The Big Plan ((Open RP))




((I'd still like to do a couple of reps, just to finish things off from character reactions and stuff, if that's cool?!))

The ear buds from Jay's IPod were enough to dampen the sound to a still painful, but less debilitating level, and he dragged himself to his feet. Flicking his hood back into place he set off at a run towards the car park and the white van.

Somersaulting from the rooftop, The Crimson Archer landed briefly on a telephone cable, used his momentum and the rebound from the cable to vault forward onto a high wall and sprinted on, the noise from the van getting loader as he approached.

Formerly @Crimson Archer, now @CA
The Militia - Protecting Paragon City through roleplaying since June 2006!



((Written by Loup Garou))

Jean-Luc was still in a muzzy haze after Acre's death. He'd gone through the motions at the new restaurant in the Isles, he'd gone through the motions getting a new place; one that didn't smell like Acre, for example. He'd visited Acre's mother, made sure Lyn had what she needed, the offer to move her still open. He'd take care of her - it's what Acre would have wanted.

He still wasn't allowed in the rings, however; Jean-Luc still had that faint air of a dead man walking - he didn't try to put on a show for the crowd but dispatched his opponents cleanly and almost instantly. His victory count was rising, but his spirit certainly wasn't.

Another night of cooking, another night of pacing the streets with dulled golden eyes and a snarl for anyone who got too close. He debated going back to the Corporation - but he wasn't sure he could keep himself from launching for Anti's throat yet

(was an accident...I know dat...but still...)

and so he stayed away, walked by the building but never went in, didn't get in touch, didn't want to talk about Acre at all. Didn't want the memories or the reminders.

With a complete lack of interest he went from one dive to the next, taking a drink, and then another. For some reason the more he drank, the more sober he felt. One bar, then another, and then another, seedier and seedier as the night wore on. He roamed the streets at 2am, as they were just emptying out with equally hopeless Steppenwolves like Jean-Luc himself.

A massive propoganda-screen bleated the same pro-Arachnos propaganda as ever, and then, crackled, distorted, the picture being rent from side to side, another crackle - and then a voice Jean-Luc knew all too well. Knew, and yet didn't know at all.

"Greetings people."

Jean-Luc blinked, and paused in the street - oblivious to his surroundings and staring up into Ed Mechano's televised, and utterly mad, face. The Creole's mind was a blank for a moment, disbelief being the only thing that registered for a long while.

Mon you really did lose yo' min'...

"There are some who believe themselves to be above everything and everybody else...believing themselves to be untouchable...and you know what that brings?"

Jean-Luc frowned, staring up at Ed's face; one of the few people he'd ever met in Paragon, the one man he'd looked up to more than anyone. It was like watching some imposter on the screen -

(being a hero? I just make it up as I go along, Jac...)

- someone else Jean-Luc didn't know. And still, he stared upward, shock turning into something else entirely; familiar constricting bands around his chest which threatened to crush him.

"Which is why I'm going after people I think have got a little too complacent as of late, people, as I said before, believe themselves to be nigh untouchable..."

Over a year ago, Jean-Luc had ventured topside to honour a promise. He'd met people and thought he could heal, thought he could be the hero he had hoped to be. And with his moving to Paragon to help the Corporation, his return to the rings, the loss of Acre, and now this - his best friend lost to madness - he felt as if he had come full circle. He'd ventured Topside to change; and everything he'd gained, he'd lost.

The rage built up in him again, just as it used to, and he glowered, eyes growing hunter-bright in the dim, still morning.

(...nobody is ever going to know what it's like for guys like us to try and walk the line...they're too soft.)

"Now I must dash...the advert break is ending here in the Isles...and I'm not stupid enough to talk over Arachnos funded and scheduled there is but one thing left to say..."

Jean-Luc's lips curled back from his teeth as Mechano posed and preached. One more loss in the world, one more dream crushed, personal hero turned terrorist and madman. The Creole had never beaten Mechano in a sparring match before in his life - but then, Jean-Luc had cause at the time to hold himself back, even then.

(...ain't you afraid someday you gonna lose it?

No. I've got God on my side.)

