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  1. Riled


    Not a lot of you know me that well, for those of you who do:

    I am leaving the game. I have till the 25th of December then my sub is out.

    I have never been a very vocal member of the comminuty but I have been around a fair while so hopefully my departure will touch some :P

    Thank you for all the plot, stories, intrigue and peanut butter!

    You're all awesome!

  2. I'd say punk music exists in the Isles. The Hellions amd Skulls strike me as the kind of group who'd probably listen to it as a big F-You to the established order...

    >_< \m/

    Oaks and Martials will probably have that Jazzy, older musics due to the strong Family presence. Martials espcially due to the casinos (Think Frank Sinatra)

    Sharkhead and Granville strike me as places where music rarely plays. Dark, depressing and a lack of soul.

    Dunno about Nerva :P
  3. The Corporation pulled up behind two other Arachnos fliers inbound to Cap. They hoped they had gone unnoticed but knew full well that they hadn't. But the Spiders needed all the help they could get and did not make a scene of the strange new arrival.

    They traveling in 'Formation' over the sea until the Island appeared below them. They moved downward swooping over the University. Papers blew out of student hands, who had been standing around watching the display in Haven, and shielded their eyes from the sudden draft given off by the large airships.

    The ships pulled up at the battle and two large spot lights suddenly shone down onto the scene. The usual threats were called from loudspeakers and guns became trained on all threats in the area.

    The third flier however moved out of the ground and swept around as it looked for some-where to land.

    "ONE MINUTE!" went the cry from the Pilot causing Bill to step up to the door,

    "SOME TRAVELIN' MUSIC IF Y'PLEASE?!" from within the flier came Flight of the Valkyries and Bill chuckled. He opened the large door on the side of the flier and looked out. The wind created a deafening roar that ripped through the ship, yet he stood there looking around


    Bill, once again, placed a cigar to his lips as the ship decended behind Castle Bathory. Clouds of dust went up as the flier touched down, it's landing gears compressing against the weight of the large machine...
  4. Hold on. I'm confused...what's the problem here?
  5. Bill closed his eyes and lightly rested his head against Becky's, then placed his hand on her stomach,

    "I will my love." he opened his eyes and gave her a quick wink and a grin, "Be back before tea-time!"

    He tapped Bradley's shoulder as she passed,

    "Welcome aboard doc!" Finally he pointed up towards the tower to signal they were ready, "CLEAR THE LAUNCH AREA!!!" he stepped inside the Flier, pulling the door shut behind him.

    At first there was a light hum. Then a wind whipped up though the hall as the turbine engines burst into life. Slowly the hanger doors screeched open reveling the world outside.

    Bill sat in his seat and looked at those who were coming with him, nodding to them in turn.

    The flier raised up and moved forward only slightly...before bursting forward out of the now open doors and rose high above Sharkhead.

    Bill shouted at the pilot above the engine noise "KEEP AN EYE OPEN F'THE ARACHNOS FLEET! SLIP IN BEHIND THEM AS IF WE WERE THERE FROM THE START!!!"
  6. Bill patted Gators shoulder as he passed him.

    "There is enough for us all my friend..."

    He looked back to the group to see who else was coming with him.
  7. After tightening the wraps around his hands, Bill removed the cigar from his mouth and chucked it aside. He looked at the stolen Arachnos flier, one they had taken a long time ago during the war between Arachnos and The Corporation. Supplies were being loaded in a hurry, time was running short.

    "Thomas? Where the hell are you?"

    A young man came running in, in his hand a digtal handheld screen,

    "Here boss man!"

    "What's the word?"

    "Arachnos have been informed and are sending out fliers as we speak." He taps the pad and showed him the data sent and recived. "They thank you for informing them and claimed they knew all along and wanted to see how things would 'pan out'"

    "Typical egotistic bastards. Don't wanna people t'think we were more aware of the situation then they were!" He stepped up onto the boarding ramp and looked around. He saw the team approach and grinned..."Who wants to play a game?"
  8. Bill sat back in his chair and formed a tent with his fingers.

    "This is Bill. Locator detected an' coordinates sent t'Thomas t'patch them int'Arachnos! Do whatcha gotta do my friend...we're gonna do what we do best..."

    Placeing a cigar to his mouth he struck a single match against his chin and placed it to the cigar. He took several puff till the cigar was lit. He removed cigar from his mouth and blew out the flame so the cigar smoldered. He placed his head on the back of the chair as he waved the match out and took a long draw. He held the smoke in the back of this throat before letting a thick grey cloud escape his lips.

    He grinned as he rose from his chair.

    "Todays gonna be a good day..."
  9. A thick grey cloud of smoke left his lips as he exhaled slowly. Placing the cigar back to his lips he took a long draw.
    The whole series of motions, pulling the smoke in, holding it in his chest and releasing it, was, at the moment, totally autonomous due to his attention being fixed upon television screen.

    News channels were ablaze with stories of the heroes actions over the past few days, the mistreatment of criminals in Sirens (that one made him grin), the ruckuss between Kahn and Pious and finally Pious' current condition and how the public felt about it all.

    He had never expected it to take off so much, sure he expected a piece to appear in the local paper...but a full blown media-frenzy. And one that not only covered the isles, but flooded into Paragon and had actually effected the way people thought about the capes.

    "Why didn't I ever go get my *** kicked before?" he said, chuckling to himself as he took another long draw on the cigar. The more he thought about it the more he was convinced that they were getting what they deserved. No-one cheated him outta a fair fight. No-one!

    Another report on Pious appeared on screen. Holding the cigar between thumb and forefinger, he gestured the screen with his hand,

    "Get well soon Pious. I expect t'see you on the battlefield f'round two..." he placed the cigar to his lips.

    Things were getting interesting...
  10. Will rose to his feet and looked at Pistol for a long moment. He picked up the card Ed left and pocketed it before answering her.

    "...We're not perticularly fond of you either, but should you wish to talk about Ed's....plan, we'll listen. We know how to hold a grudge Pistol but we also know when to forget. Especially when it benfits us." With that Will, turned to his own colleages to talk, and allowed Pistol to leave.
  11. "Ed, in all honesty there has been little in the way of fightin' between our groups. Hell, Liz here didn't even know John wasn't around any more and he left a while ago.
    Plus we can't sign a none aggression pact with Pistol's Gang as her alliances include that of the Marcone family, whom I may add, we've been at war with since our initial foundin' almost two years ago.
    All we can offer you is an ear to your plea. Come to our base, speak with the full board of directors. Corp's no-longer about the the singular any more, is about the whole." Will grinned slightly " we aren't askin' you to clean up the damage you caused. Dust pan and brush? That's not friendly Ed."
  12. Will offered a reassuring gesture to the other Corp employees.

    "Stay your hand Al. Consider how lucky we have been compared to how he's hit every-one else." he turned his attention to Mechano,
    "Ed, firstly...thank you. The Corp does do as it sets out to do and we are glad you see that. Secondly, we don't NEED any-thing from Paragon, we don't NEED them to fear us because it's not there we are trying to hold our own. It's in the Isles we have fought to survive. Unlike Tweedledum dumb and Tweedledee dee here..." he gestured Liz and Pistol "...we're not out for global domination or to be a named fear by the heroes of Paragon. We are after some-thing else. So, I offer you an invitation, one to see the Corp for yourself. See inside and see what is happenin' behind closed doors. Take it, leave're choice Ed."

    Will looked to Carl, Al and Max to see if they agreed with his offer.
  13. Will eyes narrowed in a questioning manner, "Please correct me if I am wrong many fights have you won?" He started counting fingers. After a moment he lowered his hands as the corners of his mouth turned up into a smirk. His eyes locked onto Pistols "Oh, that's right, none! It's all good and well sittin' on your [censored] at home watchin' it, mockin'...but I suggest you come along next Saturday and put some money where that mouth is..." he looked to Liz,
    "As for the bride of Dracula here, how is the mansion? I hear your newest attempt at decoration really shook up the place, Mmmm? Now, ladies...can we please get back to the topic at hand here. Ed here has seen fit to attack the three of us...I'm sure you'd rather know why then tryin' to bring back old grudges long since dead.”
  14. The harsh smell of cigar smoke soon wafted into the Tiki lounge, shortly followed by the large man known as William Breaker. He stumped the cigar out in a nearby ashtray, using the moment to study the faces around him. He then spoke,
    "Seems you keep strange company Ed. Liz and Pistol, isn't it? I forget..." he grinned, clearly he did not forget at all. He moved to one of the benches and sat in it heavily, draping his arm over the back,
    "Longier, our current CEO, will hopefully be joining this meeting in due time. In the meantime I am his representative, any-thing that is related to our situation comes through me." he waited a moment before containing.
    "So let's get one thing strait. Netiher of you are allowed to allowed to mention John Sebastian...ever! I hear you mention his name again and i'll snap y'damn neck, y'hear? Secondly, let's keep this courteous. Let's not blur the line, we hate you, you hate us...” he rose a single finger “but we have a common problem," his eyes met Mechano's "So...what the hell Ed?"
  15. One by one the systems slowly burst back into life.

    Will, who had been frantically running about the base checking with employees on their search for Ed, was thrown off as he came face to face with a normal screen. With Ed, and his stupid buddy-christ immitation, gone information began to move through the base.

