MA farming solution
erm what if i got tired of see clocks, skull or any other small group in low level?? i got to dissapper for 2 days for i got tried of the old mission for i know there stories by heart or know how i can ghost it. sorry but i do think this limits progress to me
Ok so following Positrons post about banning charecters who farm too much, I believe I have come up with a fairly decent simple solution.
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Ok im listening.
Make it so that you can only gain 10 levels max every 1 or 2 days in MA, so it effectively 'caps'. This would force people to play other game content such as TFs etc and regular missions, i stress this would be MA only because just exp stopping the charecter on the entire game would be a bit much.
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An xp cap would be the start of the demise of this game. Should never punish hardcore players who like to play a lot. Even by playing normaly its very easy to level fast depending on the players skill/time played.
I realise the first 10 levels are going to go really fast if your farming
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The first 10 levels are really fast no matter what you do. An 8 man level 1 - 5 team can have the entire team go from level 1 - 5 in 1 or 2 missions quite easily.
you could get a small bonus to ticket or influence gain so if you really didnt want to play outside of MA, the thing isnt entirely pointless.
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Just created a reward for being punished. I'ld love to have a way to have increased tickets since thats how im getting my main source of influence at the moment.
So after all that i'ld have to say this is an /unsigned idea im afraid.
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
This is a bad idea in my opinion.
As soon as i saw the word 'force' i lost hope in your suggestion. Games should let players be free. Not force them to do anything. This inclused farming, however not to abusive levels.
Thats the point, technically its not doing anything terrible except making you take at least 10 days to get from 1-50, in my opinion that isnt a bad thing.
Yes the first ten levels are going to go fast as I said but I'm sure you and several other people are sick of seeing level 50s that don't have a clue about anything other than how to MA farm, with no vet badges and no experience.
However unpopular it maybe, its a solution that gets players out of farming one part of the game and actually encourage them to do TF's and other game content other than to get purples at 50.
I agree games should let players be free but look what free got us at i14s release. A massive injection of level 50s in less than a day. That kind of makes a mockery of all the people who worked hard to level there charecter before that.
An xp cap would be the start of the demise of this game. Should never punish hardcore players who like to play a lot. Even by playing normaly its very easy to level fast depending on the players skill/time played.
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Thats the point, if your a hardcore player all thats happening is you have to experience other game content as well as player made content. Which really I don't see the issue with, everyone was fine without just playing MA to 50 before i14 so wheres the issue?
You wouldnt technically be punished severly as you could still gain exp from normal missions/TF's outside of MA and to experience game content for 1-2 days every 10 levels that kept players active for 5 years, I dont see the problem.
The first 10 levels are really fast no matter what you do. An 8 man level 1 - 5 team can have the entire team go from level 1 - 5 in 1 or 2 missions quite easily.
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I do realise that actually, and thinking about it, at level 10 theres not really too much there to do that doesnt get repetative, so maybe start 1-20 instead? that way it isnt too bad and you can still get stamina to get out of the noob levels.
So it would go:
1-20 - exp break - 20-30- exp break - 30-40 - exp break - 40-50
Going by two days break, thats still only 6 days to get from 1-50.
Just created a reward for being punished. I'ld love to have a way to have increased tickets since thats how im getting my main source of influence at the moment.
So after all that i'ld have to say this is an /unsigned idea im afraid.
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Yes because that way it feels like less of a punishment to those who have played all other game content before anyway and still want to do MA missions.
You wouldnt really be getting more tickets because of the ticket cap of 1500 per mission anyway, you would just be gaining them faster and getting slightly more influence.
Your still going to get people just playing MA for the extra cash but you will also get people actually playing the rest of the game as well.
If miss 89badges or any characters I leave (after 51 months) cox forever. This is safe
I can sympethise in loosing badges... (badge-wh... affordable friend here), but alot of these badges where just wasteful.
I'm more concerned about the Powerlevelling of new recruits, the constant spam in beginning zones for farm.
It just makes lesser quality players...
I was however shocked of the amount of badges that are getting lost, but meh...
It is ironic though to get badgers playing the MA they introduce lots of badges then take it away when they find the system did not work.
Oh well, hope you will reconsider.
Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool
Whatever that has to do with this thread...
So, back on topic: Positron has refused to put out a definition for abusive farming for a reason. People find their ways around such rules and still abuse the system.
Just one way to circumvent the levelling cap without anything changing about the situation:
PL not one toon at a time but several and switch toons every time you reach the cap. People are still clueless about anything but AE, the farming continues, but instead of having one 50 in a day the PLed have a "ding day" once per week when all their toons gain the final 10 levels in AE.

If it has eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.
In theory, yes it would work, but as _damz said it would be the beginning of the demise of the game. People would either do as Sitriel said and just farm another toon and slowly cease to use the MA whatsoever.
I actually saw a tip on the loading screen yesterday saying:
"Mission Architect Tip: You can level from 1-50 in the Mission Architect"
Isn't that a bit of an incentive for farming?
If miss 89badges or any characters I leave (after 51 months) cox forever. This is safe
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I think a few of the badges they're taking away will be put back into the game later, but for different things.
