Discussion: The Cage




As most of us know, there is a player versus player arena built into the nightclub called Pocket D. Some of our characters refer to it as the Cage. Now, I've had an idea. Its a simple idea that has probably been experimented with before, but I propose a new method to execute this. The cage (as portrayed in the City of Heroes comicbook) is known to be a popular stage for non-lethal battle, usually for entertainment value.

My idea, is to start a forum roleplayed fight club with only one main rule: the victor and sequence of action is pre-determined by an actual in-game in-character pvp battle between the opponents, refereed by the spectators. A good precedent, which my idea is based on, is the Pistol vs Mechano fight, which occurred in-game and was retold with some much enjoyed dramatic exaggerations as forum RP. Your thoughts, please?



It's definitely a good idea, the only issue is that in my case I am utterly [censored] at PvP - however my character is a former Cage Fighter, so it doesn't make sense for him to lose as often as he does (and I lose every bout, even though I'm always game to enter into the pvp arena with my incredibly naff PVE build). I've managed to explain this BARELY by saying he's not quite as good at non-lethal fighting, but it would be stretched considerably if I had to take anyone on consistently ingame. From an rp standpoint, as much as I rather cringe at the concept of protecting my character's ego, it doesn't work for him to lose so much, though I really would like to see more bouts like this.

There's several different rings which are sort of along these lines for roleplay purposes, but all are just a bit of background flavour (The Chinese Superhero ring, Death Ring, there was a Fight Club at one point I think). However as I've had some people tell me time and again, Paragon City itself would have no use for such a cage as we're all supposed to be shiny happy heroes who would never find anything so barbaric as entertaining. Hence I suppose watching monkeys beat the snot out of each other is okay...or something. While I personally have no objections to it as a friendly-bout sort of thing between people, it might take something more than a "just for grins" background to make it fly.

Maybe it would be like a rather campy "cage wrestling match for charity" which various heroes could participate in? Really whacked out spandex costumes and all? That might even allow some villians to "gatecrash" and attempt to actually put some more permanent hurt upon opponents (hey, they're in a mask, who would know?).

I say the idea has considerable potential, and could be a whole lot of fun, but yes, if it's done, I'd say do it big, do it camp, and make it look like some sort of WWF visits Paragon City.

Nice idea *thumbsup*



Now this sounds fun!

Mixing both elements of the game i enjoy most, Roleplay and PvP!

I think it's a brilliant idea, you really can exadurate the battles and show exactly how your characters powers work and what effects they have without being limited by game-mechanics.



Sounds like a fun idea alright. Until now my RP characters have been a little too reserved to go brawling in the Cage, apart from training with friends, but I've got a new villain lined up who would love this sort of stuff.

The question is, how do we balance IC ability with the rules of PvP? I don't like to predetermine the result of any fight based simply on who's "better" in an abstract sense, but as mentioned a veteran like Jean-Luc should be portrayed as able to hold his own.

Knights Exemplar: Wolfram, Autumnfox, Starlit Spirit.
Militia: The Portent, Wavekite, Mr. Sandman.
The Cadre: WarpLocke, Zajin.
Numerous others.



The question is, how do we balance IC ability with the rules of PvP?

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I suppose you don't really. All the more reason to try harder and win the in-game fight. Fun both way.



However as I've had some people tell me time and again, Paragon City itself would have no use for such a cage as we're all supposed to be shiny happy heroes who would never find anything so barbaric as entertaining. Hence I suppose watching monkeys beat the snot out of each other is okay...or something. While I personally have no objections to it as a friendly-bout sort of thing between people, it might take something more than a "just for grins" background to make it fly.

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Of course, the handy thing about the monkey cage in PD is that it isn't in Paragon at all. Additionally, its audience is not purely heroes, and in fact it has traditionally been mostly the villain groups that have tended to hang around near the cages. Heroes in PD far more often congregate in the clean blue-side bars.

Established (by players) canon has made significant use of the cage in the past to settle grudges, to train, etc, and traditionally most players accept that there's some sort of damping technomagic to prevent fatalities. I think Pious is the only RPer I've ever met who's ever gone on a different tack there, which once caused just a little confusion when he fought a character who'd always been told that like PD itself, causing real harm was impossible there.

I think it would e important to matches to establish between participants exactly what damping fields might be in place, and what level of harm and consequences might be at stake.

Personally, I've always had a lot of fun with PvP matches in the Cage in PD, and would certainly be up for more, (IC reasonings allowing).




As I've had some people tell me time and again, Paragon City itself would have no use for such a cage as we're all supposed to be shiny happy heroes who would never find anything so barbaric, entertaining.

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But of course, as you know, most heroes aren't. Besides, the reasons for battling is between the opponents. Fights can range from media-focused sport events (like Boxing or Martial Arts Sparring Tournaments), to two super-powered friends training, learning from each other's strengths and weaknesses, or it could go to the opposite extreme and be an epic confrontation between enemies. Another reason for fighting could just as well be as simple as challenging the nightclub's current champion of the cage. Of course we must all agree that arena battles have no lasting effects, just like the X-Men's danger room. Lastly, if opponents agree to use inspirations, I think it would be interesting to explain those in-character, but again, its up to the individuals using the Cage. Two very good points so far, any more thoughts on this idea?



The question is, how do we balance IC ability with the rules of PvP?

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I suppose you don't really. All the more reason to try harder and win the in-game fight. Fun both way.

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Inspirations of certain types could be used somehow in OOC agreement with the opponent, for example if your character's fists hit hard, take a couple of enrages, and you have a +handicap instantly.

Of course a bit of imagination is required, but that's the only way i think could be used to balance it asif it was in-character. Going too deep into that would spoil the fun of both, in the past when ive done these things players have developed their characters even more.

Echo vs Long Snowflame was a hellish match, and Long came to the conclusion Echos stamina was through the roof (Elec Armour just cannot be end drained!) and Echo discovered trying to hit Long was hard, the ice coating was slippery (Ice is a DEF set.) all good fun though!



Personally I would love to see 'the cage' used for more things.

Ideas include:

A high profile Charity Tournament where the winner chooses which charity to donate his prize money too (for heroes or not so villainous villains).

A tournament where a potential employee of villains is looking for the toughest, meanest SOB's the rogue Isles can offer, winner gains a lucrative contract (possibly NPC or perhaps working for someone like Ms Pistol) and a lot of resources to throw around.

My personal favourite though is Loup's suggestion of the outlandish early 90's style WWF (not WWE) wrestling but with super heroes playing the baby faces and villains playing the heels (perhaps some less than heroic heroes or less than villainous villains could be tweeners), break out the old spandex, think up a wrestling name for your particular character (or they can use their own) and a name for a signature move and away you go!

Possible wrestling names for people include:
Big Lunk = Big Ben.
Crimson Archer = The Crimson Jay.
Doc Mechano = Mad Mech.
Tiger White = The Pale Tigeress.
Red Commissar = Commissar Crush (with signature move, The Iron Curtain!).

and so on. Reckon it would be a lot of fun.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Nice ideas. I certainly agree there's no RP problem with heroes or villains taking part in cage matches - there's no end of perfectly plausible reasons, from training to charity fights.

As for the question of IC vs IG power, I guess Pious is right - the only thing to do if your character underperforms is to work something out with your opponent, improve your tactics or optimise your build. I don't have any expectations from WarpLocke (except that he'll lose every fight, given my PvP record ) so it should be good fun finding out how he does.

Knights Exemplar: Wolfram, Autumnfox, Starlit Spirit.
Militia: The Portent, Wavekite, Mr. Sandman.
The Cadre: WarpLocke, Zajin.
Numerous others.



I like this

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



I've just read a page in the House of M comicbook, New X-Men: Academy X. In this one scene, there is a ring fight, two brawlers going at it, the protagonists of the story are watching said fight on TV. The girlfriend says to the guy "I don't know how you can watch this garbage" and he responds "But this guy is cool, Sofia. He's our age and he's as good as Spider-man in the ring. In a couple of months, I guarantee you he'll be the champion." And later he adds, "I don't know... sometimes I wish I could use my powers and not have it be a case of life or death." Anyway, I think it'll be 'cool' to have our own organized, televised cage match, the roleplaying opportunities are endless. So, I'm looking for volunteers to open this up. Anyone?



Bah, the character I really want to volunteer for this is still level 1 and stuck in the Zig until I12 is released...

I could have one of my existing characters stand in for a generic challenger, if it would help get this thing started?

Knights Exemplar: Wolfram, Autumnfox, Starlit Spirit.
Militia: The Portent, Wavekite, Mr. Sandman.
The Cadre: WarpLocke, Zajin.
Numerous others.



The last time I did any PvP was just before SG base raids were turned off, and my uselessness was disguised by the fact that there were a couple of dozen other people too busy to notice Before that, however, I remember I sucked like a Dyson at PvP although when it wasn't a remotely serious competition it could be fun, in a bizarre fashion.

Assuming OOC my opponent and I could come up with a fudge to explain why Major Villain or Captain Hero are "auto exemped" or "auto sk" or just plain rubbish when they get pounded by a 3-foot tall talking blue kitten fresh out of Atlas/Mercy (no offence to 3-foot tall, talking blue kittens fresh out of Atlas/Mercy, btw ) then I'll give it a go.

