PVP changes are for the better...
If PVP is so great now and I13 is nerfing it, then how come you are not all in the zones now and why have they been dead for ages?!!!!
[/ QUOTE ]
Well there's this thing, its called the test server.
Its where the i13 beta is at the moment, and funny enough, everyone is on there, trying out this new fun version of pvp.
And if you think the zones were dead before this, have a look a month after this new rubbish goes live.
That is all.
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That is all.
[/ QUOTE ]
Keep on chuckling mate.
That is all.
If PVP is so great now and I13 is nerfing it, then how come you are not all in the zones now and why have they been dead for ages?!!!!
[/ QUOTE ]
I have your simple answer to this...
Those who inhabit the zones are the ones that enjoy and take part in PvP on a regular basis. We are also the ones moaning about the changes.
The changes in i13 are to attract the non PvPers to Zones to try it out.
I am personally angry about this because they have in effect screw'd us over for the players that dont care about PvP.
Good Move Castle.
*Slow Clap*
Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.
If PVP is so great now and I13 is nerfing it, then how come you are not all in the zones now and why have they been dead for ages?!!!!
[/ QUOTE ]
Well there's this thing, its called the test server.
Its where the i13 beta is at the moment, and funny enough, everyone is on there, trying out this new fun version of pvp.
And if you think the zones were dead before this, have a look a month after this new rubbish goes live.
[/ QUOTE ]
So zero people minus x = what exactly?
Zhaan, Chakyra, Fiorina 161, Aeryn, Polly Nation, Dee Pression, Shazanne, Night Jester and too many more to mention.
Network Hell 47640
Valley of the Harpies 74519
Green and Pleasant Land 75966
So zero people minus x = what exactly?
[/ QUOTE ]
The changes in i13 are to attract the non PvPers to Zones to try it out.
I am personally angry about this because they have in effect screw'd us over for the players that dont care about PvP.
Good Move Castle.
*Slow Clap*
[/ QUOTE ]
Got to ask... how has this screwed you over? If you're a good PvPer, you'll still BE a good PvPer.
Or have these changes suddenly made you into a BAD PvPer? In which case I would question how much of your (generic you, not you specifically, btw) 'skill' is based on your pimped build.
Now, I haven't been keeping all up on the changes, so I don't know every tittle and jot of them, but if these changes encourage more people to try PvP... perhaps more of them will stay... so perhaps there will be more PvPers... which will encourage more people to try PvP... more of whom might stay...
See where I'm going with this?
[Edit: Oh, and the changes were applied with an eye to Arena/Base Raid PvP, not Zone PvP. So there's a basic flaw in your reasoning.]
The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise.

If PVP is so great now and I13 is nerfing it, then how come you are not all in the zones now and why have they been dead for ages?!!!!
[/ QUOTE ]
Well there's this thing, its called the test server.
Its where the i13 beta is at the moment, and funny enough, everyone is on there, trying out this new fun version of pvp.
And if you think the zones were dead before this, have a look a month after this new rubbish goes live.
[/ QUOTE ]
So zero people minus x = what exactly?
[/ QUOTE ]
What i mean is, once this goes live you will have the same dead pvp zones as before, minus however many of the people that did used to use them that wont bother after this.
Got to ask... how has this screwed you over? If you're a good PvPer, you'll still BE a good PvPer.
Or have these changes suddenly made you into a BAD PvPer? In which case I would question how much of your (generic you, not you specifically, btw) 'skill' is based on your pimped build.
Now, I haven't been keeping all up on the changes, so I don't know every tittle and jot of them, but if these changes encourage more people to try PvP... perhaps more of them will stay... so perhaps there will be more PvPers... which will encourage more people to try PvP... more of whom might stay...
See where I'm going with this?
[/ QUOTE ]
I see where your going with this... the Nationwide beat you to it,
Brand new PvPer's Only
Would be funny if it wasn't so sad.
As for being a bad pvper all of a sudden isn't my gripe.
I dunno how I would Fare in i13 better or worse... Its not all about the winning, its about the enjoyment. And if you look at the previous posts you can see many people feel that i13's changes will not be enjoyable.
Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.
The biggest problem is that *most* people who are complaining about I13, in exactly the same way as with all previous issues either haven't tried out the changes at all or have only tried them out very briefly.
This leads to the typical outcry that everything is irreparably broken and that it's the end of the game as we know it. Then, a couple of months later once the kinks have been worked out, feedback based changes have been implemented and people have had a real chance to get used to the "new" game, reviews are generally much more favourable.
Hence the "Doooooom!"
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you can see many people feel that i13's changes will not be enjoyable
[/ QUOTE ]
And shazan has done it and enjoyed it, rather than 'feeling' it will be less fun.
So, swings and roundabouts? I don't know. Actually, I don't care. Which is sad, but it's hard to care about a section of the community that tends to actively discourage newcomers.
Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.
Thanks, Donna.
I'm not saying that I know one way or another if the changes are enjoyable - for me they might be. I simply DO NOT KNOW. And on the basis of that ignorance, I have to consider the following:
I currently do not enjoy PvP.
There are a number of players who do currently enjoy PvP (for whatever reason).
CONLCUSION: My tastes and those of the current PvP crowd differ.
These changes are being made with an eye toward encouraging people like me to try PvP.
The players who currently enjoy PvP are being (to use a word my wife invented that is now used in government documentation) disencouraged (the real word is probably disincentivised, but she forgot it :S) from PvPing under the new system.
I intend to try the new PvP system when it goes live.
CONCLUSION: My tastes and those of the current PvP crowd differ.
Assumption: There are far more people who PvE in CoX than there are who PvP.
I PvE for my fun in CoX.
Hypothesis: People like me are more likely to try PvP with the new system.
Because of the greater number of PvEers, if that hypothesis is true, then the number of people who try PvP will increase.
I can't say how many will enjoy it. I hope that a number will. I'd LOVE it if I did. It would mean that the whole game becomes accessible to me, rather than the bits I currently know about.
I think the devs would rather have 200 people who occassionally PvP than 30 people who do it more often than not and 170 people who won't touch it with a barge pole.
The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise.

a section of the community that tends to actively discourage newcomers
[/ QUOTE ]
Every PvPer in Game was a newcomer at some point.
I dont see how they can actively discourage people?
Explain how this is done btw?
Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.
I've been on the test server myself and so far im enjoying the changes. Admittedly my Defender is still pretty easy to beat, but at least I can fight back now! And no more perma-holds (which, despite what anyone says, are simply not fun for the victim or even remotely challenging for the assailant).
That being said, however, they've COMPLETELY removed status protection. Oh sure you can resist certain effects, like Holds or Immobs, but you can't prevent them taking hold entirely. That means that scrappers with stun powers can actually STUN tankers. But, to be fair, that's not even an issue any more. Thanks to their reduced durations, and coupled with the fact they no longer kill toggles, you're back on your feet and fighting back in no time at all.
What the update has done, so far at least, is level the playing field a lot more. No one AT is going to be the ultimate PvP'er anymore. You can have your backside handed to you by a lowly empath defender (Yay me! I actually beat someone for the first time on Thunderspark!) and blasters are no longer the undisputed kings.
It's put the 'fun' factor back into it. Okay, you can still be ganked to heck which can diminish your enjoyment, but I strongly feel that when this goes live we'll find a lot more PvE players finding their curious way into Recluse's Victory, Warburg and Siren's Call... and I for one can't wait.
Every PvPer in Game was a newcomer at some point.
I dont see how they can actively discourage people?
Explain how this is done btw?
[/ QUOTE ]Easily done by goads and general mud-slinging in PvP combat. Usually starts when player A (newbie) complains that he's being assaulted by players B, C and D, or singled out for assassination by another. It's borderline greifing, but the textbook response from many PvP players is "If you don't like it, get out." or "It's PvP. Anything goes.". It's not hard to see why some newcomers are put off the PvP scene.
The Heroic Mary Grace (50)
The Mystical Thunderspark (50)
The Candy-loving Little Jenny (50)
Well its enough to make me go back to the pvp zones to actually pvp in, the last 6 months its been me on my own in various pvp zones getting hunt badges.
I tried it on test against the less than handful of ppl in pvp, and its ok, still dynamic, got longer fights on my squishies up against the fotm builds was a little surprised too to actually achieve something and it felt good
[quote} Which is sad, but it's hard to care about a section of the community that tends to actively discourage newcomers. [quote}
Oh hell yeah,now all the l33t stalkers,etc can disappear (hopefully) and now we may get an enjoyable FUN PvP experience.
All these weeners can get in the waaaambulance and sod off to WoW where they can gank lvl 41's with their ooober lvl 49 char.
Sooner we get rid of all this elitist [censored] the better,we are trying to get more ppl to join the game so it grows,not scare em off.
Oh and change never hurt anyone. -waves to Obama-
Is it friday already?...
I am going to try out the PvP changes when I13 goes live. I haven't PvPed in a while because I thought it was unbalanced. If a defender now has a chance to win in PvP then that is surely a sign that its better.
Is it friday already?...
I am going to try out the PvP changes when I13 goes live. I haven't PvPed in a while because I thought it was unbalanced. If a defender now has a chance to win in PvP then that is surely a sign that its better.
[/ QUOTE ]
Not for the non defenders
Happy to be on Defiant.
Global name @mereman
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A lot of people are moaning like hell about PVP being doomed and broken and nerfed etc with I13.
Personally, I think it needs a good overhaul, as before it was unbalanced and a gankfest half the time.
I played for a while last night on test and ....guess what......we had some fun.
Maybe its just the fire and spines element that is moaning........but think about this for a moment....................
