The culture of the Rogue Isles?




An interesting question arose in my head the other day as I was thinking about making a punk-rocking villain in the Rogue Isles that was going to be extremely patriotic about his country, and hellbent on getting both Arachnos AND the Longbow invasion out, to set up a beneficial anarchic rule.

My first question was, "Is the genre of punk even is EXISTENCE in RI?" This one I didn't quite have an answer for. We know that Johnny Sonata is their most popular artist (due to selling his soul, but still). He seems to be a sort of singer/songwriter, probably writing mostly lounge tunes. My guess is that any up-and-coming artists in RI would be trying to imitate him as much as possible, so the RI pop scene probably consists of a LOT of old fashioned lounge singers and jazz groups. This is also probably the kind of music that Recluse likes, being from a time period where this was quite popular in America.

And that brings up the fact that Recluse is a dictator. Would he regulate music? It's almost DEFINITE that he would not allow any rebellious music to exist, and I find it unlikely that he would even allow music genres that are against his tastes in any way, or could possibly be used to incite rebellion. So does that destroy rock music?

Anyway, back to the original question. Would punk music even exist? If so, how? RI has stayed away from a lot of outside influences on their culture since the 1950's, according to their history page. Was the music culture in RI influenced at all by American rock 'n' roll and blues? Did the islanders shun outside culture in any form, including music? Did they have some sort of native style of music that was popular? Are there any traditional instruments in use on the Island, possibly throwbacks to the days where sorcerers ruled the island?

But what would punk even LOOK like, then? Would it even be the genre of punk? Or would it just be rebellious? Logically, it would have to be extremely underground. Their musical instruments would have to be anything that is easy to just pick up and run with. Possibly marching band-esque instruments, but with the speed and aggression that tends to spring up wherever people are angry. Possibly totally acoustic, to defeat the need to carry around any amps, unless they can carry them on their backs.

And all this raises yet ANOTHER question! Would this style of underground music, or ANY underground music, even be popular? Would the populace be too scared of getting caught to even want to watch music like this? Or would it be INCREDIBLY popular, fueled by the downtrodden masses wanting change?

Marching Twotonecore?

Second topic.

What about other aspects of RI culture? Their food would have to be heavily French-influenced, due to their time being a French colony. Would any traditional dishes have lasted the years? Possibly some sort of Seagull or shark-based dishes, since it seems like there a LOT of both of these animals. Very few vegetables seem capable of even growing in the environment of the Isles, so most dishes are probably fish.

What about the people? What is their thought process? My guess is they are a very naturally secretive, paranoid people. Afraid to look anyone in the eye, afraid to even have any friends. Or maybe I'm wrong? Maybe they collect friends, act as if they are family, and then try to stick together and protect each other as much as possible.

And that's all I got. It was written straight from my head, with many questions and answers springing up as I was writing, so if it seems a bit disjointed... it is.

Anyway, discuss!



Somthing to note about Recluses domination of the RI, he's a 'If you're strong enough you can take it' kinda guy, as per his speech playing on loop in Grandville.

That and how he encourages his own orgnaisation to have infigthing... why would he forbid rebellious music? If anything he'd encourage it.

As for people being scared and getting caught, bribery, indimitation and otehr strong arm tactics seem to be the norm everywhere you look in the isles, so 'getting caught' doing anything wouldn't be a problem so long as it's not sommthing liable to piss of someone who you can't bribe of force out of the way.

The Isles are also infested with monsters, Snakes, Wailers, Slag Golems and an entire island of Spectral Demons.

Not to mention the place being a massive meltingpot of criminals escaping global law, brought in by Arachnos orr whatever.

I personally think this'd lead to a place with no real distinctive culture of it's own, but with lots of little 'Chinatown' type places where people of similar cultures would gather, the only unifying theme of the isles seems to be everyone know they're under Recluses heel..



Where there are people dissatisfied with the establishment, there is a music for them.

