Mandatory Arc
Having played many many heroes I often hunt the first 10+ levels. I've done those missions to death and I'd rather not do them again.
Making me have to do certain missions at certain levels would just annoy me to be honest. The missions would become stale and boring after a few alts.
While I understand you're suggestion, I don't think its a good idea.
they are not mandatory
[/ QUOTE ]
And so they should remain! The moment you start deciding for people what they should be doing, is the very same moment they tell said game where to stick it
I don't know about specific arcs being mandatory, but I would like to see you not being able to get past for example level 30 until you have done AN arc.
Possibly the same thing again before 50.
Though the idea of MA is to be able to level without ever leaving the buildings, and while I think that is an awful idea it isn't likely to change.
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
they are not mandatory
[/ QUOTE ]
And so they should remain! The moment you start deciding for people what they should be doing, is the very same moment they tell said game where to stick it
[/ QUOTE ]
Yes I understand your point, I wasn't suggestion using existing content, I perhaps meant something like a mini-trial to prove your worth as a hero/villian with perhaps an unlockable, this should be new and entertaining to promote the city rather than MA. It could add perhaps a bit of challenge (would be nice)and maybe the story will reflect your growing rep. I don't feel that being bored repeating stuff is a valid point as 95% will always do the cape/aura missions anyway.

My deviantART page (warning some images nsfw)
GGRRR Comic Series GGRRR Comics on Facebook
In order to combat PLing and farming further, how about a mandatory arc?
Of course there are already tailor/cape/aura missions, but these are not mandatory. But I was thinking more along the lines of an arc or mission that must be completed in order to attain a certain level. This would ensure that players have to experience some of the game outside of MA.
[/ QUOTE ]
How about [censored] !
If you are not a farmer, dont farm!
don't sit and scheme up ways to ruin other people's fun.
How about this suggestion, keep your stupid comments to yourself!
How would you like it if I were to make suggestions specifically designed to hinder the part of the game that you enjoy?!!
Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.
In order to combat PLing and farming further, how about a mandatory arc?
Of course there are already tailor/cape/aura missions, but these are not mandatory. But I was thinking more along the lines of an arc or mission that must be completed in order to attain a certain level. This would ensure that players have to experience some of the game outside of MA.
[/ QUOTE ]
How about [censored] !
If you are not a farmer, dont farm!
don't sit and scheme up ways to ruin other people's fun.
How about this suggestion, keep your stupid comments to yourself!
How would you like it if I were to make suggestions specifically designed to hinder the part of the game that you enjoy?!!
[/ QUOTE ]
I think you're misreading the intention of the suggestion Donna.
The idea is to let new players know there are other zones with other content out there. It's not really an anti-farming measure, more of a "Why not see if you like this content too" measure.
Like the (much loathed) "Go off and see Wincott" mission you get at the start of CoH. Which is why it's a bit of a no from me I'm afraid. I'm a chronic alter and I hate it every time when I'm sent off to Wincott around level 6.
To be honest personally I'd remove the MA buildings from all levels less than 10 (so Steel, Skyway and Cap Au would be the first places they'd be) and the MA Architect wouldn't be added as a contact until level 15.
That way anyone new can explore the first few zones and the basics of combat & levelling before being introduced to the MA, but any Vet in the know who wants to avoid the crappy early levels can easily run to the Steel MA (or Cap Au one) and PL themselves to whatever level they want to (like out of the first 12 for example, Brutes are a nightmare until DOs).
In order to combat PLing and farming further, how about a mandatory arc?
Of course there are already tailor/cape/aura missions, but these are not mandatory. But I was thinking more along the lines of an arc or mission that must be completed in order to attain a certain level. This would ensure that players have to experience some of the game outside of MA.
[/ QUOTE ]
How about [censored] !
If you are not a farmer, dont farm!
don't sit and scheme up ways to ruin other people's fun.
