The Big Plan ((Open RP))




Ed hurried about his place, making sure everything was in order, papers were everywhere, design schematics, notes and finally a piece of paper with his ten point plan.

"I need this to go perfectly, it's the biggest thing yet..."

He looked to his family, "we all ready to go?"

They nodded, hooking themselves into the mainframe before taking control of the broadcasting satellites, rerouting their signal to pick up Edwards.

Edward took a deep breath in and slowly let it out, standing infront of the camera inside his dingy basement lab, equipment sprawling behind him, just has it always had in his broadcasts. This time he would show the world that he wasn't just some nut...he was someone who could wield power.

2:30pm: January 13
TV screens throughout Paragon begun to flicker and break into static, most heroes knew what was to come as the skull and cog logo flickered onto their screen. Meanwhile in the Rogue Isles an advert break was interupted with the same symbol, breaking the transmission. Along with the normal logo announcing there would be chaos to follow were a few words,'please stand by, important announcement to follow'.

Finally and simultaneously Edward appeared on TV screens throughout Paragon and the Rogue Isles...a malevolant smirk on his face.

"Greetings Paragon...I know what your asking yourself 'Hey Dr's not fair, you've been picking on us this whole time, there's a whole island filled with super powered people you could pick on too' and you would be right. Today isn't just some fun for the people of Paragon, it's time to get those Islanders involved as well..."

He leaned in close to the camera, "what I'm about to do proves that no matter who you aren't untouchable. There are some who believe themselves to be above everything and everybody else...believing themselves to be untouchable...and you know what that brings?"

Edward put a hand to his ear, "well done...complacency which in turns leads to stagnation and I simply can't abide stagnation, it leads to evolutionary dead ends..."

Edward gave a wide grin, "Which is why I'm going after people I think have got a little too complacent as of late, people, as I said before, believe themselves to be nigh untouchable...relax regular citizens...all you have to do is sit back and watch the fireworks that result from this, no harm will come to you this day...though I do hope you appreciate the effort I put into all this entertainment you have no IDEA the amount of money I had to spend paying for things or paying people off..."

Edward chuckled, "now I must dash...the advert break is ending here in the Isles...and I'm not stupid enough to talk over Arachnos funded and scheduled there is but one thing left to say..."

Edward threw his arms back and gave a manaical laugh, "LET THE GAMES BEGIN!"

With that the broadcast shut off.

In Paragon a small remote control car quietly waited for its moment...the headlights flickered on as someone entered the Unity Vigil building...zipping in behind them it pulled up into the middle of the lobby...a picture of Edward with two thumbs up and a wide grin flipped up from the top of it as the car begun spewing out a green noxious gas. The gas in itself was relatively harmless...the effect however was to induce the same kind of feeling as a rather heavy night out of drinking, a drunken stupor befalling anyone who took in a breath of the gas.

Over the NHU base (atleast Edward believed it to be...the Amy official had been paid well enough for it to be correct) a crop duster flew overhead, instead of insecticide the crop duster was spraying paint, bright Neon Pink paint to be exact, making a few passes enough to cover the entire building before simply crashing into the mountains some distance away ((there was no pilot but there seems to be a remote controlled system from what could be made out of the wreckage))

Atop the Milita dugout a white van pulled up, a single skull got out, and opened the side of the van, flicking the switch and running like hell. Moments later the loud speakers ontop of the van begun to emit white noise on a level only a super sonic enhanced shout could be heard above...the white noise filling the area.

At huntington Manor a small remote control aircraft was flying overhead, just low enough to make it to the roof. The automated defense systems popped up...shooting down the small aircraft but it was already too late..the device it was carrying dropped onto the roof...there was a high pitched whine and then a dull fizzling sound as the device emitted an EMP pulse.

At Infinity building, home of recently outed true vigilant Infinitron there were small popping noises as charges holding up a banner unfurled down the length of the building. The Banner consisted of a picture of Infinitron with the words, written in bold red letters, "THIS MAN HAS THE RIGHT IDEA".

Meanwhile in the Rogue Isles next to Castle Bathory the ground shook as a carbomb detonated, taking out the front of the building, falling masonry and rubble strewn about the place.