There are some cool titles, and some nice artwork, so it'd be a bit silly to waste that rather than reuse them.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
This suggestion would in no way limit people from farming. Thus its a pretty pointless suggestion.
And if you made the XP break across the account, eg you would do ten levels then have to have a break on all your characters that would cause a major disincentive to play for a majority of people.
MA farming is already being fixed. As time goes by more of the 'exploitive' methods will be removed and the system will be brought in line with the dev's vision of the system.
Badges? We ain't got no badges! We don' need no steenkin' badges!
Please fight My Brute:
Mission Architect 54161 - Michael Mundano, Megan Malloney and the Secret Senate.
Mission Architect 91838 - Constantinople Jones' Family Secret. A One Mission Story arc.
As I previously suggested:
1. I personally support an option of a max of 5 levels via AE's MA, until you gain at least 1 level normally, which would equate to letting you gain another through training...
2. A reduction in inf/prestige in MA mission mode, along with an increase in tickets and an auto MA mission drop (with warning) if you go to leave the MA building(s)
I see MA as combat training, and as such you should really only be able to gain a few levels through training (patrol xp style up to 5 levels), you don't really rescue anyone or such during training so you shouldn't gain much reputation (inf/prest) from training, the same way as the defeat x (skulls etc.) badges don't work in the MA (or shouldn't) to balance this you should really get more tickets for the training simulator...
I see this as not stopping players leveling in the MA to avoid mission grind but to also persuade them to play the real content/zones as well as with the training simulator.
2. A reduction in inf/prestige in MA mission mode, along with an increase in tickets and an auto MA mission drop (with warning) if you go to leave the MA building(s)
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See now thats better. That way you know you wont level as fast as normal content but at least you'll be getting better rewards via recipes.
I'ld probs carry on doing MA missions with it like that too since im more about getting influence than xp at the moment.
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
[/color]<blockquote><font class="small">En réponse à:[/color]<hr />
Thats the point, technically its not doing anything terrible except making you take at least 10 days to get from 1-50, in my opinion that isnt a bad thing.
Yes the first ten levels are going to go fast as I said but I'm sure you and several other people are sick of seeing level 50s that don't have a clue about anything other than how to MA farm, with no vet badges and no experience.
However unpopular it maybe, its a solution that gets players out of farming one part of the game and actually encourage them to do TF's and other game content other than to get purples at 50.
I agree games should let players be free but look what free got us at i14s release. A massive injection of level 50s in less than a day. That kind of makes a mockery of all the people who worked hard to level there charecter before that.
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What if they don't want to do anything other than MA farm? And so what if there is an injection of 50's, i enjoy having more high level players.
If it happens the lvl 50 guys don't know what grandville is, i'll just give them a slap on the wrist and teach them everything i know. Think of it as a crash course in how to play COV, they lvl to 50 fast, start farming and we teach them how to play after they're 50.
It may sound crazy, but the morre farmers, the more that recipes and enhancements goes into the market.
And tbh i don't like TFs, and there is already enough incentive to 'experience other content' such as rewards and merits. If these generous concepts are failing to incentivise players to play that stuff, i think that says more about what players want to do.
I see MA as combat training, and as such you should really only be able to gain a few levels through training (patrol xp style up to 5 levels), you don't really rescue anyone or such during training so you shouldn't gain much reputation (inf/prest) from training, the same way as the defeat x (skulls etc.) badges don't work in the MA (or shouldn't) to balance this you should really get more tickets for the training simulator...
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I see MA as a a method to access alternate content, which awards tickets to make up for the lack of end of mission rewards. Which of us is right though?
I said to a friend after MA I was first announced that all MA was, was a way for people to generate paper style missions which would eliminate those questionable missions that you didn't like, like rescue. As it happens for a large amount of people that is precisely what MA is. Apart from the fact that farming paper missions has more running around between missions there is no real difference... oh yeah most of the MA missions are far more interesting to do.
MA cuts out a huge amount of the boredom of levelling, running through four or five zones to visit people or click things is part of the normal game that you all seem to love so much. Here's some news; most people find that sort of thing boring and pointless. And as the devs continue to remove questionable methods/mobs/etc to prevent the majority of people abusing the system, MA will continue to improve. Some of course will continue to flout the rules. Just as some no doubt still farm Drek.
If you seriously believe that only MA farming is detrimental to the game I wonder what game you're playing. Either all farming is an issue or none of it is. Yes early attempts in MA to create farm maps were horrendous, but a lot of those methods have already been blocked, and the clear message that people found abusing the system will lose their PLd characters will do more to prevent abuse than some of the idiotic suggestions that people keep making to 'prevent MA farming'.
Abusive farming i agree CAN be detrimental to the game play, but since i am a firm advocate of farming, i gotta defend the point that it still contributes to the market and creates supply and demand.
If there was no farming, there would be alot less inf and recipes going into the market, so just as in real life, whether anyone likes it or not they can still have a positive effect.