How about this suggestion, keep your stupid comments to yourself!
How would you like it if I were to make suggestions specifically designed to hinder the part of the game that you enjoy?!!
[/ QUOTE ]
I think you're misreading the intention of the suggestion Donna.
The idea is to let new players know there are other zones with other content out there. It's not really an anti-farming measure, more of a "Why not see if you like this content too" measure.
Like the (much loathed) "Go off and see Wincott" mission you get at the start of CoH. Which is why it's a bit of a no from me I'm afraid. I'm a chronic alter and I hate it every time when I'm sent off to Wincott around level 6.
To be honest personally I'd remove the MA buildings from all levels less than 10 (so Steel, Skyway and Cap Au would be the first places they'd be) and the MA Architect wouldn't be added as a contact until level 15.
That way anyone new can explore the first few zones and the basics of combat & levelling before being introduced to the MA, but any Vet in the know who wants to avoid the crappy early levels can easily run to the Steel MA (or Cap Au one) and PL themselves to whatever level they want to (like out of the first 12 for example, Brutes are a nightmare until DOs).
[/ QUOTE ]
This part may have been misleading then, but not sure how else to take "In order to combat PLing and farming"
Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.
I think you're misreading the intention of the suggestion Donna.
The idea is to let new players know there are other zones with other content out there. It's not really an anti-farming measure, more of a "Why not see if you like this content too" measure.
Like the (much loathed) "Go off and see Wincott" mission you get at the start of CoH. Which is why it's a bit of a no from me I'm afraid. I'm a chronic alter and I hate it every time when I'm sent off to Wincott around level 6.
To be honest personally I'd remove the MA buildings from all levels less than 10 (so Steel, Skyway and Cap Au would be the first places they'd be) and the MA Architect wouldn't be added as a contact until level 15.
That way anyone new can explore the first few zones and the basics of combat & levelling before being introduced to the MA, but any Vet in the know who wants to avoid the crappy early levels can easily run to the Steel MA (or Cap Au one) and PL themselves to whatever level they want to (like out of the first 12 for example, Brutes are a nightmare until DOs).
[/ QUOTE ]
This part may have been misleading then, but not sure how else to take "In order to combat PLing and farming"
[/ QUOTE ]
Given that it's stated that it is for people to see that there's other content available in the game I'd take it to mean to combat excessive PLing and Farming by new people. Which I agree with. Don't mind someone getting to 20 or 30 or 40 in a few hours. I do mind said 20/30/40 not knowing where the train lines are, how to slot their characters or what any of their powers do because they've been in the protective cocoon of 10 Allied Bubblers for their entire mission life, or been protected by a Level 50 team-mate.
You already know there's other content out there, know your powers and are an ebil farmer anyway so you're probably safe
Carnifax is right the main reason for my post was to make a suggestion which would ensure that players (yes, I guess it was mostly aimed at new players) experience the game beyond MA, in no way did I want to open up another farming debate and whether I farm or not has nothing to do with the suggestion.
However I really do not see the need for such an agressive reply to the thread and I will say no more on the matter and I will ask for this thread to be closed.

My deviantART page (warning some images nsfw)
GGRRR Comic Series GGRRR Comics on Facebook
Carnifax ~ "Given that it's stated that it is for people to see that there's other content available in the game I'd take it to mean to combat excessive PLing and Farming by new people. Which I agree with. Don't mind someone getting to 20 or 30 or 40 in a few hours. I do mind said 20/30/40 not knowing where the train lines are, how to slot their characters or what any of their powers do because they've been in the protective cocoon of 10 Allied Bubblers for their entire mission life, or been protected by a Level 50 team-mate.
You already know there's other content out there, know your powers and are an ebil farmer anyway so you're probably safe"
[/ QUOTE ]
I understand and agree with you on this Carnifax, but I get very defensive when people suggest things that would effect what left of the game that I enjoy.