At the headquarters of The Corporation their computers begun to freeze and seize up...the monitor going off for a second only to come back on replaced with a picture of Edward, once more grinning and holding two thumbs up, the word 'Smile' written underneath. No matter what happened the picture seemed to stay on the screen even if the underlying files had not been touched and no data corrupted.

Infront of the manor owned by the notorious Pistol and used by her associates something arose out of the water a very large flashing neon sign saying "PISTOL LIVES HERE...TAKE PICTURES!" with a blinking arrow atop the sign pointing towards the manor and a small spotlight illuminating it from the front.

Edward leaned back in his chair with a grin, "oooh it's going to take them ages to sort this one out..."

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



William Breaker, head of Corporation security, sat back in his chair and rubbed his chin.
Moments before his screen has been filled with information revelent to his current work, now sat the smug face of Dr Edward Mechano.
Control Alt and delete did not remove it. Turning off the power and rebooting did not remove it.

Frustration took the large man as, before long, he began agrresivly pressing buttons, pulling cables all futile attempts to resolve the issue at hand.
Eventually he began to pinch the bridge of his nose, to many who knew him it was his way of calming himself, he looked at the mega-consol that sat opposite his desk and sighed,

"Great t'see you back in the Isles Ed, but why the hell are you pickin' on us? Even more to the point, how the hell y'get into our system?" He sat back and studied the image, pondering his own questions.



Helena Huntington was blind.

Secure in her underground containment chamber, designed to withstand a nuclear blast, the fifty-foot tall computer core was still alive and awake after the EMP, but she had lost her external communication arrays. She had no idea if the core memory dump she had initialised had been successful - without a verification, she calculated there was a 52.8% probability that it had failed. Only one of her avatars was still functional - Mark Two-point-One - as the infiltration unit spent most of her time in the basement alongside the main unit that was actually her brain. Unfortunately for her, the egress hatches were electronic, and it would take Two-point-One an estimated five hours and thirteen minutes to break the door down.

Patience was an Artificial Intelligence's watchword, though, and the avatar was currently engaged in that mind-numbing task. There was an urgency that she had never felt before. She couldn't contact Master Richard or Mistress Samantha, and she was close to panic. All she could perceive was darkness and, oddly for a computer that was housed underground, she seemed to be afraid of the dark.

* * * * *

Samantha jolted as the computer link in her office flickered for a moment, and the screen blanked. An instant later, it returned, but the telltale symbol of a solid connection to Huntington Manor was gone.

"Helena? Report, please."

No response.

"Helena Huntington, override control Sierra-Hotel-Three-Two, authorisation Lima-Mike-Whisky-Two-Eight-Four-Kappa."

No response.

Sam glanced at her wristwatch, twisting the dial with frantic haste, but nothing happened.

Grabbing her jacket, she ran for the door, sending a quick telepathic message to her brother, wherever he was... and stopped dead as she saw the television screen in the outer office. Her receptionist looked at Sam in horror.

"M-Miss Huntington? Have you seen th-" her voice cut off as Sam waved frantically at her to be silent.

"If Helena's hurt, I'm going to kill him. Damned if I don't. I will kill him."

Fair warning, Edward, she thought, her mind flashing through the city, seeking, prying. If you've killed Helena, your life won't be worth living.

"Secondary control unit initialising." The clear, familiar voice, lacking the perky sprightliness of the original, rang through the room, and a sigh of relief broke from Sam's lips.

"Secondary Control unit activated. System check... testing... testing... Central core inaccessible. Rerouting control. Downloading personality profile."

There was a long, drawn-out pause, and Sam found that she was holding her breath.

"Good afternoon, Mistress Samantha. Where am I?"

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



At the Darvek mansion, Albert was sat in his heavy armchair with a cherry in one hand and remote control in the other, watching the 24/7 news channel. When the screen flickered, David entered the room carrying a bowl of cereal. "Oh goody, my favorite show." He sat down with glee, simply drinking the bowl's contents as Dr Mechano was talking, laughing at a few points.

At the end of the broadcast, David sat back and set an empty bowl on the ground, grinning his wicked grin. "Oh, this will be interesting."

Albert gave David a glance, "Son, I believe this is more serious than you think. I can feel the anarchy in the air.. I'm leaving, should see you after dark, I'm sure you can take care of dinner." He got up, finishing his glass of sherry and holding a small amulet around his neck, it glowed a dim red as he opened the door the left.

