332 -
I've been playing gravity since I started and its without a doubt one of the most fun sets in the entire game.
My main is gravity/thorns and the sets have a remarkable synergy together. You have some passive debuffing, very open slotting potential and a great mix of control, melee & ranged offense, as well as the most amazing pet doms have imo. Plus he has arguably the most comedic powers ever - Propel gives you the real villain feel as nothing says evil like smacking a cop miles using a dirty urinal, Wormhole for the strategic potential which is near inifinite as well as the fun of worming random NPCs on Cap into mid-air, Singularity for the fun of watching melee foes run at it and get nowhere fast (seriously the 1st mayhem you do with it will make you cry with laughter)
I've also since made a gravity/earth who is very strong and a freaking ST monster - he's almost 38 now and made quite similar in some respects, but has a lot of potential left in it. Elec assault is also very solid with gravity, as is psi (wormholing the foes into Drain Psyche and PSW is hilarious).
One thing I will recommend though, patron pets work awesomely alongside singy - pet to control and subdue with another to fight it out! -
This news even a horrid villain like I cannot even truly enjoy. Over the years your contributions have been numerous, insightful and beyond what anyone else has done community wise in my opinion. Having had the joy of both teaming with you on a pair of LGTFs, and on many occasions leading the fray on Pylon Raids, this is a dark day indeed. There will be no conflict today from The Starscreamer... instead, just a sombre and sullen salute, as a heroine of epic proportion, old-time nemesis and ally heads into retirement.
I would like to thank you for the great times dotted here and there we have had, and for your tremendous assistance and contributions to my own comic works. Given whats happened here, I think I will get that last issue done as a priority now as a homage and send-off that is deserved.
And should you return for the time of Going Rogue, well lets just say things will most definetly change around here.
This is the one heroes passing that even The King of Perversion takes no true pleasure in... -
Sorry to burst the dream mate - but alas, no cross-atlantic server fun for anyone. The servers merging into 1 list has been begged for by players for a couple of years really heavily now and still no joy.
Only way to play in the EU is to buy a copy of the EU version, which would ofc include none of your existing chars or any veteran rewards, let alone any ingame perks ya may have like the PPD Cossie Code. -
I been wondering this myself as I got one as well for Creative Genius when it was still going. Curious to find out why they hadn't been transferred over with the rest of the forums...
But nevertheless, seems PMing will have to commence -
Quote:Gahhhh stupid new forums constantly logging me out in Firefox mean I never noticed lol Better have a read and find out eh lolI already PMed you about something. So check your pm box.
As for the rest, yeah I try to pick up as many tips as I can. I have both CBC and CL. I wish had a mac so i could get comic life magiq. Looks really nice and it would be so cool to have that editing software...
Anyways, check your pm box and get back to be through that please.
Theres a number of other EU comic writers around but I know many let their projects die alas. -
Quote:Ah I wouldn't go by that one for style wise - try Darkbow or Usurper - they are far superior on the appearance.Looking over your work. Looks good. What font did you use for the Sea of Stars btw?
And I am guessing you are using Comic Life?
But yes, the main editor I use is ComicLife Pro (on OSX Leopard). I use a few other apps too. I use iPhoto as my organiser with a handful of freeware apps for minor tweaks. I also downloaded a ton of font packs and individual fonts too. I forget which ones See Of Stars had but they were all defaults (ComicLife's and OSX Tiger's defaults). Nowadays I download new fonts as and when I feel it appropriate for the specific lettering customisations I do for each individual named character.
Also for reference, later in the year I intend to probably get a license for ComicLifeMagiq in order to allow even greater possibilities and options giving me 2 applications to create that which I want.
I take it you are trying to refine and master your own comics stylisation? If theres any queries ya have - do just holler here or on PM mate. -
Greetings to the assorted peoples of the EU and our new cohorts in the USA. I am The Starscreamer, The King of Perversion and a Dark Overlord of UD. Many moons ago I begun a project as a total accident and it spiralled out of my own love of CoV and the wonderous hours my SG and friends give me daily on Union. This eventually became The UD Chronicles, a full-blown comic series with its own ethos, back-story, relationships all tied into existing ingame continuity. The full list of the creations is below in chronological order story-wise. Its also unique in that it is all 100% from the villain perspective.
