117 -
Quote:I'm gonna admit to not read all of this thread, but I would like to invite any of our Euro Family members to the City of Gaymers Coalition of SGs. At current I know we have two active UK players, and at least used to have some Swedish players. We are, however, located on the US servers. If you would like more information about our group, or have any questions, then please feel free to message me.
Best of Luck
Yeah i was gonna come over but i didnt wanna start all over again, in the end i decided to join the Gaymers new CO sg when it gets started. Will come back if server transfers ever get going but ty for the invite -
Quote:You seem to have a healthy approach to this issue but I cant help thinking that because you are ok therefore everyone is and the world is perfect. Yet for some it isn't but there are positive things that can be done to help.At what point does my sexuality become a question of fitting in within the game?
They like superheroes, they like MMO's. I like superheroes, I like MMO's. Therefore I fit in on the ONLY relevant points in the context of a superhero MMO. Just because they are attracted to the same sex is of little to no relevance. Hell, it's not even relevant for them to know what sex I am, or age, or country of origin, or ANYTHING except that, by evidence of my presence alone, I like at least 2 of the same things they do.
Like Shadowe (and just everyone else I know in this game), I couldn't care less if you're gay, straight, transgendered, black, yellow, green, a psychopath or even French (j/k!). You like superheroes, you like MMO's. That makes you a person I'll probably enjoy gaming with. Nothing else matters.
For me in 10years of gaming as I reflect back I see more females and more GLBT ppl are joining MMOs, that's a brilliant thing and can only be good for all, yet to keep these ppl engaged some things do need to change and TBH this thread in its self is one of those things -
Quote:That's your own fears that caused that, not the people you were interacting with. You can hardly blame the folks you were gaming with for you being too scared to share personal details with them.
People either accept you for who you are, or not. If it's the latter, that's their problem, not yours.
Yes but those fears are grounded in negative experiences. Its hard for some to get out of negative feedback loops that takes courage. A little help like a gay friendly sg or an gay/bi npc hero would help more than you think
I'm not sure if this will work or I will get flamed for it by try to imagine COX where the majority of players were gay all the SGs were by default gay all the NPCs were gay their bios were gay themed yet you were straight along with some others, at what point do you think you would stop and ask yourself ok where do i fit in here? -
Quote:But that is you and every body isnt you, for some ppl sexuality is important and sexuality does appear in game lore.Solitaire, I think there may be a certain point being missed between you and some of us - I'm not sure if this is a cultural difference, or a misunderstanding, but I'm going to take a stab at explaining it from my perspective:
1) I'm straight.
2) I know some people.
3) Some of those people are homosexuals or bi, and I know at least one trans-gender individual - possibly more.
4) What they are like as people matters more to me than their sexuality.
5) I quite literally have no comprehension as to how a man can feel attracted to another man, but that doesn't mean I refuse to accept that other people feel that way.
6) I flat out do not care about someone's sexuality, as long as they are a pleasant individual.
7) Because of all of the above, the decision to advertise sexuality is something that I just don't understand.
A person's sexuality is their business. It has no bearing on my relationship with them, unless they let it. I like to think I'm pretty tolerant, but I also know that there are people who aren't. Well, those people are bigoted pigs who don't deserve the time of day.
I'm not suggesting that LGBT people hide their sexuality - I'm saying that since their sexuality is entirely secondary to their worth as a person, I do not see why it matters so much. I'm proud of being a God-fearing, white, middle-class, heterosexual male in a stable marriage, with a tortoise in the back garden, a cat who went missing a few weeks ago, and who loves and respects his country and Queen - I have precisely zero interest, though, in joining a "group" of any sort that is specifically tailored to any of those features of my life, for the simple fact that I also love the wide diversity of human culture, and THAT is far more important to me than the other stuff.
here is an anecdote, at one point in game i was in an SG for about 18months and the ppl in there were great i got to know them all very well stuff about their families what they were doing, births deaths marriage ect. Yet they knew nothing about my life they just assumed i was straight that my partner was female. I was so over whelmed by their worlds that i really didn't wanna risk offending them by introducing my world to them. As it turned out they where accepting but it was a risk, if i had been in a known gay friendly sg from the start it wouldn't have taken 18 months to finally be comfortable sharing those details. And feel part of something. -
Quote:Because ppl are sexual some more so than others and its ppl that play this game, even you say you have a gay alien, well why? why should an alien have any sexuality at all ? and why should it be gay anyway?Then why even bother identifying the SG as a gay one? Seems rather pointless to me and only serves to make yourselves stand out. Attention seeking for want of a better phrase.