Night_Hornet~ "Carnifax is right the main reason for my post was to make a suggestion which would ensure that players (yes, I guess it was mostly aimed at new players) experience the game beyond MA, in no way did I want to open up another farming debate and whether I farm or not has nothing to do with the suggestion.
However I really do not see the need for such an agressive reply to the thread and I will say no more on the matter and I will ask for this thread to be closed."
[/ QUOTE ]
I was not starting a farming debate, I am just making it clear that your suggestion as nice as well intentioned as it is, steps on the toes of other players.
You want a simple suggestion to cure noob 50's?
Restrict MA building to Vets. 3 , 6, 9 months+ Something like that, so you are not penalizing players that know the game inside out because they have created a new toon.
Apologies if this came across harsh, but it's something I feel strongly about.
Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.
I'm really against Mandatory missions and I think that other suggestions(in this thread and others) are a much better idea to show new people the world beyond MA while people who enjoy MA in any way, shape or form are not hindered by it.
The M.A.D. Files - Me talking about games, films, games, life, games, internet and games
I'm not good at giving advice, can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?
I'm with Donna_ on this: (bold by me)
This would ensure that players have to experience some of the game outside of MA.
[/ QUOTE ]
And the wording is such that it appears to be aimed at anyone who doesn't play the game the way you see fit.
Though restricting to veterans wouldn't work, I have played with a 30+ month vet recently who didn't have unyielding on his level 50 tank.
One thing that would ensure that people knew about other content is if the popups that you get for new contacts were expanded to show cape/aura/costume slot missions.
Also reduce rewards from paper missions, increase average rewards from normal arc missions, so that normal arcs would be about as rewarding as MA. And fix some of the insanely long/boring normal arcs. eg Melanie Peebles (Striga) has five kill alls (IIRC) each is a big map with occasionally scattered mobs and because the actual order (for all apart from the last two of the arc) are offered at random on a team you often cannot even auto complete.
I think normal arcs have the xp just about right (Some think too high), it is the MA that needs toning down xp wise to match rather than the other way around.
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Whichever, just reduce the rewards from paper missions themselves, maybe make the reward from the safeguard/mayhem a bit better to compensate. But I get tired of getting a team only to do Paper missions, why people think they're fun or better than farming MA I will never understand.
I want to know that if I do a player created arc I am going to earn the same XP as if I did a story arc. And rather than nerfing the MA I'd prefer they upped the rewards of normal arcs.
I think it'd be going against the whole casual concept of the game to force people to do arcs - badge hunting, PvP, crafting, MA, TFs, Safegaurds, raids and even teaming are optional - you do the stuff you're interested in, and don't do the stuff you're not interested in.
The closest to a forced arc is the one to access the Midnighter Club and Cimerora, but as neither of those zones are required to progress in the game, it's still an optional arc.
I think it'd be better to make the MA a less attractive route to 50, and the other types of missions more attractive, so that they'd both be at the same level.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
This part may have been misleading then, but not sure how else to take "In order to combat PLing and farming"
[/ QUOTE ]
I think he means to combat Power Levelling and XP / Level Farming as opposed for Farming for Drops such as salvage.
Salvage farming has happened since the launch of the Auction House and merely adds more salvage and drops in circulation, not a bad thing!
The recent MA Farming resulting in level 50 Peacebringers asking where to buy enhacements however, well they need their "fun" spoiling and should be given something more suitable for them...
Like Duplo bricks

In-game and now on Twitter @Tsumiju Zero "The Nightmare of Dra'Gon"
"The flow of battle can only be influenced, not by realtime tactics, but by strategy."
Proud resident of the Union EU Server.
B.A.F. Trial Guide
Drop Inf/Prestege from the MA!
(Exemplaring/Oro stop you gaining Exp so why not?)
Drop Inf/Prestege from the MA!
(Exemplaring/Oro stop you gaining Exp so why not?)