Sea Of Stars (solo story - 1st ever attempt, and one day due for a remaster)
Trial By Combat (solo story of pvp)
Darkbow (series 6 issues with the finale being a double issue)
Usurper (series that is still ongoing and about to be concluded...)
All of these are freely downloadable from our main site - www.udsg.co.uk
I started the first story just by trying to learn an application I may one day need to do tech support on (I'm a systems admin by trade) and threw a comic together from the screenshots I had lying around. It received such good feedback and demand that I then decided to try and further and continue it. All of my SG cohorts have been unbelievably supportive and helpful to me in this, as have a large assortment of random villains and heroes over the course of time.
I created Trial By Combat to celebrate UD's anniversary celebratory pvp tournament initially and then built a new idea from it. It was this that helped me hone my style I was trying to create and then create the first true series: Darkbow. This builds upon the events previously seen and expands into a dense web of intrigue and betrayal.
This is the first multi-issue story I've ever done in any medium and it only lead into the greatest of my works, the current and soon to be finished series entitled: Usurper. This storyline tells the origins and actions of UD across 3 timelines in perfect sync of past, present and future as they all converge to a great shock... Usurper 6 coming soon...
I'd also like to rather arrogantly mention that the Usurper series is not only one of true personal achievement for the thing I went through last year, but also for having it win the NCSoft Creative Genius Award last year for Usurper 3 "Prophecy" (shame the customised forum title I won as part of it wasn't migrated over to these forums).
Now that I've had one of my trademark rants, I'd like to welcome you all to download them and enjoy. Any and all feedback that you want to post can be thrown here or via PM
I'd also like to thank all of Ultimate Darkness for their support and never-ending help to me. Also many thanks to all the random people who happily help my shoots, and to the assorted people who gathered in Atlas on Union last week for an impromptu photo session to help me shoot an entire scene for the next and concluding part of Usurper!
So what are you waiting for??? Download them now and witness Ultimate Darkness... -
Hello and welcome to the horror that are the EU members - you think you're invading... how foolish
But assorted heys that I have as yet got around to. Beware, for Europe has arrived and I'm wearing black, have the 'giggety' comments armed and am not afraid to use them on all you strangers...
On behalf of all of the those under the black and blue banner of Ultimate Darkness, a fond welcome to carnage! Those who wish to get to know our legion of devoted psychopaths can find out more via the link in my sig (and the assorted content like our comics therein).
And finally my trademark battlecry to wake the masses: VIOLENCE FOR THE PEOPLE!!! -
Quote:Hey dude from the UK and EU. I've been churning out a comic series for a while now which has developed into its own microverse ever so slowly within the CoX world. All of which I have made using just screenshots and then minor (to sometimes insanely major) filters and reworking.Hey all. Was wondering (now that I can communicate with people across the sea... technology JUST now allows us to do this, you know) if anyone makes CoH related comic books?
Anyone make any or have made at least one in the past?
All issues freely downloadable via www.udsg.co.uk as a ZIP file containing each page as a PNG. Extract before you view or sometimes it wont display certain pages correctly in the 'preview' manner.
Each has been a labour of love and the stories revolve around my SG - Ultimate Darkness and our associated enemies and allies. Its also quite different in that it is all 100% from the villain perspective. Even the 'likable protagonists' are to actually be despised if you read all of them. This is all my own brainchild with everyone I get involved having their own little say in what they add.
Also you'll notice the first 2 solo stories are a bit cack both in appearance and approach. I was still finding my style and learning the apps I use for it at the time. When I came to write Darkbow and Usurper (still ongoing) I had a clearer overall view and plan for the longterm with tie-ins all over the place to the other stories and plot threads, as well as ingame canon. Oh yeah, and I won a NCSoft Creative Genius Award last year for Usurper 3 "Prophecy".
Catchup with the stories thus far as the finale of Usurper is coming soon...
And thats probably one of the longest ways of answering 'yes' to your question lol
(PS. Bring back Creative sections properly!!!)
EDIT - oh yeah and it would seem that I lost the 'Custom Forum Title' that I had previously as an award from Creative Genius - great forum transition.... -
Depending on whether you have it, disable any management apps like Castalyst Control Center before booting the game as its settings could be conflicting and overriding the client if you've edited them. Literally kill the process in the systray.
