Goodbye fellow Villains!
See ya mate, gl with everything
NoOoOooo ! [add echo and reverb] - You can't leave Chaos!, trying any other MMOS?
*Sniff,.. farewell for now.
Best of luck wherever you go.
Always sad to see another mate leave.
It has been great knowing you and hopefully can get a few more pvp sessions before you leave. I catch you in game before you leave hopefully but just in case if I don't, best of luck with everything .
Max Powerz: Lv 50 Tanker
Max Khaos: Lv 50
Overlord of E.V.I.L.
My Brute -
LF SG! Arc ID# 193083
Tis rather sad news to hear ya leaving mate when you are one of those I've known a very long time in this game. A great shame indeed. I tip Starscreamer's amazing top hat to you mate for the many crazy times including one of the most fun crystal keeper runs I ever did and helping me out when I was a total pvp newbie in the arena.
I'll do my very best to catch you in game, but I think I'll just say this here and now - take care my good man and remember theres always friends here.
Farewell and may the gods smile upon where you may end up.
Take it easy.
Hey mt8. was expecting such post some time. but still cr@p to know ur off for sure.
hope ya do well. and see u ofc in i14

Been fun playing and dueling with you Chaos, just a shame it's when your about to quit the game!
Hopefully when i13 or 14 is out we'll see you back ingame.
NNOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Chaos!!!
/t me in game for my msn :''''''(
or @Donna2
+ @Donna
Carlsberg don't do Farming,
But if they did..........
Hey everyone, just a quick post to say goodbye to everyone, i dont use the forums often but some of you may know me in game as .Chaos, i have decided to stop playing for numerous reasons one of which being a major factor, and just wanted to take this opportunity to say farewel to everyone who has made my playing experience that much more fun especially you pvpers you know who you are!
its the players that make the game and i want to wish goodbye to you all, i shall be leaving on the 24th of October a sad time for me, and hope to see afew of you around before i go.
thanks again!