Enough with the silly prices!




I say enough with the silly outrages prices that are here on union.

I've checked around on other servers both villain and hero side and Union prices are ridiculess.

It's atleast a steady 500% increase in price on Union compared to other servers to make it rough.

As far as i know there are no items bought from merchants that cost several houndred millions.

Yes i know prices go up on demand and everyone sells higher to get more more to buy more expensive recipes and so in continue in a vicious circle

Here's an example: Luck of the Gambler 50 mill, [censored]? i've bought this for 2 mill on other servers.

Ahh well enough bickering from me as it prolly won't help but would encourge ppl to start bidding lower to get rid of these outrages prices.

Ps. only Union villain side seem to be affected, my hero on Union have no problem getting what he wants.

Might just be me but i could find better stuff to do then farm 500 mill inf, iunno make another toon, do some TF, raid or whatever.



doesnt matter what server your on ... auction house is a global thing, all of coh uses same AH on both eu and us and same goes for cov



Then i guess it's the villain side that has obsession with outrages prices compared to heroes.



If people did not pay the silly prices then others would not put them up for sale at those rather large rates.

I actually think that the general price rates on CoV are quite a bit lower than they are on CoH - so much so that items I'd sell for via Wentworths I do not even bother placing on the Black Market as the recent trend for their sales is way below what the Quartermaster would give me for them.



If people did not pay the silly prices then others would not put them up for sale at those rather large rates.

I actually think that the general price rates on CoV are quite a bit lower than they are on CoH - so much so that items I'd sell for via Wentworths I do not even bother placing on the Black Market as the recent trend for their sales is way below what the Quartermaster would give me for them.

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Most commen salvage and yellow you can sell for ok prices on Hero side, and you used to on villain side as well about 5 weeks back.

but 50k stuff is really not the issue even for the worst money maker.

It's the recipes and enhancements.



I say enough with the silly outrages prices that are here on union.

I've checked around on other servers both villain and hero side and Union prices are ridiculess.

It's atleast a steady 500% increase in price on Union compared to other servers to make it rough.

As far as i know there are no items bought from merchants that cost several houndred millions.

Yes i know prices go up on demand and everyone sells higher to get more more to buy more expensive recipes and so in continue in a vicious circle

Here's an example: Luck of the Gambler 50 mill, [censored]? i've bought this for 2 mill on other servers.

Ahh well enough bickering from me as it prolly won't help but would encourge ppl to start bidding lower to get rid of these outrages prices.

Ps. only Union villain side seem to be affected, my hero on Union have no problem getting what he wants.

Might just be me but i could find better stuff to do then farm 500 mill inf, iunno make another toon, do some TF, raid or whatever.

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Right then where to start as most of this rant is just plain wrong. You might be right about certain prices but as pointed out the auction house is linked so your view that its union prices that are heavily inflated is clearly wrong. Stating that you checked the other servers is thus a blatant lie to start with which makes your rant totally inaccurate!!!

Prices have risen on certain recipes whilst fallen on others. Sure luck of the gambler costs millions now but you find costume drops are now cheap as chips when compared to what they were going for. Its all to do with supply and demand. Something that is in high demand would more then likely thus go for a much higher price then something not in demand. If someones put something for a riduculous price you don't have to buy it.

On a side note Heroes and Villains markets are separate which means heroes have got a better deal due to villains not having as many TF's meaning lower amount of recipes when compared to heroes. Also there are more heroes then villains meaning greater supply.

Max Powerz: Lv 50 Tanker

Max Khaos: Lv 50
Overlord of E.V.I.L.

My Brute - http://maxy-khaos.mybrute.com/

LF SG! Arc ID# 193083



I sympathise.
I am just on the edge of buying a 'Luck of the Gambler'Recharge+7.5% increase and it looks like the prices are holding steady at the 40-50 million mark. .