I've also been told many have issues with Vista64 and the game too - I believe theres some form of hotfix on the technical threads from a while back that someone posted. At work atm so can't dredge it up.
I would also gradiently disable ANY other apps running on vista while playing. If you have it enabled - also disable AERO within vista as this causes numerous issues with games, CoX in particular.
Also ensure you do the EU client fix as mentioned above to ensure you can login properly too. I would also try booting the client in Safe Mode (when launching theres a tickbox) to see if that allows it.
Also disable Water FX and Depth of Field FX too under the options as these are known to annoy the hell out of ATi cards.
Sorry I can't give much more advice as still at work and must dash now - but if your issues improve/get worse let us know and we can muse more. You can also collar me most evenings in the week on Union via @Starscreamer. -
I for one still raise the banner for old school villainy which is EVEN rarer than it is heroside these days. When was the last time you saw Mercy and PO with a decent number of people on it?
My latest project Startriggerhappy has been creeping himself upto lvl 17 so far. It annoyed the absolute hell out of me that I ended up joining a mate farming for 10 mins (literally) as I couldn't get any other team - but then once I got the ding to 16 for next power (and properly prepared for Binder of Beasts asap) he left and is now back to old-schooling.
I for one will be calling for more of THIS redside too. It annoys the [insert extremely creative offensive rambling for a few mins here] me that I am quite alone in this. The heroic types are doing it again - and they ain't no better than educated fleas, birds and bees... so lets do it, lets kick some [censored]!!!
Anyone fancying the concept of some lower team redside can always holler at my new dom and kick it! Can't be letting the heroes do it all and farming is both hard and dirty, disgusting work. I'd rather rob the rich and destroy the virtues of the innocent the hard way once again! Join me now! Or make me do 'giggety' things to you too! -
Starsunstorm will have orange Elec Assault like he always should have had...
Starskystalker will prob have a few of his wp shields toned to match the colours of the strikes from MA (maybe 1 or 2 attack alternates too - I muse the alt AS)...
Startriggerhappy will have some much more purpley-pink Mind AND Energy Assault goodness...
Thus far those are my 3 key candidates. My others as they stand have their own identity now because of the powers. But, my new i16 dom on the other hand... muhahhahaha! -
The below is from a long suggestion I made ages ago at:
Note the below is what I came up with as my suggestion then only. Yes I really want this and gave it tons of thought
Your mastery of the very earth itself allows you to craft it and strike your enemies down. You have a strong mix of powers to knock your foes down along with consistent damage, however your strongest powers are slightly slower than other sets.
Stone Fist - Melee, minor smash dmg, minor stun
Boulder Smash - Single target ranged, mod smash dmg, -fly (same animation as propel but a lot faster playing with a boulder like legacy chain)
Lavapit - Toggle pbaoe minor fire DoT, -spd, -jump (animation as mudpots but more lava - think the igneous - colouring)
Stone Thrust - Melee, minor smash dmg, very high knockback (same animation as power thrust but with a stoned fist)
Aim - same as all others
Hurl Boulder - Single target ranged, high smash dmg, -fly
Volcanic Breath - Short targeted aoe, 35% arc, minor fire DoT, -10% def (highish end cost and recharge with animation like bile spray but with the igneous lava look over the bile instead)
Heavy Mallet - Melee, superior smash dmg, high knockup
Stone Fissure - Close targeted aoe, mod smash dmg, knockup, 25% chance for mag 2 stun -
My NWs spec is not for public view - he's one of my "Great 3" - but I'll happily adivse and assist anyone anytime I can - collar me ingame @Starscreamer and I can maybe give ya some more pointers as well JamieB.
Oh and for reference - my NW has every possible delicious toy and trick he could have -
Wrong. Windows 7 is built on the same kernel as Vista. It's just been greatly optimized and improved, but it's STILL the Vista codebase.
There is no "twitchyness". CoH runs perfectly under Windows 7 and there are no driver issues for any mainstream hardware. Problems MAY arise if you have very rare or very old hardware, but if that's the case, you're not likely to be upgrading to Windows 7.
[/ QUOTE ]
Given that its not finished you can guarantee none of that. And yes it is the same basic kernel - theres far more that HAS been changed and made 100% originally (unable to say what due to NDA). Including the way it handles certain elements and processes compared to Vista as it stands but again cannot say more.