Recluse doesn't seem to regulate many things. Arbiters keep tight control of civilians entering Grandville, we know that he goes out of his way to keep the masses uneducated and hopeless, so Etoile isn't a place to find lots of high art, but with its reputation as a haven for pirates and ne'er do wells culture will seep in with them, especially something as portable as music.

Suppressing music looks bad however, and Recluse likes to play nice with the UN from time to time, so I doubt he does overt things like outlaw certain kinds of music. Perhaps he regulates live performances, keeping all music gatherings small, but to banish any kind of music would be something an anti Recluse group would flock too.

As to the culture of the Isles, I imagine the stereotype for a Isle's Citizen is that you can't trust them, but they are tough and survivors. Probably because the only people to get out of the Isles are tough and too independent to be crushed under Recluse's heel. They're streetwise and the kind who keep track of who enters and leaves a room. They don't trust anyone until they've shed blood together, (metaphorically perhaps) or they might never.

No matter what kind of art it is; poetry, art, or plays there will be subtexts of violence, despair, and to endure. These are not a hopeful people, but they are determined.

Sam Varden 50 MA/Reg Scrap
Doomtastic 50 SS/Inv Brute
Ceus 50 Eng/Kin Corr
Cinderstorm 50 Fire/Fire Blaster



Originally Posted by Kasoh View Post
Where there are people dissatisfied with the establishment, there is a music for them.
Quite so, where there is something to protest, there will be music to protest it with.

But I don't know if this music would be punk though. Considering the close proximity of the Rouge Isles to the Caribbean, I'd expect this music would be some form of calypso (Long a music of current events and protest.), one the many off-shoots of reggae (Again music long associated with protests.), Cuban jazz and salsa or perhaps something Haitian-flavored.

Considering the highly distinctive culture of the Rogue Isles and the fact it is a kind of global cross-roads, I think they'd invent something very distinctive from the rest of the Caribbean. There'd be influences from Africa, Central America, the colonial powers of Europe (France maybe?) and the United States and this would emerge into a musical genre we haven't heard of here in the real world.

Make up something, is my advice.

"Civilization advances by extending the number of important operations which we can perform without thinking of them."



Sharkhead Isle is a perfect example of Arachnos' tendency to not control things. As has been said, Grandville is tightly controlled. Well, the core of it is; the Gutter is another matter. However, out on Sharkhead the miners strike quite regularly. As far as Recluse is concerned, that's Cage's problem and if they can't control the miners, he isn't going to do it for them.

A full on dictator would have a Flyer or two and a very large strike force down there the first time it happened. Examples would be made. Messy examples. I'm sure it's quite within the power of Recluse and his minions to finally destroy one ghost.

No, I really doubt Recluse is too bothered about overt displays of control outside his core facilities and in the kind of environment the Isles have, rebellious or nihilistic music would seem like a given.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



And speaking of Protests, there's the open Anti-Arachnos ones jsut outside Fort Darwin too!



Originally Posted by Ravenswing View Post
A full on dictator would have a Flyer or two and a very large strike force down there the first time it happened. Examples would be made. Messy examples. I'm sure it's quite within the power of Recluse and his minions to finally destroy one ghost.
While I mostly agree with you, I feel I should point out that Scrapyard wasn't always a ghost. It was Captain Mako who made distinctly messy example of him.

Personally, I think Recluse cultivates a balance of power within the Isles. He allows many different groups with different agendas to thrive, counting on them to be too busy fighting one another to try taking him on. Being too heavy-handed and quashing any resistance to his rule would only end up uniting his enemies against him.

Knights Exemplar: Wolfram, Autumnfox, Starlit Spirit.
Militia: The Portent, Wavekite, Mr. Sandman.
The Cadre: WarpLocke, Zajin.
Numerous others.



All of these are very interesting opinions!

I had never thought of the fact that Recluse basically encourages the insanity that goes on every day. Like someone mentioned, he's less a full-on dictator, and more like just some bored god, watching as his subjects kill themselves. And not caring.

