The Big Plan ((Open RP))




With the blistering noise and the earmuffs, Amber could barely make out a word that Jay was saying. She wiggled her fingers to indicate that she couldn't hear him. She then pointed at the van, throwing her hands forward to indicate that she was going to sing followed by a big gesture that suggested a big explosion. She hoped he could understand her.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



From the hidden bunker the word sped out for signs of Mechano , large bounty on offer to the first to tag him …..

..a large distant from the bunker Doctor Slashshade ,stared at a memo page , remembrance of the pain of torn off limbs floated across her mind ..further tempering the hardness of her hatred .. slowly she crossed her laboratory to a alcove containing a extreme example of her work …

Her voice ,still marred by the damaged vocal cords her screams of pain had made when last she had encountered Edward , spoke a few commands of activation ..and the cyborg skeleton stirred into life .

“time to find you some suitable flesh my dear “ she whispered running a hand over the metal ribcage …… from her back her servo arms shivered and shook as the pain washed over her yet again ….



Jay waved his hands in a cancelling gesture, and then gently removed her earmuffs. "We got 'bout a minute'a quiet, " he said, his voice sounding strange against the deadened background noise, "ah set up my Disruption Arrow ta play out a negative recordin' o'th' van's soundtrack. Th' soundwaves're cancellin' each other out."

He grinned, handing the earmuffs back. "Wanna help me trash this thing before th' power on my arrow runs out?"

Formerly @Crimson Archer, now @CA
The Militia - Protecting Paragon City through roleplaying since June 2006!



Paragon City

Freddy had recovered quickly from his hit from the gas, but had gone along to the medical bay of the Unity Vigil for observation just in case. They gave him a clean bill of health, based on what they could discover. Giving him a full medical was very difficult.

Rogue Isles

A woman hung upside down in a black and red chamber, her feet secured to the ceiling by magnetic locks. There were four Arachnos Fortunata's standing guard at the corners of the room, meditating and blocking out the noise from the televisions.

The wall the woman faced had television screens all across it, filtering in news reports from television, radio and the internet. She was dressed in white mental patients clothes, a heavily secured straightjacket keeping her arms locked to her side.

Her Arachnos jailors allowed her one concession every night before they locked her up. On her head was a white mask, buckled to the straightjacket. It was too big for her head, giving it a strange lopsided appearance that was only emphasised by the crude stitches across the face where it had been roughly torn in the past.

It stretched a crooked zipper grin across her face, with three black horns protruding from the forehead.

"Such a big prank, and I wasn't even invited ..." She cooed to herself. "We'll see who gets The Last Laugh heh... aheheh...."



*A message is sent via HAL to all members of the NHU. The message contains coding that will delete all trace of the message once read*

--- Classifed ---

As some of you might have heard. Reports have been flooding in regarding the location of our base being spray painted neon pink by use of a small crop duster.

An investigation has been launched into this, but this pre-report is to inform you that the location that was spray painted was a dud base. Created as a way of fooling the Rikti into attacking it should their attacks dated a year ago have been successful.... but as their attacks were not successful, the base has remained as a back up plan if something ever came up that would require use of it... due to this fact, we must keep up the appearance that it is the location of our base to hide that it is not.

As some of you will most likely hear... The location of the dud base was a small X-shaped building in Eden, located between 'Utophia Complex' and 'The Mountain' to the west of it. It is surrounded by larger buildings, and pillars. As mentioned above it is covered in Neon Pink paint and hard to miss. We are looking into the crash site presently and findings will be posted at a later date.




Somewhere in Paragon, in a cafe, the New Heroes Union meets to discuss events.

(( SG meeting thursday, 20:00 /servertime ))
(( Edit: Meeting now concluded. ))



Amber shook her head slightly, clearly her hand signals hadn't been clear.

"Exactly what I was thinking," she said. "I have a special song for this van."

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -