Discussion: The Cage




Also, it might be worth pitting like against like - it may make it slightly easier to explain away those differences if your characters are evenly-matched (not necessarily level but in combat abilities both IC, IG and OOC).

A defender will find it hard to defeat a Scrapper, Tank or Brute and although they might well be down against other types who do more damage, hit point wise we're talking similarities.

Is it fair to say that the majority of us will have PvE builds? Not sure but if so then the likelihood is that a lot of our characters will be in the same boat.

As for Loup's point - he has come out of retirement and is a little older than some of the younger heroes who may have developed tactics to best the 'Old Skool' way of fighting. So, if he gets beat up then it's only fair to assume that the next time he will be ready for them! (of course, next time doesn't actually have to happen - but then any other encounters can always be RPd using the experience gleaned for The Cage )

I for one am very happy to do this as a charity event and as my only real contenders are heroes then that suits me.
Arctic Princess, Raidar and Whirling Dervish are my favourite three and the most likely to be able to/want to do this. Although I warn you, Dervish is a 'mature lady' so no dirty fighting!



Aye i'd be up for a second run through i think it was a very good event Pious shame about the little technical hitch



Shall we schedule for tomorrow night, 9pm? All fighters and spectators welcomed. The event wont take longer than an hour, each fight is only one round, last man standing. Approximately 10 minutes per fight.



Sure, sounds good to me. To be honest I posted yesterday afternoon and then totally forgot about it!



Would love to come to this, but sadly busy at 9 today. Maybe next time!

It's a great idea though, look forward to hearing the replays!



9 Tonight Sounds Mighty Fine For Me I Believe =D
I'll Be There
Can Only Stay Till' 10 Though But I'm Sure That Would Be Fine ?



I have been lurking in this thread (only resubbed the other day) and this looks like great fun. Unsure how Inf would be able to explain using his AR during a charity event. Unless it is also 'Virtual' and the effects are merely 'imagined' on the recepient. Only other hero that would fit is far too low level. If you'll have me, i'll be there at 9.



Or load it with paintballs. That'll teach 'em.



Nine o' clock it is! Hover by when you can FG, we might still be around.




The connection issues which have seemingly been plaguing people in the game over the weekend have landed at my door. I was looking forward to it but I got the whole 'Map Server Disconnected' thing when I was zoning to the battle arena.

What a pain.

Well, I hope the rest of you had a good battle. I'm off to RP over MSN now as the blasted client won't let me back in.



Shame you couldnt get back in, we assumed that was what had happened. There will be more i am sure though.



Didn't miss much, I got immediatly remembered why I never touch PvP.



Is there going to be another sequence of fights?

If so Ed would very much like to volunteer for the next round, fighting so he can win the prize money and donate it to the Moth Cathedral for repair works and the like?

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



I'm currently editing the videos of last weekend's fights and boy am I excited, can't wait to have them on YouTube, you guys are gonna love the action! Even got a surprise clip from one of Coile's fights last year, and man its sizzling hot. We'll be up again this weekend, Saturday and Sunday night. Got a few people coming already, anyone else interested, just show up and err, try not to disconnect, heh.



This looks fun...wouldn't mind brining Headbreaker along...he's supose to be an ex-cage fighter.



Hmm Riled, fancy Headbreaker and Edward going against each other?

Though can I ask for a pre-match interview, I do have a suprise planned (not a bad one, just something tongue in cheek about the whole thing).

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



I like the sound of this idea, cage fighting and all that as I, for one, was dissapointed when I discovered I couldn't fight in the cage as either Star Frost or Shikome-X.



Mechano...you're on! >_<

/em knuckles



9pm tonight HB, see you there

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Unexpectedly, my main internet is being a problem. Have to reschedule to tomorrow 9pm.



unfortunately I can't do sunday night, perhaps next weekend?

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



What about tonight? 9pm? It is a Bank Holiday after all.



sure tonight is good. I'm still working but I finish at 5pm today so great

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



I'll see what i can do, no promises though



I'll be there, fingers crossed I don't have one of my disconnections!