Folks, it's a computer game. Just what does a persons sexuality have to do with beating up bad guys, hmm?
Tho ironically gay aliens in the comic world do get positive story lines unlike most bis and gays. Wonder why that is ? -
Quote:Well all i can do is agree to disagree as there are a few examples of how the game does refer to sexuality in this thread already, if you care to read back. All the opening post has done is look at it from a different side of the coin and dared to ask/talk about it.The very post the OP made is about bringing RL into the game of which I am like "why bother?" not so much the forums and the subject isn't keeping me in this thread so much as you are.
On topic, there is no need for a separate group based on sexuality in a game.
There is no need for real life issues to be discussed or flaunted in a game.
The next time someone tries chatting me up I will tell them what sad individuals they must be and to **** off.
Everyone should be looked upon as just another player really. -
Quote:That would be the most obvious assumption. It is not, however, a confirmed fact.
And FFM is right. Unless it's a plot point for a story arc in the game, it has no relevance - it's not even a speculation point, because really the only speculation you have about sexuality in this game is that Manticore got lucky on his wedding night and that Dominatrix is very, very sick indeed.
However this assumption is indeed a reasonable one
Another is Sea Witch and im sure the list could go on and on. -
Quote:Synapse seems pretty flamboyant - Back Alley Brawler has an outfit that's a heck of a lot like the ones worn by the Supatrolls in those male only raves in Skyway City - Lord Recluse's father came from the same country as Bruno - open your eyes and see the cavalcade of camp right under your nose!
Its all a Lesmesis plot, I tell yah -
Quote:Yet we have no idea if such unions can happen or not in Paragon, infact can NPC heroes be gay at all ? Cos i aint seen 1And yet in common parlance we refer to gay marriage, even if it's not legally a marriage.
I actually said married (or equivalent) just as this is an international forum and the legal term (and indeed acknowledgement of same sex relationships) could vary greatly from state to state. -
Now if any of the devs are homosexual and do get married (or equivalent) [/QUOTE]
In the UK we operate a separate yet equal policy to unions, meaning straight cant have a civil union and gays cant be called married -
Quote:I shall say this simply so you can understand.You are using it out of its context. Twisting words. If I said "I climbed a tree and helped a cat down". I can't trust you not to turn it into me climbing a tree to help a bird down.
You said you were leaving the thread (which obviously didn't happen) as we were entering the realms of real life. YOU bought up the subject of Pride in the first place, so therefore you started the whole real life bit in the first place, though to be honest, quite why you are even posting here as the whole thread is about stuff that is happening in real and gaming life, is beyond me.
If you have nothing constructive to say, then maybe you should do what you suggested previously.
Bye Girlfriend -
Quote:Thats not really true as there's stuff i talk to my gay friends about that i simply wouldn't bring up with some of my straight friends in case they found me being camp offensive for example, which has been the case in the past, plus sometimes i don't wanna tell straight ppl im gay cos i don't wanna go over all the stereotypical questions and perceived prejudices that some ppl have or the possibility of homophobic abuse on the EU servers.Well, I don't know how you folks in the US handle it; but in the EU this is a total non-issue as people just do that anyway. No one bats an eye in the slightest. In fact, you could be dating a donkey and we wouldn't bat an eyelid.
As for an sg i really don't understand why me and 4 other gay guys cant have an sg together, we are friends and wanna be in a super group what's wrong with that? And even if the Devs said you cant do it, how the hell are they gonna prove that one of us isn't straight ?
Plus COX is as camp as a row of tents anyway lol. 1 more camp sg aint gonna make a lot of difference.
Go for it girl friend!!!!!!!!! -
Quote:Waffle!!! you said stupid end of lol !!!!!!!!!!!!I have only just recently read what you wrote but I would say that I would stay out of law and politics if I were you because you fail to distinguish what you think I said from what was actually said. For a start I think you should try and take what's written in the greatest of lights possible.
This thread is very unimportant to me really as it has been about bringing real life and personal life into a game. A game that doesn't need either.
Yet YOU bring into the thread in the first place about gay pride!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (hetrosexual pride)!!!!
The irony is killing me lol -
Nah you can see Nipples anywhere and at any Mardi gras and in a lot of news papers, even city of heroes characters used to have nipples on lol.
But i do agree with the censoring of the word [censored] to change that would be a step forward I think -
Yes I agree yet the petition system itself is at fault. Firstly as a new player as I was then I had no idea how to use the petition system, secondly the very thing that I was trying to report needed words that are censored in game and here on the forums, and thirdly there are no points of reference for [censored] ppl in the game anyway and those that are, are from other players which can in reality be very negative ( add approbate anecdote here, or look at figures) ).