As he walked away from the building towards the shore, he started to grow. Not much at first, but the further away he walked the larger he got. His skin turned black, then his clothes started to sink into his skin, being replaced by an impossibly hard metal shell. Small red sparks flew from his body, his eyes turning dark as a red helmet formed, horns erupting from either side. Lord Darvek put his foot into the water and disappeared in a flash of red.

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



"Warning: Chemcical Warfare Attack, Location, Unity Tower Lobby." BODICIA, the Unity Vigil's OverAI alerted all members as soon as the device went off. The containment shields had already sprung to life, but enough of the gas had already escaped as the force field sprung around the car. Outside, both the occupied towers went into a lockdown state, metal shutters closing over windows and doors, air filtration systems coming online, and more of a presence of the robotic Vigilants in the plaza, weapons armed as they searched around for clues.

Inside, the extractor fans had already begun working at drawing the gas up to be contained, examined and nullified, leaving those who were in the lobby at the time having recieved a minimal dose at best.

"I... urgh." Storm Sapphire sunk to his knees, retching with a hand over his mouth as nausea and a pounding headache overcome him.

From the elevators, an override came to open them, and Zortel, the leader of the group, stepped out in her powered armour.

"Status report!" She ordered, armoured fists clenched as she floated down the stairs.

"Analyzing now, the substance is an intoxicant, non-lethal, though powerful. Sending exposure ratio to you now." BODICIA replied. Her visor flickered as the display of the cars position and who took heaviest doses was displayed.

Glancing around, Zorielle saw some of her members slumped over, staggering around or curled up.

"This is not an isolated attack, I'm detecting several other situations all throughout Paragon, and reports of some in the Etolie Isles from our information network there."

"Johnson..." Zorielle snarled. "BODICIA, get the Vigilants to sweep the Plaza and all public areas of the tower. Twice. Once clear, shut us off lockdown. Vigilants, get those affected to the medical bays! Try and triangulate where he's broadcasting from. He'll bounce it, but it's worth a shot if he got overconfident. Oh, and BODICIA?"

"Yes, Zorielle?"

"I'll bring Noodles up to the medical bay." She said, picking up the Alsatian puppy that had been overcome with the gas. "If I recall my canine biology correctly, he'll be fine, we'll treat him with the others."

"... Noodles? ... Thank you, Zorielle." The AI sounded rather agitated. "I will send Avatar 84 up, and focus on finding Edward Johnson. And incarcerating him. About... eight hundred pounds of irradiated, coal ash concrete -should- do the trick."


"Everyone, this is Ryan. No need to panic, the Tower's fine, just protecting us." Cindersnap announced over the commslinks. "I'll give you a news update as soon as, so till then, just lay back, chill and enjoy a break from lessons."



Cara glanced at the window, now covered in an armoured shutter, as Ryan's voice came over the commlinks. Sighing in exasperation, she muttered under her breath. "Great, now as well as being stuck in math, I can't stare out the window either!"

Groaning quietly, she looked back down at her textbook; she -hated- calculus...


Eloise doubled over in the lobby, near her partner Storm Sapphire, as the noxious vapour hit her highly sensitive nose. A faint whimper escaped her lips as, with the force of a delivery truck, a pounding headache slammed into the back of her head. A second later she passed out.


Thousands of miles away, on the tropical paradise that was Rolando Island, Ellie looked up from her drawing board as the alert came in over the comms link. Immediately pushing herself away from the desk, she tapped the side of the slim collar about her neck and her armour began to expand, covering her slim body. Less than 5 seconds later there was a bright flash as she initiated a long range teleport, heading for Unity Plaza.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Paragon City

Freddy Jones had been unfortunate enough to get caught in the lobby when the gas was released, on his way out to a television chat show he was guesting on. When he had spotted the tiny car drive in it had illicited a chuckle from him until the picture of Mechano, a former friend, popped up.

When it began releasing the gas he knew better than to try and destroy the car, Unity Vigil had people trained to deal with situations like this and he wasn't one of them. By smashing it he could set off a bomb, or trigger one of Edwards other contigencies. Instead he moved away, covering his mouth and coughing as he retreated round the corner.