As to the culture of the Isles, I imagine the stereotype for a Isle's Citizen is that you can't trust them, but they are tough and survivors. Probably because the only people to get out of the Isles are tough and too independent to be crushed under Recluse's heel. They're streetwise and the kind who keep track of who enters and leaves a room. They don't trust anyone until they've shed blood together, (metaphorically perhaps) or they might never.
I'd say that this a perfect idea of what the citizens of the Rogue Isles tend to act like. Good work.

But I don't know if this music would be punk though. Considering the close proximity of the Rouge Isles to the Caribbean, I'd expect this music would be some form of calypso (Long a music of current events and protest.), one the many off-shoots of reggae (Again music long associated with protests.), Cuban jazz and salsa or perhaps something Haitian-flavored.

Considering the highly distinctive culture of the Rogue Isles and the fact it is a kind of global cross-roads, I think they'd invent something very distinctive from the rest of the Caribbean. There'd be influences from Africa, Central America, the colonial powers of Europe (France maybe?) and the United States and this would emerge into a musical genre we haven't heard of here in the real world.

Make up something, is my advice.
Good ideas, and good advice. Although... RI is in the north, not the south. How would it be similar to calypso or reggae? The Caribbean is kind of far away. O_o

Unless, of course, you just mean that it has had a lot of Pirate influences over the years, and THEY brought it with them. Which is possible.



I'd say punk music exists in the Isles. The Hellions amd Skulls strike me as the kind of group who'd probably listen to it as a big F-You to the established order...

>_< \m/

Oaks and Martials will probably have that Jazzy, older musics due to the strong Family presence. Martials espcially due to the casinos (Think Frank Sinatra)

Sharkhead and Granville strike me as places where music rarely plays. Dark, depressing and a lack of soul.

Dunno about Nerva :P



Originally Posted by Blarg View Post
I had never thought of the fact that Recluse basically encourages the insanity that goes on every day. Like someone mentioned, he's less a full-on dictator, and more like just some bored god, watching as his subjects kill themselves. And not caring.
Yep, I think that pretty much hits the nail on the head. Recluse is a bored god who plays his own forces against each other to see who comes out on top. Sort of like some conceptions of Satan really.

It's apparent immediately after your arrival as a young, superpowered thug in Fort Darwin: The whole of the Rogue Isles is Recluse's proving ground. He is the ultimate authority and power but, other than that, except in key areas, he lets anarchy reign. He lets his underlings establish their own little fiefdoms. He encourages it in fact. He wants to see how tough everyone is. If you die you aren't worth his time.

Originally Posted by Blarg View Post
Good ideas, and good advice. Although... RI is in the north, not the south. How would it be similar to calypso or reggae? The Caribbean is kind of far away. O_o

Unless, of course, you just mean that it has had a lot of Pirate influences over the years, and THEY brought it with them. Which is possible.
I guess I'm confused about the location of of the Isles. I was thinking it was much further south and thus cited those possible influences. Whatever.

The Isles are both a global crossroads and also very isolated in key ways. This has got to have an affect on what sort of music would emerge. Alternating between isolation and cosmopolitan mixing generates a lot of cultural creativity I think. I really think you have a free hand to just make up some totally new music genre--sort of like Red Dwarf did with rastabilly skank (Or was that just a band? I thought it was a new genre of music.).

"Civilization advances by extending the number of important operations which we can perform without thinking of them."



Originally Posted by synthozoic View Post
I guess I'm confused about the location of of the Isles. I was thinking it was much further south and thus cited those possible influences. Whatever.
If I remember right, they're only a few hundred miles off shore from Paragon City.



According to the Good Vs Evil edition map that was provided, on the Paragon City side of the map there's a dotted line from Siren's Call that leads north, which proceeds to Sharkhead Isle. On the Rogue Isles flipside, that same dotted line leads to the west. So, I'd say the Isles are northeast of Paragon.

That would put the Isles somewhere in the north, to the east of Canada. However, the Isles don't HAVE to be that far north, either. They're somewhere out in the Atlantic according to the map.



It's also worth mentioning that there's an entire shantytown "fortress" of Freakshow on the outskirts of Sharkhead. I imagine there's quite a few different kinds of music that gets played around there.

There is an art, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. --The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy