935 -
most of what some are on about being wrong is not what was said in the opening post.
I see no reason to attack a post unless you have read the thing right in the first place at lest then your points will have meaning then.
As for the post well i like some of the ideas and i would suggest that some people read it again and then comment.
Oh yes and ANYTHING that gets pvp back into this game would be good -
Yep these forums suck bring back the old these are like some kind of cheep player run ones
You know if it wasnt for people moaning and going on about others PL and farming these forums would have been empty the last 5 years.
I have said it before and i will say it again to all the anti pl/farmers why cant you just let others get on with what they wan to do? its been 5 years now i hink its time to take the sticks out of your butts and brush the chips of your shoulders.
Imo if it wasnt for MA and players PL amd farming the game would have died sometime ago and its hanging by a very thin thread now so why rock the boat lets keep everone happy shall we. -
what pvp, is there pvp in this game i know there use to be until it became a total waste of time
i was with sing in a team when this was going on, i told him no to worry as it was all rubbish, still by the end of it he had been reported my all of us in the team so i do hope this joker has been removed from the game
In order to combat PLing and farming further, how about a mandatory arc?
Of course there are already tailor/cape/aura missions, but these are not mandatory. But I was thinking more along the lines of an arc or mission that must be completed in order to attain a certain level. This would ensure that players have to experience some of the game outside of MA.
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Oh yes please i just love it when im told how to play a game i pay for!............jog on -
Oh joy they have got the dead horse out again for another beating, i think someone should call the rspca poor horse has already been beaten to death!
Yep we have just done it, took some doing but it can be done
Add to that the amount of players who powerlevel with the MA without ever getting used to their archtype and it's strengths and weaknesses
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Wrong, most people who PL now already have so many 50s i doubt very much you could tell them anything new about any AT. The old argument of players not knowing there powers is mute now seeing as how there are very few new players coming into the game, i will say though if players are new they should play the game rather than PL to 50.
If your having trouble finding a team its not due to everyone PL ing its due to most players being in MA missions as there sick of the same old content.
Therefore a solution that is acceptable to most of the playerbase needs to be found.
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Never going to happen no matter what is done it will not go down well with alot of players that has always been the same during the whole life of this game. -
Old Hami, old pvp, the joy of getting a 50, pre nerf burn, real GM fights.
Bring back I3 debt, there is no point in it now may as well remove it from the game
Bad idea full stop!
Limit what players can get xp wise will see alot go, you dont even need the MA to lvl fast if you play the normal game you can still get a 50 in a few weeks if your a hard core player.
Dont forget if like me you have been playing for alomst 5 years it wont take long to get another 50 as you know all the content you know how the AI is going to work on all bad guys.
Content means nothing to me unless its new now i have no wish to do the same content every time i start a new toon and MA now lets me do something new, limits on a new game system is the best way to have that system die fast.
Im not sure if those who are calling for all these limits are long time players or not but do keep in mind this is an old game and some of us have been here for a long time and once you have seen the "content" for the 20th time it gets very dull -
EBs, Avs and GMs the rest are all nothing to me
Q: When will City of Heroes Going Rogue launch?
A: When itÂ’s ready. We are not announcing the date at this time.
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Willing to bet its ready to same time as CO or DCU after the failure that was i14 :P
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I14 was not a failure
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Thats what you think, i would guess this will come out the same time as DC as champions will be out in july from what i was reading so unless they want to rush this and mess it up i bet it will be winter as i would think DC would be more of a problem than champions as champions is to much like cox where as DC from what i have seen looks like its going to be very good.
On the whole this looks like it could be good and is something i have been asking for a paid expansion lets just hope its not rushed and brings back some wow factor to cox. -
WOW......Who ate all the pie who ate all pies......
Kind of super hero game online -
Oh, by the way: Golden Girl abused the Recluse's victory turret grind for HOURS!
So did a lot others! We'd better data mine and steal those badges back! It was OBVIOUSLY an exploit and really hurt a lot of other players! (Yes, you ... it was a friggin' joke)
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This infact all badges and xp gained from means other than mission arcs should be taken back.
And GG shame on you go and beat yourself with a stick you bad girl -
No matter what your opinion on the implementation, events and debate over the last month and a bit, you've/we've/they've surely got to admit this: one way or the other, they've screwed up right royally along the way.