When its effects began to hit him, they were reduced. Freddy was a man of incredible size and strong constitution, able to resist intoxicants. He began to laugh as he felt the effects, not sure what he was finding so funny, before quickly slapping a massive hand over his mouth. He had previously been the supercriminal Laugh Riot and for him, uncontrolled laughter could be dangerous. More importantly it could be dangerous for the people around him.



Ni brought her right-hand sword down in a smooth arc which was not slowed in the slightest by the blade's passage through the mentalist's armour. The Rikti coughed blood, and collapsed. Ni straightened, and looked for her next target, but there were none.

BODI has locked down the Towers, Annette commented from the back of her mind. Ni pulled a display forward, presumably the one Annette had noticed, and read what was written there. Some kind of gas attack. Seems to have affected Unity rather than Vigilance, so the kids should be okay. Still...

Ni backtracked through the tunnels, heading for the Vanguard base. She would come at the plaza from the outside, they could probably use someone there rather than inside the locked base.

Annette activated a comm channel. BODI, if you've got a spare cycle or two, could you just check that Jacob and the others are okay? Then let us know if there's anything we can do from the outside.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



((copy-pasted from @Fire Singer's post on NHU forums, due to lack of forum account here))

In the underground NHU base: Location, not so well known

Fire Singer walked past the new computer room and something caught her eye though the glass window that separated the room from the corridor. It looked like a video feed of a building, a glowing pink building. Quickly she wandered in and approached the screen.
“Hal, what is this?”
Hal the groups super computer answered swiftly as he always did.
“It is a recording of an incident that happened five minutes ago to one of the buildings on the outskirts of paragon.”
Fire watched as the recording rewound and played again.
“And why are we watching this?” Fire looked to where she guessed one of the cameras that Hal used to see the base was.
“I found it, amusing!”
Fire just blinked a few times at that.
“Riiiiight…” Fire slowly back away out of the computer room and carried on walking down the corridor.
Hal watched Fire walk off on the multitude of cameras that acted as his eyes in the base. It was rather amusing he thought, in one stroke he had managed to pay back an over standing dept to an old army officer that had helped provide information to him for a long time. He had also managed to feed false information about the bases location, though he expected Arachnos or something to find this information and blow the building up, not for someone to spray it bright neon pink. He sifted though the multitude of information that filtered in about the numerous other ‘incidents around the city’.
“A game is to be played” Hal pondered as he ensured his firewalls where running and the virus software ran its umpteenth scan of the day. “I must monitor this” the screens in the computer room all shifted to show various security cameras around the city.



Wavering on her feet in the lobby of the UV, Soaring Horizon drops her muffin into a side bin, not much point eating it now it tasted like dishwater. The gasses had been vented, meaning she got little more than a buzz off all the gas and she wasn't even too happen about that.

"If I get my hands on him I'm going to banish that demon somewhere unpleasant so hard he'll have to dig to get back to the surface"

Breathing in a few gulps of the fresh air that replaced the musty gas Horizon goes to tend to anyone who wasn't fairing so well, planning who to bother to get in on the inevitable retaliation.



Flash blinked as the gas had almost no effect, though she ahd stepped in just as the vents came on, "Huh. Odd. Swear the air tasted of beer or something. Ah well." blinks stretchs and smirks going to make sure it wasn't some sort of annoying poision that could potentially screw up her biology and regeneration....

[Union Roleplayers]Kiken: Tick the off in your Observer Book of Lesbians
[Union Roleplayers]Nitro v. IV: we need a perma-man feature
[Union Roleplayers]Nitro v. IV: I'd trust you more if you did it in front of me

Gotta love dem dere RolePlayers



Strangelet switched on her freshly repaired UV unicomms unit .." i wounder if anything interesting is happening she mused " as BODICIA's alert squaked out of the speaker ...

"oh Frek , i hope no ones hurt bad , now where can i change .."

moments later , with a matter-energy exchange completed , Strangelet appeared 34 cm above the Unity Plaza paving stones ...
" better , still needs work " she muttered landing gently and heading off towards the Towers doors ....



Walking along the King's Row rooftops, his boots crunching on the areas of loose gravel, Jay Reynolds, the hero known as The Crimson Archer, chewed on the remains of a hot dog and sighed happily to himself. It had been a good day so far, not one of his busiest or most challenging, but satisfying. He wiped some ketchup from his mouth with the back of his glove as he reached the roof edge, then stopped.

From here he could make out the Jimmy Carter Baseball Park, underneath which was housed The Militia's base, The Dug-out, but there were no games on today and the car park should have stood empty. Yet, there was a white van parked there, it's side doors open like an invitation for thieves. Jay frowned, and turned back the cuff of his glove to access the comms unit he wore on his wrist.

He was about to send a message to the monitor room in The Dug-out when he caught the tail end of the pirate transmission on the miniature screen. The unmistakable Dr Mechano threw his arms back and gave a manaical laugh, "LET THE GAMES BEGIN!"

Suddenly the noise started. White noise so loud that the only reaction was to clamp your hands to your ears and fall to your knees. Which is exactly what Jay did...

Formerly @Crimson Archer, now @CA
The Militia - Protecting Paragon City through roleplaying since June 2006!



CX-1233, Director of Operations for the Corporation was standing in his office, reading reports from his informants from all over the Isles and Paragon when his monitors suddenly were filled with the picure of a smiling man and the text "Smile" beneath it.

"What now?" He tried to see if it was a virus or malware that had taken control over his terminal, but to no avail.
All monitors, even the ones hooked up to his personal servers were displaying the very same picture.

"This is CX-1233, calling William Breaker. Are you there?"



Deep in the crypts beneath the building façade that was the visible section of Castle Báthory Elizabeth felt the tremors.

“What in the Dark lords name was that!”, she called out… and started walking back to wards the castle sub-basement section. Her long blood-red gown almost seemed to move of itself while the vampire started to pick up pace. She passed a recently captured female Longbow agent who was shackled to the wall. Barely conscious the half-naked, tortured and repeatable bled woman saw the shocked expression on the countess and couldn’t hide a brave smile… “No..t… not… that untouchable I hear vampire!”

At the staircase Elizabeth saw the entrée hall to the sub-section filled with dust. Small rubble was everywhere in the room and up the stairs. Obviously part of the blasted wall had crashed on it. Slowly she walked up to see the damage using the shadows to stay almost invisible. A good part of the front of the building was destroyed. The heavy wooden door was completely blown away and there was glass everywhere. Not one of the windows in the street had remained intact.

Bloodlust and rage slowly took over…. “Who dares! WHO DARES!!!!”, she hissed by herself.

A quick glance made her realize it was a car bomb. Fuming with anger she walked back towards her sanctum sanctorum again passing the longbow female who now half-mad started to laugh at the sight of Elizabeth’s rage. The Countess Báthory stopped for a second and held up the head of the female… then trusted her hand like a knife inside the body grabbing the heart ripping it out in one movement.

At her sanctum she opened one of the books in search of a spell and took a bite from the still warm heart in her free hand. She had to find out who had done this!

The black cauldron’s water reflected her face but started to change the moment she threw in the heart mumbling the spell of revelation. The surface changed and showed the face of Edward very smitten with himself, grinning from ear to ear.

“Mechano! I know thee…”, she hissed followed with some curses in medieval Hungarian.

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



Detective Mason sat in his small office with his feet on the desk, watching the recording once again as others hurried around him, taking notes. "Mason!" His commanding officer appeared behind him. "What the hell are you doing? Several hero bases are attacked, fifteen people injured by a sonic attack, vandalism, gassing... and you're here with your feet up and eating a.... what the hell IS that?" He asked irritably.

Mason looked at the green and white container. "Pot Noodle." He replied. "As for why I'm still 'ere? As my old DCI back home used to say, 'Chwyrlïa heb chyfair ond leads at yn cerdded i mewn amgarnau am seventy filltiroedd awr'."
The lieutenant looked furious. "What the hell does that mean?" He stopped for a second. "And I've told you to stop speaking bloody Welsh in the office!"
Mason finished the last of his lunch. He dropped it into the bin. Basically it means 'Speed without direction only leads to going in circles at seventy miles an hour'. I'm trying to understand him."
"It's either a powerplay or a final move. Several attacks that do nothing to seriously injure anyone but are specifically designed, it seems, to [censored] off several Tight-clans on both sides of the border. He WANTS to be hunted. One reason or another. It's either a distraction, a trap or a death-wish."
"How to figure out which?"
Mason sighed. "You can't from one opening move. We need more." He swung his feet off the table. "Vandalism, ABH, assault with a sonic weapon, assault with a gas weapon...." He read a report one of the other officers handed to him. "...use of explosives. Guess I better get into my Liason shoes again. See if I can stop 'em killing him so a judge can send him to the chair or the psyche ward." Mason stood up, grabbed his grey jacket and headed for the door as his senior reminded him Rhode Island didn't HAVE the death penalty.

