Earth Assault - speculation begins!




So the Dominator's get this new Earth Assault for their secondary powers.

Wonder how the set will look as the existing Stone Melee/Epic powers have some holes in a typical Dominator style powerset.

1) Throw Rock - a low dmg, fast animating power doesn't exist other than the temp snowball/rock one. I would expect this to be a 'new' power.

2) Stone Mallet

3) Hurl Boulder

4) Heavy Mallet

5) Fissure

6) Build Up

7) Fault ? - really need to add something ranged as the sets way too melee focused, even compared to Elec Assault.

8) Tremor

9) Seismic Smash

Doesn't really flow with what we already have so I'm hopeful of 2-4 'new' powers to flesh out what should be a nice melee based secondary set.



You forget the "Brick In Sock" power



You can get some additional ranged stone powers from Legacy Chain Mobs.

Propel Rocks Ranged, Smash
Legacy of Earth can propel rocks at foes!

Propel Boulder Ranged, Smash, Foe Knockback
The Terran of Earth can open up a portal and pull in a heavy object that he can then levitate and propel at foes.

I really should do something about this signature.



Those Legacy Chain powers are indeed likely candidates.
I am really looking forward to this. Have to build a grav/earth.
Plus, I hereby dub that combination propellerdom.

If it has
eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.



Well going by posts Babs post US side here there's no new animations for Earth Assault so its safe to assume that any powers that make it up will be preexisting in some form or another



The below is from a long suggestion I made ages ago at:

Note the below is what I came up with as my suggestion then only. Yes I really want this and gave it tons of thought

Your mastery of the very earth itself allows you to craft it and strike your enemies down. You have a strong mix of powers to knock your foes down along with consistent damage, however your strongest powers are slightly slower than other sets.

Stone Fist - Melee, minor smash dmg, minor stun
Boulder Smash - Single target ranged, mod smash dmg, -fly (same animation as propel but a lot faster playing with a boulder like legacy chain)
Lavapit - Toggle pbaoe minor fire DoT, -spd, -jump (animation as mudpots but more lava - think the igneous - colouring)
Stone Thrust - Melee, minor smash dmg, very high knockback (same animation as power thrust but with a stoned fist)
Aim - same as all others
Hurl Boulder - Single target ranged, high smash dmg, -fly
Volcanic Breath - Short targeted aoe, 35% arc, minor fire DoT, -10% def (highish end cost and recharge with animation like bile spray but with the igneous lava look over the bile instead)
Heavy Mallet - Melee, superior smash dmg, high knockup
Stone Fissure - Close targeted aoe, mod smash dmg, knockup, 25% chance for mag 2 stun



For those that missed it, someone has posted the powerset here as seen in Comic Con, they are:

1. Stone Spears (4 sec rech, 2.1 sec animation)
2. Stone Mallet
3. Tremor
4. Hurl Boulder (8 or 10 sec rech, 2.5 sec animation)
5. Power Boost
6. Heavy Mallet
7. Seismic Smash
8. Mud Pots
9. Fissure

2.1 sec animation for your tier 1 blast? Ouch, I know one power I can save slots from at least...

A Penny For Your Thoughts #348691 <- Dev's Choice'd by Dr. Aeon!
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Mud Pots? Interesting. (Hot Feet + Mud Pots anyone, assuming you have the Endurance for it all.)

Fissue and Tremor? Nice.

Stone Mallet, Heavy Mallet, and Seismic Smash? Ouch. Slow, but heavy damage there.

Stone Spears and Hurl Boulder look a little slow aswell.

Hmmm, Power Boost. Not sure it needs that, some endurance recovery power is more likely to be needed here. Stone attacks tend to be endurance heavy, and Mud Pots isn't going to be cheap to run.

Story Arcs:
The business of destruction ID: 80848



They didn't kid when they said it was a very melee biased set

Ice and Fire primaries are going to be fun with the combo toggles available (Artic Air and the already mentioned Hot Feet combo).



For those that missed it, someone has posted the powerset here as seen in Comic Con, they are:

1. Stone Spears (4 sec rech, 2.1 sec animation)
2. Stone Mallet
3. Tremor
4. Hurl Boulder (8 or 10 sec rech, 2.5 sec animation)
5. Power Boost
6. Heavy Mallet
7. Seismic Smash
8. Mud Pots
9. Fissure

2.1 sec animation for your tier 1 blast? Ouch, I know one power I can save slots from at least...

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Stone Spears? Never heard of that but I think it's a way of making it as able as the other assaults. They could of gone with "Throw Rock!" but that would be a bit meh for some I wager. Still Throw Spears makes me wonder though. I get the stone spearhead thing but then ya need a pole so I'd imagine with this its one long stone spear. I'd sooner throw a stone club, a simple adaptation of throwing knives would do and it would be lighter on the animation time, about 1 second but I guess ppl will love throwing a spear and being Caveman-like.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



I had in my head the motion that Valkrie does when she attacks you with her ranged spear attack but instead of a cone, its single target (recoloured obviously too).