Like Loup, I find it tricky to harmonise my OOC PVP ability with some of my characters' IC combat abilities. Some of them would, IC, be about as much use as Norman Wisdom in a wrestling match with Godzilla, but others are supposed to be a bit more competent, and although IC it's convincing that someone like Liberty Girl or Bambi Delight would find themselves whupped by experienced opponents like (and just off the top of my head, here, just plucking names out of the air as they occur to me) a Cassandra Zero, a Tiger White, a Shadowe or a Loup Garou, getting creamed by the aforementioned diminutive level 6 kitty-scrapper just throws me a curve when it comes to thinking up an explanation.

But that's what fudge is for, so as long the OOC/IC harmony is maintained, it should be fun. So I'll give it a try



Then lets start the show. Shall we have it as a charity-sponsored sparing match? Which characters will be represented? Are we free to start this night?



sounds interesting, am free tonight, Saturday, Sunday.



Some Rules?

We all know that this is going to be difficult to portray for some people...

So I think there could be a points system, where characters are marked up on skill, finesse, tactics and control, as opposed to brute strength. Each hit on different places around an opponents body, giving different points for an overall final score.

It's something people like Loup can use to explain a defeat, and I think it's quite a fair idea.

As far as this goes, I don't see why it can't be negotiated with common sense. If you're going to get into one of these Cage Fights with someone, you just need to agree to some ground rules, like no god modding, and accepting that your character might have to take some hits.

We all know WWE wrestling is faked for entertainment purposes (yes... yes it is, don't make me slap you...), if they can turn combat into a well choreographed dance, so can we.

If anyone needs any pointers as to how to do it, I certainly picked up some important things with the Hatesman vs. Loup Garou story. =] Just send a PM.

It takes Chaos to move the world to Action.



Yep this sounds like a laugh!



Like Loup, I find it tricky to harmonise my OOC PVP ability with some of my characters' IC combat abilities. Some of them would, IC, be about as much use as Norman Wisdom in a wrestling match with Godzilla, but others are supposed to be a bit more competent, and although IC it's convincing that someone like Liberty Girl or Bambi Delight would find themselves whupped by experienced opponents like (and just off the top of my head, here, just plucking names out of the air as they occur to me) a Cassandra Zero, a Tiger White, a Shadowe or a Loup Garou, getting creamed by the aforementioned diminutive level 6 kitty-scrapper just throws me a curve when it comes to thinking up an explanation.

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I think one of the problems here is that people want to be good without actually being good. Why insist in being a superb fighter if not? Granted that it's not an answer and certainly not a popular answer for the RP crowd, but insisting in being what is, for all purposes, a PvP God while not being one can and does bring this kind of problem.

Now I can say that there is always someone stronger out there. A Wolverine against a Juggernaut gets his [censored] kicked despite being a superb fighter and very tough to put down.

But, still keeping with the Wolverine reasoning, he still gets kicked around often enough that even if he is a benchmark on toughness and fighting, it becomes obvious there *always* is someone bigger and faster out there. There should be no desperate search for excuses, it just is.

We even get Spider-Man kicking Firelord [censored], who was a Galactus herald and several dozens of times above his power level, just because he keeps on fighting, never gives up and uses the terrain to his advantage.

Someone faster who gets out of the way of powerful but slow blows, someone so tough that a faster opponent keeps on landing hits but they don't cause enough damage, someone who does not use any sort of martial arts (being a pure brawler) against someone who does use martial arts and ends up confusing the martial artist because his moves are all 'wrong', but terribly effective, or vice versa, the martial artist capable of reading the brawler's telegraphed moves and meeting him half way.

The explanations just carry on. I think the only real problem arises when someone RPs being so good and powerful and skilled that then yeah, they go 'Oh dear.. How on earth am I going to explain this?' if they lose instead of just going, 'Yeah, he's better than I am.'

That said, I wouldn't mind joining for a few rounds and test Lea in Pee Vee Pee ^^



Then lets start the show. Shall we have it as a charity-sponsored sparing match? Which characters will be represented? Are we free to start this night?

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Afraid I can't make it tonight. Hope it goes well, looks like there's a few people interested anyway.

Knights Exemplar: Wolfram, Autumnfox, Starlit Spirit.
Militia: The Portent, Wavekite, Mr. Sandman.
The Cadre: WarpLocke, Zajin.
Numerous others.



9pm then? Pocket D.



i unfortunately can't be there before 10... will see you all if it's still going on.



Damn. I lost connection while recording the first fight. Will jump back in, wait for me!



Oi Gorgoues Try relog
Can't tell you in arena
Pyro x



I am gutted, absolutely gutted. My internet broke off and I couldn't return to record the last two fights. We'll meet up again another time. I'll start editing the first two fight videos though, while Cass and Darvek can begin forum RP. Thanks again for coming, it was amazing fun. Can't wait till the next fights.