Slowly, Jean-Luc brought out his cellphone - he rarely carried one, but it had been pressed on him by his own restaurant manager; she wanted to keep tabs on him if he ever decided to disappear. He had a few numbers in it, and one in particular.

Edward threw his arms back and gave a manaical laugh, "LET THE GAMES BEGIN!"

"M'bel, Izzy...c'est Jean-Luc. You prob'ly already seen Ed on de tube. I owe him a favour; I ain't paid it even tho' I know I shoulda done. Fin' me. Bonswa."

Jean-Luc hung up. Still seething, still holding onto his rage, and yet incredibly calm

- dat be Richard, prob'ly -

he reached into his leather jacket and pulled out a transcommunication device. Jean-Luc hadn't understood the thing or even how it worked, but he had greatly appreciated the gesture.

(if you ever need me, get in touch, the kids would certainly like to visit redside someday. Just remember you're not alone.)

The screen above him went blank, and then, an advert for something no one really needed started its jingle and salespitch. Jean-Luc didn't see it; he was still seeing Mechano's crazed eyes, still hearing the laugh. The transmitter was a bit old and battered, but he didn't doubt it still worked.

Resolutely, he depressed the button, and spoke with a strange flatness, an icy clarity.

"Bonjou, mon ami. finally done dropped off de deep end, non?" Jean-Luc's golden eyes narrowed to slits, a harshness creeping into his voice. "What, did dat woman you was seein' dump you? Did God let you off de leash?' don' care. But one thin' I gonna do. I gonna fulfil de promise I made. De one where it was said if you evah done finally los' yo' mind, you'd have a select few finish you befo' you cause trouble."

Jean-Luc's anger burned, and then ebbed until he felt merely...tired. Ed wasn't to blame; insanity wasn't something anyone could cure, not even Powers That Be. But regardless, he'd fallen, and as a friend, Jean-Luc could at least either try to drag the man back from the brink...or put him out of his misery.

"You wrong, mon ami," Jean-Luc said quietly. "De game ain't about to begin. De game, she be over. I see you soon. Bonswa."

Jean-Luc released the button on the side of the transmitter, and tossed it into a nearby bin. He wouldn't be surprised if it blew up. Ed was certainly clever, and thorough as well.

Well, if dis be my las' dance, then I gonna make sure it be a good one.

Taking a deep breath, Jean-Luc wandered toward his new flat, with its weights and workout room. He'd venture into the Warzone as well, just to keep his edge, put himself back in fighting trim. He'd need it.

Dead man walkin'...onna us, anyway.



((oh of course Crimson Archer, this is just for a future thing...hell you can even blow up the van but it's just a note saying that if left undealt with, the annoyances will switch themselves off...upto you when)).

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Samantha Jane Huntington was buried up to her armpits in the bowels of Huntington Manor's central communications array. She had a pair of willing assistants in the form of Marie, one of the trainee Knives of Artemis that Richard had taken in, and Avatar Two-point-One, who was functioning like a robotic drone.

Two-hundred million dollars. That was the ultimate upshot of Edward's foolhardy and pointless attack on the manor. He'd managed to ruin years of work, and it was up to Sam to fix it all. She'd started by ordering fabrication of a huge number of EMP-hardened control circuits, the first batch of which were due for delivery in a few hours. She'd already worked out how to ensure such an attack would be useless in the future, but it was a brute force approach when she vastly prefered elegance. A hard-wired autonomous comms array, placed outside the bunker that housed Helena herself, massively redundant systems, all wrapped up in a defensive shell that was programmed for automatic shielding using an independant heuristic processor. The shields were a simplified version of Richard's proprietory Singularity Containment Units - if they could prevent the escape of the X-ray output of an artificial black hole, they should be able to protect their contents from an EMP. They ran to something like fifty million dollars each, and she had three of them. She cursed again at the expense. It wasn't as if she had an infinite supply of money, but the need to protect the manor was an overiding priority. If Richard had been here, he could have smoothed things for her, managed the problem, dealt with all the supply firms and probably shaved five percent off the total costs, but Sam didn't have that luxury. She was under pressure to get this done, because there were some disturbing outputs coming from Helena's core processors. Which probably helped explain why Two-point-One seemed more like a zombie than normal.

Leaning out of the comms array, she grabbed a screwdriver, trying to ignore the motionless and prone bodies of Avatars Two and Four, which were lying nearby. Four was an experimental unit, designed for independent operation without a direct link to Helena, and had possessed a distinct personality, though data was frequently shared, and she was now a useless hunk of ruined electronics. It was such a waste! Sure, they'd be able to salvage the chassis, but the person inside? She simply didn't know.

Turning to face Marie and Two-point-One, now that she had managed to restore partial comms - though it was about as primitive as she could conceive, piggy-backing the phone line for a single Broadband access point - she grimaced. "Okay, that's stage one. Helena can at least get access to the internet. Right, next job is to freeze processing from the secondary unit, and prepare a data-transfer... which we'll do by hand. Shouldn't take more than, oh, six or seven hours to do that."

Marie groaned, and Sam gave her a sympathetic smile. "You're in the big leagues, now, sugar. Welcome to life with the Huntingtons. Not as glamorous as it seems, huh?"

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



3pm, Ryan's Office.

Cindersnap looked out over the plaza, the Vigilants still on high alert outside. The young man drew a breath in, before activating his commslink. "Private Secure Channel, Encoding Seven. Amy Zon, could you please come to my office?"

Sitting back down, Cindersnap waited for his response as he logged into the Admin system, begining to pull up files on Amy's location throughout the day and any communications sent to her, his expression calm.



One by one the systems slowly burst back into life.

Will, who had been frantically running about the base checking with employees on their search for Ed, was thrown off as he came face to face with a normal screen. With Ed, and his stupid buddy-christ immitation, gone information began to move through the base.

He slowly rose the radio to his lips and, for once in 24 hours, spoke calmly into it,

", seems every-thing is back to normal. Don't ask me how but it's all back."

"Want us to call off the search?" came one of the many voices to grace his radio,

"No. Keep looking. I still want to know what all this was about?"



Wednesday, 14th January. 10:20am

Deep within the bowels of the medical suite in Unity Tower, Eloise slowly opened her eyes and groaned. Her hand moved slowly to her head, her eyes squinting in the dimly lit room, and winced in pain at the pounding headache.

Outside at the nurses station, a soft bleep sounded, notifying the duty nurse of Eloise's wakening, and the attractive blonde looked up from her paperwork. Checking the readings coming in from the monitoring equipment, she reached for the intercom. "Officer Preston? This is Nurse Harris, she's awake."


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



The rage slowly making place for the cold-blooded aristocrat Elizabeth realized that even the Rogue Isles would send in people to investigate a car bomb. That would mean people entering the building who had no place in it.

She walked up to wards one of her black mirrors and started to chant in latin... Her brow showed a good amount of concentration. Slowly the entrance to the crypt seemed to disappear, covered by a well-forged illusion. It would mean that she would remain a constant concentrated state of mind just to uphold it, but if all goes well she would not have to remain it up very long.

As expected the fire department and a few journalists arrived not even 40 min later. With them was an Arachnos official. And Arbiter Donck didn't look very happy.

The first fire-men entered the building to check if there where any casualties accompanied by a para-medic as there seemed to be no fire. The inside was shaken but the structure was sound. They checked the elaborated dining room and the bed chambers. Then the rest of the house but couldn't find any sign of the owners. Indeed it seemed as if it was't occupied.

"All clear!", One of them screamed out of a shattered window to wards the Arbiter.

Donck checked the car... "hmm... Obviously a car bomb. Why would anyone want to blow up one here?" He picked up his phone and called the office. "He Leon, make sure that the owners of the houses damaged by this incident are warned. And we will see if any of them press charges to anyone. Especially the owner of this building I am in front off. It has suffered the most damage. I am out of here. Can't be arsed for every bomb going off."


Leon started to make calls to the current house-sales offices. And soon learned it had been sold a little over 2 years ago to an anonymous woman. "Ha... only in the Rogue Isles would this be possible. As long as they pay enough no-one cares who you are.", he said to himself.


The office manager of 'Brian & Brian' layed down the horn. "Listen up all... One of the buildings from our accounts has been damaged. I want the owner warned and get me our insurance company on line 3!", he let his staff know.