What it needs is for the powers that be to (not flood) but gently encourage competitive prices by introducing a flurry of recipes and enhancements at lower prices, once this forces the sellers to lower their prices the cost should level out just as happened with the exclusive cossie options. Like anything exclusivity breeds silly prices - I remember paying 10 million for Rocket-Boots at Issue Ten release!... not anymore!, the cost is way down along with the prices for Dragon Wings and other much sought after costume pieces.
Of course... when everybody else has what you have though it loses its star appeal somewhat! and people will happily pay over the odds to be special for a couple of months whether it be in costume items or set bonuses.

Human nature.



Yes i agree a lot of prices has fallen like costume pieces and so, i made an easy 50 mill a month back on costume piece but not anymore.

But if you read it's the recipes that's mostly in question here and the grosly huge difference between hero and villain side.

Ohh how i wish they would put hero and villain joined auction in the game.

If i were to buy all my enhancements atm past lvl 40 asuming they were up on BM i'm looking at 400 mill if i find it cheap. I could play what, 2 new toons to lvl by the time that's farmed?



Actually the CoV market has pretty much crashed. I find that only the rarest recipes cost huge amounts. Yes one recipe cost me over 6 mill, but seeing as only 3 (including mine) had actually been sold since I9's release, I don't think I can moan. A couple of others have cost a couple of mill, then everything else has really cost less than 800k. Now bare in mind that the corr in question has nearly all IO sets! A couple of months back he wouldn't have even had 1 full set. Now he has 2 full sets and vast amounts of 3 or 4 from sets. This in total (including salvage and the 3 uber expensive recipes) cost me around 15 or 16 mill. I know based on prices a couple of months ago this would have cost well over 100mill!!! Especially when factoring the great sets he has.



There is several major reasons why I think (not know, think) that the villainside prices are high for somethings and low for others.

1) Heroeside has more players (I believe, feel free to correct) therefore more people doing the taskforces = more of those hideously rare recipes on the market = people trying to undercut one another etc. and gaining lower prices.

2) Costumes we're moved to their own drop group AND the other reason I suspect we saw a major influx of them was thanks to the Rikti Invasion, considering I actually got my kill 100 rikti badge in about a minute (on an 8 man team admittedly) that's a lot of mobs people are going through, higher chance of costume recipes dropping means that they're far far more common hence shedloads of them around.

That's the way it's working currently I think...could be various other factors mind you which I haven't accounted for

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



The prices are only silly if you want to buy the expensive bits. If you are selling them the prices are wonderful.

Fact is most things are worth very little on villains, but theres the odd bits that people really want (Luck of the Gambler, Posis Blast etc) which give great bonuses. You could always use different sets and get good rather than great bonuses and pay a fraction of the price, but people want the best because they are greedy, same as people who put the best up at high prices are greedy.

BUT what do you expect from villains, greed is normal for us!



Supply and demand. Prices will not lower until supply starts to meet demand. At the moment on many items it simply does not. It may never do on certain items.



@Heart_Attack, why would people want to use other sets just to gimp themself?

All this talk just futhers more the sense of having joined hero and villain auction.



Why do Co*-players seem to always want everything now, for free and without work?
You can get almost everything this game has to offer by simply playing a toon to 50. Most badges, accolades, 5 costume slots and enough inf to buy most IO sets and the first full sets of SOs for your next alt. So now there is one thing that you have to actually spend a little extra time on: slotting your toon with the big rare sets.
Completing sets like Luck Of The Gambler and Posi's Blast would cost me 200m? I need those sets to compete in high-lvl pvp? That means I have to play my 50 a few weeks longer and do some TFs and stuff. No, I rather go to the boards, rant about the prices and demand that they're lowered!
That's the spirit ...

A friend of mine has a Lvl.50 scrapper that was pretty much broke a few weeks back, because he spend most of his inf on countless alts and gave a lot to new players. When he decided to slot him out with sets, he simply went and did some TFs he has missed and made police misssions and stuff like that. Now he has all those shiny orange sets, inc. LOTG and the rare unique IOs.

Seriously, you could have earned at least 1m inf with any 40+ toon during the time it took you to write this rant and a few millions more during the time you read the responses.

People demand stuff to do with their 50s. Now they have an extra Lvl.50 zone, Invasions, Lvl.45-50 TFs, Hami, PvP ... and they complain that they have to play that content to get inf for LOTG. If I was a CoX dev I would go berserk.




All this talk just futhers more the sense of having joined hero and villain auction.

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Given that the prices on Villains are lower that those on heroes I think the Villains would loose out.

As for Gimping your villain, either play and get the inf or choose a cheaper set, moaning sbout the prices will achieve nothing.



Man you people are asuming a lot. Di i ever say i was poor?, not wanting to farm this?

Actually i have quite a lot of money and is quite lucky in getting both recipes i need or sell good. And i'm not stopping until my toons is complete the way i want them to be and not some lame gimp spec.

But that's ok you can asumee what you want prices are still redicules and i would suspect this could be one more reason people prefer or end up playing the hero side in the end.



All the veterans who were sitting on piles and piles of infamy but were saying "those young whipper-snappers can keep them gosh darn tootin Invention Origin Enhancements to themselves" have sort of changed their tune and started stocking up. I used to be able to buy lots of rare IO"s for under a million...now that's much less likely. If you can price a rare thing at 20 million and it'll eventually sell, of course that's what you do.

But you guys know what I'm talking about, right? How many of the veterans on this forum said "IO's don't add anything to the game, I'm not to be bothered" and now almost all the build guides presume IO use as a must?

My pet theory. Because we've stopped seeing people post about how much IO's suck.



I've only played the game for little over a month and i still see that attitude.
Now that they realize IO's is a must they can spend thier several 100's of mill getting them asap and [censored] the marked.

I guess i'm a young hothead? :P That's ok by me, i have 13 years mmo exp so i learn quickly what's best.



Actually i have quite a lot of money and is quite lucky in getting both recipes i need or sell good. And i'm not stopping until my toons is complete the way i want them to be and not some lame gimp spec.

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And thats exactly why the prices are Silly, everyone wants the best.... including me



... i made an easy 50 mill a month back on costume piece but not anymore.

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So you're happy to charge a ridiculous price yourself, but not so happy to pay someone else's ridiculous price?

Aren't you part of your own problem?



Well... I think the exasperation with the cost of completing some sets is in direct contrast to the 'pick up 'n' play-ability' inherant in CoX.
Cryo is right though in her appraisal that if you want the best you have to put in the time, I think the frustration is felt by those of us who cannot devote as much time as others to being on duty and therefore building IO sets and general saving of Influence takes a very long time.
Mother completed her 2nd and final LOTG set last night up to the bonus she was after.... so already I am sitting pretty, feeling the benefits and seeing the Rosy-side of the argument, but I will not forget in a hurry how much time that took to complete.



... i made an easy 50 mill a month back on costume piece but not anymore.

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So you're happy to charge a ridiculous price yourself, but not so happy to pay someone else's ridiculous price?

Aren't you part of your own problem?

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actually i always look at last sold prices and cut 25% of that price when i put up stuff.

It have worked so far, most of the stuff i've been selling most off have gone way down in price over the last month.

I haven't gotten many of the recipes i need mostly because of my lvl yet, and i won't be able to put them up right away either because i will first use them myself.

So your assumption is wrong, i'm not happy about the prices and try everytime i sell something to put market prices down.

So i would guess the reason i make money is because:

1. i'm extremely lucky on drops, that can't e helped.

2. I sell for lower prices even if they are ridicules, so my stuff always gets sold.

3. i farm places that pays off the best.



Ah mother you should have said I'm sure everyone you helped could have given you a bit of Inf and you'd have been able to get the bits you needed in no time.



Ah mother you should have said I'm sure everyone you helped could have given you a bit of Inf and you'd have been able to get the bits you needed in no time.

[/ QUOTE ]She didn't say she regrets the time she spend to get these sets. I think the satisfaction and the feeling of achievement is much greater if you earn stuff like this by yourself.




I'm actually starting to get semi satisfied. The prices are dropping again on BM.

No idea if this post made any impact or just more player like me starting to sell lower, but it seems to be going the right way now.

Still quite absurd overall to hero side, but maybe one day the villains financial will be as good and the tinker bells.