[/ QUOTE ]
Because as has been said by lots of people lots of times before if you remove them most people won't bother using it, for anything. Which will waste what can be a good feature. Plus if you exemplar you actually carry on earning stuff just not XP.
Drop Inf/Prestege from the MA!
(Exemplaring/Oro stop you gaining Exp so why not?)
[/ QUOTE ]
Because as has been said by lots of people lots of times before if you remove them most people won't bother using it, for anything. Which will waste what can be a good feature. Plus if you exemplar you actually carry on earning stuff just not XP.
[/ QUOTE ]
Maybe make it give slightly less XP than normal missions, but slightly better drops?
That might help direct newer players someplace else, but still make the MA attractive enough to be used.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Remove MA buildings from starter zones. As I suggested already. That way new players don't think thats the only way to play the game.
To the original suggestion /unsigned here, sorry.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Reducing player-created-content XP/Inf rewards to two-thirds or three-quarters of standard mission rewards would go a long way to redressing the one-hour fifty culture which has stamped out the whole point of levelling your chars: Learning to play them effectively. I hear a lot of complaints from my friends, all of them being competant, experienced players of their ATs and powersets about how [insert player here] is incompetant. And all since Mission Architect.
Powerlevelling is bad for the new players as they spend no time at all hitting fifty, don't know how their chars function, don't know where anything outside Atlas/Mercy is nor the other details one learns through exploring the game world.
Ask yourselves, you pro-powerlevellers; would you enjoy playing through one of the high-end TFs/SFs with a Tanker who doesn't know when to Taunt, or didn't even take the power? With a Corruptor who didn't get a single debuff? An Empath who never heals anyone?
Farming forces prices too high for anyone but farmers to afford. Some of us would rather not feel forced to farm just to pay ridiculous prices of pretend-money for something which gives a few extra % to a build.
Rant over, and back onto original topic: No. Nobody but nobody wants to feel forced into doing anything. MA is broken, but still optional. If people lack the willpower or hells even the raw curiosity to explore the rest of the game, fine, let them choose not to. I have no respect for powerlevellers or farmers, but I support their right to choose to do something which I find entirely dull.
Learning to play them effectively. I hear a lot of complaints from my friends, all of them being competant, experienced players of their ATs and powersets about how [insert player here] is incompetant. And all since Mission Architect.
[/ QUOTE ]
I've been playing since EU beta, and to be honest I have been hearing these comments since then. And while PLing is easier now than ever I haven't seen many more n00b/ch00b recently than back in the old days (when all this was fields).
Might be better if the MA contact only opened when you entered an MA building for the first time so as to not draw new players into the building.
Another option would be to have to go to a real contact not the hologram, at least then there'd be some travel time. At the moment with no travel time why have travel powers? Plus lack of travel means you can get through far more MA missions in a night than you can normal missions and with no risk, making them that much more attractive.
Final sugggestion would be it have the MA mission done in a random MA building rather than the one you take it in. The building picked would need to be in an area appropriate for the team doing the mission. So at lvl 15 you might take an MA mission in Atlas and be sent to the building in Steel to actually do the mission. Though you could be lucky and get the building you are already in.
Dont get me wrong I like MA, it's nice to go for a while when you're bored with standard missions and play something different against a custom mob that you haven't fought hundreds of time before I just think theres a few problems with it.
What HA said, let us place contacts in the city.
One way to stop them from being slightly daft (blocking roads, etc) would be that they are only visible to the Team who are playing the arc?
Mind you, the mechanics to place them round and about would probably be horrible to write...
And agreed to waht Evils said.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
In order to combat PLing and farming further, how about a mandatory arc?
Of course there are already tailor/cape/aura missions, but these are not mandatory. But I was thinking more along the lines of an arc or mission that must be completed in order to attain a certain level. This would ensure that players have to experience some of the game outside of MA.
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GGRRR Comic Series GGRRR Comics on Facebook