If PVP is so great now and I13 is nerfing it, then how come you are not all in the zones now and why have they been dead for ages?!!!!
[/ QUOTE ]
OMG you must be troll, by posting something like this you know that the pvpers will not be happy.
I suggest this.
All non pvpers who now want to try out these changes as they think it will make them pvp come to RV on test and form some teams and second
All pvpers come to RV on test to show these people how its done .
I suggest this not in a big head way but only to show you that these changes WILL not help or make new players tak part in pvp the pvp community even nerfed will still have the upper hand due there skill you may then see what we are all talking about .
We want more people in the zones but these changes are not the way to do it
"If you don't like it, get out." or "It's PvP. Anything goes.". It's not hard to see why some newcomers are put off the PvP scene.
[/ QUOTE ]
This isnt the case for Newbies... this happens to vet pvpr's too.
asily done by goads and general mud-slinging in PvP combat. Usually starts when player A (newbie) complains that he's being assaulted by players
[/ QUOTE ]
When new pvper's enter a pvp Zone they should not moan,
they should understand that PvP is a lot more challenging than PVE, and you will not be fighting predictable mobs that
will struggle to defeat you through your super powers.
PVE'rs obvioulsy enter the combat zone with the mindset of a PVE player... "Im the most powerful thing on the map, and all you enemies are about to fall at my hands!", "and if I somehow faceplant it must have been a silly mistake I made"
When you PvE players enter a PvP Zone remember that you ARE going to die.
The hostility from PvPers towards Nubies probably comes from the whining that follows their beating.
Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.
I think the devs would rather have 200 people who occassionally PvP than 30 people who do it more often than not and 170 people who won't touch it with a barge pole.
[/ QUOTE ]
You could say that about any of the groups of players who play out side the pve game but at the end of the day all there subs add up and if the devs want to build on pvp as they said they need the current pvp base
A lot of people are moaning like hell about PVP being doomed and broken and nerfed etc with I13.
Personally, I think it needs a good overhaul, as before it was unbalanced and a gankfest half the time.
I played for a while last night on test and ....guess what......we had some fun.
Maybe its just the fire and spines element that is moaning........but think about this for a moment....................
If PVP is so great now and I13 is nerfing it, then how come you are not all in the zones now and why have they been dead for ages?!!!!
[/ QUOTE ]
OMG you must be troll, by posting something like this you know that the pvpers will not be happy.
I suggest this.
All non pvpers who now want to try out these changes as they think it will make them pvp come to RV on test and form some teams and second
All pvpers come to RV on test to show these people how its done .
I suggest this not in a big head way but only to show you that these changes WILL not help or make new players tak part in pvp the pvp community even nerfed will still have the upper hand due there skill you may then see what we are all talking about .
We want more people in the zones but these changes are not the way to do it
[/ QUOTE ]
I am not a troll and I do PVP.
Sadly I obviously cannot be as great as you seem to think you are, but I do and I enjoy it.
I wrote this post because I feel that a lot of so-called PVP players are moaning either without trying it or their FOTM builds dont win like they did. ED all over again.
Oh and by the way, why on earth would new people join PVP? I post saying positive things about the changes and the vampiric PVP community jumps in and sucks the positivity out, God help any new person who likes PVP.
Zhaan, Chakyra, Fiorina 161, Aeryn, Polly Nation, Dee Pression, Shazanne, Night Jester and too many more to mention.
Network Hell 47640
Valley of the Harpies 74519
Green and Pleasant Land 75966
Its strange how PVPers moan that not enough people PVP. Yet we have 2 in this thread showing exactly the attitude of elitism that actively discourages people to try PVP.
Its strange how PVPers moan that not enough people PVP. Yet we have 2 in this thread showing exactly the attitude of elitism that actively discourages people to try PVP.
[/ QUOTE ]
You saved me a post there.
btw - On the odd occasion that I've gone there I've usually found the broadcast in PvP zones enough to put me off even though it's never (to my knowledge) been directed at me.
It's like walking into a bar or shop and it's full of gobby, rude kids who are shouting insults at each other. Even if they aren't shouting insults at me I'll probably leave because it feels unfriendly and there are much better places to be.
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Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)
A lot of people are moaning like hell about PVP being doomed and broken and nerfed etc with I13.
Personally, I think it needs a good overhaul, as before it was unbalanced and a gankfest half the time.
I played for a while last night on test and ....guess what......we had some fun.
Maybe its just the fire and spines element that is moaning........but think about this for a moment....................
If PVP is so great now and I13 is nerfing it, then how come you are not all in the zones now and why have they been dead for ages?!!!!
Zhaan, Chakyra, Fiorina 161, Aeryn, Polly Nation, Dee Pression, Shazanne, Night Jester and too many more to mention.
Network Hell 47640
Valley of the Harpies 74519
Green and Pleasant Land 75966