For seasoned veteran players going from 1-50 in a day, this isn't as bad as a newbie player going from 1-50 in a day. veterans will likely use this to make farming characters to make more infamy, or a pvp char.
Newbies however, will be running around at lvl 50 with 6 slotted brawl and rest powers asking how to get to grandville. THIS i agree is bad.
There is a good and bad side to farming, and i think the pros outweigh the cons.
Abusive farming i agree CAN be detrimental to the game play, but since i am a firm advocate of farming, i gotta defend the point that it still contributes to the market and creates supply and demand.
If there was no farming, there would be alot less inf and recipes going into the market, so just as in real life, whether anyone likes it or not they can still have a positive effect.
For seasoned veteran players going from 1-50 in a day, this isn't as bad as a newbie player going from 1-50 in a day. veterans will likely use this to make farming characters to make more infamy, or a pvp char.
Newbies however, will be running around at lvl 50 with 6 slotted brawl and rest powers asking how to get to grandville. THIS i agree is bad.
There is a good and bad side to farming, and i think the pros outweigh the cons.
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Don't get me wrong, I'm not against farming. I run a pair of fire/kins primarily for farming. I just think that all these threads that present half baked solutions are a bit pointless. Especially when they only address part of the issue. If you remove all chances of farming in MA people will go back to farming something else. If you are really against farming then you should be looking at a solution that prevents all farming not just the currently in vogue version.
I don't agree. Only the Sith deal in absolutes, remember that. There are shades of grey, so to say.
the devs ONLY want to cull the ABUSIVE farming, in other words, farming that takes it to the extreme, (e.g 1-30 in 1 hour).
I understand this, but locking people's toons is a bit draconic. Level 50 toons, provided the person playing them is knowledgable in the game, can contribute to the community (helping lowbie players) and help the market (farming increases supply and demand of inf and recipes)
I don't agree.
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No nor do I... Uh what? I'm pro farming, as far as I care if you pay the subs you get to play in the way you choose.
the devs ONLY want to cull the ABUSIVE farming, in other words, farming that takes it to the extreme, (e.g 1-30 in 1 hour).
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Sounds like a good thing.
I understand this, but locking people's toons is a bit draconic. Level 50 toons, provided the person playing them is knowledgable in the game, can contribute to the community (helping lowbie players) and help the market (farming increases supply and demand of inf and recipes)
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If you abuse the system to get something eg 1-50 in five/six hours as was happening recently (so I have been told) which you have now been told is abusive then I expect you to lose the XP/Inf/etc. If the devs say 'this is abusive' but don't back it up with actual punishments then there is no point in actually saying that it is abusive.
Problem with getting from 1-50 in six hours is that while it gives an old hand the chance of trying out something they haven't in the past without the stupid grind to get there. Yes I too have several 50s and used the old school method to get there, consequently finding much of the early gameplay boring in the extreme. It means someone new to the game doesn't have the breadth of experience, and due to the fact that most farming is very boring they won't aquire that experience, they'll just leave. Because lets not forget this game doesn't begin at 50 (cap) unlike a lot of other MMOs where you need to get to cap asap so you can actually do anything remotely interesting.
Suggestions on How to fix MA farming... are flawed either due to their incompetence eg they won't work. Or while they work they don't address other problems that while less severe are still the same issue. Or will break MA so much that no-one will use it but the hardcore story tellers/RPers. And that is pretty much all I'm trying to get across.
lower level grind = faster epics
if they want to block farming, i suggest they do something about how slow leveling go's.
Levelling. Slow. Yea, sure.

If it has eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.
Levelling speed has almost doubled (MA not accounted for) in the last two years. We run a weekly event in the supergroup, where we play for about three hours every Monday with some reserved toons that are not used outside the event.
First time around, it took about 64 weeks = 192 hours to reach lvl 50. Last run, the first toons dinged 50 after 38 weeks = 114 hours. We weren't playing efficient any of those runs. We were in it for the fun, and we often used capped TFs to let stragglers keep up.
Yay for patrol XP and general XP boost.
Still @Shadow Kitty
"I became Archvillain before Statesman nerfed himself!"
I agree with Coolio on this. I'm not completely against farming, as long as it's the veteran players doing it. Razor_Schultz is right, it keeps the market going, it helps us vet's get PvP chars or just skip the boring low levels, but if a new player is doing this they have no clue about the came and could possible lose interest quicker because they may see farming as the only way to play the game and the proper way too boring.
Ok so following Positrons post about banning charecters who farm too much, I believe I have come up with a fairly decent simple solution.
Make it so that you can only gain 10 levels max every 1 or 2 days in MA, so it effectively 'caps'. This would force people to play other game content such as TFs etc and regular missions, i stress this would be MA only because just exp stopping the charecter on the entire game would be a bit much.
I realise the first 10 levels are going to go really fast if your farming, so will the next 10, but that stops new players coming in and just farming to 50 with brand new charecters and actually learn something about the game.
If this seems too harsh, then when you cap exp for the 1-2 days, you could get a small bonus to ticket or influence gain so if you really didnt want to play outside of MA, the thing isnt entirely pointless.