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Things like at work I don't discuss it, WoW, City of Heroes etcetera. With close family and friends I do, but generally only ones who I know are into gaming or similar hobbies. And even then I don't outwardly say that I Roleplay. I guess it's kind of embarrassing, I don't know why but speaking to someone who doesn't even know what Roleplay is, you feel you have to justify why you do it and why it's so fun (To the average John Doe who doesn't even know what MMO means).
If it does come to it, I just relate to something they might prefer, "You watch TV, I play PC games. I never watch TV, but instead I play games" to which, by the general populace you get the reply "Aren't games for kids?" which they clearly aren't nowadays, and I think that's starting to sink in for some people. For Godsake, my Dad is 52 and loves Splinter Cell and Tom Clancy games, the gaming cult seems to run in my family, though if i mentioned Roleplay they might think it's odd.
Though through Roleplay ive had some of the best times ever, if I never got into RP I dare say I wouldn't of went to Omega Sektor a while back to meet some fantastic people and have an ace weekend, yet alone some players who ive met at their home IRL. -
Ive the same problem with a Logitech G15 Keyboard and G5 Mouse, i use shift to rotate the camera. Seems to only be a problem with CoX. I'm more used to using shift nowadays, hehe.
Plus, I suspect it would suck.
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Don't all game-based movies?
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I doubt they'll do anything that the OP questioned except the Comics. -
I'd expect to and have no problem being beaten by more experienced PvPers and those with powersets that exploit my weaknesses (Fire vs Ice, etc), but not simply because they're a blaster and can keep my tank perma-mezzed for the 10 seconds it takes to chisel my health down, for example.
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Almost all PvP Blasters are either Fire/Energy Ice/Energy pre-i13, that might explain why you may faceplant more often than not, and as it stands Defence in today's form and post-i13 form is pretty much useless against a clever Blaster. And a Blaster perma-mezzing? (Not something ive seen myself) This is why when you enter PvP zones you generally bring Breakfree's aplenty if you are vulnerable to holds, stuns, etc. Once again another tactic to counter a tactic, which is what divides a new PvPer to an experienced one. And dieing in 10 seconds, sounds like whoever your fighting has used Aim + BU, or Build-up alone, Phase shift or run away, attack back when they don't have their IWIN button active.
If people die, and talk on /b about how it was unfair etc your not going to do yourself no favours, persevere, there is always a tactic to counter a tactic, in most cases impossible for 'new' PvPers, if you use a PvE build for PvP you will not win against a char who is built for PvP, and i'm not talking about IO builds, a simple SO build built in the right way would be very much still viable in pre-i13 PvP. If your defeated in a blink of an eye, instead of ranting on in public channels why not send the player a /tell? "Wow, what the hell hit me?" i'm sure the vast majority of Players will tell you what he done to defeat you, and this may think about your tactics and how to counter your enemies. -
One of the problems with new people joining PVP is that they see people like yourself on here sayhing that PVP is broken with the changes, which it actually isnt, its just that you dont like it.
They also see elitism where if anyone says anything you guys jump on them.
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I personally don't aim for specific players, for the exact reasons I stated. Aim intentionally for a certain player and try to hard to kill him, you will get killed yourself. Kiting and so forth, prime example of this.
What i do is aim for -anyone- who has an Orange name above their characters head. If in a team this tends to be support classes, why kill the Tanker if there's a Defender? Generally squishy's are first on the kill list, it would be rather dumb to attack a Tanker when their being healed by an Empath wouldn't it?
And yeah. i personally dislike the current build on the training room for the PvP overhaul, it's an opinion <gasp> -
Goading is, and always will be part of PvP, taunting can even be used tactically, you taunt a player he will often desperately try to kill you, trying to hard, making mistakes and often ending up dead. I've seen it used in FPS and RPG games alike. I used it alot in Planetside, you'd be amazed how [censored] peoples aim can get if you taunt them, and the risky lengths they will go to try and lay that killing blow on you, only to lead to their demise.
Every night for around 2+ months I'd PvP on either my Stalker, or my Blaster depending on which side needed the numbers. I was welcomed by alot of the so called 'PvP vets' most of which i never even knew beforehand, bare in mind I essentially play this game for Role-play, and have done for over 2 years, but ive always liked Player vs Player too. Yes, you get the occasional [censored], as with all community's, but I was still invited to PvP channels and in most cases made some friends and generally had alot of fun. So the case of elitism is kind of proven wrong by how I felt the PvP community treat and welcomed me.
It's borderline greifing, but the textbook response from many PvP players is "If you don't like it, get out." or "It's PvP. Anything goes.". It's not hard to see why some newcomers are put off the PvP scene.