And theres no guarantee it will work perfectly on all mainstream hardware setups either 100% certainly. Hence why I was giving generalised advice as noones got the final version. And even if you had you can't say that it will work 100% anyway as the manufacturers haven't released final drivers for it yet either - so even Microsoft themselves cannot guarantee it(Plus if you had got it and did say you'd be liable for prosecution)
Not to mention that theres no guarantee that NC won't do something to break the client between now and then - it's happened before.
But OT - as mentioned previously - for all intensive purposes and evidences it should work fine.
EDIT: Regarding IE8 - thank the gods for Firefox tbh lol -
Ah yes, nothing like feeling something moist and slimy slithering down your back, or wrapping around your ankle or tentatively testing your... nether regions.
[/ QUOTE ]
We should hang out more
And OT lets hope that GR is as good as its shaping as the last batch of issues' content is nothing that hasn't been exhausted in a day or 3. Although I still find myself doing things in RWZ. I just pray GR gives us all the content we haven't had since then. If it isn't I can see there being many unhappy peeps as the vast majority of people I know ingame are rapidly losing faith as we lack anything new to do - we need C O N T E N T not just fluff.
*prays GR doesn't turn into a zeppelin full of custard and rocks* (i.e. a messy flop of epic magnitude) -
That sucks! Glad I added more EBs to my TF then!
And alledgedly Carnie City Map and City Map 02 are removed along with the Mito NPC foes. -
City map 02 + carnie city map gone
[/ QUOTE ]
Oh for crying out loud! What they been removed for??? Maybe they feel like removing some more maps and foes for no real reason. Next they'll be taking powersets out... Maybe they could try FIXING things rather than just hammer it!
So anyone notice any changes other than 2 random map removals and mito nerf? Or was that really all it was for a several hour downtime? -
Pigs can fly: http://www.kongregate.com/forums/2/topics/13051
[/ QUOTE ]
Its been on all the news that swine flu.... get it.... Yes I have been hanging out with Mumsy far too much. -
I was thinking of th ecouncil guys but I dont want them to actually do anythign until they turn froma mild mannered civilian into a hairy wet-dog smelling engine of rending doom!
thougth it wasnt a possibility. ah well. back to working on the arcs already in progress so
anyone got any idea when the bonus arc slots are available in europe?
[/ QUOTE ]
Why not have one of those Archons recoloured as a Rescue and then 'Betray on completion'? That way he's mr meek and mild then lets rip when lead to door and will shapeshift with any luck when dmg'd to a certain point as normal. have a nose through the NPCs powers under Create Custom Group and can then make a note of which one you need to add/edit -
Whyyyyyy!!!???? Whyyyyyy did you have to set my mind on Izzard gags! Man my coalition are gonna get millions of them tonight now!
Beekeeper Chatup line:
"I like my women like I like my coffee... errr.. Covered in Bees!"
Anyway before I destroy the remaining sanity, why not just plummet their reward or give them dmg fields etc? Surely not that hard, but given how other elements have been dealt with so harshly they may very well go the way of the Mothership Rikti :/ -
So Damz, what odds are you giving on the Mitos mysteriously disappearing in this patch too?
[/ QUOTE ]
Icanhazmitostoo? Sorry been a long day lol
But yeah they will prob go bye-bye as they are the farm of the week foe. Although at this rate what high lvl foes will actually be left?
Hoping they fix that stupid "You cannot enter" prompt whenever entering MA mishes even though it still lets you in. -
"Gaaaaahhhh! Hangon everyone, afk a sec - some noob wants to xray my stuff be back asap"
Few mins later
"Back soz about that, the noob thought me hitting Nova was a terrorist attack so we gotta finish the TF fast as I'm being redirected to some resort called Guantanamo Bay - anyone know what the beaches are like?" -
Thankfully Win7 is NOT an upgraded Vista. Win7 actually works and does what it claims thus far lol
I know several people using the game on Beta and RCs of Win7 and they are all getting better performance and stability than Vista even with Beta drivers.
So for all intensive purposes it will work, however there may be certain twitchyness for a bit as NC may need to do some updates themselves to the client to make 100% compliant.