Elizabeth looked up when she heard her cell phone ring. It was a very fashionable red phone that looked a little out of place for a vampire of her standard. And indeed it belonged to her as her human alter-ego Elizabeth Thabyro. She was expecting a call but acted like she was back in Paragon City... oblivious of any news.

"Yes... Countess Thabyro here. Who is this?", she said picking it up.

An insecure and little nervous voice on the other side of the line reacted, "My excuses countess... I am from 'Brian & Brian'. I know we would avoid any contact if possible, but the house you owned in the Etoil Islands had been damage by what seems to be a car bomb. The local authorities want to know if you would want to press charges? And 'Brian & Brian' would like to have an 'ok' on the further insurance and repair work?"

Elizabeth acted as shocked as she could... "Of course I want repairs to start as soon as possible! No, I can't press charges... to whom would I make them then? As far as I know I don't have any enemies! Ask those law-enforcers of Arachnos."

She pauzed for a second... "You haven't told my name to them like we agreed, I hope?!"

The employee started to sweat a bit... "No of course not countess. We agreed you would stay anonymous, and you still are. 'Brian & Brian' is an professional compagny."

"Good... good...", Elizabeth answered. "Now make it so!"

Jack entered the room. The werewolf had been sleeping the afternoon away but had woke up from the sound of the explosion. His hearing so much stronger then humans, even while looking like one of them. "Anything I can do Elizabeth?", he asked while looking at her troubled face.

"No, it's OK Jack. The right people are making sure repairs will start soon and the entrance to the crypts and sub-base section is hidden by a strong illusion... Which, by-the-way, is giving me a splitting head-ache!"

"Although... I did find out who is responsible. Can you try and fetch Dr. Mechano for me please. I like to have a word with him." A grim smile appeared on her face showing her fangs.

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



A pair of miss matched eyes scanned twenty HD display screens , each offering a different feed , some raw data , some images , a couple news feeds ….
The mind behind the eyes drank in the reports from across Paragon and the Isles , so from hacked CCTV , others from well places lookouts , so curtsey of Paragons famed TV news crews ….
A thoughtful look passed across the scared features of the face illuminated by the constantly flickering screens ….
A number of metal fingers tapped a keyboard and one screen displayed a file and a list of names …..
In a voice expectant of obedience a order was issued ..” bring me the Meat Doctor Slashshade ..and find out is one Smeg-Face is still alive , if so bring him here as well…it seems as if that wicked Edward Mechano may have presented us with a opportunity to repay him ..”



Tuesday Evening - Castle Báthory, Cap Au Diable

A black limousine slowly pulled up outside an old gothic building. The chauffeur exited and walked around to open the back door, revealing a young Italian woman cloaked in a black leather trenchcoat. She stepped out and made a bee-line through the castle's damaged doors and up through the hidden stairway. As she emerged onto the crypt, she found the Countess stood, waiting expectantly. "Bathory" she hissed, pulling out two handguns and leveling them to the vampire's face. "On account of our episodes with Romanov's league of destroyers, a certain demon is just itching to puncture your ugly cold heart full of silver right about now, you treacherous, betraying old hag. Give me one reason why I shouldn't let it?"



"You mean... aside from the werewolf standing behind you ready to ripp you to pieces?!", she answered... then turned around and tuned the television in on the news. Images of Sisarose mansion and the huge sign flashed up alongside attacks on several super hero organizations in Paragon City.

"I believe we have a common problem at the moment?"

She looked Pistol straight in her eyes... "You look good Alicia! Much better then the last time I saw those eyes... when they where in a severed head in Romanov's sanctum. Now put those things away before you hurt anyone."

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



Amy pressed an ear to her comm unit and shrugged, pushing the large steel beam onto the crane, securing it and then waving for Bill, the crane operator to begin lifting it.

She quickly moved to Jeff the Foreman, "sorry boss...somethings come up, hero business..."

Jeff just sighed, "sure thing's nearly finishing time as it is, don't mind you clocking off early.."

"Cheer sweetie..." Amy quickly changed out of her blue overalls and her hard hat into her locker before pounding off out of Faultline.