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The classic "Please don't kill me i'm farming Pillboxes/AV's/etc" annoys me no end frankly, hell yeah go for it, but at the end of the day it's risk vs reward, the risk is enemy players. You enter a Player vs Player zone knowing the risks, knowing you may be ganked, this isn't 'A-hole syndrome' this is how the PvP works, you entered the zone knowing fine well the risks, yet people still moan about it when they are killed. If I rolled a 'PvP server' on other well known MMO's and got sick to death of being ganked I'd roll on a PvE server, or quest and level with a bunch of friends, why [censored] about it? You chose that specific server knowing fine well the risks, just as you enter Sirens Call, RV, BB, etc knowing the risks that come with zonal PvP. If you don't want to be ganked, bring backup, pick off people, or don't bother at all.
Whats not fun is having someone bouncing around you, you cannot for the life of you target them, even using tab, as it seems to lock on to everything EXCEPT the one you want (!!!!!! >.< ) and then dying without even a chance to fight. And getting two shooted by a tanker when my own tanker seems to be fodder for everyone, despite being pretty tough and doing decent damage just added insult to injury.
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I believe I was part of that in Sirens Call. The so called 'Bunny Hopping' is done for the exact reason you stated, keeping range and staying in the air as to avoid an Assassins Strike/Melee chars. It would be a very in-experienced Blaster if they intentionally stood still. 'Bunny Hopping' will still be a valid tactic in i13 changes as they currently are, but as with every tactic there is always a counter tactic, this is what divides an experienced PvP'er, to a new PvP'er, general tactics and counters.
Good example atleast in the current system: You see a Blaster activate Aim + BU, your a squishy AT, do you;
A: Whack on your trusty Phase shift power before the Blaster has chance to attack.
B: Leg it!
C: Attack with everything you've got!
I dare say all experienced PvP'ers' will either A, or B. As Aim + BU is what makes Blasters overpowered (IMO) in the current build. You wait ten seconds, till the Blasters Aim + BU fades, and then you hit back. From my experience Blasters are very much hit and run, Aim + BU is your lifeblood. If you make them use that up, you then have the advantage, but of course, there's yet a tactic to counter that, the Blaster could Hibernate. All this happening in the space of less than 30 seconds makes PvP in this game fun (For me) in i13 it doesn't feel the same to me, it feels slow and clunky, that's coming from a Stalker and a Blaster PoV. -
Apologies have been said. Mistakes are being reverted, thanks to the Wiki mods. Needless to talk about this any more, ive seen worse things done to a website, alot worse.
Anyway, any idea when the Wiki will be ok to start adding stuff again Z? Not that it's dire and I -urgently- need to add something, but just out of curiosity and to let other people know when it's cool to start their Wiki-fu. -
... He's been messing with the sexuality pages. Again. Some kind of fixation, Liz?
At least you didn't change Storm Sapphire's sexuality to Transsexual again. Thank goodness for small blessings.
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*sigh* -
Well roll-back to scratch is the worst possible scenario.
Hopefully once the Virtue mods can help they'll be a way to roll it back similar to System restore on Windows? As in restoring it to an earlier date, or checkpoint? I haven't a clue how the whole thing works, it just does! -
The red-haired 22 year old finally got her balance, she looked up only to be met by one of the most putrid, sickening sights she'd ever seen. She blinked for a second, was she hallucinating? Was this 'Hero' really -eating- the ashes of a dead man?... "Jesus f***ing Christ, you sick b***ard! You ca--" her disgusted speech was cut short as vomit rushed up her throat, she turned her back to Justice as she emptied what was left of her stomach.
With yet another wipe of her lips she turned and grabbed two hostages, the silent ones that weren't saying anything, as she walked away she glanced as the Hero ate at Mr. Maniacal's ashed remains. "Help me get these damn innocents out of here! Instead of f***ing eating a corpse!?" before a reply could be made she ploughed onward dragged the two hostages, keeping the rest of her opinions to herself.
Holly simply headed toward the Sirens and flashing lights parked outside the warehouse, quite a distance away, but she got there in one piece. Ambulance crews quickly took the two severely injured hostages, one of which was the Nurse that got treat like a piniata, and the male who took a baseball bat straight to his face. The whole ordeal had left Holly physically and emotionally drained, and scarred for that. She collapsed seconds after delivering the hostages, the emergency crews quickly tended to her rushing her and the two innocents into an Ambulance, and with screeching tires to the hospital. -
Holly's wounds seemingly faded into nothing but a scar, the pain was gone, at least physically. When her gag was removed she coughed up blood and bile, spitting aside, but when it seemed like she was done the putrid smell of burning flesh hit her nostrils, she was semi-used to the smell but she still couldn't hold in her stomach...
After wiping her lips with a wrist she pointed weakly at Efranof speaking her first words in what seemed like a long time, "S.. see to him, I.. I'm okay, I'm okay." she said weakly looking to Calm. She shuffled away getting slowly up onto her own two crude metal feet. "We.. need paramedics.. in here." she said looking at the Hostages who received the baseball bat treatment from Mr. Maniacal. -
The whole situation had turned into one big mess, things seemed out of everyone's control, a psychopath was killed outright three times over whether or not it was lawful justice would be up to the courts. And then the insidious Dr. Mechano who first came seemingly determined to help out had turned his weaponry onto the multiple Heroes. The huge Juggernaut crashing into the warehouse done no favours, but thanks to the Portent the risk of the whole place lighting up like Guy Fawkes night was significantly reduced.