Question is, can they fix it? Old McPandora's Box has been opened, but can it be shut so MA is all about 'cool' and 'fun' (Posi's words of the month, it seems) player-created story arcs? Should they fix it, or are they reaping what they've sewn?
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Can open worms all over the place, posi needs to watch what he says to his paying customers, as for fixing it thas a laugh hey don fix this game they nuke bits and move on. -
This is just ED all over again!
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Almost the same although at the moment i would rather have jack back and kick pois to curb, jack was nuts but at lest he had a plan for the game even though it was a nuts one, posi on the other hand wants to see how [censored] he can turn the game before he leaves for Champions or dc online -
What about those people that heard about this and said:
"No it can't seriously be true?"
They go'n'try it, get 8 levels, leave disguested and end up getting their character locked because they did try it!
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Those are the players we're about to cull, we've taken out the PvPers and those who yearn for Dev Created Content already. Its all set out in the new manifesto.
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I know your joking but this is 100% true, -
Why give players the chance to make there own missions and let them play how they want only to turn around and become all high and mighty about when they dont like whats being made?
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Well, think of it as like being given a gun licence, or a driving licence - you can do whatever you like with your gun/car - but there are rules of use that you mustn't break.
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Ok show me in the rules where it says that players cant make a farm mission. And those words to the letter as abuse can be used for anything not just MA
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That's covered in the "unintended statistical advantages" bit.
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Rubbish, wouldnt stand up in court a good lawyer would walk all over that.
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Oh please - lawyers? Over a trivial matter of someone exploiting something, knowing full well that they should not be doing it and then trying to pass blame to someone else?
A lot of the 'bad feeling' seems to be 'I've been caught. Oh no.'
Powerlevelling 1-50 in a matter of hours/a day is game-breaking. Gaining badges at ridiculous badges-per-hour that lead to an accolade which unlocks... an emote? Not so much. (However, if your character is also going from 1-50 in a mtter of hours/a day whilst collecting said badges, then don't whinge that it's unfair. You made the choice to do it.)
Having to trawl through pages of 'Haha, I r f4rmz' is depressing. Yes there are still untested arcs which need 'work' (and aren't about farming and powerlevelling)but at least some of them actually bothered to have a go.
I will return to a point I made in another thread: If the practice of powerlevelling and farming is perfectly legitimate then why were there so many maps? Why not just the one map?
I think people are not stupid (in general - controversial I know) - People knew what they were doing, that it was wrong and are now creating all sorts of histrionics about lawyers and leaving. Laughable at best.
Actually try this one: If someone left you in a room with a machine which had a button marked 'electric shocks - press me to win money' - with the electrodes hooked up to, oh I don't know, a basket full of newborn kittens, would you?
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What do you mean shouldnt be doing it, so your saying that people should all play the game how you want and thats because you pay all there subs i take?
What alot seem to be overlooking is the devs gave the players MA and dont tell me they didnt know farm maps were not going to happen, they could have done something about it but no.
I dont care if people farm or dont i have yet to see one argument that tells me that farming/PL destroys the game, i have been playing for 4.5 years and i have seen loads of farm requests in my time yet you know what i ignore them you can do that you know and no get on your high horse and lick dev butt.
Get over yourself -
What a pathetic decision by Posi in my opinion.
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I think it's fine - as long as they don't take the avatar suspension too far
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I qote GG's one-liner for truth. What's next? Flying piggs?
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I quote both of you saying get a life -
Singstar, It's all good and well you saying us 'antifarmers' aren't considering your argument, but you keep overlooking the one really important point.
Nobody. Made. You. Farm.
As for the devs not picking up the ball as quickly as they could have, it's their ball and they can do with it whatever the hell they like.
What matters now is that they are picking up the ball and wiping mud off it too.
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And knowone made you not farm, but you dont see everyone shouting about that.
People pay for this game and as such should be able to play how they want and not get shouted at by some on these forums who seem to have a stick up there [censored] about it, and worse now we have the we said no devs, this game has taken a turn for the worse.
I dont agree that people should be PL from 1-50 in a day by that i mean new players , but for some who have been here since the year dot why the hell not we are not missing anything we simple want to try a new high lvl toon.
I have seen every dam bit of content in this game many times over and to be honest i fail to see what im missing if i start a new toon and want to get it to travel power or stamina lvl before i play it.
If you or anyone want to tell me how to play thats fine you or positron can pay my subs until then take the sticks out of your butts and wake up to the fact not everyone is as up tight about farming as some,