Not too long later she was stood outside Ryan's office and knocked on the door waiting patiently to be let in.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Pistol rolled her eyes and lowered her weapons. "You didn't actually take me seriously did you Liz?" she joked. "Speaking of which, I've always wondered if silver was a weakness actually" she quizzed, smiling cockily before casually sizing up the sneaky werewolf behind her. "As for Mechano, has he invited you to Thursday's seminar?"



"Indeed he has...", Elizabeth picked up the opened envelope she had found on top of her destroyed mail box. "Lets see if it says the same..."

Dear Countess Bathory

You are invited to attend Dr Mechano's seminar on villainy to be held in Pocket D tiki lounge.

The dress code is informal.

The time of this seminar will be at 8pm on the 15th of January, please be punctual.

Yours Doctor Mechano


"Especially the maniac laughter he placed below his signature comes over like a sound mind.", she bit her lip a bit and a drop of blood appeared.

"Pocket D... He is not mad enough to meet us in the open."

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



"Elizabeth darling, the Crimson Cove is too dangerous for me at this point in time, mind if I spend the next few nights with you, and then maybe we can attend the seminar together? I think I have a cunning plan, something special for the Doctor" she proposed, a cunning sparkle in her dark brown eyes.



"The bedroom next to mine is free as my High Lord is roaming the netherworlds at the moment. You can stay there for as long as you like.", Elizabeth looked slightly amused. "So now we are roomies Alicia? That is a very strange twist for us. You are right of course! Personally I would love to torture... maim and kill the *******, but anything we can do to him at the moment is better then nothing."

"Ha... let us discuss you're plan during our first girl's night then."

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



Darvek's great form appeared in an alleyway several streets away from the Countess' damaged home. He slowly turned back to a human, adjusting his tie mid-transformation hoping to waste no time. Making his way towards the dwelling, he noticed the damage done by a nearby car bomb, he cracked his knuckles. Glancing at the limousine and walking back into the alleyway, he transformed and disappeared in a flash of red.


Off the shore of Sharkhead, Spruk sat in a motorboat heading towards the main land, constructing what looked like a bomb. Attaching a gas canister to the side, he grinned, having been inspired by a recent television broadcast.

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



Amy pressed an ear to her comm unit and shrugged, pushing the large steel beam onto the crane, securing it and then waving for Bill, the crane operator to begin lifting it.

She quickly moved to Jeff the Foreman, "sorry boss...somethings come up, hero business..."

Jeff just sighed, "sure thing's nearly finishing time as it is, don't mind you clocking off early.."

"Cheer sweetie..." Amy quickly changed out of her blue overalls and her hard hat into her locker before pounding off out of Faultline.

Not too long later she was stood outside Ryan's office and knocked on the door waiting patiently to be let in.

[/ QUOTE ]

"Come in, Amy." Ryan called out from inside. He'd moved to sitting on one of the sofas in his office, with a red mini fridge on the coffee table and a small plate of assorted mini cakes.

"Take a seat, and I'm real sorry about calling you out of work." He apologised, smiling to her. The glasses were off, and he'd used the cybernetic implants to shut off the orange glow that usually came from his eyes.



Amy smiled, "It's alright my boss Jeff has an understanding about the whole heroic things meaning I have to occasionally get off from work early..."

Amy settled down next to Ryan on sofa, "so what is it Ryan, something the matter?"

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Ryan rubbed at his chin for a moment, before taking a small can of soda out of the minifridge and turning it to face Amy. "It's about your dad, Amy. He had another broadcast earlier, issued attacks on several hero and villain groups. The Unity Vigil included."

With a sigh, he opened the can and took a sip. "Intoxicating gas attack over in the other tower, took out a few members, one had a severe reaction, and it hit BODICIA's puppy too, they're all being treated and will make a full recovery. Richard's place got hit by a EMP device, the Militia had a sonic device go off in their neighbourhood, and there's been other attacks too in the Isles."



The start of the white noise has caused several traffic accidents in the area of the Jimmy Carter Baseball Park, and people were running from the area as The Crimson Archer approached. It was clear now that the vehicle had been fully customised to be nothing but a giant noise machine. It was getting harder to think the closer he got to the source of the noise, but Jay reckoned he was in range now and drew on his bow, aiming the heavily tipped arrow high.

The arrow arched steeply through the air, before travelling back down to the ground and embedding itself in the tarmac in front of the van. Immediately the cannister-like arrowhead began to transmit its own sonic payload and the white noise from the van's many speakers seemed to falter and then decrease, lowering to an acceptable level.

Jay nodded to himself and vaulted the wall surrounding the car park, jogging up to the white van. He caught sight of The Amber Banshee entering the same area, her eyes covered by large ear-defenders. Pulling the IPod ear buds out, jay nodded to her, "Howdy Saff," he called towards the tall red head with a grin on his face. "Ya noticed we got ourselves a present, huh?," he said, his voice sounding oddly flat and muted.

Formerly @Crimson Archer, now @CA
The Militia - Protecting Paragon City through roleplaying since June 2006!



Mason had the radio in his car turned up. Not full blast but enough to blotch out the shriek as he pushed the car through the streets of King's Row. Traffic, he noted, was mostly against him. Joe cit fleeing trouble. He'd had to start travelling at 20kph as people were dashing all directions in the road. He put the siren on - not that it could really be heard, and put the light on the roof. THAT, at least, could be seen. He'd decided to survey the attack scenes and, as the Militia base was closest to the Precinct, their base was first. He checked the leaders. Crimson Archer and Amber Banshee. Old hands. He didn't check their reputations. Like cops or loathe them, they were gonna talk with him anyhow. They were the victims here.

Mason opened the glove compartment and plugged his ears. He was getting nowhere now, the crowds were too thick. He opened the car door with difficulty. This close, even the air seemed to be vibrating. He rose from the vehicle, locked it, and set off on the quarter mile run to the Militia base, notepad in pocket. He added property damage to the list. Not one window was intact. He hadn't seen damage like this since that incident in Llanidloes. He put that out of his mind and, a few minutes later, he could see the van in the distance and the bowman firing his weapon.

'You lose more of your femininity every day Doroe. It's very appealing.' - SLEDGEHAMMER!



Amy looked at Ryan and shook her head, "I'm getting a feeling Dad is going off the deep end...he's not usually this active, normally I can reach him on my cell phone or emails but his cell phone is always switched off, not even going to voice mail and all my emails are returned as if the address didn't exist any more...Dad has shut himself away for the past two weeks, I didn' think he was planning something this big especially not attacks of this scale..."

Amy thought for a moment, "the only lead I can give you as to his whereabouts are his address in Mercy Isle apart from that Dad keeps a lot of stuff secret from me...I think it's the whole hero and villain divide going on, I love him because he's my father...but I am really worried about him now..."

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Ryan blinks, then smiles. "Thanks, Amy. I wasn't going to force you to give up any details, I was just going to ask. I was also going to ask at how widely known your relationship to him is... I'd rather not have the public rallying around where you work, and I'm keen to look out for your safety, same as with all the students."



The Cap Facility:

Josie was working overtime, scanning the collated data-reports, while rebuilding the main prototype for the scan-swarm drones. The work of munging together that much raw traffic data was a herculean effort, which was why she's been happy to let her machines handle the grunt work. Still it was starting to look like... now that was interesting.

The thing that had caught her, eye, helped by the pinging of the expert systems, was an interesting little coincidence in the power records. She'd already traced thetv signal back to Darwin's Landing, but had never seriously expected that base to be still occupied. Now, not long after the event, she'd found a large power-surge, coupled with fluctations in the teleport grids. One in Darwins landing, then another in Cap Au Diable. Someone had, a suspiciously short of time after the broadcast, moved a lot of mass from one place to the other. Josie digested this, as she took a long pull on her next coffee. The ******* had moved into her hometown. Right under her nose.

Slamming her left fist into the table, she stood, carrying the sub-minature swarmbot over to the feed hopper for the autofabs. Then she started issuing more orders. "Start fabrication, standard swarm, non-metallics only." Heading over to her comms console, she punched in a little used combination, dialing into a system of encryption and bounced links so fiendish that could only have been developed by an AI (It had) and so involuted that it seemed the idea was as much about disguising the fact there'd even been a communication at all, as much as it's nature (which, in point of fact, it was.)

"Just an informational message, B. Noodle Soup has been narrowed to Cap au Diable, 97% probability. Further refinement is underway. More news, as it happens."

Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.