirer can exclusively reveal today.
Not only is Dee Dee Diablo, 22, a known associate of an incarcerated Hellion leader, she has left a string of damaged lives in a wake during a life of repeatedly sticking one finger up to decent, law-abiding citizens like our readers.
Sordid sex Svengali Andre Kraft has earned a well-deserved reputation for recruiting misfits, malcontents and barely legal teenage girls to his crackpot cult.
But this time even the man who proudly refers to himself as Coitus Kraft has gone too far in recruiting a member of the diabolical street gang who has a string of crimes and misdemeanours to her frankly satanic sounding name, including numerous arrests for drug offences, drunk and disorderly behaviour and, most sickening of all, desecration of a National Monument.
Even her mother has nothing good to say about this wayward street punk, who is tainting the minds of your children as the leader of a popular punk rock band.
Margaret Dublin, 53, of New York, said she was horrified when her intelligent, obedient daughter turned into a promiscuous and violent devil.
Ms Dublin is a woman broken by her daughters behaviour scraping money together each day to buy alcohol to numb the pain and shame.
Our reporter found her in some rundown gin joint where she said: She betrayed me, there is no other word for is. We were a happy family and I had found myself a good man. But
I found out that she had seduced my boyfriend into her bed. Although she was only 14, she always seemed to be older than her years and I cant blame him for being tempted. I mean, what kind of girl steals her mothers man?
It was all downhill from there. Almost overnight she turned from a good daughter who was doing well at school to a teenage delinquent. Every other night, the cops would be at my door with Dee Dee saying shed set fire to this, stolen that or was out of her mind on drink. I dont know where she learnt that kind of behaviour.
Diablo has an arrest sheet that would fill an edition of the Paragon Citys best and brightest daily newspaper by itself.
She has been arrested and cautioned by law enforcement officers across the country for drug use and possession, violence and drunken behaviour.
She was even charged with the desecration of a National Monument when she was caught on the Tomb of the Unknown Hero in an act, that we as a family newspaper can only call sexual activity, with emo pin-up Ethan Ink of the band Dead Birthday Clown.
And it was out of the frying pan into the fire of Hell when Diablo hit Paragon and hooked up with one of the citys most troublesome gangs.
One Hellion member spoke out, we have called him Jark Mones, to protect his identity.
He said: It is true that Dee Dee Diablo was one of our gang. In fact, come to think of it, it was her who gave me the idea to do the crimes what I have been accused of.
And there are those in the music industry who believe that Diablo and her band The Last Word are a destructive influence on the tender minds of our youth.
For example, Marion Goodwill, of Christian radio station WWJD, said: There are those that think this girl is some sort of genius, urban street poet. But those people are wrong. Disgusting songs like Slip of the Tongue and Chemical Burn should be banned. When our forefathers defended every Americans right to free speech, I am darn sure they would not have meant this dirty bird. Wont somebody think of the children?
Wont somebody think of the children indeed. What society is this when perverted individuals like Andre Kraft and Dee Dee Diablo can pull on a pair of tights and say they want to protect us? Well, we at the Inquirer say not in our name and today call for tougher legislation on hero licensing.
My Two Cents
Inquirer Editor in Chief
Don Wesper
TODAY sees the launch of the New Inquirer. The very paper you have in your hand has set itself an ambitious mission to bring readers the truth rather than spoon-fed you embellished or manufactured stories about our citys heroic community. One of my journalistic mentors once told me if its a good story there will be at least one person who doesnt want you to tell it. Let that be a warning shot to anyone who thinks a secret identity or mask will keep anything hidden that does not befit a hero.
Thanks to a merger between Miasma-Explora and Romanov Press, the New Inquirer will be the best and brightest daily distributed throughout Paragon City with a quality magazine published each month. But more importantly this is the paper of the average working man and woman. The people who have a right to know the truth about those who claim to protect them.
I was in hospital recently to visit a relative. I was there for less than an hour but my eyes were opened. I saw a team of doctors and nurses fight to save the life of a young boy who had been hit by a car. They would not give up on him and I realised something I hadnt before those men and woman were heroes. Now, you wouldnt have heard about them saving that boys life or the countless other small miracles they perform each and every day on the news that night or read about them in any of Paragons papers. Why? Because in this city a hero is defined not by their actions or bravery but by a fancy costume, ridiculous codename and a little plastic card that gives them licence to create havoc in the name of protecing us.
The collateral damage alone caused by these self-appointed costumed guardians runs into millions of dollars each year that you pay for with some of the highest taxation in the country. And what if you look behind the mask and ask questions about these heroes? In todays paper we expose a diabolic street criminal and moral degenerate who calls herself a hero. Is she an isolated case? She most certainly is not. The perverts, murderers, aliens, thugs and lunatics that have been sanctioned to protect us would make you weep.
That is why we at the New Inquirer are not afraid to tug at the cape of these primary colour charlatans and bring you the truth. The title hero is not fit to be given to the majority of those that claim it without a second thought for its meaning. A hero is the mother who works every hour to make sure her child has the best start in life, the fire-fighter who enters a burning building without powers to protect him, the Kings Row high school teacher who inspires his students to a life beyond the one they were born into. It is these heroes that the New Inquirer will champion.
And for the others? The truth will out!
Nadja Romanov, Lily Pink, Little Death - The Cadre
Estoque, Bastinado, Spidermonkey, Chic Doyle - The Militia
Miss Teen, Dead Reckoner, Dee Dee Diablo, Kaneko