Discussion: The Cage




I couldn't make it. Rearrangement is needed.



I keep missing these. Weekends are tricky and Mondays are booked with the Militia. I'll try and make it next weekend if there's another meetup.

Knights Exemplar: Wolfram, Autumnfox, Starlit Spirit.
Militia: The Portent, Wavekite, Mr. Sandman.
The Cadre: WarpLocke, Zajin.
Numerous others.



Good news Mechano, your fight with BUO and the follow-up interview was successfully recorded and the files were not corrupted. Bad news is, three out of six fight demo-files are corrupted and the City of Heroes Demo Player won't read them. This mean's only a few fights will make video, unless I can find a new Demo Player programme, anyone know of any, please?






I use Fraps to record the demofile playbacks, I suppose I aught to just Fraps the fights themselves, will do that from now on. Obsidian v Infinitron, Jess v Glare and Infinitron v Pyro have sadly, been lost to demofile corruption, somehow. To avoid future coc-ups like this, I'll just Fraps the fights. But if anyone does know other Demo Play programmes, I'd like to try and salvage the damaged demo files. Thanks.



unfortunately, the the CoH demo files are just a big pile of text that only really makes sense to the CoH engine. it's not like it takes a quick time movie or anything.



Unfortunatly it says video error at the end, and has no clear victor o_o Maybe add the 'judge's' decision?



Nice vids, so gutted my fights have gone. Whens the next fight night? Got SG arena fights tonight, so i'll get some practice in.



I don't think there would be a victor anyway. I tried a fight against Fanservice and us both being WP we wailed on each other for two minutes without budging our HP bars. In the end we had to agree on doing it with only our mez toggle.



We can meet again this weekend and I'll fraps the fights this time. Kanto, Lord Darvek eventually lost the fight, and in the exact same way as Battle Unit Omega did, actually. Heh.



Can't wait to see my fight video up and running.

Be warned peeps, it's a pure-sluggathon.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



hmm do I hear the Burly Brawl music from Matrix Reloaded in there?

Either way great vids Pious, loving it

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



As most of us know, there is a player versus player arena built into the nightclub called Pocket D. Some of our characters refer to it as the Cage. Now, I've had an idea. Its a simple idea that has probably been experimented with before, but I propose a new method to execute this. The cage (as portrayed in the City of Heroes comicbook) is known to be a popular stage for non-lethal battle, usually for entertainment value. My idea, is a forum roleplayed fight club with only one main rule: the victor and sequence of action is pre-determined by an actual in-game in-character pvp battle between the opponents, refereed by the spectators. A good precedent, which my idea is based on, is the Pistol vs Mechano fight, which occurred in-game and was retold with some much enjoyed dramatic exaggerations as forum RP.

[/ QUOTE ]

<ul type="square">[*]Fight #1 - Cassandra vs. Darvek
[*]Fight #2 - Coile vs. Stormrise
[*]Fight #3 - Obsidian vs. Leandra
[*]Fight #4 - Redemption vs. Battle Unit[/list]
Ladies and gentlemen, same place tomorrow night, let the battles commence! Who's coming?



Barring any last-minute complications, I should be able to make it, as either a level 47 Claws/SR scrapper or a level 27 Rad/Dark Corruptor. I'm not going to win either way, but maybe I can find a way to lose memorably.

Knights Exemplar: Wolfram, Autumnfox, Starlit Spirit.
Militia: The Portent, Wavekite, Mr. Sandman.
The Cadre: WarpLocke, Zajin.
Numerous others.



I am SO there.
However, I'm going to need to upgrade Walter pretty damn fast, so it's likely I'll be doing that all day before hand &gt;.&lt;
Also, that reminds me, being a MM, I can't survive blasters/corrs, but technically, I'm a ranged class (though I don't PvP that way).
Would I still have to be against a blaster/corruptor or could I take on somebody who would be more interesting, like a tank or brute?



Sweet. I'll be there from 7pm onwards.



I'll be there as an observer, should be a good bit of entertainment



Message from Pious. Event will start at 8pm tonight.



Tonight's fights were so good! Thanks to everyone who took part, I will definately be running another round next Saturday. Also, there were a lot of questions ask that could have been answered with a wiki page, so I will write one up soon. For now, let us begin the forum action roleplay! Please say here if you want me to open a thread for your fight, or start one yourself, akin to this one, but try to finish . Darvek vs. Cassandra

<ul type="square">[*]Tenshi Yami vs. Autumnfox
[*]Skulltipped vs. Molly.EXE
[*]Freddie Femur vs. Sanguine Petal
[*]Lady Arete vs. Walter Steamworth
[*]Elemental Spirit vs. Pious Hunter[/list]
Winners in bold. See you next Saturday for more heated battles.



Post the videos already!



Clicking on the links sends me to the old videos you made of the first gladiator event in which Lea participated.