This isn't just a problem for COX but other games too.
anyway im beginning to repeat myself so will leave it, take what you will from it and I hope that those lurking in this thread too get an insight to some realities of being a [censored] gamer.
I didn't say anyone thought he was thick neither. But anyone making false assumptions and presenting them as fact isn't too bright in my book.
[/ QUOTE ]
Oh sorry I didn't realise that words like stupid, and isn't to bright cant be equated to think, learn something new ever day -
psychabilly, I'm sorry. But you're comment that homosexuals are afraid of homophobia so won't join a supergroup is one of utter and complete bull.
I know several people (myself included) who have never been afraid of putting themselves out there, infact, I don't know of a single instance where someone hasn't joined a supergroup because they where afraid of homophobia.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yes that would be silly, maybe I didn't phrase it well, I mean it the other way around gays join straight super groups cos they are afraid to be in a [censored] one due to homophobia, which makes it look like there are no [censored] ppl at all. Of course there are many [censored] players some hidden some out to friends but none have the choice to be in an out sg.
Im not trying to say all [censored] ppl must be in [censored] sg if ppl wish to stay hidden for what ever reason then they can but gays wishing to be out there in the game have no choice at all. Is that fair when basically any other player group can with in the rules.
I have known an out player who wasn't allowed into a super group because he was [censored], and I said nothing as they thought I was straight and I didn't wish to be outed too as I was not ready to deal with the rejection in this MMO. But he was my friend. That is just one of many anecdotal events, as I have said some are good too but....
Things will change and they are already for some games and that can only be a good thing for the whole community. -
Yeah cos 2 ppl you have heard about in the Sunday sport are stereotypical of all Straight ppl...
..What town d'ya live in?
[/ QUOTE ]
Sorry, dont read it, t1ts aint my thing......
....but I apologise for hitting your intellectual level on the head as you must be an avid reader knowing what it contains......
[/ QUOTE ]
You are trolling, also someone could value that paper on comical value, nothing else. If you didn't know what it contains as an outgoing adult in the UK then you would be stupid. I think that to almost everyone in this section you're not coming off as too bright but I could be wrong. I doubt it but there is you in this section making me fall short of assuming everyone.
Edit: Oh and another thing I am completely immune to pics, why don't you see as many naked men in mags as you do women? Cos many women see a pic as a pic which doesn't do anything for them. I am like that, pics have no affect.
[/ QUOTE ]
I dont think shazan is thick at all ? -
I can see most ppls points and get the statistical figures but the CoX community is not representative of other communities.
[/ QUOTE ]
Well I took part in various surveys and I play COX unless you can provide a COX only survey then that's all we got to work on. Clearly there is something wrong even here in COX with the points I have already posted. Plus COX is a good community but it still has a way to go the points I have raised would help.
If you would like anecdotal evidence then I can provide that too. Good and bad
I understand you and others are trying to be well meaning
but you are playing into the hands of homophobes. The only way to stop it is to be open and the [censored] community has had a lot of success that way.
As for straight only super groups of course there are because so few gays are willing to be out on line due to the homophobia its a circular argument.Just as there are only French speaking or over 25age super groups [censored] only super groups shouldn't intervene with anyone except of course bigots and who needs them? -
well looking at those figures i cant see how much worst it can get anyway?
OK i found the site but its [censored] so will copy,
GLAAD has recently become very interested in the world of video games, seeing it, rightly, as the home of rampant virtual [censored]-bashing. Here are some stats to back up the assertion, from a 2006 survey done under supervision by the University of Illinois:
* 52.7% of those surveyed said the gaming community is Somewhat Hostile to [censored] and lesbian gamers, 14% said Very Hostile.
* When asked what forms of homophobia people have seen in the gaming community, here are some of what the surveyed said:
o 87.7% Players use the phrase, Thats so [censored].
o 83.4% Players use the words [censored] or queer as derogatory names.
o 52.3% Stereotypical representations of [censored] characters in games.
o 42.5% Refusal of game designers to include well-developed [censored] characters.
o 49.4% Invisibility of gaymers and/or the gaymer community.
* When asked how frequently players experience homophobia, those surveyed who responded Always or Frequently equaled 42%. Add in Sometimes and it brings up that total to 74.5%.
* When asked how often those players respond to the homophobia they witness 50.9% total responded Never or Rarely.
So you could see why GLAAD is trying to extend its message of tolerance to the online community. -
nope those figures are real will find the link for you
. Not sure i can post to [censored] sites on this forum tho ?
Im not trolling im pointing out the obvious