'You lose more of your femininity every day Doroe. It's very appealing.' - SLEDGEHAMMER!



Underground, deep under Kings Row, the curtain to the showers in the Dugout flew open and Saffron Mackenzie emerged. She had her hands clasped to her ears as the white noise eradicated any other sound. She had about enough time to grab her bathrobe and pull it on before she had to return her hands to her ears.

"What in blazes is that!?" she shouted but no sound returned.

She stumbled into the Operations Room of the Dugout and attempted to operate the console without taking her hands away from her ears. Realising that she was being an idiot, she stopped and concentrated. The frequency of the sound was intense and pervading, hard to locate. Dashing into the Hangar, she rifled through some of the supply racks until she came across a pair of ear muffs used for when the jet was being launched. They reduced the sound to less painful levels but it was still intense.

Minutes later, she returned from her office, dressed in her usual outfit, her father's battered leather jacket almost falling apart as usual. Sweeping her ginger hair from her face, she affixed the small mask.

"Right," said The Amber Banshee, returning to the computer console. "Let's see who's so desperate to get our attention."

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



Tuesday Afternoon - Sisarose Mansion, Nerva Archipelago

Alicia Barzini was busy in her large Victorian kitchen when a tomato splashed against her widest window, followed by a volley of eggs. "Boss, we have a small problem" said a tall dark-skinned man in a dark suit. "So I see" Alicia joked, "Either Longbow have developed a twisted sense of humour, or they're genuinely offering me free groceries."

The suited bodyguard cleared his throat. "If you'd like to follow me to the East Wing Mrs Marcone, there appears to be a giant neon sign floating in the ocean, it reads, and I quote, 'Pistol lives here, dot, dot, dot, take pictures' - it seems to be attracting a lot of local and media attention. Some of your neighbors have begun attacking the building with fruit and vegetables."

Alicia sighed impatiently. "Great, just great. You know, people don't like me around here, Alex. That's why I pay you people to keep my residency a secret!" Alicia screamed, before storming off through the mansion and out the front exit.

Sure enough, a giant neon arrow exposed her to the world. The local newspaper photographers rushed to her side and did exactly what the sign instructed. Alicia's mind was racing through a very long list of enemies, finally arriving at the one person capable of such a prank, "Mechano" she spat.



The Corporation tech labs hummer quietly. The Generator was running smoothly, everything was going smoothly.
Techbot Alpha sat back in his chair, idly tinkering with a a small device, an atemmpted modification to the common web-grenade.
"Alpha?" A hulking shape loomed in the door, blocking most of the light.
"Yes, brother?" Alpha asked, not looking up as Omega 1, his giant Assault bot sibling, moved into the office.
"I think you need to see this..." Omega growled, and his normally deadpan voice had a hint of both annoyance and worry to it...

A minute later and the base rang with a robotic scream of rage.
"Nobody gets technical with me like this! NOBODY! Run everything we have on, t'hell with it, I'll dive and purge it myself!" Alpha yelled, getting ready to send a personal probe into the base systems. "Technical...I'll give him TECHNICAL! Something to *smile* about, oh yes..."
Omega 1 would have gulped, had he had a throat. Alpha was was normally quite placid, even in combat these days. But mess with technology, especially his, and there was a whirlwind to reap...

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



The Rogue Isles.: Cap au Diable.

The small facility was now a hive of activity. Josie strode through the organised chaos, directing her minions in what appeared to be an ever-more complex hive of activity.

"Persimmons, I want all operational units retrofitted with the tempest-shielded systems. Next, get the tappers onto the isles grids, general search patterns, usual precautions, route it through the blind relay-loops in Bloody Bay. Finally, get me coffee. Lots of coffee. File target parameters under code-name "Noodle Soup". Find this git.

Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



A blood red tomato just about missed Alicia's forehead. "Murderer!" screamed the thrower, hidden among the crowds of on-lookers. "Yeah, she killed the Priest!" came another voice.