This looks a bit unapealling to me. I have powerboost (Ice), but the recient dominator changes mean that the +dmg powers are far more appealing, with higher base damage to work on. The extra control just feels like overkill. Mud Pots is about the best power.

I can't see me ever choosing this set.

I really should do something about this signature.



Can't wait for this. I think its going to be the dingo's swingers! :O)

My MA IDs:
Fiend Space: 211464



I'll certainly give it a spin, but I'm feeling downhearted about the set on paper.

A lot of folk going Earth\Earth are gonna be in for a lot of stomping so best wear your toughest shoes, unless they change the Stone Spears from the CoT Earth Caster version to another animation.

I hope the 2.1 sec animation is in err and left over from porting numbers from the info for CoT's version because that'd make it an eternity to build an attack chain in the early going. Apparently it'll be doing a chance of KnockUp as well making the whole set the bounciest I've ever seen.

Doesn't Power Boost increase KB? God, you hit that and one of these powers you'll be hunted down by Baseball Scouts looking to sign you with the Yankees.

@Drakmarth & @Drakmarth2
Avatar by S. Wall
#415877 - An Uncivil War: Preclude - Looking for Feedback



Doesn't Power Boost increase KB? God, you hit that and one of these powers you'll be hunted down by Baseball Scouts looking to sign you with the Yankees.

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Not any more.

The PvP mob cried foul about it long enough and hard enough on the US boards, so they took that aspect of Powerboost away. Which was an annoyance on my Fire/FF/Primal controller, as a Powerboosted Force Bolt was always good for a laugh when you could punt mobs beyond line of sight


The above post may contain Cynicism, sarcasm and/or pessimism. If you object to the quantities contained, then tough.



Doesn't Power Boost increase KB? God, you hit that and one of these powers you'll be hunted down by Baseball Scouts looking to sign you with the Yankees.

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Not any more.

The PvP mob cried foul about it long enough and hard enough on the US boards, so they took that aspect of Powerboost away. Which was an annoyance on my Fire/FF/Primal controller, as a Powerboosted Force Bolt was always good for a laugh when you could punt mobs beyond line of sight

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Thought so, hence the ?, an old PB Grav Lift used to tear the pants of anything. I could only imagine what it would have done with a set that has KB\D\U occur in almost every power.

Shame the Info text still says Knockback, even if the actual numbers section does not.

@Drakmarth & @Drakmarth2
Avatar by S. Wall
#415877 - An Uncivil War: Preclude - Looking for Feedback



Looks to me like a very melee centric set. Might give this a spin with ice control for Arctic Air + Fissure + Ice Slick goodness.

- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom

My Katana/Inv Guide

Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein



For those that missed it, someone has posted the powerset here as seen in Comic Con, they are:

1. Stone Spears (4 sec rech, 2.1 sec animation)
2. Stone Mallet
3. Tremor
4. Hurl Boulder (8 or 10 sec rech, 2.5 sec animation)
5. Power Boost
6. Heavy Mallet
7. Seismic Smash
8. Mud Pots
9. Fissure

2.1 sec animation for your tier 1 blast? Ouch, I know one power I can save slots from at least...

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Hmmm. No Earths Embrace? Might have made sense for a Melee heavy set.

The single target ranged attacks look pretty pants to be honest, really slow animation times. You might be better off getting the single target immobs from the primary and slotting them for damage rather than using these. I'd prefer if they switched the order of Spears &amp; Stone Mallet.

The 3 melee attacks are slow to recharge but quick to fire off, so with a single target immob and a single target hold in the chain as well they'd probably be enough, combined with Fissure and Tremor for the AOE

In a way this set looks pretty good to go with Grav or Mind. Mind/Earth looks particularly strong thinking about it in fact.



I can see the Force feedback proc becoming really popular as a means to help of set the long recharge times.




Hmmm, Power Boost. Not sure it needs that, some endurance recovery power is more likely to be needed here. Stone attacks tend to be endurance heavy, and Mud Pots isn't going to be cheap to run.

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God yeah, if it's as bad as Stone Melee on a Brute it's going to be murder on End for a Domi (who are a bit tight End-wise anyway).

Looks like I need to get both a Forced Feedback AND a Performance Shifter onto my Brute before the Earth Assault Doms get here.

The recharge times probably aren't that bad simply because Domi's have at least 2 other powers from their Primary they can use as fillers in between.



Just viewed a video regarding Earth Assault, the 2.1 sec animation time (from Detailed Info) does not compute as I saw the usual *STOMP* and the spear appears instantly.

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The 2.1 seconds may include whatever 'recovery time' there is to return from the STOMP pose back to neutral. There's no guarantee that the recovery is instantaneous, or even rapid.

The only way to find out for certain is to wait for open Beta. So that means you'll maybe find out in 3-5 weeks (numbers plucked out of the air).

Luckily it's the first power in the set, so you won't have to do any levelling on test to find out.


The above post may contain Cynicism, sarcasm and/or pessimism. If you object to the quantities contained, then tough.



Just viewed a video regarding Earth Assault, the 2.1 sec animation time (from Detailed Info) does not compute as I saw the usual *STOMP* and the spear appears instantly.

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