    He slowly rose the radio to his lips and, for once in 24 hours, spoke calmly into it,

    ", seems every-thing is back to normal. Don't ask me how but it's all back."

    "Want us to call off the search?" came one of the many voices to grace his radio,

    "No. Keep looking. I still want to know what all this was about?"
  16. Will slapped the desk in anger. The reports had come back on effected systems. Teleporation, Telephones, TV, The Database and the controls to their defence grid were all locked out due to Ed's smile. The only uneffected system was the Corp Radio-communicators; they had yet to be tied into the systems and, for that, William sighed a silent thank you for the delay in doing so.

    He sat back in his chair. After a long talk with Head Of Operations, CX-1233, they had decided on two key tasks:
    One, find Edward Mechano and bring him in for questioning. Will knew Ed from his old days, as did several others in the group. He was sure that with a little coninvincing, they could get control back and finally get back to work.
    Two, find out if others had been effected in the Isles. D's seemed the best place to start looking. There was always some-one talking, usually drunkards or general blabber-mouths. It was a rumour-haven and they knew it.
    The idea was, if any-one mentions any-thing about Ed, question them and bring it to the attention of the directors.

    All that remained was for the Corporation to look and listen. It was only be a matter of time before some-one would say some-thing, or Ed would show his face, and then the real game would start.
    Will cracked his neck,

    "Better be a good reason for this Ed..."
  17. William Breaker, head of Corporation security, sat back in his chair and rubbed his chin.
    Moments before his screen has been filled with information revelent to his current work, now sat the smug face of Dr Edward Mechano.
    Control Alt and delete did not remove it. Turning off the power and rebooting did not remove it.

    Frustration took the large man as, before long, he began agrresivly pressing buttons, pulling cables all futile attempts to resolve the issue at hand.
    Eventually he began to pinch the bridge of his nose, to many who knew him it was his way of calming himself, he looked at the mega-consol that sat opposite his desk and sighed,

    "Great t'see you back in the Isles Ed, but why the hell are you pickin' on us? Even more to the point, how the hell y'get into our system?" He sat back and studied the image, pondering his own questions.
  18. I couldn't make it. Rearrangement is needed.
  19. I'll see what i can do, no promises though
  20.'re on! &gt;_&lt;

    /em knuckles
  21. This looks fun...wouldn't mind brining Headbreaker along...he's supose to be an ex-cage fighter.
  22. Scrapyarders Vindicated. Sharkhead Isles bomber identified

    Fighting erupted out side the local Arachnos fort in Port Recluse this morning. Scrapyarders and Arachnos soliders went head to head but the fight was interupted by a large man who has yet to be indentified. The individual attached the Arachnos forces leaving several in a serious condition. His intervention caused the fighting to fall apart and both sides to call a retreat.

    Shortly after our reporter returned from the scene we recived a tip off that the Bombings in Sharkhead Isle that caused the Scrapyarder/Arachnos battles were caused by the reclusive Corporation who were, up untill late, belive to be disbanded. What this means for the citizens of Port Recluse is unknown. Arachnos had refused to comment.
  23. Kyle James, AKA Cyberspace, sat in his hideout typing away at his computers. His speakers blared out music loud rock music, any-thing from The Last Word all the way to Guns N Roses. Currently it was playing a song by the group POD, to which Kyle badly sang alone,

    "Well, it's alright! It's all right! BOOM! Here comes the..." suddenly the walls shook causing his building to suffer a brown out, only his suit, hardwired into the power, kept his computers active. He clicked the music off and listen carefully as another explosion went off in the distance,

    "...that can't be good..." activating his camera to the outside he could see the sickly green colour that accopanied a Rikti attack. He shut down the connection an began typing away at his keyboard. Suddenly the large heavy door to the room gave off a large THUNK noice and a massive bar locked into place. Now nothing could get in to his chamber. He was safe.

    Kyle reached into a draw and removed a pair of expensive, noice reducing headphones and plugged them into the jack port before starting up his music again, completly uncaring of the battles going on outside,

    "Boom! Here comes the Boom! How you like me now?"
  24. Riled

    Baiting the Trap

    The hacker gave a mocking bow,

    "I'll see what i can do Creyol..."

    Cyberspace spun on his heels and started towards the door, but as he did a loud hum filled the air and with a quick flash of light and a slight rush of air towards where he once stood...he was gone...


    He removed the helmet and place it on the side before scratching at his head,

    "A?" all of his screens suddenly burst to life displaying the digital face of his construct

    [...Yes?] it replied coldly,

    "How does hacking the TLF database sound to you?" Kyle could only describe the AI's expression as a smile

    [I'd LOVE too!]