Suddenly, Alicia produced two impervium steel handguns and pressed her face onto a nearby news camera. "My name is Alicia Barzini-Marcone and I've just been punk'd" she said, smiling into the lens, "that's right Edward, you got me - you got me real good." As quickly as it had come, the smile was gone, replaced with a face scarred with anger. Alicia raises her handguns and swivels on her upper body, bringing her arms around and aiming towards the neon sign. Ear splitting gunshots resounded through the grounds of the mansion as the Lady Pistol unloaded a swarm of specially designed silver bullets along a perfect arc, swerving around trees and benches, traveling along the ocean and coming to a destructive destination on the bright neon sign. The explosion was all the distraction Pistol needed to escape into her parked limo.

"Boss, I just got off the phone with your husband" reported the driver, as he pulled away into the main road, paparazzi running along behind. "He wants Project Holy Man moved to a new location and for you to come stay in his Marconeville Mansion until further notice."

"Yeah whatever Terrance" Alicia dismissed, distracted by the news coverage of the afternoon's multiple attacks on both hero organisations and criminal residencies. "You know what" said Pistol "take me to Castle Bathory"



Will slapped the desk in anger. The reports had come back on effected systems. Teleporation, Telephones, TV, The Database and the controls to their defence grid were all locked out due to Ed's smile. The only uneffected system was the Corp Radio-communicators; they had yet to be tied into the systems and, for that, William sighed a silent thank you for the delay in doing so.

He sat back in his chair. After a long talk with Head Of Operations, CX-1233, they had decided on two key tasks:
One, find Edward Mechano and bring him in for questioning. Will knew Ed from his old days, as did several others in the group. He was sure that with a little coninvincing, they could get control back and finally get back to work.
Two, find out if others had been effected in the Isles. D's seemed the best place to start looking. There was always some-one talking, usually drunkards or general blabber-mouths. It was a rumour-haven and they knew it.
The idea was, if any-one mentions any-thing about Ed, question them and bring it to the attention of the directors.

All that remained was for the Corporation to look and listen. It was only be a matter of time before some-one would say some-thing, or Ed would show his face, and then the real game would start.
Will cracked his neck,

"Better be a good reason for this Ed..."



Edward had begun hurriedly packing things into boxes, "Alright kids we're moving out...that signal was too easy to trace and not only that...any of my old friends will know where I live...we're moving to one of the labs in Cap Au Diable..."

Edward pressed a button, the emergency teleporter to one of his backup labs wasn't exactly the safest way to move around the Isles but currently he couldn't risk going on an overland route.

He bundled as much of his equipment into the teleporter as he could before pressing the of the drones had been dispatched to the lab before hand and noted the equipments safe arrival.

Edward continued bundling in equipment before the lab was completely bare...Edward smiled to himself.

"ah where to go from here...really should think more than one plan at a time..." he chuckled as he teleported to his new lab.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



"Ah where to go from here...really should think more than one plan at a time..." he chuckled as he teleported to his new lab.

[/ QUOTE ]Cassandra smiled happily as she watched Ed step into his new lab. She lept off her crate and gave him a hug, kissing him.

"I missed you, although it's probably only been a few hours for you. Anyway, I brought you a present."

She walked back to her crate and tore off the lid, letting the box fall apart showing a Crey Corp magnetic accelerator.

"Thought it might be useful ... or fun at least"

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Edward smiled as he saw his third daughter, his genetic one unlike his second Amy who he merely created but still considered his daughter and his first daughter Elise the assault bot, Edward had a weird family to say the least.

Edward returned the hug before looking at the device, "hmm possibly...but for now we need to get the lab set up...there is much to do..."

Edward grinned, "I have many enemies now who all have one thing in common, they hate me...isn't it nice to see people band together..." he chuckled softly.

Edward moved to sort his lab with the help of his robotic family.

((the gas from the car shuts off after a couple of minutes, the white noise from the van switches to playing melodious if incredibly dull lift music and after a day or when Omega purges the system everything returns to normal. If it hadn't of been destroyed the sign would have exploded anyway.

Once again Thank you to all involved that granted me permission now I expect much plottage to come from this...I feel Edward may have just become a marked man on both sides of the conflict...still that's the idea...expect more from your chaos obsessed mad scientist toon!))

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!