It seemed one Hero was already on the brink of death, if not already, the doings of Doctor Mechano's vicious attack upon Pious. Thankfully, though some could say the very opposite, the grey-haired machinist had protected Holly, Calm and the hostages from his own relentless fiery assault.
Holly's eyes filled with tears from the terror she saw through the bubble, the sounds and screams were muffled, the protective bubble seemed to blot out some sound. Calm pulled the knife out in quick motion and as she did Holly's back arched so far over only the back of her head and the heels of her metallic feet touched the floor, if she wasn't still gagged her scream would of been enough to leave a ringing in the ears. Blood poured out of the wound like a river, the knife acted like a plug. Calms intense healing ability quickly stopped the bleeding, though it still wasn't an instant fix the wound healed to a stable condition and with that Holly laid back down with a thud, it wasn't often she got scared and if she did, she'd hide it, but her watery eyes looked terrified as she seen everything outside the bubble but couldn't do a damn thing about it. -
Holly was pulled out before chaos ensued dragged along the floor by Calm. She hadn't lost conscious but blood was something she was losing, her eyes squinted hard in pain, groaning in agony. Very luckily it seemed the crude single edged weapon never hit any vital organs, but as with all knife wounds bleeding could be internal, she was still in a world of trouble. If the young woman didn't get medical help or taken to a hospital her condition would likely worsen.
She was still moving, all be it slight, still bound up and squirming in pain, she didn't dare avert her eyes down to see the hilt sticking out of her. -
All of Hollys wounds seemingly healed thanks to Calms burst of energy. Her blue eyes shot open only to realise the situation she was in, still gripped by Mr Maniacal with a seemingly overcrowded room of Heroes and hostages.
The red-haired Hero struggled with all her power to try and break free from Maniacals grip, but with her arms and legs bound all she done was scream into the duct-tape gag, squirming wildly in the hold. -
The energy seemed to speed up Holly's tissue regeneration but so minor it was barely noticeable, the cut Mr Maniacal had made in her cheek slowly healed, yet her bound up body remained limp and unconscious grasped by the madman.
Seconds before Ef's aimed shot
Pious' telepathic ability was a little too late, Hollys mind was so concentrated on what she was doing she could hardly hear herself think yet alone and outside voice.
She only had time to frown as her attack was grinned at, the bat suddenly smashed against the side of her face powerful enough to even lift her off the floor, her limp body crashing back down to the unforgiving concrete, she was out cold, and her face didn't look it's best either. Not even a whelp or scream was heard, the ducttape around her mouth seemed to muffle that out.
No mind signals came from her, to Pious it would seem like she had just disappeared from the radar. -
Been fun playing and dueling with you Chaos, just a shame it's when your about to quit the game!
Hopefully when i13 or 14 is out we'll see you back ingame. -
The sickening thud of wood hitting someones face made Holly gag, she turned away closing her eyes. Still she was helpless and in pain, but not in as much pain as the poor guy who was on the recieving end of her own weapon.
Holly was starting to get scared now, this guy wasn't just making threats, he was carrying them out without remorse.
The setup of the two young ladies and Maniacal's position gave her the distraction to get to her feet, but due to her clunky large metal feet the essence of stealth was kind of useless, she managed to get to her feet but all the hostages turned toward her no doubt alerting the mad-man, with her hands still bound aswell as her legs she used the last remaining weapon - she aimed a headbutt at the left side of Maniacal's temple, if she did hit it woulden't be enough to knockout, but the distraction could proove useful. -
Hitting her leg was painless to her, it wasn't flesh and bone, more like a reinforced container full of cybernetics and a deadly mix of gasoline. Holly tried to get up, but each time the hard boot of Mr Maniacal put her back down to the floor.
She groaned in pain, it was still unsure what damage had been done to her back from the fall, the maniac humiliating her like a footstool wasn't doing any favours either, although still defiant she kept telling herself she had been through worse but this hope was starting to fade. The lunatic was showing no signs of weakness asif he wanted the Heroes to barge in. Her first thoughts were that the room was rigged with explosive.
"Mmpph-you... ppphick.. mmph..uck..ner!" she muffled out into the gag her speech barly able to make out, but the tone it was said in sounded like profanity. -
Poor preparation seemingly led to Holly's current predicament, her power gloves weren't charged, and her igniters were faulty leaving her powerless. She had a handy baseball bat for these kind of situations, but she was unable to unsheath it from her back and the madman would no doubt see the weapon.
The noise in the warehouse was getting louder as Heroes ventured deeper in, the steaks were a little higher now that Mr Manical had an extra hostage, a licensed Hero from the Militia at that. The 20-something year old looked around the room best she could, trying to size-up the situation, aswell a possible soloution, she never gave up hope but prayed fellow Heroes would make it before the psychopath grew impatient.