Defiant: Did I just pick the wrong server?
There is precious little (read none that I know of) roleplay action on Defiant. Of course that is not to say that it cannot be started - just because Union declared themselves the unofficial RP server does not prevent anyone on Defiant from roleplaying - I try but more often than not (read all the time) I get more response from a wall.
I too started on Defiant, and still have a lvl 34 (Tower of Power) there.
True, I didn't get in to RP before finding it on Union with an other alt (now my main).
Tower of Power is now lvl 35 on Union.
Also, depending on the type of RP you're looking for, you may be able to pull it off with lvl 1 characters and keep playing the game itself on Defiant.
Of course, in mission RP will be hard...
@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity
If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.
If you hook up with the right kind of crowd leveling back to 30 will be a breeze. Well, it'd take time regardless but if the company is right playing the missions and gaining levels shouldn't feel much of an effort.
Every now and then there's visible signs of RP on Defiant but they indeed are pronouncedly scarcer than on Union.
There is precious little (read none that I know of) roleplay action on Defiant. Of course that is not to say that it cannot be started - just because Union declared themselves the unofficial RP server does not prevent anyone on Defiant from roleplaying - I try but more often than not (read all the time) I get more response from a wall.
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Technically, Union didnt declare itself the RP server, back close to the end of EU beta in January 2005 a poll was held on the forums for which server would be the 'unoffical' forums, the poll was started by either Bridger or Rockjaw, and the results were that Union would be said server.
Damn, I feel ancient now. :<
In fact, back before the forum reshuffle when CoV was launched, the forum description for the Union forum also said "Unofficial Roleplay Server". Would be good if we could get that back...
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
In fact, back before the forum reshuffle when CoV was launched, the forum description for the Union forum also said "Unofficial Roleplay Server". Would be good if we could get that back...
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That'd be a good idea and point the RP'ers in the right direction. Not saying Defiant doesnt have RP, but from what ive seen/heard it doesnt have as much RP scene and Union.
And re-levelling a character can be a chew on, but like Coile said get in with the right group and the right people dont even think about levelling up, the levels will still come to you.
Alas, I felt much the same when I moved to Defiant instead of Union when I transferred over from the States.
Still, I keep things RP friendly with my Journal of a Mastermind, and my (albeit decimated in membership) Villain Group.
Yes...i joined long ago...Was fun RPing/Tooling (back when i was toolish RP).
A direct answer to the thread title without even reading anything else:
Yes, yes you did.
However, all is not lost. The sooner you move to Union the sooner the fun can begin. You're more than welcome to join any of my escapades as I can directly sympathise with this problem... spent a good stretch of my time in Defiant before finding out Union was the RP Server.
It only takes roughly a week to reach level 16 if you play properly, by that level, you're set to do anything.
I too started on Defiant, and still have a lvl 34 (Tower of Power) there.
True, I didn't get in to RP before finding it on Union with an other alt (now my main).
Tower of Power is now lvl 35 on Union.
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Same, almost exactly. Psyborg Zero, level 35 Scrapper... still on Defiant though.
We (select members of the community) have tried to spark up Defiant RP in the past, but there's no point, the vast majority of RPers are on Union. It's just easier. Now my Villain is almost the same level as when he was on Defiant, he's actually had 3 incarnations on Union all reaching the low 20's, so in theory he'd be level 30 by now, and I really haven't been trying as hard as I could've been.
Good luck.
It takes Chaos to move the world to Action.
Yeah, I just rolled on Union, I'll probably try my best to play both, but I'll see how long it takes for me to go crazy and just switch to Union. :P
I sense treachery
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Come join us on the light side, you know you want to.
@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity
If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.
Alas, I started on Defiant. Now just rolled onto Union, anyone willing to help a guy out?
I have my main 50 and roleplay SG 'Court of the Blood Countess' on UNION Villains.. but as I was full there and liked some balance.. me and a some of alts from my SG just started a RP SG on DEFIANT Heroes (Global Justice) and a slower starting one on DEFIANT Vilains (Desperados).
I'm so curious if we are able to pull it off and break in the Roleplay unto the DEFIANT server.
(btw.. if you want to help out send tell to @Elizabeth Balthory, shameless plug!)
- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!

while i have a character i am willing to RP with on defiant, she won't ever change SGs (sentimental reasons, have been in the same SG since beta)
Reading around... yeah, I think I sorta did.
, But I just wanted to ask all you crazy rp'ers out there if I just leveled up to 30 on the wrong server. Because starting all over again would be like getting run over by a truck.
Still, if thats what I need to do to get some rp action I'll do it :P. Just sort of checking out my situation here.